
Say Halo
milubing | 14 July, 2007 14:02

We've got a new supporter who can't get our album. I think..

Have a nicer day than me, everyone.


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Blogger PeiShan | 16 July, 2007 23:38

to qing: wah lao .. say mi .. my heart break liao la .. lol .. i where got copy u .. i now still like 5566 ok ..

to chelsea: yup .. my msn -> playful_ps@hotmail.com


Blogger binz | 16 July, 2007 23:41

quizzy_me: hey bring loads of the 933 voting thingy on j8 auto session? i also need some! (:
uncle phil: hahx i also tht u lived in tamp. wah everyday go frm sengkang to tamp to work u not sian of the travelling time meh?


Blogger yammy | 16 July, 2007 23:42

to Uncle Phil: waa so less people live in seng kang. haha. no leh this is my first time. =x i wish to know all of you (: hehs. cheerys


Blogger PeiShan | 16 July, 2007 23:43

to uncle phil: ohh .. okok .. i get wat u mean le .. yup yup .. everyone here is nice .. dun worry la, i noe is not u said i v lan .. is tt someone else lor .. lol ..


Blogger Uncle Phil | 16 July, 2007 23:56

binz: fyi I ever everyday travel between S'pore & Johor to work for 2years. In fact Sengkang to Tampines not that far lah, but most of the times the highway will jammed during peak hours. To earn a living no matter how difficult also have to "tahan"

yAmRoLL: You wanna go with me this Sunday? But I will leave early to go and purchase MLB album again (all my 3pcs already signed last week).

shan: Hahaha.....


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 00:02

Haha, I'm not comfortable to opening up to strangers or people I'm not close with. Can say I "look cold outside but inside is warm'? haha

binz, i only got 10 plus - about 4 months de slips. haha.


Blogger PeiShan | 17 July, 2007 00:08

going to slp le .. nitez ppl .. sweet dreams .. take care .. ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 00:08

meikian jus wanna say: BIG tHaNks for the great effort you and your team put in to making the book ;)


Blogger Uncle Phil | 17 July, 2007 00:12

I also sleeping soon, not feeling very well today.
Gd night & sweet dreams to MLB & MLBians.


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 00:14

Quizzy, u r dao meh? How come we all dunno... hahaha...

Just came back from watching the Transformer... now can understand what nic tryng to say already. The show is still good at the beginning... but as the story goes, it seem draggy and out of logic. N that super big villian Megatron.. like a big kalafair...


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 00:16

no problem :) it's my pleasure to be able to do this for MLB. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 00:20

haha quizzy jie. capricorns are like that one arh? i didnt noe. i think i one of them too. lols.
yeah, i also going to dreamland le. haha. nitey all.
uncle phil take care ya.
and btw, if not going j8 event but got a lot of i weekly coupons.. how arh?
hehhs. and a big warm welcome to the new mlbian(s)! =D


Blogger binz | 17 July, 2007 00:35

uncle phil: aww btw sg and johor. that's like omg. hahx jams are the most disgusting things.. they jux create headaches and car dizziness. slp early since you are not feeling well! takecare(:
quizzy_me: oh icic. yea it takes like so long to get the coupons.

lei is playin on 933 now!


Blogger qing qing | 17 July, 2007 00:39

shan: haha.. i now dun like 5566 liao.. haha.. last time i like F4 lor!! haha.. i like MLB e longest de!! =) almost 1yr liao.. n only MLB lor!! haha nv support any artistes for so long b4.. =D

uncle phil: haha.. oh, acty my fren oso stay in sk, den she gotta travel to TP too.. but she ended up taking cabs to sch most of e time, cos wake up late..

quizzy: yes! mi too m those kind of ppl, wun tok much to strangers de.. w frens, i v talkative de.. haha.. those not close de, i v quiet de.. haha.. den they tot i v dao.. =(

waseh man, finally finish my assigment!! rushing like siao juz now.. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 00:58

Wow ... MLB's ALBUM At The Top Sales Chart Of Sembawang Music ~ Omg!
I dunno y , I Very HAPPY & Touched Until I Feel Like Crying Siax ... *OoPsz =X

Juz Wanna Say It Again ~

迷路兵 - I'M REALLY SoOoOoOoOoOo PROUD OF U GUYZ ~ ! ! !

