milubing | 11 January, 2010 15:56

Hi mlbians! thank you for helping us with all the voting and for the strong support always! :)
The good news is that since "吃下宇宙" was 2nd on the 全球华语歌曲排行旁 last friday night, our albums will be sent to overseas radio stations to be played on air.
Congratulations to the whole MLB family because we did it together! It was a super joint effort once again between MLBians and MLB and all supporters and friends! Not forgetting all production/behind the scenes peeps who helped us thus far. Everyone pls take care and strive on always, never give up! 'Fighting!'
p.s. someone asked how mlb got 2nd rite? haha.. it's cos of all of the ppl mentioned above. Thank you!
What is to come...
milubing | 06 January, 2010 05:07

Thanks all for buying our album.. anyway to clear up..
more album sales not really equals more income for the band.. it gives the band a better portfolio for future ventures.. the bulk of money goes back to investors who threw in loads of cash for the production.. they have to take back somewhere..
It took lots of faith.. and lots of money thrown in.. we're appreciative of that ever so much..
We're hoping for good sales to assure people that music is a possible investment in singapore..
To sum up.. artistes are always struggling if we're SG based. WE ARE. It's due to the the typical mindset that foreign products are better. Which may be true. WHY???
We are not full time PAID artistes. To set the record straight.. we're part time.. NOT TRAINED. NOT GROOMED.. NOT FINANCIALLY ASSISTED. Learning through experience and elder's (of the trade's) guidance.. Honing our skills as we go along.. throwing in our every cent into passion.
Sidetrack.. example : my Mac white was a "donation" by my dad. I couldn't afford the purchase personally.
I've learnt much through this journey. How long more can passion last me? Checking ATMs for my next Giro pay? Hoping my cheques goes through to last me the next mth?
It's an irony, my smile on the stage and how it simmers away when off stage.. Only when the music is on, the smile unknowingly appears again.
I feel guilty for being me.
I feel grateful that so many people are behind us.
The greatest joy that SS show night was the screams so loudly heard on TV...
The greatest joy for me is to bring joy on stage. I hope to be able to continue to do so.. to sing if i may.. to make music if i may.. to inspire if I may..
And God help me survive and keep myself afloat and sane while doing so..
Not letting myself down, being who I am, but a better me to come.
If I have to be an ARTISTE to be an ARTIST. I will have to give it a go.
This lil boy just wants to make music and shake his bon bon on stage *sigh*.
Can't get myself to "ai mu xu rong".
Oh well. The TRUTH is not necessarily beautiful at first glance.. But it's the imperfection that makes it real..
Cheers and have a gd night :)

milubing | 03 January, 2010 01:12
wow, today felt like a gathering instead.. cos so many mlbians turned up. thanks to all who came! and also not forgetting yuan ping for helping despite her fyp. it really touched the 3 of us, and we're really thankful for having supporters like you all. thank you all for the presents(we know that most of u are students so dun need presents), but the greatest present is your support, so we're more than happy le. Take care u all, and thank you all for helping with the voting(long hu bang) too!
quite a number of u asked about the mac, and what we are going to do about the issue. We understand your concern and good intentions, but we will not want any of you or our friends and family to go to the expense of aiding us in this area, because it is not dealing with the root of the problem. It is the responsibility of our band and band management to handle such technical issues. For the past 3 years, the equipment of the band has been built upon our shows/savings and our self-studying(going online to read up etc.) and in order for the band to continue striving to greater heights, the issue has to be solved, and not covered up.
quite a number of u asked about the mac, and what we are going to do about the issue. We understand your concern and good intentions, but we will not want any of you or our friends and family to go to the expense of aiding us in this area, because it is not dealing with the root of the problem. It is the responsibility of our band and band management to handle such technical issues. For the past 3 years, the equipment of the band has been built upon our shows/savings and our self-studying(going online to read up etc.) and in order for the band to continue striving to greater heights, the issue has to be solved, and not covered up.
Happy New Year
milubing | 01 January, 2010 14:17

Wish all mlbians, family and friends a wonderful new year with lots of happiness.
Thank you for what all of you have done for us.
Sometimes the unexpected happens.. We'll look forward to a good year ahead.
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