timeless recollection from actors bar...

wanted to share our happy moments with u all... more pics of the recent gathering coming soon! :) Take care!
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (3037)
(More)also..let's give a round of applause for Biru and all that helped with the organising and stuff! erhem ok..down to biz..
Today was sure a darn big suprise...biggest bday cake i ever got in my 22 yrs...n shit..i forgot the satay...gosh..sorry Biru!..so random..same as the polly pocket thing..not that i've played it when young..but my sis did own one or two when she was!
So touched today manz...realli felt darn cared for...giganti cake..so mani letters...gifts...foods stuff like milo bars, sweets and and chix essence...pls dun waste money? Save up to buy things that will make u happy! Honestly..itz not wad the gifts cost...but the thoughts that realli count..simple cards that dun cost much sure made my day...these gifts made me smile wider... =)
Sorry had to go off earlier as had a prior appointment which i was late for in the end..haha..pai seh couldn't help clear the place! sobz..Thank you all those who helped us do so!
Gotta apologise for the limited number of ppl that could be there...those that wanted but couldn't come..we realli wanna thak you all for being very understanding...and i believe future organisers of events would gather more experience from past gatherings to organise bigger ones that can make everybody or more ppl happy!
Today was great...we all had fun...chill abit la..some of u guyz like very shy...haha...
Hope you guyz will help Biru..make her life easier...ain't noe if she got back the money she forked out in advance for the place and food...
Thank you all again for coming...
Sorry to those who didn't came..
Thank you all for the sweet suprise...
The memory will linger..I'll smile to slp...
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (852)
(More)Dance Competition (This Sat, about 2pm)
(check above link for details)
Police Acadamy Open House (This Sat, about 7pm)
(check above link for details)
President Star Charity
FIR Showcase
FIR’s latest album, Fei Xiang Bu Luo includes a CD and an exclusive MV VCD.
And most importantly, a ticket to a performance + autograph session at “Get High with FIR featuring Mi Lu Bing”.
The packaging of the CD should have a sticker mentioning the concert.
Inside the CD is a ticket the admits one person only, for free standing.
Date: 7 Oct 2006 (Sat)
Time: 6.00pm
Venue: Junction 8; Top of the8, Level 3
Up N Comin... (Events) :: Comment (341)
(More)our first big outdoor show..after superband...and i know...was a flop for MLB...but hope the other PSS and CSS performances were nice...
i want complain!!
No drum set nvm..
No sound check (just perfect)
Sam vocals can't hear (ppl tink i forgot my lyrics when there was silence)
Sam's guit no sound (ppl say they tot the song sounded weird. IT WAS)
Please lar..kill us but nvr the sound!
Conclusion, we felt very sad that the name of Superband wasn't up lived a tini-weeny bit. Kinda killed ourselves. Sorry to all that were dissappointed today..we were too...just gotta think of a fool proof way to perform...we wun wanna let u all down...let the name of Superband down..
Superband is the efforts of those who stood on the stage to perform..not MLB's efforts alone..All of us made the show..MLB will try not to destroy it! ARGH!!!
We will bring you better music than
today! It's a promise! ARGH!!
Dun ever wanna let you guyz down if
we could!
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (748)
(More)25 Aug 933FM (about 5.30pm?)
26 Aug Proj Super Star (performance)
3 Sep ??? (TBC)
tat's all so far... and to those who feel sad tat u can't come for the gathering, we're really sorry k? But there'll be so many chances in the future.. not to worry.. so CHEER UP ya? & to those who are having exams, JIA YO!!! I'm bia-ing with all of u cos i'm fighting the homework in school too(not to mention balancing my new life too)! So let's all work hard no matter wat ur plight might be, cos tmr will be a better day if we choose to shape it positively! SMILE!!! TAKE CARE ppl!
Up N Comin... (Events) :: Comment (1523)
(More)once in a while...must chill! haha...some of the guyz hung out at Afwan's place to chill yesterday...at nite of games and movies...look at how intense it was manz...2 on 2 soccer!!

was a great nite but well...all gd things had to come to an end...it somehow felt like "backstage" last nite...all coming together...crapping...playing games..laughing while watching lame movies...after that host Afwan even fried alot of fries which Benny didn't get to eat coz he was already dead asleep tired from computer soccer (winning eleven)! Haha...woke up hungry in the morn! *bleah*..