Continue To JIA YOU . . .
Cya Cya Cya ~ ~ ~
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 01:01

yamroll, hmm u hv e msn of some of e mlbians oredi rite..try to arrange a time to meet up w them den go j8 for e auto session tog? i cant meet u all cos i shld be gg early to do some stuff..sorry..

uncle phil, take care..

syl, i mailed u oredi..check ur mail.. :)

oh ya..qing, eh i'm not an animal lei..y hunt me down..lols..


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 01:01

lol! Flora jie, only to strangers ba. haha.

sofui jie, ;D!

Yeah syL, capricorns are more reserved as compare to others. And Capricorns are loners and pessimistic people. And they see "partying" as a waste of time and money. Check out the web la. haha.

Nic sam and Weiqi! How's your day? Take care wor~ currently someone whom matters a lot to me is very sick, please don't be the next one (won't de la hor?).

Nitey, today I actually whole day bo mood de. Maybe tired ba? haha. Hope tomorrow will be a better day. Jia you.


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 01:45

heh heh.
congratz for topping sembawang cd stores sales chart! :DD
i cant stop smiling nw though my eyes is closing anytime.
kip jiayou-ing! xP
good night. (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 01:50

eh..sorry i slp on your pooh bear (FYI: qing dreamt of weiqi sleeping on her pooh bear)la..too tired la,and it fits wat i wanna say here.Sorry for our brief absence from the main blog,the thing is we have press conference tmr,or rather,later today(jialat,already 1.40am!).Yup,we've been working hard to prepare for later as well as seeing how we can make the next auto session more exciting!So pls bear with us and give us some time.We also really wanna thank alot of MLBians for sooo many sweet doings during the auto session,but dun wanna anyhow write something,so waiting when we have time,write down a proper thank you message on the blog,along with some special thingy that i'm gonna try and prepare for everyone to download!Hope it's special la,the 3 of us though about it quite long and worked together to get it done.Now i'm left with the last part of this thingy.It's not anything great but hope it makes u all a lil bit more happy.For now i really gotta go slp le,jus hung up the phone with Nic and sam conference call to have a last briefing for tmr.We'll try our very best to do well tmr for u all.We know that u all have been super duper supportive!So here comes our 100%.Take care peeps,and rock on!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 01:55

O___O wonder if he's too tired that he didn't see the Top ten best selling album I post over there...never mind ;D. Good night!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 01:55


wow. was still wondering what u guys were doing today. seem so busy yah?

hmm, keep us in suspense again? haha... okay, we'll wait! u take ur time, no worries. have more rest, that's more important. thanks weiqi! :)

nic got leave from camp tml? jiayou for the press conference kay! we ren bu zai, but our hearts are with you all. [sound abit weird but nevermind]

yupps. please takecare! JIAYOU FOR TOMORROW. :) dont be nervous tonight and lose sleep ah~ sleep early!


Blogger yammy | 17 July, 2007 01:59

Sorry guys dunno why can't post anything just now. think most of you sleep le. haha.

to Uncle Phil: possible to meet ah? how many more albums you gonna buy? hope you'll feel better tomorrow (you mentioned that you're not feeling very well today) well take care yea!

to qingqing: glad you finished your assignment! ps just now keep asking you questions. =x

to yuanping: yeap i have some of their contacts already. thanks so much. (:

takkaires MLB and all the peeps here XD


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 02:03

you know what? you guys always make me feel so touched. the way you guys treat your fans, make extra effort to interact with fans, always updating us with info and so on. and of cos the photos and stuff, and now the thing u're going to post up, with extra effort from u 3 again.

i've never met any idol like you guys, and im really glad i've made a correct decision to support MLB since superband times.

so... im sure you guys will do your best for us, and for yourselves. please take great care and jiayou!

have never regretted, and will never regret supporting MLB. once a MLBian, forever a MLBian. :)



Blogger yammy | 17 July, 2007 02:06

to meikian: ya i totally agrees with you, and i think many of us feel the same way as you. (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 02:08

hi hv not been here lately, a friend told me Sengkang CD Rama MLB Album 3rd placing.


