Here's my 'top ten' list of cheats you can use during an exam! ENJOY!
haha..u thought i was serious rite? i cld see ur eyes gleaming for a while..hahaha...anyways, i used to cheat for 听写 in pri and sec school last time HAHAHA.. but later i realised that everytime u cheat, the person who's been cheated on is.. URSELF!!!
*Ahem* Back to the topic, to all who are going thru a rough time with the school work, here's a little life story of mine that i hope would encourage u.
For my 'O' Levels, I was like any other 'smart alec' who didn't study till the papers were knocking at the door.. but surprisingly, I still managed to get into TJC. So I was still 'happy go lucky'..
During my JC days, I'd 'pon' lectures sometimes, and self-declare school holidays or half days with my friends hahaha..go out to eat/shop during school hours. In fact, I joined lots of other activities in school(not related to school work) like competitions, and I was really heavily involved in the choir too. I was thinking, when the exams come then I'd study properly. Well, that same method didn't work cos I got a [C,D,C] on my 'A' Levels cert...
So much for a TJC student rite?haha, so u c it doesn't matter where u are,wat environment, wat friends. If ur will is strong, u can still make it.. or vice versa.
I tried to apply for NUS n NTU, applied for the courses that were easy to get in 'arts n soci' but both unis rejected me. After that i had no time to think bout the seriousness of the situation and I went to serve my NS.
It was during NS, whenever I had free time, or the opportunity, I'd design stuff, anything, from badges to posters, to unit logos to tees, to caps, to shoes. And i'd document all my works, get all the testimonies from the superiors I worked with for every job.
Meanwhile i had already reapplied for uni twice and failed again, being rejected. Soon it was ORD date(end of NS) everyone was so happy, looking forward to get back into the world, while I was afraid, cold sweat... cos i didn't know where i wld go with a stupid 'A' Level cert (a diploma was more valuable).
But thank God, my own portfolio and many testimonials from all the nice people, helped me get a place in NTU's SADM. I was elated and at the same time upset, especially when i rmbred how i used to spend my school days so blindly, jus having fun, not thinking of the consequences. So now that I'm in NTU(thank God) I'm not gonna slack. I'm gonna treasure this gift. I can still have fun after I finish my work and feel more at ease - be true to urself.
Trust me friends, u never know the value of wat u had until u lost it. I hope that with me sharing my long-winded story with u, u can avoid the rotten path I took, and have a smoother road ahead by putting in that extra effort.
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (1324)
(More)realli got heart!!
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (522)
(More)but no fret! we'll do our usual unusual arrangement..on which song?...hmm!! not sayign as of yet..but sure lots of effort is going in as their songs ain't easy...looking forward to tat..winkz..
anyway..just wanna say thanks for all the concern n all 3 of us...we'll be workin' hard for ya!!
let's rock the stage!!
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (369)
(More)not promoting illegal downloading but u can stream the song!
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (0)
(More)Sorry about today..... itz not about you guys but more about myself... why the tear...
My friends have been waiting for me more than 3 hours and i felt bad that they had to wait and waste their time on me.... i also knew that alot of you had been waiting for us at the reception..rushing place after place...wait just to see us..
I realli touched by it all... and yep..we really wanted to sign and take as much photos as we could...kinda torn in between...repay your kindness and efforts...yet not letting ppl wait too long..just to give mi a lift hme..(btw they live in the north..mi in the ya can imagine the the effort and the "outa the way situation")
Maybe i am just like any other art person...(musicians)..being superbly sensitive and in tuned to mi emotions.. that explains why ba.. Maybe i am just not good at hiding my emotions too transparent..can see when i'm happy or sad..can't realli hide or act.. i can't smile when i can't...
gotta noe that some ppl are so afraid of mi...maybe itz becoz of this musical-eccentric side...realli sorry.. I am truly not angry nor upset with you guys... but more of myself becoz i was trapped in between.... just imagine...u wanna make everybody happy...but u can't...u see people so happy just to see you..yet you gotta leave them with an unsigned book or untaken photo...i've realised the reality...the hard fact...that my life has become more complex yet is decorated with the beauty of ppl's care concern...and enthusiasm...and i cant simply put it aside...can't be selfish...torn apart and confused i was..coz that knew knowledge suddenly dawned on mi in such an untimely incident...
hmm..please do study hard and i hope that by coming to our events will not affect your studies okies?.. Realli thank you all once again for all the gifts letters...not forgetting the letters!!! ... OoOOooo...thanks for the lovely chocolate cake!
I hope that the revealing of what i felt not affected you people.. but let you understand mi one step deeper...
Felt the sincerity in you all...i'm so sorry..
Guess this is how i feel ba..smilez...this song ..
Superman by Five for Fighting
I can't stand to fly
I'm not that naive
I'm just out to find
The better part of me
I'm more than a bird
I'm more than a plane
I'm more than some pretty face beside a train
And it's not easy to be me
I wish that I could cry
Fall upon my knees
Find a way to lie
'Bout a home I'll never see
It may sound absurd
But don't be naive
Even heroes have the right to bleed
I may be disturbed
But won't you concede
Even heroes have the right to dream
And it's not easy to be me
Up, up and away, away from me
Well it's alright
You can all sleep sound tonight
I'm not crazy or anything
I can't stand to fly
I'm not that naive
Men weren't meant to ride
With clouds between their knees
I'm only a man in a silly red sheet
Digging for kryptonite on this one way street
I'm only a man in a funny red sheet
Looking for special things inside of me, inside of me
Inside of me, yeah inside of me, inside of me
I'm only a man in a funny red sheet
I'm only a man looking for a dream
I'm only a man in a funny red sheet
And it's not easy
It's not easy to be me
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (1256)
To add on..
