milubing | 23 September, 2009 11:07

Past 3 days of filming was exciting, HIGH, awkward, tiring. Overall it was interesting. Getting into character, becoming somebody we are not, acting a story with the music we wrote.. Got SO HIGH when we jam! Had fun together..
A BIG THANK YOU to the production team and all of you friends who stayed around to help us during the shoot..
I Weekly * just added
Wan Bao Article
OMY.SG Writeup
Thank you for the links!(More)
GOOD Morning
milubing | 18 September, 2009 09:19

Today's Friday! The week passed so quickly....
8hrs ago, MLB and friends, a group of panda eyes, were having prata at Jalan Kayu, after recording.. Getting closer each day, we're excited too!
MV filming very soon, OH NO, gonna act.. Don't laugh man, its a good serious story. We'll be the best actor we can..
See ya!(More)
milubing | 13 September, 2009 00:45

Bet you guys cant guess who this is. Will type with GENERIC language characterization.
You guys made it happening! Cant imagine a gig without you guys jumping and cheering us on!
Been busy, little time to fork out for practices but we sure he** gave all our energy wacking our instruments to their thresholds!
Things may never be the best, but I believe most importantly it must be from the heart, thats what make them irreplaceable.
Towels given we appreciatively use :)
Notes and letter given we read and ponder and reminiscent :)
Gift like today's keychain thingy we'll keep close to heart :)
Moral support given --- PRICELESS.
We had a great time. Hope you all did too. Quite worn out, gave an all out performance for you guys and SG. We'll take a rest now :) You all should too, waiting in such a humid weather.
PS : apologies the MC dragged you guys on stage dunno what to do! Its a great dunno what to do moment in all our lives we all will never forget yea? Haha.. Oops.
To those who came, thank you and hope you had a good time. To those who couldn't join us, no problem, join us in our next gig to share the memories!
milubing | 05 September, 2009 00:35

12 Sept, Saturday, 7pm-10pm, Plaza Singapura – World Mental Health Day
peace out! "

Hi people, family and friends. How's everyone doing? Studying hard for exams? Working overtime? We're still on the album, add flour and water, stir and stir. Will be ready soon, delicious stuff coming up! We did an interview with U-Weekly earlier tonight, with our boss too. It was more like an casual chat, with a friend from the media..(More)
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