Was a great "guyz night out" thingy...to describe all in detail would take LONG manz...haha..nvm nvm...
frienship lives on..
"i know it's unpredictable
but in the end it's right
i hope you have the time of your life"
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (529)
(More)Thank u Biru for organising this event for us becos of our busy schedules...
If u wanna join us...
Email Subject: MLB Aug Gathering @ Yishun
Person I/C: BiruEmail to: bubbly_ruth90@hotmail.com
Email her by: 23 Aug 2006, Wed, 11pm
Include in Email: Name, Contact Number
Time: 3pm-6pm
Day: 27 Aug 2006, Sunday
no of ppl: maximum 80pax
details will be announce by Biru later on.
those who are e 1st 80pax range wil receive a call by Biru.
please dont bring along autograph book and pen etc.
** first come first serve basis
** if you have Birus' number do not call her to book a space for yourself, follow the email instructions
** location of the gathering will further be announced
P.S. dearest MLBians, pls contact Biru if u have any queries k? :)
Up N Comin... (Events) :: Comment (1349)
(More)had some drinks and all...well...back to norm life...trying to write songs...been pushing myself to record stuff and things do work out ya..but itz emo music...aint noe if we get to do emo music in our album...but anyway...guess i'm improving idea wise..but technically..kinda stuck! just a lil update ba...we'll be discussing the album thing in detail with warner bout nxt wk n guess all works out well...stress free these few days...with lil to trouble...except my NS colliding with the album...our name MLB may fade in time...but music never will...
nite guyz!
miss the superband period with all the cheering and performances...
all gd things come to an end..
except music...
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (699)
(More)i miss superband!!
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (1287)
(More)it's been kinda weird going back to studying. the good thing however, is that i'm doin wat i like so it's much better. just let u all know bout my 1st day @ school... the grand finals ended on sat nite rite, then 1day later, was the 1st day of school(mon)... i went there feeling really lost(i still am lost regarding the AUs and other stuff) n guess wat? i went into the wrong class for my 1st lesson of the semester. I sat there, and the teacher talked for like 10 plus mins? then she told us to give a self intro... so when it reached my turn, n i said my name... she said: "ur name's not on the list..." followed by "good luck finding your class :) "
wa...damn pai seh la... *sigh* anyways... i'm still trying to get used to studyin n making music with my 2 bros..
guess i'll need a while more b4 i get used to this life, but so far.. so gd? :p
It's been like damn long since we've seen many of u n yes we miss the MLB family, especially after the finals...n superband has ended. we wld really wanna thank every single one of u who believed in us... so... WE"RE GONNA HAVE A N OUTING!!! i mean, WE REALLY WANNA HAVE AN OUTING!!! of course that is if everything goes well la. But gotta trust us that we're doing our best to make it so that it happens B4 Nic goes in and becomes - BOTAK!!!( heh heh nic dun kill me for posting this ya? :p ) haha...
so sorry for not informin the MLB family when we were on air..didn't manage to get the time to post. sigh. anyways, we'll try to keep u all updated k? so stay tuned to this blog ya? :) TAKE CARE EVERYONE!!!
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (2099)
(More)Stay happy ~
Smile :)
Have a nice day!
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (1477)
its darn cute manz..can't believe i wrote tis back then! can hear la..alot of hiss noise..stupid midi drumz..one of my earliest works..hearing tis..i myself...feel so entertained...laughing...keke..that's about it..hmm..bout the gathering..most prob is b4 i enter army after ur examz...yep!!
gd nite ppl...laugh if u want..the nic u duno..keke...old man..entertainment ma..chut pattern...*wuahaha*
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (1271)
(More)coz some said scared i miss out their comments..yep!
oh ya...
1) the who is not my gf..haha...
2) thank you all..realli hapi to noe that you guyz appreciate the simple music..smilez...
just came back from recording yong qi at the studios for the compilation album of superband..5 hrs given..poor sound engineer! i remembered the days when it took min 3-5 days to record a proper full band! so he had to chop chop finish..duno wad the end product will turn out..duno if it will be gd...but hope for the best..but one thing la..better than GF's nite hapi oredi..at least the emo and ideas can be put across ad mixed properly..and not put to waste..then..yay!a musical-message still sent across..hee...anyway..
smile guyz!
let WeiQi and Sam have some time to settle down first aye b4 another gathering? Coz we held a mlb family gathering b4..but not a FRIEND gathering..we need to find a day for the thank our family and frenz thingy...after that then the re-union thingy..coz i think we owe them one b4 we owe u..coz must be fair ma..they haven had one yet! keke...
hope you guyz stay patient k k?
