
milubing | 03 April, 2009 23:46


As you know, this 3 guys are currently working on the coming little concert.

We'll do our best, present to you something nice.

Let's jia you together!

For now, a warm up at IMM tomorrow.

NOTE : Updates from the ICs in the previous post's tag


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Anonymous syl | 04 April, 2009 00:03

jia you, jia you, jia you! =D


Anonymous min. x)) | 04 April, 2009 01:14

/nods nods.
goodnights for now. (:


Anonymous Jane | 04 April, 2009 01:17

Haha. Yeah mlb video. Looking forward! Its going to be cool, funny and nice. :D

U all wearing mlb tee for 2moro event at imm?

Rest well and jiayou! :)


Blogger -WHEY` | 04 April, 2009 03:25

jia yous and rest well :D

really looking forward to the concert! :D


Blogger Pek Choo | 04 April, 2009 09:29


Looking forward on the 24th April Concert!

Rest Well~

Cya guys later...


Anonymous aizutto | 04 April, 2009 12:10

I won't be able to see you guys perform today. :(

Have fun today!

Will see you soon~ :)


Anonymous duckling | 04 April, 2009 12:29

I was surprised by the surprise!
Looking forward to 24 Apr!
See you all then!
BUT most importantly, take care & find time to take a kit kat.
(Ok...not farnnie...)

anywayz, have fun tonite!


Anonymous qIaNhUi | 04 April, 2009 16:31



Anonymous Jane | 04 April, 2009 17:35

I think i will be going down to support u guys. Hope i will get better soon. Cya if i am going.

Jiayou & have fun tonight. :)


Anonymous MIKO(: | 04 April, 2009 18:45

miko is mia-ing.
because miko is bia-ing sch projs.
/white flag coming up already
still there to shoutout: "JIAYOU!"
miko will appear on the 24th.

p/s: weiqi, to see the magic that the little black cloth have done. visit the drawing room on wed! class time u know la. it's my class's final crit. there'd be some awesome drawing in there. (not saying mine HAHA) if u happen to be there do pop over yea!


Anonymous Jenny | 04 April, 2009 22:33

WeiQi, my son's signature on the book has special meaning for you de. His name is Jun Hong or Warren.

He told me that coz he missed the birthday card signature and greeting for you, so that one was a belated gift. (p.s. sorry that he didnt hv time to put in the greetings.)

Now, all the Kor-Kors have his signatures liao, no preference to who and who {- v ^}

B4 I submit this msg, he hopes WeiQi kor kor will like his little signature that fills with lots of blessing.


Anonymous Jenny | 04 April, 2009 22:41

MLBs, thank you for the wonderful performance! A great event indeed, esp the enchore was great! Tks to the Host, she is great! Can see that tonite has drawn more supporters leh :)

MLBians, how I wish I cld shout together with u all just now... but nvm, I will "ren" till the concert.

k, time to get my boy to bed. Take care all.


Anonymous Uncle Phil | 04 April, 2009 22:56

Thanks for another great performance by you guys. Can't wait till 24th Apr, still praying hard & keeping my fingers crossed to attend my dream event, MLB's 1st concert. Just now that 5 songs already made us so High, imagine that 60mins of performances will definitely Rock the whole Esplanade. Hahaha...
Ya, I agree with Jenny that the enchore was fantastic. So long never hear that song Live le.
MLB, please have enough rest & drink more water. Especially weiqi, jia-you in your exam too.

Your son Jun Hong / Warren is really cute & supportive lor! Hope he can join ik & myself at event. Cos, we need more male MLBians. hehe...


Anonymous Jane | 04 April, 2009 23:14

Thanks for the great performance by you guys. I also love the encore part the most. Yahoo! Very nice. Love it.

Can see mlb you guys enjoyed playing the music. Thanks alot. :)

Sam can see that u enjoy urself playing drum. Just whack only. :D

Weiqi~ Haha lucky u asked me is it my little brother and not ............. Haha. Lol.


Anonymous Jane | 04 April, 2009 23:18

Jenny oh dun wonder he asked weiqi when is his birthday. Haha. But at first weiqi like cannot hear what he trying to asked.

