
milubing | 25 June, 2009 19:10

family + + + + anybody

26 July, Sunday, 3pm-5pm++

What's up?
We'll have drinks and small talks.. Some music.. Maybe simple games.. Dance? You can if you want to, not the 3 guys.

You'll know soon!


Its a month and a day from now, we hope you can make it!

Post a Comment ::

Blogger Sam Wong | 25 June, 2009 19:34

I'll be there.


Anonymous yp | 25 June, 2009 19:41

LOL! sam! :D
i'll be thr too!! :p


Anonymous pekchoo | 25 June, 2009 19:52

Gathering on the 26July????
OH gosh I cannot make it lah :((((
My exam on the 27July....
I'll try to be there if I can squeeze some time out.


Anonymous YUJING | 25 June, 2009 19:58

be thereeeee:D

bring sister go if she can make it!


Anonymous ik | 25 June, 2009 20:11

I'll be there. :)


Blogger binz | 25 June, 2009 20:49

yay im free! i'll be there too(:
and 26th july is 10 months anniversary for 三角行!


Anonymous Jenny | 25 June, 2009 23:32

Aunty Jenny is back!HO~HO~HO~ marcharm misssssssss SG & the friends here ^_^

Gathering in July... isn't the timing same for MLB family 1st gathering?

Shd be able to make it, can't make any promise now... must update ICs?

(p.s. very regretted didnt bring along MLB CDs, the tour bus always played the same oldies...)


Blogger princess tickles tiffany | 25 June, 2009 23:50

Hmmm, i should be able to make it but must see where is the venue first as i have school the following day. :D


Anonymous aizutto | 26 June, 2009 00:03

Will definately be there!


Blogger Sam Wong | 26 June, 2009 00:21

From the tags, plus 3 of us, we got bout 10 people now.

PC, exams are important. But if ya need a short break. This isn't a hint.

Goodnight all.

Can i see 11, 12, 13...


Anonymous Uncle Phil | 26 June, 2009 00:51

Hope I will be free that day!Really wish I could be there. Have been waiting for this day to come for so long already!


Blogger thy | 26 June, 2009 01:03

me me ! i'll turn up ;P i'm just scared i'll be too shy to speak anything xD

i cant wait !


Anonymous syl | 26 June, 2009 01:17

see me there!
hahaha~ =P


Blogger qIaNhUi | 26 June, 2009 01:29

ME + ME + ME = ME ME ME!!!
Confirm Will Be There :)

♥ !!! 1 MORE MONTH !!! ♥


Anonymous weiqi | 26 June, 2009 03:12

i'll be there too haha.. nic also la haha..


Blogger binz | 26 June, 2009 08:44

haha if you 3 not there then we just gotta start drawing stick man and start talking to paper! then if make real life sized stick man we still can take photo hor.. hahaha


Anonymous quizzy_me=) | 26 June, 2009 09:29

hello hello...
ok i can't guarantee wor...
cos u know why, from 1st july onwards i'll be converted to full time in my current workplace liao, so will be under probation for 3 months so cannot anyhow take leave le ba...but i WILL try asking de...but hope i can be there lo...
jia you~


Anonymous YUMIN(: | 26 June, 2009 12:31

me me me me me! :D


Anonymous YUJING | 26 June, 2009 16:27


LOL! random siol.

anyw, you can talk to me, && people like LULU PC(the only computer) YUMIN SYL(silver colour) EK LW BINZ GREENGREEN(read in it chinese) eh.. every single one larh(: not forgetting the 3 that confirm will be present one, HAHA!

kaykay, see me youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu all on 26th July!


Anonymous capri | 26 June, 2009 20:19

cool~ i'll b there too!

syl, juz came back?


Anonymous Jane | 26 June, 2009 22:21

Cool. I think i will be able to make it.

Sam u sure can see 11, 12 n more ppl coming for e gathering. Haha. Haha weiqi. :)

Syl u just came back? Hw's ur trip at there?