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 02:46

wa..weiqi, so late liao still tag..pls take care n rest well since u guys are so busy..we dun mind if u guys dun blog..we can tok among ourselves.. :) so gan dong la..now w tt special thingy..take ur time k..no hurry..rest is more impt for u guys! n jiayou for tml k! we noe u guys will give ur best..we hv nv carried doubt abt tis..jiayou! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 02:47

yamroll, no prob..i din do anything..hope to cya on sun k! :) nitey!


Blogger binz | 17 July, 2007 02:54

weiqi: aiyo so tired then pls go to slp! with so many activities and promos to do pls catch as much rest as u can whenever. ehh touched that you guys are doin something special for us. not many artises really interact with their fans huhh.. take your time to do cause you guys need rest and rest and more rest. jiayous for the super impt press conference(: everyone here noes you guys can do it!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 03:03

Hey Guyz , JIA YOU for the press conference LATER ... ( Thankz WeiQi For Ya Updates Despite So Late Le & U're Very Tired Too .. AND Of Cos, Appreciates Lotsss The Effort U Guyz Had Put In To Prepare For Us That 'SPECIAL' Thingy Hees ) =P

For the press conference LATER, Relax k, Dun Be Nervous & Give Ur Very Best ... I'm Sure Every1 Will Be Impressed ~

RoCk On Man ~ ~ ~
=) =) =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 07:58

yoz....gd morning guys & mibians

Jia you for the press conference later.....

Good luck!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 08:17

jia you arh~ give the media a good impression ba. haha. take care wor~

zao an ni hao! So not willing to come to school, but shall tahan - cos tomorrow is off day again... ;D


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 09:24

Hey all... I am back temp b4 moving off to Maldives. I was very happy. I went to watch Harry Potter at Great World City and I went in to the biggest CD shop there and asked for MLB's album...

The girl told me " Mi lu bing.. mai wan ler..ni xia ge xing qi zai lai hoa ma! " I am so.o.o.o..o..oo. happy !! YEAH!!! lOOKS Like 'Cu shi shun li' YEAH!!!

My nieces who knw I follow MLB told me that the song 'Lei' is very nice. So they also want to buy CDs... ha.a.a.a.a.a.

Pinky... can contact me. I called you but yr phone dun seems to b answering.

Oh! NIC... I got chocolate for you from Penxiaohai..chocolate frm Istanbul and Canada and a Card. Shall hand over to Benny Shifu b4 I lv this Sunday.

MILUBING... Jiayou! Jiayou! Jiayou!

lalang..I heard the song Wind of Change b4. Scorpion is one of my fav group and all their songs are nice.

Uncle Phil, Ly, Capri, neLLe, Bel, Pinky..'wo hui lai ler'...ke shi ya yao zuo ler!

Aiya! I am so happy since last night ...yea! hope this mood keep my work day happy!

Take care everyone!

CONGRATULATIONS MLB...not my album why I so happy huh???????


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 09:38

haha. hello ttww jie. Huh cannot stay until Sunday to get their autograph first huh? aww~ take care ;D


Blogger PeiShan | 17 July, 2007 10:07

morning peepz ..

to weiqi: haha .. it's juz qing's weird dream n u said sorry to her .. haha .. anyway, u guys r preparing sth for us ar .. so touch .. looking forward to it too, but take ur time to do k, coz u all r so bz .. jia you in e press conference lata .. tc ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 10:24

weiqi! finally hearing from you again. :D

okay since i've been absent from this blog for a few days, im abit lost now. too many comments on too many topics! haha but thats good, cos it means this place is superactive. LOL. looking forward to SUNDAY! (: (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 10:32

MiLuBing Jiayou for the press conference later..


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 11:56

wee~ =D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 12:08

hello!welcome back to Singapore
hope to catch up with you soon yah....


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 12:31

Hello Lorita... so you graduated ler. Congratulations. Do you still need to go back to Canada? I will catch up with you when I am back next.

Quizzy...yes, lvg tis Sunday ler. However once I settle down I will be able to continue to tag here. You take care.

Lunch time...hum..wat to eat????


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 12:53

thankyou ! I dun need to go back to Canada...recently,i still looking for a suitable job & realxing like Sam le(ooooppps,paisei lo)anyway,i have spent time online & going to gym


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 13:05


Can see everyone here so happy coz we luv 迷路兵 !

