
left 3 dead...
milubing | 12 June, 2009 00:18

: My bros busy.. so i put a quick post here.. gathering 99% on the 27 June according to Nic's booking.. Sam will update u all with more details as well as lias with the comm :)

Today SUPER OT!!! i ended @ 8:45ish pm??? but also cos i kinda messed up at office..so felt bad to leave..then tmr i gotta treat everyone durian during lunch.. damn fummy la my this work group (and boss)... everyone always eat durian during and after lunch.. xiao eh.. sore throat gao gao.. i haven't gena yet but i think i better b careful..

Tonite we met up to settle some arrangements.. i think everyone damn tired.. got good ideas but very short of time.. MLB needs a machine that stops time... do u have one?


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Anonymous Uncle Phil | 12 June, 2009 00:59

Yo.. weiqi,
having a wonderful time eating durians during lunch time.
dunno why, nowsaday I no longer likes durians as before?
infact, my buddhist group did organised an outing to Malaysia to eat organic durians this weekends. But i never join them.

Oh.. its better to be busy doing important stuffs than nothing to do.
MLB jia-you ba.
Gathering confirmed on 27th June huh? Hopefully i m able to attend. :)
Wow.. its TGIF lor. Another weekend approaching le.


Anonymous sofui | 12 June, 2009 03:26

wq, how abt a teleport machine to trf you all to a diff time zone when it's nightfall here? Alaska will be a good place to chill out and do ur stuff ya..heeheehee.

durians during and after lunch? incredible..dun they mind how they smell? ;p do take care nt to get sore throat ya..ciao!


Anonymous capri | 12 June, 2009 09:28

good morning & it's friday!

hot weather sia... *melt*

so d gathering is most likely on 27th huh. looking fwd!


Anonymous capri | 12 June, 2009 10:17

happy birthday yuan ping!


Anonymous aizutto | 12 June, 2009 18:40

Thank you so much for updating us,Weiqi.
So,27th June..Will mark that on the calendar.. =)


Anonymous MIKO(: | 12 June, 2009 22:40

okay so its good that my photoshoot got cancelled on 27th. -_- lol.


we all need a machine that stops time too. jiayou everybodeee.


Blogger ellekay :] | 13 June, 2009 01:25

i need that kind of machine too...

jiayou ah!


Anonymous MLB | 13 June, 2009 03:10

oh no hope we're not too late... HAPPY BIRTHDAY YUAN PING! :p

for ur birthday, ur getting the time machine that sofui talked about haha..

Everyone take care.. brothers gonna meet up tmr again!!! ;)

work work = play play

but work and play = (-) sleep :(


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 June, 2009 13:52

all the best MLB. add oil


Anonymous Jane | 13 June, 2009 19:41

Try to eat less durian. Be careful and drink more water.

So the gathering confirmed is on 27 june?? Hope i can attend. Jiayou and take good care. Enjoy the weekend. :)


Anonymous mighty mouse | 14 June, 2009 00:32

durian stinks stinks wn i m not the one eatin it, but the smell doesnt irritate me wn i join in the feast on the durian party. pretty weird. hm...ure wk grp reminds me of a recent situation...peer pressure...wn to join in n wn not to. never ever tot i'll encounter such silly situations in adult life :P
good idea sounds gd, i dun sell time machines, how abt more hands? no charge...for MLB.