Thanks for coming everyone! (especially our overseas mlbian! dun wanna mention names...smilez)
Okies! Well...itz our first time organising such an event so it was kinda...awkward at 1st...but we hoped everyone got a fair share of photos, paint, ants(optional..haha)...everything!
Thank you all that came and made it more lively! Hope no one felt left out..if u did, we're terribly sorry k? Next time jus talk to us k? no need to feel shy, cuz tat's wat our reunion was for-getting to know each one better, not only the 3 of us, but the whole MLB family to get closer!
Wow...we also received wonderful cards and gifts! Realli many sincere thanks!~
Apologies to those who didn't turn up (JIA YO FOR THE EXAMS!!!) or didn't get tix...the White n Pink Tee was the only system we could think up to give out tix in a fair way...those who didn't get the tix yet...we'll definitely get back to ya guyz if we do have more, by posting ur name n particualrs on this blog!! So do check up the blog for updates k? especially if u've registered ur particulars in weiqi's laptop ya?
This would be our first and last gathering during this competition...hope it was meaningful...wanted to do something for all of ya with a personal touch..smilez..hope you guyz liked the tees...itz not much though...smilez...we'll see how Sam's schedules go after the competition...but we definitely will push for another gathering with proper arrangements and gd fun!
For those that didn't come...we're sorry...we already tried to notify everyone ASA(we Possibly) cld and we felt that a weekend would be better...
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (458)
(More)if onli it was less formal and onli if we were sitted closer than we could feel the warmth we all shared back then! Anywayz..it was sure great to see the other bands...brings back memories...
Hope you guyz enjoyed the show...n manz...was definitely blown away by Nique's magic!!! Gosh..haha..
Thanks for coming down those who did though there wasn't any music...and those who couldn't...catch the show on Mon!! REMEMBER TML's GATHERING! CHECK THE RECENT POST FOR DETAILS!
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (227)
(More)All do please come! In a WHITE top and a PINK one at hand!
Sorry for the last minute-ness... we're blogging @ macs now...Our schedule is 非常 SUPER tight but we chose to squeeze out some time...SO... Here are the details for this SUNDAY!
Place: Toa Payoh Garden
Time: 4pm-6pm
Dresscode (a must!) : White Top
Cost: $0
MUST BRING! : 1 pink tee (preferably plain) BUT PINK PLS!! MUST BRING!!
Can bring: Cam...
DON'T BRING: Pen/Marker/u know wat/ and autograph books becos.. we rather spend more time interacting with everyone than writing/signing cos it will take up lots of time. won't wanna leave anybody out. :)
Wat r we gonna do? : Just relax and chat! Be yourself!

Alight @ Toa Payoh MRT, turn left n u'll see a 'Guardian'

Go up the escalator Exit A n turn right

Look around for POPULAR bookshop n find the exit to the overhead bridge on the left

Look out for the tower!

FYI, we will be there @ the shelter k?
Up N Comin... (Events) :: Comment (351)
(More)Thank u to those who gave us cards, notes, sweets, drinks, toys?
words of encouragements, from then... till now...
So how is everyone in the milo family doing?
I hope that the students are doing great in their studies..
The working class are having a smooth time..
& those having free time, stop idling! =>
But even if not - SMILE -
MLB will do our BEST to bring u good music!
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (673)
(More)Up N Comin... (Events) :: Comment (193)
(More)many of u are askin how u can get the GF tix, problem is that we haven't received them yet..i dun think we'll be getting them until the week after nxt... there are other ways to get the tix too, by checkin our yahoo grp, takin part in games/contests on 93.3fm, various newspapers... mmm does anyone know wat are the other means of gettin tickets? pls post some comments if u know how k? this is how we can help each other as a MLB family :)
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (975)
(More)today was cool.. THANKS for making it cool if u were there to support us... we saw many dressed in pink tops, glad that u were there to support us! n THANKS to those who came back to mediacorp to see us again... i hope none were offended when we had to move off cos we were gonna meet J3 for lunch @ cineleisure and they already reached the place but we were still @ MDC... pls forgive us k? jus to briefly describe wat happened, we were with J3 n Shinya... then we went to heeren for a while b4 going our seperate ways.. it was sorta refreshing to take some time out to have lunch together.. :) Things were quite stupid funny @ the end when we were sayin our gdbyes. Nic shouted " BYE BYE J3!" and Alex shouted " BYE BYE MLB N SHINYA!" haha everybody tried to make each other pai seh, in the end everyone paiseh...AHAHHAA so stupid... k la, think i'm talkin crap, but ya la that's about it..
MLB FAMILY pls take note... KEEP this
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (670)
(More)btw, thx for the support today @ scape! we hope that the charity thingy for cancer patients will really help.
this pic shows wat nic calls... a POWER NAP.. haha.. hope u like it. i've also updated the SF2 outfit for the MSN display. ok then, gd nite n take care our dearest MLBians..