唯一遺憾.. still not on yes933 long hu bang.. 大家加油!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 17 July, 2007 13:14

Hi ttww,
So glad and nice to see you tagging here.
Welcome back to Singapore, welcome to MLB's blog.
You mentioned not your album why you so happy huh?????, let me tell you why? Cos you are a true MLBian, sounds cool right?

Well what time will you be leaving this Sunday? Not enough time for you to go J8 for the autograph session? When will we meet again? Its alway very sweet to hear someone's back and rather sad to say that you shall be leaving very soon (and it gonna be a long time). Please take extra care of yourself and hope to see you tagging here more often.
ttww, we gonna miss you again.

Oh ya, for those MLBians who have send well wishes to me, thank you very much, I am so touch with all your concerns. I am ok liao. :-)


Blogger Uncle Phil | 17 July, 2007 13:18

Alamat, how can I forget to thanks weiqi for tagging so late just to updates us. Also thanks MLB for spending times & cracking their brains to do some thingy for MLBians. But as what the rest have mentioned; please take you time to do it, most important is to have lots of rest, cos you guys are really very busy lately (but that's a good sign).
Likes what meikian mentioned; I also have not regret supporting MLB. Once a MLBian, forever a MLBian (sorry copy-cat from meikian).


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 13:42

hey Uncle Phil
how are u todae????


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 13:48

Two people whom I care a lot is sick lor. Milubing and MLBians please take care and don't be the next one hao ma? Jia you~

Haha once MLBians forever MLBians...so rou ma yet so true~


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 13:59

u also take care of yourself !


Blogger Uncle Phil | 17 July, 2007 14:18

Hi Lorita,
Thanks, I am pretty alright now.
Will you be attending the next 2 autograph sessions?
Wow, you so good hor? Enjoying life likes Sam huh.
I am so glad that you called me and introduced yourself to me last Sunday. Its great to meet you in person.
Have a nice day...


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 14:41

hi Uncle Phil
I'm nt attending the 2 authorgraph session....
I'm so glade to know you too last sunday.....its great to meet you in person

have a nice day too!

Muz watch Harry Potter lol...is so nice.....


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 15:09

Disclaimer: if you guys haven't found your right cards yet, don't look to me, cos it ain't my bright idea. If you guys are already in possession of your right cards (smart!), then i am the bright spark who seconded the bright idea :]

Happy rest of the week!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 15:28

hey MLB
hows ur press conference?
like to share with us :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 16:28

lorita jie, thanks.

et phone home, O_____O?


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 16:40

welcome la


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 17:31



Blogger qing qing | 17 July, 2007 17:45


weiqi: thanks thanks for tat special thing.. mus rest more kk.. rest more impt!! =D

yamroll: haha.. it's ok la.. tat's how ppl start to b frens de ma.. =)

ttww ah yi: HELLOOOOO!!! ahyo, i only c u once b4 lei.. but den, u gg back le, sun dun hav chance to c u.. =X

yuanping: haha.. hmmm.. mayb i shld say lucky i didnt meet u for this sun, if not acty u wanna go early, den meet mi, sure reach there super late de.. haha..
on ur hp hor, n put max vol for ring tone hor.. haha.. if i cant find meikian n u, i'll call u!!! haha..

shan: YOZ!! jie jie.. wahaha.. who gg w us this sun huh?


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 18:00

there's still me, though highly likely that thing will not be with me. kekeke =D

going home lo~ off day tomorrow, hooray!

take care =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 18:36

yo all!~

was super tired in school today, duno why. hmms. keep wanting to sleep during lessons but i managed to keep myself awake. [though i didnt manage to take in anything the teacher said] then when i finally had time to rest after my test, not tired liao. =.=

wonder how was the press conference? looking forward to updates from the guys... BUT. weiqi/sam/nic, if you guys are really tired, please go andd rest horrs. it's ok, we'll wait for u guys to update. takecare! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 20:11

saw meikian's comment up der..
totally agree sia..
MLB always treat their fans good & sincerely...
tat's y we all here supporting them always..hehe..smilez..=)


