milubing | 13 February, 2007 22:15
Breathe in...breathe out...
Taking a break from my studies now so i decided to drop a post...
1stly, thanks for all the best wishes ya?
mmm, looks like i gotta explain this to u all. Someone was saying that my keyboard(inside the case) looked really heavy, so i said there's a 'shi ti' inside, and was refering to Nic inside k? sorry la, was being lame.
Then many are asking bout my keyboard..well i have so many keyboards in my life like logitech one..microsoft one...mmm laptop inside also got one... heh heh..
but ya la..that 'yamaha MO8' one is mine..had to perform quite a few times b4 i cld afford it!And if ur wondering why weiqi so dumb..buy such a long and big and bulky and heavy one..well then..cos MLB got no bassist, so i need the range of keys ma..
Musician muz 'ren' the hard life of carrying ur instrument ma..
Mmm...wat else..eh..Nic is tanner then me liao hahha...even Sam haha cos he gena sunburn!!! heh heh..Sam dun kill me after u see this :p
The following days and months are gonna be VERY tough for us...cos gotta work hard for some stuff coming up. Will update u peeps as and when k?thanks once again for the love u all showed us on the last gig..
I've been so busy recently that i haven't got much lame stuff to post :(
sorry ya, but i'll keep a lookout for lame stuff to tell u all. Meanwhile, here's a SUPER recent(in fact a few hours ago) drawing that i drew with charcoal..and i'm glad that my classmates told me that i have improved after 1 semester of drawing, and having no formal training b4 i entered uni. They said i 'Bankai' today(dun think i have ever bankai-ed since last sem till now). So tot i shared this image with u. Everyone, rmbr to study hard and smart...and those working, work hard and smart... u CAN do it!

*bankai is not a vulgarity..it is some term used in the anime 'bleach'*
Taking a break from my studies now so i decided to drop a post...
1stly, thanks for all the best wishes ya?
mmm, looks like i gotta explain this to u all. Someone was saying that my keyboard(inside the case) looked really heavy, so i said there's a 'shi ti' inside, and was refering to Nic inside k? sorry la, was being lame.
Then many are asking bout my keyboard..well i have so many keyboards in my life like logitech one..microsoft one...mmm laptop inside also got one... heh heh..
but ya la..that 'yamaha MO8' one is mine..had to perform quite a few times b4 i cld afford it!And if ur wondering why weiqi so dumb..buy such a long and big and bulky and heavy one..well then..cos MLB got no bassist, so i need the range of keys ma..
Musician muz 'ren' the hard life of carrying ur instrument ma..
Mmm...wat else..eh..Nic is tanner then me liao hahha...even Sam haha cos he gena sunburn!!! heh heh..Sam dun kill me after u see this :p
The following days and months are gonna be VERY tough for us...cos gotta work hard for some stuff coming up. Will update u peeps as and when k?thanks once again for the love u all showed us on the last gig..
I've been so busy recently that i haven't got much lame stuff to post :(
sorry ya, but i'll keep a lookout for lame stuff to tell u all. Meanwhile, here's a SUPER recent(in fact a few hours ago) drawing that i drew with charcoal..and i'm glad that my classmates told me that i have improved after 1 semester of drawing, and having no formal training b4 i entered uni. They said i 'Bankai' today(dun think i have ever bankai-ed since last sem till now). So tot i shared this image with u. Everyone, rmbr to study hard and smart...and those working, work hard and smart... u CAN do it!

*bankai is not a vulgarity..it is some term used in the anime 'bleach'*

milubing | 08 February, 2007 18:02
It's been a long time...
Hey there everyone, I've finally received the details for our gig this sat... 3.30 - 4pm k? Hope u'll enjoy the 3 songs that we'll be singing(dedicated to all MLBians),and yes,many of u have guessed it le..here and there.
Jus let u all know, Nic will have to book in straight away after the gig, cos he got field camp next week.so sad rite? Mmm... that's all ba.. oh ya, the cny autograph session we're not involved k? pls spread the word to those who think we're going. xie xie. That's all ba, pls take care everyone!!!
btw, jus tot i'd share with ya my 1st multi layered(3) stencil..size of a 50 cents coin..turned out real bad because i didn't let the paint dry properly(was rushing hmwk)..my other works u won't wanna see..very jialat la haha..

Hey there everyone, I've finally received the details for our gig this sat... 3.30 - 4pm k? Hope u'll enjoy the 3 songs that we'll be singing(dedicated to all MLBians),and yes,many of u have guessed it le..here and there.
Jus let u all know, Nic will have to book in straight away after the gig, cos he got field camp next week.so sad rite? Mmm... that's all ba.. oh ya, the cny autograph session we're not involved k? pls spread the word to those who think we're going. xie xie. That's all ba, pls take care everyone!!!
btw, jus tot i'd share with ya my 1st multi layered(3) stencil..size of a 50 cents coin..turned out real bad because i didn't let the paint dry properly(was rushing hmwk)..my other works u won't wanna see..very jialat la haha..

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