Sorry sam for not saying hi to you. I was like abit blur & was thinking something. Haha. Paiseh.

Anyway sam nice hair cut. Nic i love ur purple hair. :) Next time u shld bring towel out.

Anyone got pics & videos to share? Thanks.

Jiayou & take care all. =)


Anonymous yuanping | 05 April, 2009 01:12

shioky pie. :)

great warm up before e concert eh.
someone's lung power super strong today, frightened tt poor guy. o.o

jiayou jiayou jiayou. n pls take care k.

till e 24th. :))


Blogger qIaNhUi | 05 April, 2009 01:34

YES The Encore Was Really SHIOK.! Love It ~
The Host Really Can Read Our Minds Lek, Thanks To Her =P

♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥
HAPPY Enough Today ~
:) :) :) :) :) :)


Anonymous weiqi | 05 April, 2009 02:37

sigh, bo bian la, had to release details of the surprise earlier..but it was a surprise rite? heh heh.. now must wait until 24th then can see some more..

aizutto, no worries, the vids are on youtube le ;)
miko jiayo with the submissions!Wednesdays are my super busy days..classes from 0930 to 2230 non stop, with a lunch break but no dinner break. ;)
Jenny, your son very di xiao xiao haha.. but funny la he, i have his book, it's in my living room now on the table! :p
Uncle phil,glad u liked the encore, hope that u can come on the 24th too. dun worry bout it. :)
Yuanping, wat lung power? who ah?
YuJing, i got a suggestion for u that u dun refer to us as drugs(cos negative ma haha) instead, use vitamins? dunno...i jus tot it sounds better this way haha..
Qianhui, also glad u enjoyed the encore. It was a real surprise today doing lei.. not in our song list when we came down due to some 'sound' issues...then in the end we still did it! Such a coincidence ba i would say...
Pls forgive us ya? sometimes we are really affected on stage due to 'sound'... but we're training to better adapt to such situations le.
Actually today someone said some not very nice things to me(and it was implied to the band as a whole). Dunno why she would say something like that, that doesn't help the situation, and puts us down instead of encourage us for the upcoming hurdles for the band(especially in a time like this when we have an important show coming up). Even if what she said might be true, she didn't need to use a tone like that. Yesterday, she also asked me a question, and I was being nice to answer her, then her answer was not nice either. Sigh. Why like that leh? all of us are family ma. Mlbians are not like that (which i'm glad 99% of u aren't). I guess the truth is, when you're kind(the irony of today) to others, the good ppl will also be nice to u, but there's another group of ppl who will then take your kindness as your weakness, and cross the boundary, and hurt u just like that. Before you speak, remember to think first, because once your words leave your mouth, you can't take them back. You will be at the mercy of the hearer to forget those words. But then again, no one should be condemned, so I'll definitely try to forget wat she said. Just try to make this world a happier place by sharing joy, instead of giving negative comments. You know who you are, so pls take this comment from me as a positive/constructive one, to help u prevent from hurting others too.

Goodnite everyone... thanks so much for coming down to give us the support and for singing along with us. Super sweet mlbians...


Anonymous syl | 05 April, 2009 03:00

haha, encore!
we actually got to shout for encore before the 24th's.
but really lah, very long nv hear lei already. a warm up juz in time! =)

weiqi, cheer up!
we cant satisfy everyone bah..
dun take it to heart k!
smile smile smile! xD


Blogger qIaNhUi | 05 April, 2009 03:01

WEIQI, Dun be too affected by that person's negative/sarcastic words... U've tried ur best means no regrets le, dun need to bother wat other ppl says (Though sometimes feedbacks is a must =X )
But Well, Yah... Forget Forget Wat That "SHE" Had Said...

No matter wat happens, WE MLBians will always be there for u guyz de :)
♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥
S m i L e z . . .

P.S: Faster Go Sleep La U =P


Anonymous Jane | 05 April, 2009 03:08

Thanks for replying the comments. Where is mine? Haha.