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 20:17

mlb, how's d press conference thingy? if it's gonna b on news, inform us so tat we can watch ya~ ^^

mlbians, juz checked 933's website. voting via sms oni takes up 30% of d total votes. by coupon is 40%. so let's vote by coupons!

ttww, welcome back!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 20:21

ya..& thankx weiqi for posting the msg above..
although vry bz le..but den stil update sth here..

take care..

hope MLB's album sold out as mny as possible...& ranked in chart ya..

jia you jia you...

good music is worth to be supported...
buy album buy album..haha..

promote promote..hehe...=)


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 20:31

hi capri
how ar u ?
i'm glade to c u last sun


Blogger yammy | 17 July, 2007 20:32

to uncle phil: haha you havent answered my question wor. btw can add me in msn, easier to talk. my addy is yanrong63@hotmail.com. thanks.


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 20:37

hi yamroll
nice to meet u in this blog
didnt see u b4 though


Blogger yammy | 17 July, 2007 20:37

to kit: ya. i think MLB album one of the top selling albums now. hehs, i go my sengkang there de CD RAMA like left 10 copies only. somemore it is ranked 3rd.

lols. WEEEEEEEEEEE jia you jia you. must hit 1st!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 20:46

how ar u ?yamroll


Blogger yammy | 17 July, 2007 21:02

to lorita: hello! i just started commenting a few days ago. hehs. wanna know more MLBians ma. hope to know you also. hee. i'm doing good. you? how's your day?


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 21:10

hi yamroll

i'm doing well....i have just graducated from college nowdays
i'm so enjoying my life like Sam now(ooooppppsss....sorrie Sam using your name again):P


Blogger yammy | 17 July, 2007 21:24

to lorita: wa so good. i'm stucked in poly life. many projects.


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 21:31

oh....must jia you lol
but i'm busy looking for job now


Blogger PeiShan | 17 July, 2007 21:54

hello peepz ..

to qing: shld b quizzy n marssh lor .. i dunno hu else going wif us tis sun leh ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 21:54

hey everyone~

hope everyone had a good day~

hee...im still enjoying my mlb album on my playlist...its on repeat mode ever since the day i got it!!

and its still ever so nice to hear it...over and over again!!

Great Job Milubing!! really love the album...more and more!!

Jia You loh!!!

hey...how can i know u all in real...hahaha...like see you all on sun at the session? heehee...


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 21:58


reali o ???
so hapi to hear tat..haha..
ya..promote more to push them to NO.1 !!! yeah....hehe...=)


Blogger Icysnowqueen aka Teddy | 17 July, 2007 22:01

Impressive number of comments in 2 days. I wasn't in yesterday... Now the comments have gone to 271...
MLBians are on man! Keep it up pple!
BTW, which is your favourite MLB's track in MLB debut? Let's discuss...


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 22:11

hi icysnowqueen aka teddy
my favourite track are lei & 我为什么还爱你


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 22:21

mine is shiying(acoustic), lei & 我为什么还爱你.
ohya! i love all other songs too which not listed above...
haha =)


Blogger yammy | 17 July, 2007 22:46

to kit: yep. my friends also going to buy MLB albums liao. I keep psychoing them. many of them like MLB songs!

hrmm my favourite is lei and shiying also. XD


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 22:57

my favourite track are

Actually I like the rest too except maybe 'So sad' which is not really my kind of song.


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 23:03

ttww, welcome back! u so fast leaving again ar..miss ya! hmm..i tink my phone got prob..y everytime u call me cannot get thru de..i dun hv missed call lei..haha..crazy phone..i was so surprise to c ur name on my phone tis aftn when u call lei..hee..will pass u e album soon..whee~ :) wad time u leaving on sun? c if i can go song ji.. :)

qing, haha..ur dream is so so funni lor.. :D eh my hp is on 24/7 la..unless i forget to charge.. :P dun worry la..i will pick up ur call de..dun need to on max vol.. :P acty my early is not v early oso..haha..

oh ya..ytd i mentioned tt cd rama has diff sales ranking for diff stores rite..i tink i'm wrong..sorry! i tink tt time i went was on 2 diff days n prob it happened to b 2 diff wks' results..so sorry for e confusion..i tink thr shldnt be any mistake since mani mlbians mentioned tt mi lu bing is ranked 3rd on cd rama sales chart..my apologies for e wrong info!

