Moving On
milubing | 31 October, 2007 12:41
Some of you are saying that i'm very thin? I'll take that as a compliment. =)
Last day of October.. We had a terribly busy month, definitely also an amazingly fruitful one. There were mixed feelings; really happy times where we can’t stop smiling, and upsetting times where the clock seems like moving so slowly. Every human being on this earth goes through this. This is reality. I may appear alright in the mirror, but i don’t know if i’m really coping well. Perhaps, people around see certain events about us clearer than ourselves. So we got to listen to advice at times.
Exam period now. During my school days, I didn’t work hard. I didn’t do well in my studies. However, I still hope to encourage all of you to work hard. When you get your results, whether or not up to your expectations, you have done your part. 加油!
Xiao Hong, I’ve received the card and gift from ya. Thank u.
Last day of October.. We had a terribly busy month, definitely also an amazingly fruitful one. There were mixed feelings; really happy times where we can’t stop smiling, and upsetting times where the clock seems like moving so slowly. Every human being on this earth goes through this. This is reality. I may appear alright in the mirror, but i don’t know if i’m really coping well. Perhaps, people around see certain events about us clearer than ourselves. So we got to listen to advice at times.
Exam period now. During my school days, I didn’t work hard. I didn’t do well in my studies. However, I still hope to encourage all of you to work hard. When you get your results, whether or not up to your expectations, you have done your part. 加油!
Xiao Hong, I’ve received the card and gift from ya. Thank u.

milubing | 28 October, 2007 10:51

It's been quite awhile since i blogged though i've been reading..
hmm...last night what we had and experienced was something given to us by you all. Never once we thought we would win superband...never once we thought we would cut an album...never once we thought we would be at the awards getting one...the award belongs to you all - not only 3 of us...that's the truth..
the physical award ain't mean's the memory that will linger..a sweet's the milestone of milubing's friendship between us 3 bros and u all that we have come to know throughout this entire duration...without your support...we 3 would be living our passion of music...with your support..we have been given this chance to live this dream.
thank you all again to those who were there...many whom saved real hard to get the tickets just to see us and cheer us on..
thank you to those too who quietly supported us from far away behind at their home...hearing out for us on the radio..
thank you famly and friends for seeing us through...
we have reached new ground...we have come so far...
its always been a journey...never a destination...
and the award was a marker...a milestone in this colourful journey..
thank you all.
on behalf of MLB...
[Had to add on: This award has also been a reality check for us, to evaluate ourselves and the distance ahead. The encouragement you all have given us is touching, seeing the group of u all there yesterday really made us feel so happy..felt like we were performing our very best, to make every MLBian proud of being part of this family. The trophy is indeed a shared one, not by 3 guys, but a whole bunch of friendly and loving people, who call themselves MLBians... We salute u all..thanks taking this journey with us...]
(More)Old/New Faces, We'll Take Them All
milubing | 22 October, 2007 18:05
Yo yo.
Last Saturday.. Hmm.. It's comforting to know that despite the not very ideal setting overall (not blaming ah), you appreciate the performance. Thank u again. Also for the belated presents, new toys for me to use. I received some cool photos (with myself in it too); yea i like them, cos i could remember you with that. And i've read every card, some very interesting ones. Don't mind me cut and paste over here a few lines i stole from there, i'll leave out ya names.. =)
"The GAI BAN COMMERCIAL! Wah! My face is half as big as my television!-.-"
Another cute person sang a birthday song for me then.. "The light bulb broke and it started to snow outside the house" ??!!
A positive statment : "Have higher expectations of what you are doing. Aim for the moon and even you don't catch it, you'll catch the stars on the way."
Off to dinner now.
Last Saturday.. Hmm.. It's comforting to know that despite the not very ideal setting overall (not blaming ah), you appreciate the performance. Thank u again. Also for the belated presents, new toys for me to use. I received some cool photos (with myself in it too); yea i like them, cos i could remember you with that. And i've read every card, some very interesting ones. Don't mind me cut and paste over here a few lines i stole from there, i'll leave out ya names.. =)
"The GAI BAN COMMERCIAL! Wah! My face is half as big as my television!-.-"
Another cute person sang a birthday song for me then.. "The light bulb broke and it started to snow outside the house" ??!!
A positive statment : "Have higher expectations of what you are doing. Aim for the moon and even you don't catch it, you'll catch the stars on the way."
Off to dinner now.
milubing | 18 October, 2007 11:33

