迷路兵 (weiqi): Little outing
milubing | 28 November, 2006 14:05
Went to the Dragon's Kiln today...
Despite having a paper tmr...I had to pick up my sculpture today(my 1st sculpture!)..at first i was quite irritated la... like waste time leh..but then.. it turned out pretty well (many of my classmates pieces gena burnt) :p Tot i'd share some of the pics with u all ba... it was quite an experience. The pics are as follows.. The sculpture when i just moulded it, the Dragon's Kiln ( where they harden the thingy with extra heat and fire wood ), and my final work. ok back to my books... take care everyone!

looks like bread...weird...but i like it! (fyi, it was for our foundation class, topic was on form, so we had to mould with reference to a model. This always beats still life!)
Despite having a paper tmr...I had to pick up my sculpture today(my 1st sculpture!)..at first i was quite irritated la... like waste time leh..but then.. it turned out pretty well (many of my classmates pieces gena burnt) :p Tot i'd share some of the pics with u all ba... it was quite an experience. The pics are as follows.. The sculpture when i just moulded it, the Dragon's Kiln ( where they harden the thingy with extra heat and fire wood ), and my final work. ok back to my books... take care everyone!

looks like bread...weird...but i like it! (fyi, it was for our foundation class, topic was on form, so we had to mould with reference to a model. This always beats still life!)
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (428)
(More)my com is sick
milubing | 25 November, 2006 01:24
hang here hang there i duno if i get to type finish tghis post coz my com is sick!!
cant even online smoothly for 15 min..oh man..anyway gota say thanks to all who we saw the last 2 wks..n those that "mo-mo" zhi chi us at hme!
this wed take nafa..my onli shot at getting a deferment to get the album rushing..winkz..lets all hope and pray..haha!! wun be having any gigs the nxt 2 week..i need my dosage of music man..once wei qi's exams over..we 3 will be jamming our heads off till i enter the army..hope not so soon though...cya all..
cant even online smoothly for 15 min..oh man..anyway gota say thanks to all who we saw the last 2 wks..n those that "mo-mo" zhi chi us at hme!
this wed take nafa..my onli shot at getting a deferment to get the album rushing..winkz..lets all hope and pray..haha!! wun be having any gigs the nxt 2 week..i need my dosage of music man..once wei qi's exams over..we 3 will be jamming our heads off till i enter the army..hope not so soon though...cya all..
General :: Comment (168)
(More)迷路兵 (weiqi) : Yesh i know i shld be studying...
milubing | 23 November, 2006 13:29
Still gotta take some time out to say THANK YOU to all who have been supporting MLB, and also to those who have been coming down to support us ya? Appreciate ur presence and love from the cards and gifts.. Jus hope that ur studies are also fine k? Last nite was our(MLB) last gig of the month, or so far like tat. And, on the way back..the 3 of us felt like we didn't know where to go from here. Sad that we won't be able to see u all. But, do u believe in miracles? Yesterday, i encouraged Nic n Sam to rmbr our beginnings, the first time we joined superband, the 1st episode. Looking at all the other bands, we felt like we were no where near their standards, and we 'knew' tat we would be out of the competition in no time. But then, we changed our mindset, to just doing our best, not bothering about what others think of us, not bothering about how well they do as compared to us. We fought a battle against ourselves, to improve ourselves and have fun at the same time. That's how our friendship blossomed even further and that's what u hear when we jam - our friendship. So, I told Nic and Sam to rmbr the same spirit of trying our best, and if things do work out(or vice versa) it didn't matter, cos we didn't let ourselves down by being sitting ducks. So believe in miracles MLBians...time will tell ya? *hint hint*
Other issues: the spamming is getting on my nerves, pls bear with it for the time being, will try to shift all the posts to our new blog during my hols, then we can all go there in peace, but i dunno how to shift the comments.
p.s. Nic's com is down..sigh..
To those mugging, mug with me! Jiayo!
To those having hols, PLAY HARD! we'll join u soon!
Take care MLBians, Nic Sam n I appreciate u all for extending ur friendship and joy to us, and we hope our music brings the same, back to u all.
here are some photos...

Other issues: the spamming is getting on my nerves, pls bear with it for the time being, will try to shift all the posts to our new blog during my hols, then we can all go there in peace, but i dunno how to shift the comments.
p.s. Nic's com is down..sigh..
To those mugging, mug with me! Jiayo!
To those having hols, PLAY HARD! we'll join u soon!
Take care MLBians, Nic Sam n I appreciate u all for extending ur friendship and joy to us, and we hope our music brings the same, back to u all.