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (437)
(More)some of my amaturish compos..haha...hope you guyz enjoy listening...
forgive me for my bad diction and pitchiness...home made...budget...keke..
not reali market viable stuff...but they're treasures to me...coz each is like a memory...a moment frozen..turned into words and a melody...each to tell an elaborate story even in years to come..
these 2 songs depict 2 moments of my life whereby something of great significance happened...
..the slow one especially..smilez...boring but..hmm..i like it ba..holds much meaning to me..
Maybe one day i'll get to record this demo into full songs with sam n wei qi...with more arrangements n keyboards etc etc..haha..with a real drum this time?..this one midi...keke...better not tink too far!!...haha..
take me as i am
till i'm back again
take me as i am
a day's slippin' by
still i couldnt find
a good valid reason
not to try
my heart's gettin' heavy
coz i duno why
you don't understand me
the things i feel inside
I am nothing that you think I am
Ain't no ego freak
Just a hurt in every sense
I am nothing that you want me to be
will you come on back
and take me as i am
our picture's gettin' grey
has your love changed
since yesterday
clouds cover my sky
try hard not to cry
holdin' back the sad sad tears
that rain from my eyes
Come on and save me
I'm lost in the dark
Don't push me away now darling
don't tear me apart
Till I'm Back Again
Live for today
Hope for tomorrow
Embrace all we have
Forget about the sorrows
Time slips away
Like sand through our fingers
But if you're there to see me leave just kiss me
And say good-bye
Just hold me now don't let me go
Its hard for you to take it (Its not that complicated)
Forget me till I'm back again
A tear just to sooth your pain
Then I wanna see you smiling
Forget me till I'm back again
Hold my hand
Till the final moment
The touch of your skin
A feeling I'll remember
Im just afraid
That i'll be gone tomorrow
I'll cherish every moment spent with you
Will you
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (400)
(More)all 18...not only 4 or 14..
Thanks guyz for such wonderful memories backstsge...
the songs sung..
the smiles smiled..
the words of encouragement spoken when each was down..
common dreams shared..
of memories never to be forgotten...frenship never to be lost...
keep in contact k?
love ya all!!
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (0)
(More)Think we owe you guyz a lil information...but..
Firstly...the biggest
Thank You!!
to those who have walked with us tru tis whole superband journey...it seemed just like a dream...the stage didn't felt real the moment they announced us the 1st ever superband...there's really nothing super about us...really...
We're not sad!! haha..we're happy that we "clinched" it...but in actual fact you guyz are the onez that gave us the title... Itz over...personally i doubted if we truly desereved the win...when we did the closing song..i touched my heart n truly felt the true winners were all behind us on that stage...especially those whom their techincalities we truly admire...(not to mentaion names in case we leave anyone out)...including the other 3 magnificent bands!!
we MLB are not the best...some of u guyz might have gave us such wonderful encouragements about how gd we are...but we noe...i noe..we aren't that...but its becoz of all these we worked extra hard to try to be that...and not let you all down..
Itz kinda erm..ain't noe how to describe...but just to sum up..u all were the onez that gave us opportunity time and time again to stand up there...to improve ourselves bit by bit...the finals weren't exactly our best 4 songs throughout tis com...
Murphy's Law = Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.
weird things happened..my guitar's 3rd string broke on the 1st song 30 sec into the song...It wasn't a pattern guyz when i said that on air..had to recover mentally from that shock...tried to hint and hoped to be forgiven by the viewers at hme if the song screwed up in the end..."my string broke le how" in chinese la..haha...went back stage..rushed like mad to fix a spare...new strings takes at least 2 days to season...so it meant the pitch would run anytime on stage for the other songs yet to be performed...haiz...risks...
woosa...we couldn't hear the monitors clearly so wei qi and i had a freakin' hard time to sync with the beat...also had to stop a lil earlier as our "woosa woosa" intro was almost suicidal...this is due to the large environment whereby low frequencies spread in weird ways makin it much less audible as there are no mids like distinct drum snares for us to keep in beat with..(the intro purely ethnic instruments were programed)...big and complex environment...oh manz..unexpected outcomes..but recovery was still considered ok...we had to smile no matter wad happens...the show must go on!!