Greetings from a thankful young man!
Thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u!
-A reply to almost every wish here.
As the clock hits 17 Oct'07, we're waiting patiently for the concert closing.. Finally, everyone up on stage to enjoy the finale of S-POP. As soon as the camera stopped rolling, hungry MLB dashed out of theatre towards our holding room. Pack up, time to leave!! As we reached the radio gate, i saw familiar faces in the dark. Was actually in a hurry to leave, BUT.. The moment ya all started to greet me with handshakes and cards and gifts, i felt like a young boy again. Was happy to stand around like i'm a small star. Haha. A short but memorable part of my life.. Eventually, we made our exit in a friend's car who has been waiting for quite a while. MacDonalds tasted great at 2am, my super late dinner.
Back on my bed at 6am.. Yes, SIX O'CLOCK in the morning. Woke up 5 hours later, i decided to give myself the privilege of not working today. So i spent my day at home, daydreaming, reading through the cards and staring at the gifts from U. I'll take good care of these stuff. Amazing! =) At night, i switched on the radio and continued nightdreaming, till the day passed peacefully..
Quite a few birthdays this month. Uncle Phil's last weekend, Meiyi-which happens be on the same day as myself. Hope u both had a great day too. And ShiHui, this Saturday(sam amended), have fun ya!
Lastly :
Saturday's Session
3pm at Suntec's
"My Playground"
This time, 3 of us are looking forward to doing something different. Also looking forward to see ya around.
4de super 可愛い Ah boy...
milubing | 17 October, 2007 00:00
Talk Too Much
milubing | 15 October, 2007 12:43
Good afternoon.
I don't have a car! Not now, can't afford it man!! Wish i could though.. That one belongs to another man. But yes, i've got my licence! Yea, one more line printed on my photo-card licence. Actually not only me, but bro Chan also got his liao! Steady la..
Thank u once again for coming down to scream in the past 2 days! You people are really a strong pilliar of support. And also thank u for the unique gifts and lovely cards.. Now i've got a larger variety of accessories to choose from. Yea! =)
Currently, 3 of us are very much involved in our own work. Tired? Definitely, but we wouldn't allow that to affect our passion in music. Thus, we'll continue to work hard and put up higher standards' performances. Not to worry, we'll keep ourselves strong and healthy.
From my observation (which may be wrong), many of you made friends around during this period of 'MLB' time and probably even hang out together. I'm delighted that we're part of this new-found friendships. There's bound to be conflicts and disagreements at times (even within MLB), but all these can be healed if we are willing to make it happen. So i wish that everyone can think this way, be happy and live in harmony.
I don't have a car! Not now, can't afford it man!! Wish i could though.. That one belongs to another man. But yes, i've got my licence! Yea, one more line printed on my photo-card licence. Actually not only me, but bro Chan also got his liao! Steady la..
Thank u once again for coming down to scream in the past 2 days! You people are really a strong pilliar of support. And also thank u for the unique gifts and lovely cards.. Now i've got a larger variety of accessories to choose from. Yea! =)
Currently, 3 of us are very much involved in our own work. Tired? Definitely, but we wouldn't allow that to affect our passion in music. Thus, we'll continue to work hard and put up higher standards' performances. Not to worry, we'll keep ourselves strong and healthy.
From my observation (which may be wrong), many of you made friends around during this period of 'MLB' time and probably even hang out together. I'm delighted that we're part of this new-found friendships. There's bound to be conflicts and disagreements at times (even within MLB), but all these can be healed if we are willing to make it happen. So i wish that everyone can think this way, be happy and live in harmony.