A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (276)
(More)cleared up the blog from the stinking comments....if i can i wun delete the entire post...coz very tedious i hope u guyz understand..i apologise for those being slandered..
Tml after the event its jamming again...well that's our crazy life for now...and next wk..almost everyday has something mediacorp related on..full day or half...
argh!! persistance!!!!! we gonna push our limits to another level..
and our promise...our music to another level.
Just as mani of ya fervently believed in us...we're not gonna let tis faith go down that drain! Work hard! Play hard!!...i mean onli after Grand Finals...got time to slp contented oredi!
Grand Finals...
Here MLB n family comes!
We wun give in without a tough fight!!
Haha..meant it in a nice way..relak...means try our best
n be optimistic...keke..
peace peace!!
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (448)
(More)This is the line up of events... there'll also be more interviews on 93.3, various newspapers(sorry ya..my mind's overloaded to function properly liao) n even chnl U news!!
What: SuperBand Final 4 Bands @ Bid Upon a Star by LIME
Date: Sat, Jul 22, 2006
Time: 2pm
Venue: *scape (next to cineleisure)
What: SuperBand Final 4 Bands Meet & Greet Session @ Junction 8
Date: Sun, Jul 23, 2006
Time: 2pm
Venue: Junction 8, Top of the 8, Level 3
What: SuperBand Final 4 Bands Meet & Greet Session @ IMM
Date: Sat, Jul 29 2006
Time: 2pm
Venue: IMM, Level 3
today was a weird day... but i'd rather not talk about it. lookin forward to tmr. So sad that we haven't had much time to update the MLB family recently..n irritated that ppl keep using vulgarities here. can't they spare a thought for the younger ones? anyways... as usual, we're cracking our brains n werkin the music..but efficiency hasn't been that good cos our schedule has been packed with filming, interviews, rd shows etc. really wanna catch a breather.. but not to worry, we will always give u our 100% as always, never failing to fine tune anything within our ability. Pls take care, hope we all stay healthy, and a happy MLB family! :)

A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (241)
(More)Z-pop performance tonite for superband was cancelled...but tml's Lime event is still hot on our schedule! We're doing our QF 5 song...hehe...one of our favourites! WeEe!!
sobz...saw the comments which said we ain't got much interaction with you guyz...deepest apologies...we'll hold a fun-gathering, food-full and getta-know-ya meeting as soon as possible..which seems to be after Grand Finals...why so far away? Coz...we're workin hard to give ya all a gd show!!
we havent had a gd nite's slp since the start of tis wk...well...we're a lil behind time...but persistance and belief will carry us tru tml b4 we realli getta go hme and get a full 7-8 hrs slp after jamming after the Lime event i guess..we're working hard...trying to make every vote u guyz made and every ounce of support shown count..
we wun let u all down for the Grands...giving our very best coz the challenges ain't gonna weigh us down!! promise!!
Sorry for not updating regularly...scedule's crazy..we too are goin' crazy! haha...
Blog's getting cold...but enjoy blogging!
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (134)
(More)THANK YOU! We are @ macs now with Juz B, Jing Bao, ManTou, Summerbreeze, n J3... WA so many ppl here in a quiet macs!!! Anyways, many of u wanna know wat time we're reaching later for the Live result show, well i'd say about 5pm? roughly around there ya? Hope this helps. Take care ppl!!!
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (413)
(More)SMS B5 to 71199
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (0)
(More)and of coz!! thank you all for making this blog a lively one! Thankies for believing in MLB...
deepest gratitute...
we're working darn hard...wun let ya down!
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (516)
Hello MLB ppl! So sorry for the recent drop in posts.. the 3 monkeys have been busy making monkey music and living off bananas.. it's been really crazy but we're still hanging on (monkeys are good climbers).. as always, giving u our 100% ain't easy so pls forgive us for not blogging so often..
p.s. pics inside..old pics..