Yong Qi sounded so off...ain't noe exactly for wad reasons...the sound mix was a lil off too...a personal bad was that i became too emotional till i sang pitchy...happened for another emo song "cheng mo de gao yang"...consumed my feelings and stuff ba...hmm...was quite sad Yong Qi didn't pull off...but catch it soon k k? *hints* we loved that song so much..that there was a contingency plan in case we didn't get tru to perform it..or if it were to cock up due to the tough sound balance..as it a very "up-down-volume" song...wanted it to be another radical change like Guo Huo...but..haiz..
Xiao Wei went more or less to plan...erm...but not perfect though...smilez...
What's goin' on next? Wei Qi's staring school tml...Sam's going back to camp too..the prized contract? Ain't realli noe as of yet...hmm...we'll always stay the same...fame is just an illusion which make ppl feel big...
but for us...we'll keep it that - this tini bit of fame has made us feel cared for by you all...smilez...nothing's changed on the inside...but definitely...our lives will be different from now on...hope we made a change in ur life too...
To those studying..study hard...pursue your passions but be realistic...
Itz not bout how many times we fall...but if we do pick ourselves up n move on each time...and move on to greater heights...this competition has touched our lives...changed it...hope it did the same for ya too...
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (676)
(More)It has been a long, long journey. Really deeply
appreciate all you supporters who saw us through
till now. All the performances we put up, whether
good or not, we have always strived to give our best.
MLB feels very honoured to have so many
supporters who enjoy our music.
We will continue to work hard and improve our
standard in all the music to come..Cheers Take care People!
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (487)
(More)been a long time since i've blogged...well itz been crazy n all...tml gotta wakey at 6am...and i'm just done changing a new set of strings..hope it wun break!! change too earli scared tat they mite wear out...too late scared tat they may be unseasoned "run pitch"...hmm...nothing much to write but tat we've "grown" eye bags and dark circles...looking forward to saturday...then sunday! It'll all be over soon...kinda sad...coz it means music will have to slow down...coz Sam ain't gonna have gd reasons to get leave to just do music...all gd things will have to cum to an end...it'll be the end of the competition soon...but wun be the end of us!! We talked a lil today...
we came to a great conclusion...that we'll carry MLB's name till old..grow old with us?
Thank you all for seeing us grow in this competition...looking back...feels like there's a heavy stone in my heart...fond memories...which i hope will nvr fade...of the ppl that where there...of the ppl tat made MLB...ppl tat gave rise to 3 kids with such little tiny bit of talent...ppl like you all who gave us mani opportunities time and time again to be up there on stage...to make music...to perform...to have fun...
Thank you dearly..
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (1087)
(More)btw, fyi, there are 2 types of tics: Moshpit/Supporters.
Rules set by Mediacorp:
Moshpit: No video, cannot have toilet breaks, no banners
Supporters: No video, can have toilet breaks, can have banners(no bigger than A3)
ALL ARE REMINDED TO KEEP YOUR TIC WITH U WHEREVER U GO DURING THE CONCERT. Photos are allowed but without flash. Try to bring as little barang as possible and keep an eye on ur valuables.
pls try to cooperate with the management in order to make the night an enjoyable one! :)
1 nicole ong 9029**** 0222i Jul nic******@hotmail.com
2 vernise ong 9817**** 9964e Oct ver*****@hotmail.com
3 baohui 9616**** 3755A Jul baohui*****@hotmail.com
4 ang pek choo 9366**** 4609i Nov-87 pekch****@hotmail.com
5 Elsie Ong 9827**** 02777G Jan-77 lch*****@yahoo.com
6 Lorita fu lok ting 6583**** 1314J Jan-85 love******@hotmail.com
7 JiaQi 9880**** Aug-92 Qi*****@hotmail.com
8 Rosanna 9093**** 0214J Aug-90 evol*********@hotmail.com
S/N Name Contact I/C No. DOB Email
Collection of tic:
If ur name is shown above, please acknowledge that u'll be/not be coming down to receive the tic by emailing a reply to milubing@gmail.com Any queries, jus include it in ur email.
that's the best that we can do so far... once again, our deepest apology to those MLBians who didn't manage to get a tic from us.. :( Hope that u'll be able to feel our emotions thru the music coming out of ya TV...every performance is 100% from the heart of the 3 of us, be it live or broadcast... take care ppl..
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (245)