hmm..my fav tracks change w time..at first it was lei, shi ying n wo wei shen me hai hai ni when i jus bot e album..aft attending e auto session n charity show, it has become lei, shi ying n get alive..get alive is so high ok..it makes me happi whenever i listen to it.. :) way cool..

guys, how did e press conference go? do update us if u guys are free k..but if u guys are tired, pls go n rest..i rather u guys take e time to rest than blog..take care! :)


Blogger yammy | 17 July, 2007 23:31

to yuanping: haha. at first i also thought different place different ranking hehs. but i really hope their ranking will keep on rising and remain in the top 10! (:


Blogger Uncle Phil | 17 July, 2007 23:32

Hi yuanping,
please don't feel so bad, its ok lah. After all we know that MLB's album is selling very well. You saw ttww's comment above: The girl told me " Mi lu bing.. mai wan ler..ni xia ge xing qi zai lai hoa ma! "

Believe many MLBians will buy more albums again for the next 2 autograph sessions.
Hopefully MLB's album sales will hit above 15k copies and be awarded with a Platinum CD. Yeah...

As for the favourite track, my choice are: 泪,适应 & Get Alive (cos these are their babies), but to be frank; I love all the songs in MLB's debut album.


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 July, 2007 23:40

I think 'get alive' is more suitable be 第一主打歌

anione agree with me ?


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 July, 2007 00:11

hmm, kind of... cuz its like a more high and happy song? haha. duno what im talking about. but yeahh i quite agree with ya. but its okay bah, doesnt really matter which's the zhu da. cuz we love all the songs anw right? :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 July, 2007 00:12

hah! i like shi ying, 我为什么还爱你 and tian shi juan lian..
all those sad sad love songs.. T.T


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 July, 2007 00:20

Especially The 'Shu Qing' Ones ~
Juz Simply SoOoOoOoOo NICE ...
Cant Stop Listening To Them Repeatedly ~

* & Hey MLB , How's The Press Conference Le ? Update Us When U Had The Time k.. Most Importantly Is To Rest Well 1st ...
Take Care Lotsss & CYA On Sunday!
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 July, 2007 01:07

hello all,

just to inform, the images of the well wishes book are up already.


enjoy! do leave us comments if you have. thanks! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 July, 2007 01:27

haha. must be a nerve-wrecking conference de la~ haha. hope u guys have fun~

I love all songs arh, especially 百万宝,天使眷恋&泪

天使眷恋 is really touching la; to think that 那个天使为了爱不顾一切,I think he/she is the bravest creature on Earth.

百万宝is very enlightening...

泪is merely because i love emo rock...heh heh :D



Anonymous Anonymous | 18 July, 2007 01:31

quizzy, ur hse gt cockroach ..
My hse gt lizard ! ARghhhhhhhhhh ~


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 July, 2007 01:32

Hey MLBians!Super tired now.Last nite slept @3-4am,woke up 6++am this morning,and cabbed down to meet up for the day's journey.We ended about 7pm,but had talked to quite a number of media representatives including:LIME,I-WEEKLY,8DAYS,THE NEW PAPER,ZAO BAO,WAN BAO,SIN MIN,MY PAPER,FRIDAY WEEKLY,UW-WEEKLY,MY PAPER WEBSITE,TODAY, and previously we did a chnl U interview and a chnl 8 web interview..and i think i missed out some more stuff.Btw,those MLBians who are more familiar with us can next time help us out if possible like for eg:After SPD charity show,we recognized some of the MLBians who were waiting for us,so we wanted to let u all know that we had to rush off due to the usual bus booking timings,that's why we stopped for a while,but some other ppl who were around us did not understand why we had to go so soon, so those who liao jie can help us explain and calm them down.THink i saw some unhappy faces that night,but those were new faces.So to all MLBians,an advance thanks for helping us! Nitey! i really gotta black out and recharge...tmr will try to talk properly,i a bit seh, keep typing non stop while i can,so abit blurry now. Take care MLBians! Love this family!


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 July, 2007 01:37

Thankz For ya Updates Again WEIQI ~
WOW interviews with sooooooooo many different mags & newspapers.. COOL ~ MLB Power Lek ... Hees ~
Well, U Guyz Beta Take Good Care Worz .. Try to get enough rest k..