A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (145)
(More)迷路兵 de.
milubing | 06 November, 2006 19:27
The past weekend,
we heard the loud screams,
saw most of u who
never fail to support and encourage us.
Really HAPPY.
- MY updates -
ORD - 16th December 2006
That's what i'm waiting for now.
After that, i hope to FLY out of here for a break!
Nowadays, i'm taking more time to relax..
Drinking kopi at the kopi-shop.. Like an old man.
When i have some free time, i'll go for a cross-country ride on my bicycle as a form of exercise. That's my all time favourite pastime.
Those having holidays now.. Apart from doing homework and revisions which you ought to do, try being sporty and healthy. Exercise to keep fit?! Working people - Christmas is coming! 0h..
Smile la.
SaM '_'
we heard the loud screams,
saw most of u who
never fail to support and encourage us.
Really HAPPY.
- MY updates -
ORD - 16th December 2006
That's what i'm waiting for now.
After that, i hope to FLY out of here for a break!
Nowadays, i'm taking more time to relax..
Drinking kopi at the kopi-shop.. Like an old man.
When i have some free time, i'll go for a cross-country ride on my bicycle as a form of exercise. That's my all time favourite pastime.
Those having holidays now.. Apart from doing homework and revisions which you ought to do, try being sporty and healthy. Exercise to keep fit?! Working people - Christmas is coming! 0h..
Smile la.
SaM '_'
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (1285)
(More)迷路兵 (weiqi) : Plan B
milubing | 01:03
It's getting cranky around here rite?
Don't know bout all of u but i'm having problems with this blog, sometimes can't view sometimes like it's outdated even after u refresh the page. Thus we've created a safe-guard, in case one day this blog closes down - Plan B
But we will not be using the new blog as of yet, it will just be a safety measure. That's all for now ba, and btw, I feel that Nic's "take me as I am" hasn't been played out properly yet, that night(kdf) did not do the song justice due to the sound...so I'm waiting to play that song again with my bros, to show the true emotions behind the song rather than that night... It's been a CRAZY weekend for us with so many shows packed up. Now i'm gonna be hibernating for a while...until the end of this month. COS my exams are killing me...take care ppl... we love ya all for showing us all the support, being there for us at the shows and even online here. Goodnight.
Don't know bout all of u but i'm having problems with this blog, sometimes can't view sometimes like it's outdated even after u refresh the page. Thus we've created a safe-guard, in case one day this blog closes down - Plan B
But we will not be using the new blog as of yet, it will just be a safety measure. That's all for now ba, and btw, I feel that Nic's "take me as I am" hasn't been played out properly yet, that night(kdf) did not do the song justice due to the sound...so I'm waiting to play that song again with my bros, to show the true emotions behind the song rather than that night... It's been a CRAZY weekend for us with so many shows packed up. Now i'm gonna be hibernating for a while...until the end of this month. COS my exams are killing me...take care ppl... we love ya all for showing us all the support, being there for us at the shows and even online here. Goodnight.
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (319)
(More)迷路兵 (nic) : last min..so sorry!
milubing | 05 November, 2006 02:16
yep..just managed to confirm the time of our gig..tml..2pm..Republic Poly..
it was actualli Lee Hsien Loong's event so we tot it was closed doors! seems like itz open...
ad thank you..all those who came down today..major sound problems sia...but smoked tru ya..hmm...thanks for all the letters...gifts..chocs...boards and shouting! was perspiring like mad under the super-mani spotlights that my sweat went into my eyes! close eyes sing and play for ard 2 songs man...haha...had fun..hope u guyz had too...thank you all for coming...and for those who bought the tix..thanks for the charity...smilez...cia lat..not much slp gota go sound check in the late morn..dotz...
it was actualli Lee Hsien Loong's event so we tot it was closed doors! seems like itz open...
ad thank you..all those who came down today..major sound problems sia...but smoked tru ya..hmm...thanks for all the letters...gifts..chocs...boards and shouting! was perspiring like mad under the super-mani spotlights that my sweat went into my eyes! close eyes sing and play for ard 2 songs man...haha...had fun..hope u guyz had too...thank you all for coming...and for those who bought the tix..thanks for the charity...smilez...cia lat..not much slp gota go sound check in the late morn..dotz...
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (119)
milubing | 02 November, 2006 15:50
Just got the news yesterday...sorry to update onli today...
thank God we got today...
and the day after that's FRIDAY...
Collection Point..daily before 5pm..
blk 333 kreta ayer rd
Call 62253133 to check availability of tix
thank God we got today...
and the day after that's FRIDAY...
Collection Point..daily before 5pm..
blk 333 kreta ayer rd
Call 62253133 to check availability of tix
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (260)