I agree with what u & syl said. So just try to forget what she say and stay postive. :)

Thanks again for the great performance. Weiqi cheer up.

who got pics and other videos to share?? Thanks in advance.

I only got record 2 videos which is Shi Jie Ma Fan Jie Guo Yi Xia & the encore part- lei. =)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daxeub370AU&feature=channel_page -Shi Jie Ma Fan Jie Guo Yi Xia.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFQxWeWdFrU&feature=channel_page - encore part- lei.


Blogger binz | 05 April, 2009 09:49

yday was really a great one(: thanks guys! making all of us more heart itchy itchy for concert hur.. and i realised you all like to change intro of your songs and make us like get so excited trying to guess wads the song. ahha. very huai nian lei, nice(:

weiqi see the positive side jiu hao le lor(: we all wish to live in ideality which often won't happen la so don't be too bothered about wad was said. i always believe in 问心无愧,尽力就好…… cuz it's impossible to please everyone, so do what you all think is right, do what you all are capable of doing jiu enough le(: getting over negative things will make us stronger!


Blogger Pek Choo | 05 April, 2009 11:14

Yesterday the performance, we were really enjoying singing with you guys... Thanks again for the great performance!

Looking forward for 24th April Concert!

PS: Don't stress too much ya. Rest well and Do the best Jiu Hao Le...

Weiqi, cheer up! Just forget what the person has said and stay positive ya...

M.L.B JIAYOU (X100...)!!!


Anonymous Uncle Phil | 05 April, 2009 12:42

Thanks for taking up your precious time to post that message at late hours, really appreciate your Kindness very much. But we (MLBiands) will prefer you guys to rest early. :)

Yes, I enjoyed last night performances very much, especially the enchore song Lei. Its worth my times rushing down. I really really hope I can be there on 24th Apr to have our Biggest Family Reunion Party ever. Thanks for all the encourgements you guys have given me. I am very glad & touched.

Please ignore that minor 1% of negative comments, could be she herself dun even know what she had said & done?
Never forget you still have a very strong 99% faithful MLBians supporting you guys eversince SB seasons till now & of course many more years, so long MLB still exist. Dun forget we are One Big Happy Family.
Please dun be affected by these little negative remarks/comments. Continue to jia-you & give us your best performances every shows you have. Cheers... MLB Power-Lah...


Anonymous Pinkie (: | 05 April, 2009 13:48

Jiayou jiayou =D

Sore throat now due to excessive screaming.. Heh. Enjoyed myself with all of ya ytd.

Thanks for th fun! =D

P.S yumin,pekchoo,yujing,qianhui,syl.
you all siao one!!!!


Anonymous min. x)) | 05 April, 2009 13:55

yeahyeahyeah, performance yesterday was uber high! :D i think the atmosphere during the actual concert is going to be a hundred times the of yesterday.
looking forward! :)

weiqi, don't be so affected by those words that were said alrights. maybe whatever that was mentioned wasn't intentional? cheer up okay okay? SMILEEE!

/cough cough.
pinkie, who's the siao one lohhh~
apparently the 5 five names that you mentioned are the normal ones can. :p


Anonymous peishan | 05 April, 2009 17:21

great performance yesterday !! =D
and the encore - LEI !! been sometimes since we last see you guys performing this song. nice change of the intro too !

weiqi, don't be too affected by the comment made yea. cheer up !


Anonymous JOLYN | 05 April, 2009 18:42

Lol, i reach that time performance already over liao. :(


Blogger qIaNhUi | 05 April, 2009 19:04

Pinkie, Dunno Who's Really The SIAO 1 Lo... Ahem Ahem =P


Blogger Unknown | 05 April, 2009 19:56

TWO THUMBS UP for ytd's performance!
the guitars, the drums, the keyboard or the vocals, they were fantastic! its really a great warm up before the little concert kicks off at esplanade!
especially the encore song for 'lei', shi high de lor!


well well, leave the negatives alone, work towards positive. so tt life would be happier isnt it! cheer up! =D