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 July, 2007 01:42


wah, siao! so many interviews in a day? oh my... told u tired then dun update lorhs... but kinda early eh? woke up at 6plus am... o.O 6 plus i still in bed leh. haha...

wells, its always like that one lahs. no worries, if it ever happens again we'll be on stand by. :P

ok lah, u go sleep! take great care... and we'll be looking forward to the news reports! :D i hope there's something in tml's zaobao. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 July, 2007 01:45

weiqi, thx for e updates! go n slp ba..u need to rest..we understand de.. :) take care!


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 July, 2007 01:45

^.^ okay...

next few days we go grab all the publications u mentioned...haha

xin ku ni men lo~ jia you!


Blogger yammy | 18 July, 2007 01:46

ya lor so many magazines interviews. must be real tiring for you guys! take care of yourselves don't tired out! thanks for you keeping us updated (:

to quizzy: haha, those flying cockroaches have babies one. be careful!


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 July, 2007 01:55

yammy, maybe he's dead le, should kena killed by baygone le. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 July, 2007 01:55

hahaha...weiqi, u r damn cute sia...so many interviews,musttake note for all e media reports for u guys liao.

wow, what a hectic schedule...jiayou n congrate on the good albim sales!


Blogger binz | 18 July, 2007 02:02

oh gosh that's alot alot of interviews.. soon all the media publications will be flooded by mlb stuffs and news and everything(:
aww imagine answering the same qns to the different mediaS for soo many times a day. hard work and hard day today mlb! thanks weiqi for updating us though can imagine ur all drained out look while typing.


Blogger yammy | 18 July, 2007 02:04

quizzy, haha it's a SHE. haha. if not how can have babies. ya baygone my best friend liao. i hate beetles too. euk.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 18 July, 2007 02:12

Hi weiqi,
Thank-you very much for taking the trouble to updates us on your long day of interviews, eventhough you are super tired. Your actions has already touch us. Please sleep now and make sure you have enough rest. We also love this family very much.

Hopefully our wishes come true; MLB will be on LIME, i-weekly, 8Days & UW-weekly front cover.

I also sleeping soon, good night MLB Family.


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 July, 2007 02:19

haha. good night~

detergent is more efficient - kill the cockroach within seconds, whereas when killed by baygone, they will only died after 20 plus minutes? haha.

Among those publications, I cannot get My paper la. Maybe Friday weekly also (my school's 7-11 isn't selling). So is it possible to ma fan one of u to scan it so that I can keep for myself and also share it at http://lostsoldiersmlb.blogspot.com? haha. Thanks...


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 July, 2007 02:42

i mean, when their interviews are published la. haha. Think have to ma fan my mother to help me buy some of the newspapers that my school isn't selling then I buy the magazines...haha.

Good night~


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 July, 2007 09:11

good morning guys & Mibians

To Weiqi....
thankyou for the update lol

have a pleasent day todae!


Blogger qing qing | 18 July, 2007 10:06


weiqi: aiyo!! go orh orh la.. mus slp more more n MORE!!! haha.. sooooo many interviews ar.. gd! but u all sure v tired de.. =(
anw, i dreamt of MLB coming tp, but lucky this time, u didnt slp on my pooh bear.. haha

yuanping: AHHHH! i dreamt of u last nite oso sia!! LOL!! ask u dun dream of mi, in e end, i dreamt of u.. haha..

shan n quizzy: i oso dreamt of u two.. =.=


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 July, 2007 10:41

yuan ping

how are you ?
i'm looking for you
if u read this message...come to MSN to look for me....yah....
thank you


Blogger Uncle Phil | 18 July, 2007 11:00

Halo good morning MLB Family,
Fyi, this morning wo bao got an article about MLB, it mentioned the interview was done yesterday.
But seem likes one of the thing was not so right leh. It reported Nic completed "A" Level, but thought Nic studied Diploma in Audio thingy? Wow, this time was weiqi wearing thick jacket.
Wondering any other newspapers has any article about MLB? Btw, Today does not have any article on MLB.
MLB Power-Lah...