Anonymous syl | 27 June, 2009 00:56

nope nope.
heh heh =x


Anonymous qIaNhUi | 27 June, 2009 00:57

Syl Yumin Not Back Yet La =D


Anonymous ruiting | 27 June, 2009 02:14

it wud be the first MLB gathering that ima attending. lol.
if ima going. hahaha.


Anonymous PeiShan | 27 June, 2009 12:47

me me me !!
i'll be there !! =)


Anonymous 可可 | 27 June, 2009 23:55

I would be there too :)

Just wanna said, I just realise that the MV for 世界麻烦借过一下 can be found at KBox already, but why does the lyrics has to be white in color?? Against the white background in the MV, the lyrics just become invisible. Doesn't that just defeat the purpose of the karaoke version of the MV?? hmmm....


Blogger thy | 28 June, 2009 01:54

Hello yujing (: Glad that someone would talk to me on that day xD i'm quite nervous , hahha


Anonymous mighty mouse | 28 June, 2009 14:49

dance...how abt mass dance? haha so 80s. hee can get nic to lead, we'll follow. can try the dance fr the vid in concert, esp throw file part or he can try to choreo smthing new...also mus hv throw file part. :P haha....disiao only. hope my tag can appear, my laptop nowadays...siao siao one. hv a nice day everyone!


Blogger thy | 28 June, 2009 18:29

hahaha i wouldnt dare to dance , i'll cheer ! xD


Anonymous duckling | 28 June, 2009 19:57

I'll be there too! :D


Anonymous capri | 28 June, 2009 22:09

juz now heard mlb sang d song for d new drama huh! ;-)


Anonymous ik | 28 June, 2009 22:18

i heard too :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 June, 2009 23:50

可可, it just show that whoever did the mtv did not put much heart into it. :p
I think the little mtv screened at the concert, though executed by students, was much better, becos it was sincere.


Anonymous ik | 29 June, 2009 00:07

i love the little mv at the concert too..

will we get to watch the video again?


Anonymous MIKO(: | 29 June, 2009 03:07

GOD. im working! askjdak
count me in though i'll be late. hopefully its near my workplace!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 June, 2009 03:32



Anonymous YUJING | 29 June, 2009 10:35

I heard it too! erm, last mid-night.. HAHA:D



Anonymous Jane | 29 June, 2009 16:37

Thanks Anonymous for sharing... Nice song... Hehe... Somemore can watch the show... Haha... :D


Blogger princess tickles tiffany | 29 June, 2009 17:01

just watched the video. Quite a nice song. :D And i agree wth kane for the watch the show part. Ahahas.


Anonymous angie | 29 June, 2009 23:47

hmm..can u manage little angels and baby-sit them?

sam..michael--the protector, always shield..

weiqi..raphael--the healer, therapeutic..

nic..gabriel--the communicator, full of ideas..

we'll see how it goes...


Anonymous YUJING | 30 June, 2009 01:08

..time check: 1.08am.
&&& 适应's on air @ 933 now:D


Anonymous weiqi | 30 June, 2009 23:48

everyone pls take care! Besides the H1n1 thingy is really blowing up! gotta stay healthy people..


Blogger qIaNhUi | 01 July, 2009 00:04

U GUYZ Take Good Care Too Alright.!
We Shall Meet On The 26th Le =D


Anonymous Jane | 01 July, 2009 00:19

You guys take good care too! Actually want to go to Taiwan de but cos of H1N1.. Haiz..

Left 25 days! :D


Anonymous nic | 01 July, 2009 05:28

gd nite guys :)


Anonymous YUJING | 01 July, 2009 10:54

gooddd morning:D


Anonymous quizzy_me=) | 01 July, 2009 15:18

ya la weiqi~ now i also sick liao. haha but not H1N1 la, thats why today i mc didn't go work. i kena disiao by my mother now - u kena quarantine cos u r suspected of H1N1. wth right? haha.
now rp got 77 cases le. majority from yr 1s. luckily i already graduated liao =S...

u guys take care~


Anonymous capri | 02 July, 2009 00:37

wow... gd nite at 5.28am?? still slp so "early" huh nic!

gd nite pple... ;-)


Anonymous capri | 02 July, 2009 00:38

get well soon quizzy_me!