*drink more water to keep good health*


Anonymous weiqi | 05 April, 2009 20:11

eh jane, paisehpaiseh, yup,i tot he was your bro cos kept sticking with u. :)
syl, qianhui, binz, pek choo, min, uncle phil, and peishan, dun worry la, won't let the comment affect us de. Pinkie, hope u and the rest dun get a sore throat orh..
JOLYN(and everyone else), very sorry, it's my bad,cos i wrote here on the blog that the event is @ 8pm...the truth is that the email which we received regarding this event stated this timing.By the time we found out it was 1930 instead,we forgot to update the blog and it was quite late already. Sometimes we can be really tied up with practices & rushing, that's why forgot to update. Our apologies. We really try our very best each time to give u all updates, this time pls forgive ya? my exam period so i a bit off form :(
Btw i wanna clarify something bout wat i said last nite. MLB is OPEN to real and honest comments; it could be critique of our performace/etc. As long as it is done in a constructive manner. We don't expect u all to say good things all the time.Just be real, but don't be mean. That's wat i meant. If u treasure your friend, and wanted to tell him that he 'zao geng', you must tell him, but you could either tell him honestly for his own good(A), or tell him just to use the event to make fun of him(B).

A) Hey man, actually u zao geng le.. :)
B) HAHA, u zao geng leh, u damn pathetic u know?

Imagine someone said either (A)/(B) to u, which one would u take as a true, honest comment to help u?


Blogger qIaNhUi | 05 April, 2009 20:18

(A) Is better ba... (B) sounded abit ............

But yah, agree with wat u said... So no worries le k... Now Is - Take good rest & do ur best in ur exam :)


Anonymous YUJING | 05 April, 2009 20:20

opps* apologise; Sorry!
okayokay, don't want the "D****" alr!

VITAMINSVITAMINSVITAMINS:D hees! it sound better indeed(:
- Energetic,
- Healthy,
- Makes me Happy too!


♥ WeiQi;
这边进,那边出。Don't let unneccessary comments block your way. 要开心,很重要(: 加油!

&&& Pinkie;
you're the "SIAO QUEEN" can? & we're the ones who kana your virus! LOL! it was really HIGH:D we've turn LJS into KBOX alr^^


Blogger Pek Choo | 05 April, 2009 20:21

Halo Weiqi,

I'll choose (A) too...

Jiayou & All the best in your exam!! Don't stress too much ya.

Smile =x

I'm also having exams.... hahax~


Anonymous Jane | 05 April, 2009 20:27

Haha. Weiqi is ok le lah. I noe why u asked me that. Jenny's son is active. Nobody accompany his son so i accompany him loh. Haha. But lucky u didn't ask me whether is he my son if not i not sure what to reply to u. Haha. Weiqi u 1st time receive someone signature hoh? Haha. Small idol.

(A) is better.

Rest well and jiayou! :)


Anonymous MIKO(: | 05 April, 2009 20:39

walau weiqi, what an example -_-
but okay la, passable.



Anonymous Jenny | 06 April, 2009 01:04

Weiqi, warren will be going to the concert, so hope he wont be more di xiao xiao by asking u to sing the HSM songs. (me hv to watchout also, sweat n kiakia liao le)

Jane, warren also remembers ik, he only knows 2 of you coz the bt panjang event loh. sianz...I didnt take the grp photo, so now checking omy n xin.com for the pictures...little boy wants to paste it to his journal book...

ICs, I need ur advice how to fwd a clip which i took & hope to restrict to MLB's family only. The clip was abt 4mins to 4.30mins.


Anonymous Jane | 06 April, 2009 01:29

Jenny~ ur son ask weiqi sing HSM songs?? What's HSM songs??

Oh ok dun wonder. Haha. He is active, funny and nice guy. I asked u to take grp pics together u dun want. Now regret le ah?? I think omy.sg will be faster than xin.sg for the news n pics.

Jiayou! Gd night! :)


Anonymous yuanping | 06 April, 2009 02:59

eh weiqi, i tot we were telling u guys abt e incident ytd. liangteh has hidden talent. :)

anyway, not sure wad was said tt affected u, but stay positive n keep e negative vibes away k. jiayou for exams! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 April, 2009 17:03
