Gathering With Love
milubing | 27 July, 2009 10:35

thank you aizutto and crissa for the super sweet snack! I'm sure nic would like it cos he's got a sweet tooth!
Thanks for the muffins Sofui :)
Lorita i got ur msg, i actually got2masks in my bag HAHA.. but it's cos i was having fever 2 weeks ago(i think)...will pass to sam his letter soon :)
A super big thanks to all who made today's event possible! Thanks for putting up with our lame programme just now and the 'impromptu' performances..(even got one online performance)..but I think everyone was really cooperative and kind..and some even mingled around and got to know more MLBians.. that's great! hope to see more interaction not only between MLB and u peeps but also among the MLBians too ok? :D
Just a little heads up, the next time we're meeting is probably during a YOG gig in august..not confirmed,that's why I say probably, but let's pray hard haha..And then it should be qian chang hui le heehee...wa..i speak too soon ya? dunno if so soon leh, but production schedule is supposedly b4 2009 ends!
Oh ya, not forgeting those who couldn't make it today, dun worry, we can always meet another day ya? sure got chance de.. and today take super loads of pics so i'm sure u peeps will also get to see de..
Some how i can't fully describe today's event but at least i know it is - HEART WARMING - :)
Thank you all MLBians, for being there for us. Now let us concentrate on giving u guys the next 2009 baby :) Going to give birth very soon! now still checking if it's a boy or girl :p
take care!

Thank you for the Food..
Mini cakes
Sticky sweeeeet stuff
Lil bottles
Towel with my name on it.
Thank you for coming..
Thank you to those who wanted to come but couldnt, appreciate the effort to try make it down.
Thank you for supporting MLB throughout these years..
Thank you for supporting MLB in the years to come (hehe.. advance thanks dun return the thanks to us hor)
Sam would have loved to be there.. but he was there.. in a BOX... keke

Good morning to all.
I'm encouraged to know that you had fun yesterday, seen it from the smiles and waves through the little box as well. I felt i was there in a way, thanks to my brothers who made it happen, and also they were 2m covering 3m. Nice. Hmm.. I was kinda crappy over the line, probably due to my overheated head and infected throat. Anyway i'm better now, after a 10hour sleep last night. A few more confinement days for full recovery before i'll be out and hunting for good food again. Maybe the next time i'll organize a cycling trip for ya all. To Malaysia. Which means i'll be going alone in the end. I meant maybe. Ok, may all of you have a smooth week ahead and be happy with life, with one another. Thank you for caring!(More)
From the ICs
milubing | 18 July, 2009 01:26
Hi all,
We've finalised the details of the gathering.
Date: 26 July 09 (Sunday)
Time: 3 to 5pm
Venue: Chinatown
Cost: Zero
Please register your attendance by sending in an email to with the subject 26 July Gathering and your NAME and CONTACT NO. Registration will close on 22 July (Wednesday), 11pm. Exact venue and directions will be revealed in confirmation email.
*Please note that registration is compulsory for all who wish to attend the gathering as reservations and ordering of beverages need to be made.
Please direct all enquiries here or to our email (previous HP no. is no longer in use).
Thank you and see you there!
We've finalised the details of the gathering.
Date: 26 July 09 (Sunday)
Time: 3 to 5pm
Venue: Chinatown
Cost: Zero
Please register your attendance by sending in an email to with the subject 26 July Gathering and your NAME and CONTACT NO. Registration will close on 22 July (Wednesday), 11pm. Exact venue and directions will be revealed in confirmation email.
*Please note that registration is compulsory for all who wish to attend the gathering as reservations and ordering of beverages need to be made.
Please direct all enquiries here or to our email (previous HP no. is no longer in use).
Thank you and see you there!
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