Anonymous quizzy_me=) | 03 July, 2009 01:15

hahaha...i'm alright le capri jie =D.thanks!


Blogger thy | 03 July, 2009 21:30

23 more days ! im feeling nervous thou, first time i decided to turn up for such events xD


Anonymous mighty mouse | 04 July, 2009 13:26

got new song for drama, until now still hvnt mge to catch it yet...soon i hope. we're friendly peep...most of the time (i hope) :P...so no worries.


Anonymous weiqi | 05 July, 2009 01:53

quizzy take care ya? wishing u a quick recovery :) Just came back from production work with the guys :D Really glad with the work we came up with today.. ;)
Can't wait for 3rd album to be released!!! but still got a while to go la haha.. good nite :)


Anonymous Jane | 05 July, 2009 02:24

th-jess dun need to be nervous. Haha. All of us are friendly de.

Woohoo looking forward for 3rd album to be release... Haha. Rest well! Good nite!

Enjoy your sunday! :)


Blogger thy | 05 July, 2009 11:02

cant wait for 3rd album to be released too ! will it be soon ? xD


Blogger binz | 05 July, 2009 12:18

yay yay 3rd album!
we all carn wait too(:
nvm time will pass when we turn our eyes! lol=.=


Blogger qIaNhUi | 05 July, 2009 19:02

♥ ♥ ♥ JIAYO !!!


Anonymous YUJING | 06 July, 2009 00:36

super excited.


Anonymous quizzy_me=) | 06 July, 2009 02:49

thank u weiqi~
haa i okokl le la~

haha really miss u guys a lot...
jia you~


Anonymous birdie fm de jungle | 07 July, 2009 01:19

hi, real serious news, i think i like to share with the MLB family ..


Those who love to eat shrimp/prawn... please read through.. it could save your life or other people's lives...

In Taiwan, a woman suddenly died unexpectedly with signs of bleeding from her ears, nose, mouth & eyes. After a preliminary autopsy it was diagnosed death due to arsenic poisoning death.

Where did the arsenic come from???

The police launched an in-depth and extensive investigation. A professor was invited to solve the case. The professor carefully looked at the contents from the deceased's stomach, in less than half an hour, the mystery was solved.

The professor said: 'The deceased did not commit suicide and neither was she murdered, she died of accidental death due to ignorance!'

Everyone was puzzled.
Why accidental death?

The arsenic is of the U.S.military for carrying rice seedlings H Gao.

The professor said: 'The arsenic is produced in the stomach of the deceased. 'The deceased used to take 'Vitamin C' everyday, which in itself is not a problem. The problem was that she ate a large portion of shrimp/prawn during dinner. Eating shrimp/prawn is not the problem that's why nothing happened to her family ever though they took the same shrimp/prawn. However at the same time the deceased also took 'vitamin C', that is where the problem is!

Researchers at the University of Chicago in the United States , found through experiments, food such as soft-shell shrimp/prawn contains amuch higher concentration of - five potassium arsenic compounds. Such fresh food by itself has no toxic effects on the human body!However, in taking 'vitamin C', due to the chemical reaction, the original non-toxic - five potassium arsenic (As anhydride,also known as arsenic oxide, the chemical formula for As205) changed to a three potassium toxic arsenic (ADB arsenic anhydride), also known as arsenictrioxide, a chemical formula (As203), which is commonly known as arsenic to the public! Arsenic poisoning have magma role and can cause paralysisto the small blood vessels, "mercapto Jimei"??, inhibits the activity of the liver and fat necrosis change Hepatic Lobules Centre, heart, liver, kidney, intestine congestion, epithelial cell necrosis, telangiectasia. Therefore, a person who dies of arsenic poisoning will shows signs ofbleeding from the ears, nose, mouth & eyes.

As a precautionary measure, DO NOT not take shrimp/prawn when taking 'vitamin C'.

After reading this; please Forward to your friends and family!!

Gd night.


