milubing | 25 April, 2009 02:16

Despite whatever little difficulties or obstacles we may have encountered along the way, think it was all worthwhile for that short 1 hour of fun, an unforgettable experience we will store in our memory folder. It wasn't perfect, but sort of complete - with your singing along and cheers that truly touched us. We felt it. Thank you again!
We'll meet again soon!

milubing | 21 April, 2009 14:50
Milubing's history
Milubing's 3rd Album
The first Milubing concert
Milubing's opinions on the music industry
Milubing's acoustic performance
A simple interview with Bryan from Razor TV.
Only pity is WQ couldn't make it cos of school commitments.
See Ya Friday!
Milubing's 3rd Album
The first Milubing concert
Milubing's opinions on the music industry
Milubing's acoustic performance
A simple interview with Bryan from Razor TV.
Only pity is WQ couldn't make it cos of school commitments.
See Ya Friday!
M...lb United
milubing | 13 April, 2009 22:30
"Remember, always give your best. Never get discouraged. Never be petty. Always remember, others may hate you. But those who hate you don't win unless you hate them. And then you destroy yourself."
sam :
Perhaps you saw, maybe you didn't. I was surprised, that it turned out like that.
Why? Nevermind now.
For me, today was a good start to the week. I think its the same for the 3 of us, had each other for company in the afternoon, jammin..
Very constructive advice here. Thank you ah.. No worries, we're ok de!
Have a nice day. =)(More)

Perhaps you saw, maybe you didn't. I was surprised, that it turned out like that.
Why? Nevermind now.
For me, today was a good start to the week. I think its the same for the 3 of us, had each other for company in the afternoon, jammin..
Very constructive advice here. Thank you ah.. No worries, we're ok de!
Have a nice day. =)(More)
The Kindness Movement
milubing | 05 April, 2009 23:52

It has been quite happening these few days, with interviews, the esplanade and the IMM show.. now the focus and energy would all be spent aligning the stars for the 24th (metaphorically speaking).
It's not always about how with a kind manner we speak , but how kind the true intentions behind the words are. Yet sometimes we accidentally string words into unpleasant phrases that hurt. We may know the words of our own, but other's words may be misinterpreted.
It seems like a life skill to master the art of putting what we mean into words that are interpreted clearly. We're all learning.
As a Band, we believe in being nice, accommodating to whatever we can, whenever we can, doing our best for people within our means. We are true to ourselves and believe in not hurting others.
Let's clarify. We don't mean that we only want to hear the good stuff, but we want to hear everything, critical comments that are constructive, good comments that are encouraging.
We know the hardship you guys go through waiting for us, supporting us and cheering us through the days; and good begets good.. kindness begets kindness.. and hence we are motivated to give you guys more.
We are normal people we have always said, and therefore acclaim the right to feel emotions everyone feels, being, sorrow, anger, happiness and even tears.
In conclusion.. we're giving our best, to not be regretful of not being the best we can be, and to return the kindness and love shown to the Band as a whole.
Thank you for being there for us. Hope you guys can see the bands' heart.
We're Human.
(Esplanade.. Here we come)

Thank You Guys for coming down, we haven't heard such loud lovely cheers in such a long time! Felt great despite hiccups in the sound.. kept me from sulking, left me smiling! Thank you! You guys made our day :)

Seeing you all sing along, and reading all the encouraging letters, we're powered up to give u our best at Esplanade, just as always, only this time for an hour long ;) Thank you for growing up with us :)

Its truly amazing that we have a chance to do this. 谢谢support! Now lets all work hard in whatever we have to and look forward to tomorrow where you leave home and see your neighbour and you greet him/her with a smile, showing your teeth.
milubing | 03 April, 2009 23:46

As you know, this 3 guys are currently working on the coming little concert.
We'll do our best, present to you something nice.
Let's jia you together!
For now, a warm up at IMM tomorrow.
NOTE : Updates from the ICs in the previous post's tag
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