Sorry T12 if things didn't turn out the way u all hoped.
Thank u for the cake and gifts from all, we really appreciate it.
Hope that everyone enjoyed themselves today.
Now its time to have a good rest,
so sweet dreams everyone..
sam | 23/09/2006, 21:33
Time may vary from 10.30 - 11.00 am...
Up N Comin... (Events) :: Comment (0)
(More)been a long time since i made an entry ya? sigh, so sorry to the MLB family and especially the animal kingdom(*wave frantically*)... been damn busy with school work and performances, can hardly breathe!!!
I've been really stressed up with school, so much homework to do and projects, gonna go crazy. 1st week of school i could still sleep b4 12, have breakfast the next morning, and take a comfortable stroll to class...these days, i sleep around 3.30am, skip breakfast, and brisk walk to class... :(
And for the past few weeks, besides MLB performances, I've been helping Juz B out with the vocal percussion cos Fariq's down due to IMF. So it's been really crazy juggling everything together...

Hope these pics will cheer u up ba... although i havent got any recent pics of MLB.. btw, some of u were asking me how i learn to beatbox? well i learnt it from here...
Take care!!!
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (372)
(More)11:00 AM
Ngee Ann City
Gonna have some fun..
see ya if you're there!
Guest Star Appearance : Shifu
Compilation Album Autograph session
Concourse A (Far East Plaza)
Up N Comin... (Events) :: Comment (0)
(More)for now we can't commit as we aren't sure if our schedule (family, mediacorp, and warner sides) allow...
reali apologetic but we promise to try our best make it? But for now...hold ur horses! one of us is gonna enter army tentatively! haha...take care guyz! updates soon on the coming gigs...but there's one this if can..see ya!!! will drop the location and time asap..
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (933)
(More)Please don't stay up too late though,
all should have a good rest for the next day.
Students - study hard for exams!
Working people - don't over work.
Anyhow anyway, take some time to relax.
Stay healthy, smile '_'
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (2024)
(More)jia you for school tml!!
dun fall asleep in class ya?...
anyway, we got some gigs comin up...we'll be doing the yellow ribbon fair gig (not the concert one)...and the FIR thingy...hmm...will put up details soon...the yellow ribbon event is on the 23rd...still got some time for us to polish up!!
take care guyz! slp earli! and have fun at school!!
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (1492)
(More)For the past few days, i have been doing duty in camp. Was really touched when i heard delications from the MLB Family to Cindy over the radio. It is comforting to see that all of u care so much. Like many of u, i do not know her personally. But from her tags, i feel she's a friendly and cheerful girl. I believe that she has found peace in heaven. May the Lord bless her family in all they do, and i pray that time will heal all wounds.
Thank u everyone for all the support, love and kind words.
- Sam
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (1760)
(More)A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (1093)
(More)this post isn't for ppl to comment...but tag words of encouragement and rememberance to our dear fren's family...
Rest well...No more tears of sadness...but peace in heaven...for eternity...if anyone has a picture of her pls do email us...we'll like to post it up...thank you...
and to you too where you His arms...
Was sad to hear that the wake was over.
Rest in peace sister.
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (200)
'a picture paints a thousand words'

p.s. wanna say thanks to all who came down to mdc that on PSC nite n also the auditionSEA event n the Police Academy event too!!! Thanks for the support... we really feel so blessed by u all... we really wanna thank u all for being there for us, n for the numerous gifts (from donuts to drinks to letters n cards n photos!) THANK U ALL!! Jia yo for ur exams, n future endavours to some who r going overseas.. we'll see each other really soon ya? :) Take care MLB family!
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (666)
(More)isn't perfect...but the sound engineer did a great job for a 5 hrs recording! my guit sounds so weird...alamak..duno wad happen..can kill man the sound...haha..KILL...ok main highlight of our day...
we were on sound check the whole day...audition the place is kinda small...but we getta tweak our stuff! haha..
for the police academy...POWER la! perfect environment for fun! do come if u guyz have time!!! realli a KILLER! concert style sia! anyway gotta more after sunday's over...coz gotta slp..wake up at 7...
cya all!
btw - some details regarding gathering...
COST:- e place: $262
- beehoon + mixed veg: $45
- satay bought at cold storage: $7.95
- bottled mineral water 4 mixing syrup: $12
- ice bag: $5.95
- cab fare ( sry`. 4get tke receipts) :
jiahui carry food take frm CCK to NORTHPOINT= $10.70
cab fare from place of satay purchase to Biru's aunty hse to cook them= $3.50
tgt take cab go NSECC= $3.20
take cab hme tgt wid e pot of curry n beehoon wif surcharge= $10.20
- cake: $84
- curry chicken + frying food + cab fare: $130
- buying of fried finger food: $48.05
- buying of tongs n bowl: $9.50
- paper wares: $20.10
- rocher: $2.10
- crazy ribbons n poppers: $7.70
Grand Total: S$ 661.95/-
Collected Fee: S$10/- per pax
No. of pple: 66 Supporters + MLB + Mi Lu Mei = 70pax
(as u can see, lots of background work involved..that made the gathering a warm n fun one!)
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (1217)