Anonymous weiqi | 07 July, 2009 01:54

yikes..i just ate quite a number of grapes... also got vitaminC rite? tmr gonna stay away from prawn.. :p


Anonymous Jane | 07 July, 2009 02:05

Btw thanks for sharing... I shld avoid eating prawn/shrimp le...

Hello weiqi! Sleep early dun tired urself. :)

19 days left!

Good night! Sweet dreams! :D


Blogger binz | 07 July, 2009 15:15

hmmm thats scary!
diet coke + mentos = scary also!
cool video when diet coke meets mentos~


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2009 17:39

Greeting From Hongkong
Yoz Guys!!!How are you???
I'm doing fine in HK!But Busy with some stuff in HK....


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 July, 2009 17:39

This comment has been removed by the author.


Anonymous quizzy_me=) | 07 July, 2009 21:57

haha...no la jane....is avoid eating prawns with maybe fruits or veggies? haha...

weiqi~ ya grapes got vitamin C...

finally off from work today, so i slept until 6pm. so nice to slp~
cos was tired from kena driven crazy by Ice Age3 at work these few days mahz. next week will be harry potter...omg~

milubing jia you~


Anonymous mighty mouse | 08 July, 2009 00:49

woo, production wk start oredi for no.3. slow n steady k. watched monsters n aliens in 3D, cool. Ice Age 3 shld be even better in 3D. omg, harry's back!


Blogger BIRU K. | 08 July, 2009 03:07

gathering gathering!


Anonymous capri | 08 July, 2009 13:03

thks for sharing birdie! gd tat i dun take vit c pills. hee...


Anonymous Jane | 08 July, 2009 21:45

Quizzy i noe. Haha. Thanks. =)

Today my buddy drama show is the 1st epi. Yeah love the theme song. :)

Sam, My friend saw u around Toa Payoh hdb hub there. Haha. :)

Nic, My friend oso saw u at outside too. Haha. :)

18 days left! Jiayou!


Anonymous YUJING | 08 July, 2009 23:04

saw quizze today(: HAHA!


Blogger Sam Wong | 09 July, 2009 10:58

Saw myself in the mirror today. Lame.
Halo to Jane's friend who saw me at central.
Have a nice day people.


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 July, 2009 11:03

hahaha -_-"


Anonymous weiqi | 09 July, 2009 13:23

xian.. down with a 37.7 fever.. sucks to be sick.. guess the overclocking of my body has finally caught up with me and now's punishment time. Sucks to be sick :p
Gonna quarantine myself...actually now i'm perspiring cos i missed my subject registration(again damn it) cos i tot it's 1330 today, but in the end it was 0930.. sobs..gena chua dieo then i 'mao leng han' (-_-!!!) ... but that's a good thing when u have fever, perspiration means ur halfway there to recovery :)
Everyone pls take care, don learn from me, work until peng sang..


Anonymous pekchoo | 09 July, 2009 14:11


hahax~ Funny la you!


Take Good Care YA =D
At least you get to rest at home for few days.

Jiayo too!

Cya guys soon =)


Blogger princess tickles tiffany | 09 July, 2009 14:13

weiqi: Get well soon yeah?? Jiayou!! Cya around during mlb gathering. :D

And, so qiao i also having fever since last tuesday. Totally agreed with what weiqi said. It sucks to be sick.. :(


Anonymous duckling | 09 July, 2009 14:19

aiyoh...ah qi, you must take good care of yourself...

same goes to Sam & Nic...it's not easy to juggle between life/friends/school and work...

Wishing you a speedy recovery :)


Anonymous syl | 09 July, 2009 15:23

weiqi ah..
take care and get well soon arh!


Anonymous qIaNhUi | 09 July, 2009 16:04

Take Good Care Eh WEIQI!
I'm sick too :(


Anonymous YUJING | 09 July, 2009 16:34


WeiQi, drink manymany water && get well fastfast(:

TC youyouyou & everyone!


Anonymous PeiShan | 09 July, 2009 17:19

drink more water and have enough rest!!