milubing | 11 October, 2007 15:34
HD5 Lift Off at Suntec City Convention Centre Hall 401
2 Day Event from 11am-8pm, with various artistes appearing..
Milos will be on stage at :
13 Oct Saturday, 1.45pm
14 Oct Sunday, 5.45pm
'S' POP Concert Recording at Mediacorp TVT on 16 Oct, Tuesday
20th Oct Gia Ban qian chang hui, details soon...
Hope to see ya all around!
But don't compromise on ya studies and busy schedules and good health!
Ahem...WeiQi here...just updating wat sam has posted...and In response to the day of filming @ RP:
Hi Pandaeye, u've got alot of insight into what's going on ya? Anyways, I'm really glad that ur picking up your pace now and facing life positively. Jus wanna say that your letter also encouraged jiayo!
Yumin, jiayo for your A's!... and to all those who are also taking your A's too!
Berries, thanks for the plush... is it yours personally? hope to see u soon!
Hey Givon, really nice card! and u didn't spoil the logo la.. did u DI the photo too? mm looks like we've got some designers around on this blog ya? :)
QingQing,Shan,Marssh,quizzy_me, and whey'
Thanks for the singlet!!! fits perfectly! in fact i wore it the next day le haha..
u gals gao xiao leh... u want me to sell milo peng in the streets isit? wanted to give me so many mugs... :p i cld only think of that la..selling milopeng in the singlet...haha...but jokes aside, the singlet's really nice, appreciate it!
Lorita, once again, u and your formal letters! haha, they really look like they come from the government, asking me to pay a fine! haha,kidding hor.. think that's your style and u shld stick to it! :)
Wanna thank all who came down that day to play CS with us hahaha..was really fun, felt like a big break from my work. I'm typing this chopchop, b4 i go to skool! btw, i've received some essence of chicken and i'm really thankful for it, but i think i shouldn't be receiving stuff like that cos most of us are students...and $ is an issue so... dunneed ya? i'll drink essence of milo k? heh.. :p
p.s. also wanna thank u all for jiayoing me all the time despite my absence... once i get my act together, will start uploading some of my work here k? so u all know wat i've been up to since 1st sem started... byeeee
2 Day Event from 11am-8pm, with various artistes appearing..
Milos will be on stage at :
13 Oct Saturday, 1.45pm
14 Oct Sunday, 5.45pm
'S' POP Concert Recording at Mediacorp TVT on 16 Oct, Tuesday
20th Oct Gia Ban qian chang hui, details soon...
Hope to see ya all around!
But don't compromise on ya studies and busy schedules and good health!
Ahem...WeiQi here...just updating wat sam has posted...and In response to the day of filming @ RP:
Hi Pandaeye, u've got alot of insight into what's going on ya? Anyways, I'm really glad that ur picking up your pace now and facing life positively. Jus wanna say that your letter also encouraged jiayo!
Yumin, jiayo for your A's!... and to all those who are also taking your A's too!
Berries, thanks for the plush... is it yours personally? hope to see u soon!
Hey Givon, really nice card! and u didn't spoil the logo la.. did u DI the photo too? mm looks like we've got some designers around on this blog ya? :)
QingQing,Shan,Marssh,quizzy_me, and whey'
Thanks for the singlet!!! fits perfectly! in fact i wore it the next day le haha..
u gals gao xiao leh... u want me to sell milo peng in the streets isit? wanted to give me so many mugs... :p i cld only think of that la..selling milopeng in the singlet...haha...but jokes aside, the singlet's really nice, appreciate it!
Lorita, once again, u and your formal letters! haha, they really look like they come from the government, asking me to pay a fine! haha,kidding hor.. think that's your style and u shld stick to it! :)
Wanna thank all who came down that day to play CS with us hahaha..was really fun, felt like a big break from my work. I'm typing this chopchop, b4 i go to skool! btw, i've received some essence of chicken and i'm really thankful for it, but i think i shouldn't be receiving stuff like that cos most of us are students...and $ is an issue so... dunneed ya? i'll drink essence of milo k? heh.. :p
p.s. also wanna thank u all for jiayoing me all the time despite my absence... once i get my act together, will start uploading some of my work here k? so u all know wat i've been up to since 1st sem started... byeeee
milubing | 09 October, 2007 22:51
heya guyz...i know all my posts seem to be bout me being busy..well te truth is..i'm kinda having a hard time coping with itz a low time emotionally for me. My birthday was indeed a memorable one..many sad instances yet many happy ones too..just like to thank all for the wonderful cards and gifts showered upon thought is ever to small to be appreciated...all i gota do is to pick myself up..encouragements from all around is one thing..but doing it is another. Be true to ourselves...and we'll pull through anything and everything.
"Everything will turn out fine in the end, if it doesn't, it's not yet the end"
peace guyz..peace...
make music, love and not war.
gotta control my emotions and stop stirring shaitz man..haha..
take care..anything happens..just suck thumb and pray all be fine.
"Everything will turn out fine in the end, if it doesn't, it's not yet the end"
peace guyz..peace...
make music, love and not war.
gotta control my emotions and stop stirring shaitz man..haha..
take care..anything happens..just suck thumb and pray all be fine.

4de super 帅帅 de
milubing | 08 October, 2007 00:00
milubing | 02 October, 2007 04:32
Good morning.
Why am i not asleep? Oh.. I donno lei.. Was lying on my bed moments ago, lazy and sleepy, eyes heavy. Suddenly, the blog came to mind. Next, i stood up and switched on my com. So WEIRD, cos i didn't even think of anything to say. Ok, i'll just spill out whatever comes..
On the Sunday just over, i went up to JB with my siblings.. A short get-away from work life, makan and window shopping was refreshing. Only part i didn't enjoy was the slow-like-tortoise traffic to and fro, on the cross-way. Over there, met a few friendly people who asked if i was Ah Sam, and of cos they received a positive reply and a bright smile (i hoped it was) from me! =)
Today, or rather yesterday, i feel fat and not-so-healthy. Cos i had lots of food and soft drinks. Eeeeeeeeee. Instant noodles, fried rice, deep fried chick with potatos, fried this, fried that. Last meal was at R.K house, just one double egg prata which i actually had no intention to eat, but it was delicious! Aiyo.
Haha, now i seriously need some sleep before i get up soon for the new day.
Why am i not asleep? Oh.. I donno lei.. Was lying on my bed moments ago, lazy and sleepy, eyes heavy. Suddenly, the blog came to mind. Next, i stood up and switched on my com. So WEIRD, cos i didn't even think of anything to say. Ok, i'll just spill out whatever comes..
On the Sunday just over, i went up to JB with my siblings.. A short get-away from work life, makan and window shopping was refreshing. Only part i didn't enjoy was the slow-like-tortoise traffic to and fro, on the cross-way. Over there, met a few friendly people who asked if i was Ah Sam, and of cos they received a positive reply and a bright smile (i hoped it was) from me! =)
Today, or rather yesterday, i feel fat and not-so-healthy. Cos i had lots of food and soft drinks. Eeeeeeeeee. Instant noodles, fried rice, deep fried chick with potatos, fried this, fried that. Last meal was at R.K house, just one double egg prata which i actually had no intention to eat, but it was delicious! Aiyo.
Haha, now i seriously need some sleep before i get up soon for the new day.
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