
It's Coming
milubing | 04 June, 2009 01:07


At last, pre production has started. We're meeting people, getting up demos, working OT, getting up sounds with the Engineer, realigning album directions with the producer, jasmin's grabbing on to vital details and coming up with great A&P plans. This time it would be a blast (I believe so). Make or break..

This one's gonna give the Big Boys up there "a run for their money".

Overall, we're all workin' our best to bring u guys even better music.

With all the people having hopes on us, Won't wanna let anyone down do we?

Hope. That makes us human.


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Anonymous Uncle Phil | 04 June, 2009 01:44

Yea.. thank you very much to MLB, Jasmin & all those who have involved.
We are sure that MLB will not let us down.
Jia-you & not to give yourselves too much stress.
Cheers... MLB Power-Lah


Anonymous sofui | 04 June, 2009 03:16

woo, cool, in anticipation mode now =) take care ya.


Blogger binz | 04 June, 2009 06:52

sounds like things are all falling into their places and it's gonna be a tough and fierce fight with time and health. JIAYOUS guys! don't over exert urself cuz it's gonna be a long way to go! CHIONG AHH~


Anonymous Jane | 04 June, 2009 08:42

Yeah thanks alot! Yah we noe that Mlb will try their best in everything they do. Jiayou & take good care. :)


Anonymous syl | 04 June, 2009 09:52

jia you, jia you, jia youuuu!!


Anonymous PeiShan | 04 June, 2009 12:47

anticipating !!
jiayou !! =D


Anonymous pekchoo | 04 June, 2009 13:37

Yea thxs for the updates.

Jiayou =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 June, 2009 18:43



Anonymous angie | 04 June, 2009 22:59

dedicate to u - brightness by S.E.N.S
..its the first ray of dawn that marks the twilight of sunrise..
..embraces all hopefuls with hope..



Anonymous mighty mouse | 05 June, 2009 00:02

Been such a long yet fast moving day, feels so good to see this post. Hope...is what keeps us going. Hope is seeing the good which can come out of a bad situation. Hope is working things through and getting the best outcome. Hope gives us strength to soldier on. Hold it close to heart, it will get you to wonderful places, you never knew was even possible.


Blogger qIaNhUi | 05 June, 2009 01:31

Was quite excited after reading the post, dunno y... Hahax =P
Well, During This Period Xin Ku U Guyz Le, But I'm Sure U Guyz Won't Mind All These, As Long As GREAT & BETTER MLB's MUSIC Are Produced Right.?!?



Anonymous sirong (: | 05 June, 2009 17:00



Anonymous :p | 05 June, 2009 18:42

YO...Ya, we alway knoe tt MLB will try their best n nvr disappoint us:P

they r 4ever the best band to bring us better MUSIC!!!:)

tks 4 e update....looking forwards;)JYYYYYOUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!

but remember, dun tired urself up.....:P;):)


Anonymous angie | 09 June, 2009 16:52

i saw the MV finally.
looks good!