Managed to finally find time to get a weblog out. Check it out if ya guys feel bored or just feel like web browsing!
nic's blog
Secondly... RECRUITING!
Looking for someone manage Echo Music Chinatown's front desk and course administrative matters.
Female between age 18-25
Bilingual (Chinese and English)
Proficient in MS Office
Friendly and approachable
Have knowledge in music in general
Sales and telemarketing experience preferred
Interested parties please email CV with recent photo attached to info@echomusic.com.sg or call Echo Music at 62267479 to arrange for an interview.
Thank you!
Echo Music's current website
Echo Music
Anyone just updated your Geforce GPU driver to 185.85?
you might be getting a black border around your screen.
Fix: Go to the Nvidia control panel, select resize HDTV, go resize it according to your monitor size. Now the size will be right, but the images will appear slightly blurred. Last step is to hit the 'restore default' option at the top right hand of the control panel and everything will be sharp and crisp again and with the new enlarged aspect ratio.
Hope this helps some soul out there :)
Things look really exciting for him. Jiayo bro...
The 3 of us met up today again to compose together.. and today's productivity was great :)
We'll be taking small victories bit by bit, cos now's a really stressful time for us (production!), so one step at a time, and soon our 3rd baby will be born :D
Everyone take care ya?
p.s. Sam and I are recovering well :)
permanent staff only?
or temporary slot available too?