these photos were taken quite some time ago..
nowadays, things have been very hectic, 不知不觉 de i've not been snapping pics... sigh.. taht day when Nic, Sam n I logged in, we were shocked to see some of the comments.. now we got problems with the blog and vulgarities... dun understand why people wanna create chaos here.. this place is for the MLB family.. and pls bear in mind that some of the viewers who come to this blog mite get offended by the vulgarities used. Btw, when the bands sit down together for lunch, one of the common topics is tat of the quarelling on the blogs and we all find it a BIG joke cos everyone of us are friends having been thru this crazy competiton together. Sorry for sounding harsh but this is to the non-MLB family ppl.
Pls take care everyone...
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (385)
(More)...haha....today went relatively smoothly..ain't major hiccups! yay!!yep...at last tonite we get a gd nite rest b4 resuming practice tml afternoon...well...gotta prepare twice as hard..coz itz gonna be 2 freakin' songs! So if we do get tru...tonite's the onli nite we getta gd nitez slp ya..tink Wei Qi and Sam in dreamland le...haha..mi soon too!! Oooo...today i could barely hear my voice on stage...coz the foldback monitors can't be too loud if not my headset will have feedback..dun realli noe wad i'm singing! can't gauge till Monday nite's show! omg..tat answers the questions why my voice everytime so soft live..if not they'll experience feedback! anywayz...talked to the producer...and he told mi tat he'll try get mi the "monitoring earpiece" thingy..well..haha..if we get tru la!!..keke...anywayz..we're realli tired out from tis 2 wks...but though how tired we may be...our music brought to u will be our utmost best!!...maybe if we seem tired on the tv screen...just close ur eyes...realli hope our sweat can be felt tru wad u hear...you guyz have been great keeping this blog alive...supporting us...keeping MLB alive! This is one of the pics i took from backstage during the revival round...wanted to remember how it once felt like...ppl cheering on...playing music to appreciative ears...being able to lighten everyone's heart with our music.
So mani comments...i did scroll tru all 1000+ hor!! But to individually read..erm...haha...oops...keke..tired...go slp le...
tis will the the picture that will keep us smiling in our slp..
Finally..thanks to all that cheered us on...on location and in heart..
Realli appeciate that the past bands came to see the show we 5 grps whole heartedly put up..
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (472)
(More)sorry haven upload pics for my side as promised..realli hope u guyz understand...dun even have time to rest properly...or even go out relax!!
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (1155)
Guessed u must have noticed our weird expressions on the nite of the results, well it's cos we had mixed feelings - Super Happy (tat we got thru) + Super Sad (that we had to say goodbye 2wice to the other revival bands) + Super Tired (cos of all the hard work we've been putting in) = Weird facial expressions.
Just an update, MLB is going thru a tough period now, lack of slp n practicing like mad, our schedule has been turned upside down cos of the revival round, and facing a great challenge with the song at hand. However, we have been charged up in our morale cos of the tremendous support we've received from the MLB family, and we're gonna treasure the chance of this revival. We are pushing on, pushing our limits everyday. Thank you for believing in us.

A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (161)
(More)THANK YOU!!!
a short post tonite...rough rough onez...gotta slp le...tml okies?
We'll miss the ppl tat went out of the com today...thank you for the wonderful memories...treasure them we will...
took a num of pics of the backstage...for memory just in case (if u noe wad i mean la)....hmm..will still upload them..hope you guyz will like them ya? let ya c wads the backstage like..but tats tml...realli no time to blog tonite...but a thank you still a must! We're here becoz of you all made it possible...smilez...gotta go slp le...coz tml band guidance..morn practice...haven worked out anything yet...no time..the bands drew lots and we got Kit Chan's song...GREAT CHALLENGE...musically...
So touched to see so mani ppl concerned bout us..wanting us to get tru...read all the comments...all the 400+...all bands were gd tonite...sori if we didn't meet some ppl's expectations to be able to get in...hmm...apologies..
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (553)
(More)PS : Seeing so mani ppl at bugis that day...and today...we realli didn't noe tat there are so mani ppl in SG that appreciate our music! You wun believe the feeling...the feeling that our music means something...that there's someone listening! And in this case...alot listening and smiling with us!! Thank you all for the support each n passing round...you all put us up on stage (with the votes) each time...getting us tru so mani QFs oredi...and all the food letters and snacks! Feel honoured...
There'll be lots of tears tml...no matter who's going out and in..bonds build...well emotion's a funny thang la..must remember put tissue in my pocket ya..
Cya all tml! Need slp..gotta go le...realli tired out..taking a bath then off to diZzZzznyLAND
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (470)
(More)Here We Come!!
Sorry not much time to blog n reply..erm...gotta go catch slp oredi..and apologise for the lack of extra tix..there's a limit we can do...just hope we pass this rd then got more chance then!..haha..see how Monday goes ba! But whatever it is...
We'll perform like there's no tomorrow!! Won't wanna let you all that have companied us on this long journey down!!
A cup a day (Daily_Happenings) :: Comment (771)