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 July, 2007 11:14

okay....thanks uncle phil
for the info
i will go downstairs to get one then

morning....uncle phil too ...yah


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 July, 2007 12:04

Morning everyone,

Thanks Uncle Phil..
I will get one of the newspaper after school..
Take care everyone..


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 July, 2007 12:15

actually, if u are not buying, we've created a new link where u can read the write-ups


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 July, 2007 12:19

good idea


Blogger Uncle Phil | 18 July, 2007 12:27

Hi Xiu,
Thank you so much for being very efficient all the times.
Have a nice day.


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 July, 2007 12:36

Nothing in The NewPaper today.

Abt the article in Zao Bao today, seem bit wrong abt the info. Thought nic got his diploma from SAE?


Blogger Uncle Phil | 18 July, 2007 12:47

Hi flora,
No... Zao Bao article is correct, the one that was wrong is Wo Bao.
Have a nice day...


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 July, 2007 12:58

Hey Uncle Phil, think maybe both are wrong.

zao bao mentioned that Nic got his dip when still in there, but I remember he attended the course after that and just grad before superband.

As for wan bao said he got his A... this never heard of. So not sure if this is correct info. :p


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 July, 2007 12:58

sorry, should be wo bao, not wan bao.


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 July, 2007 13:00

"zao an" ni hao! So we can see the guys in zao bao and wo bao le huh? haha.

have a nice day~


Blogger PeiShan | 18 July, 2007 14:12

hello peepz ..

to weiqi: aiyo .. tired le dun update us 1st ma .. shld go rest 1st .. u so noti sia .. we (mlbians) always tell u not to update us if too tired .. then u always nv listen de .. qi si wo .. haha ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 July, 2007 14:46

ya, will try my best to 'steal' newspaper, 'steal' mag.. etc...will try to update as much as possible

those who are still lost... u can read the articles from the new link Media publications


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 July, 2007 16:14

to weiqi:
thanks weiqi for those updates...
but must remember to rest more if u're tired okay, WEIQI!!?? So when is time for sleep, please automatically get yourself up on to your bed and close your eyes, then update the next day.


to xiu:
thanks for creating a new link for us, a nice place, where most mlbians able to read-up articles related to MLB.

lastly, xin ku ni men le!!
xie xie yO!! =)

you guyz rocks nah! (MLB & MLBians)
take care & smile =]


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 July, 2007 16:14

hmm ya nic didnt get his diploma in there, he signed up for SAE course after he came out. and finished his course during the starting of superband i think. that's why during superband he always said that he jus completed his studies.

anywayy. oh my! SO SHUAI! haha....i like the photos~ :D

and horr... the zaobao article kind of funny huh. hahas... but its a good excuse to give. sometimes my frenx who know i like mlb also like to ask me this question when im late. "oi, where u go? mi lu huh?" hahas... :P

thanks xiu for the updates~ :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 July, 2007 16:25



Anonymous Anonymous | 18 July, 2007 16:53

Don be stressed Lorita!
Whatever the problem is, u can solve it! Relax.


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 July, 2007 16:58

i cant think of any idea


Blogger Uncle Phil | 18 July, 2007 17:02

Hi Lorita,
Thought you are having a very good times enjoying yourself like Sam? Why so stess up? Perhaps you can share your problems and get help or advice from fellow MLBians.


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 July, 2007 17:03

i'm fine
thank you


Blogger Uncle Phil | 18 July, 2007 17:14

Lorita, glad to hear that you are fine. Saw you shouting for help, and it worry most of us here.
Take care & have a nice day...


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 July, 2007 17:27

not sure if anyone saw this...


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 July, 2007 17:29

thanks uncle phil
for ur concern
i have idea to write already


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 July, 2007 20:57

haha. weiqi. thx for the update.
u muz rest well k. take care!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 October, 2008 18:01

Yeah!! Finally get the 三角行 album...

Let play non-stop.. haha


Blogger piScesmEi lUb 梦想号 <3 MILUBING | 17 November, 2009 16:18

heyheyhey ...
i'm so elated to see your just now ...
cause is just coincidence i'm at heeren earlier on ...

迷路兵 still as stunning as ever ...

jia you


Anonymous Thoradin | 07 December, 2009 10:52

Hey Qing qing, are you currently studying in MDIS ?

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