Blogger thy | 09 July, 2009 22:41

ah everyone's falling sick, im down with flu too.

omg i didnt know about the shrimps n prawns . i love to eat them ! ):

oh well ~ and its 17 days to the gathering ! xD


Anonymous Jane | 09 July, 2009 23:52

Haha Sam. LOL LAH! :P

Weiqi take good care. Drink more water! :)

17 days left! Looking forward to the gathering. :D



Anonymous sofui | 10 July, 2009 00:40

weiqi, really is payback time..hope u are resting well and not peeping here and there =) rest well, rest well, rest well..cant emphasize this any more..huhu, harry and gang is back..sure miss the magic..i sure can make do with some..but no short cuts in life ya ;p


Anonymous weiqi | 10 July, 2009 14:04

hey hey..got no more fever le :)
Now left with mild cough, and flu... :D thanks for the best wishes.. now I'm working from home...


Anonymous nic | 10 July, 2009 16:10

prawns + oranges = death


i mean sway...


Anonymous Jane | 11 July, 2009 03:39

Hello Weiqi & Nic.

Weiqi drink more water! :)

Take care all. Good night!

Enjoy weekend!


Anonymous mighty mouse | 12 July, 2009 20:26

i wanna get sick n zzz all day, WQ throw ure tissue at me, cough in my face! :P hmm...does it mean i m not workin hard enuf? sounds serious to miss subject regn, tsk tsk. gd thing u r sick dat day, hv proper excuse to miss it.
heard the theme song, not my kind of song but nic's voice v distinct. me fren cld tell it was u singin:) the 1st epi quite funny wn they made the actors sing along to the song on radio. diao.


Anonymous Uncle Phil | 12 July, 2009 23:08

Sorry guys, have been MIA for the past few days. Cos, I was busy attending courses.

Btw, can we vote Yes933 LongHuBang for the theme song? Anyone can advice?


Blogger thy | 13 July, 2009 01:01

13 more days !


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 July, 2009 11:37

Ah Qi
Greeting From Hongkong! This is for you ! URL=http://img29.imageshack.us/i/65801007161418475016368.jpg/][IMG]


Anonymous ik | 13 July, 2009 12:08

mighty mouse,the theme song, listen few more times, you may like it.

Uncle Phil, 933 never play this song leh..maybe we mlbians at one go vote alot alot..see if can make it? Anyone agree? haha


Blogger thy | 13 July, 2009 21:15

@ik : ah i dont mind ! ;D

so any idea where we'll be going for the outing huh ?

*nervous & anxious at the same time*
haha !


Anonymous Uncle Phil | 14 July, 2009 00:22

ik & th-JESS,
Thanks for agreeing with me that we try voting for the theme song.
Any more MLBians agree with this voting?


Anonymous Uncle Phil | 14 July, 2009 00:25

Hi ik,
Did the theme song for Golden Path played by 933 before it was on the chart?


Anonymous ik | 14 July, 2009 00:53

yes..933 recommend it as a new song before the show was aired..maybe cos Golden Path was a blockbuster..


Anonymous quizzy_me=) | 16 July, 2009 01:22

haiz. i EAT-ED 14 prawns at a steamboat dinner with friends...cos they got free 100g of prawns for each patron i think...then my friend dun eat prawns de...push everything to me...100g is 5 prawns...so i eat 3 person de share...

then come home lao sai...lol...now stomach still a bit pain...haha!

cos of digestion i bo pian need to eat 3 slices of honeydew...hope i dun die uh =X...haha


Blogger qIaNhUi | 16 July, 2009 02:20

Rest Well Quizzy!
Every1 Take Good Care Yea, We Shall Meet VERY VERY VERY SOON :)


Anonymous mighty mouse | 16 July, 2009 20:41

kkkk, ya after a while can start to hum one part of the theme song.
14 prawns!!!


Blogger thy | 17 July, 2009 22:26

hmm so are we allowed to vote for the theme song yet ?

9 days !!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2009 15:57

Milubing Power ar! haa. Nice & Perfectly songs. Hehee. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 July, 2009 15:57

Milubing Power ar! haa. Nice & Perfectly songs. Hehee. :)