
Gathering, Updated!
milubing | 14 June, 2009 01:03

mlb :

Hey dear people. Just wanna check with you all..
What if we change the gathering date to either 22/6 Monday afternoon? Or 26/6 Friday evening? Exploring these dates cos we're hoping to have a nice place with good stuff and interesting line-up for ya..
Anyone, everyone, please tag if ya can make it!

Thank you for the prompt replies. Hmm.. Seems like weekday afternoons are not good for some of you. OK, will confirm asap. Next is what would ya like to do?

Me again. We've decided to postpone the date to a month later so that there is more time for our family to make time. I apologize for the changes here and there, we try our best to set a date comfortable for all/most, hoping more of us can make it for the drinks and chat and music and fun. Do tune in for the confirmed date!

Post a Comment ::

Blogger qIaNhUi | 14 June, 2009 02:03

Hmmm Anything La... Though I Hope It Can Be On A Sun, But Ya - 18 Not Open On Weekend Lek =/

Enjoy The Lovely Day Ahead Every1... HEH :)


Anonymous quizzy_me=) | 14 June, 2009 03:09

ok think highly likely i will be free on monday...i would love to have friday but cos "transformers" opens in cinemas by then so sure short of manpower de...take monday lor...

gaaaaaaaaaaaaah if only i'm not working...hahaha


Anonymous quizzy_me=) | 14 June, 2009 03:11

and happy bday ah qian.... and happy belated bday to yp and min....both on 12th june...


Anonymous Uncle Phil | 14 June, 2009 03:48

Monday afternoon meaning what time? Those working, how ha? Cos, every Monday evening I have to attend my buddhist studies class.
Friday 26th evening, confirm i cannot attend.
Let's see how ba!


Anonymous aizutto | 14 June, 2009 08:41

I can make it on the 22 for sure but not on 26..My dad's hospital appointment.


Anonymous angie | 14 June, 2009 09:11

26th evening looks good, but wld nd to leave early though.....cos ngak's concert starts at 9.30pm.


Blogger qIaNhUi | 14 June, 2009 11:33



Anonymous Anonymous | 14 June, 2009 15:20

if it's on a weekday, evening will be better for those who are working "9-to-5" :)


Anonymous quizzy_me=) | 14 June, 2009 16:58

bu ke qi...hoped ah qian had fun =)...

anyway i think i long time no tag le hor? paiseh guys, was real tired with work, plus handling with the dilemma after graduation...but i do come in see see wor! just to say, jia you to mlb for the upcoming challenges in working on the new album ok...hopefully i can make it for the gathering, really miss u guys (and the mlbians) so much man~~~ haha...


Blogger binz | 14 June, 2009 17:30

both also can(: but i'll prefer monday!


Anonymous PeiShan | 14 June, 2009 17:44

both days are fine with me =)


Blogger princess tickles tiffany | 14 June, 2009 20:31

hmmm.. i should be free on the 22nd but 26th sure cannot cuz i got prayer meeting that night. Yeap. Take care guys!! :D


Blogger princess tickles tiffany | 14 June, 2009 20:33

oh, and happy belated birthday to qianhui,yp and min too. :D


Anonymous qing qing | 14 June, 2009 20:48

i want friday!


Blogger Unknown | 14 June, 2009 20:55

finally a drop by at the blog, been SUPER BUSY since june has started. oh dear, mid-june is coming, and soon will be july. =/ ii oso needs a time machine that stop at this moment. =p

well, the gathering, quite looking forward to, bt afternoon will not be possible for me. if its on a friday evening, ii am still able to make it. hmmm, ii will be leaving the country on the 27th, so hopefully nutin will be planned on tt dae. =)

wad else, take care everyone.
ii shall continue leading my hectic schedule and put more hard work to it, you shall do the same as me too. 加油!! =D


Anonymous ik | 14 June, 2009 23:37

both days should be ok for me..but prefer monday..


Blogger Strat | 14 June, 2009 23:41

Haha... Both also can.. Just that hope can have a fixed date asap so that I can make sure I can off on that day !!!


Anonymous syl | 15 June, 2009 00:01

Both days are not fine with me.
But, aiye, cant do anything also.
You people enjoy alright! =)


Anonymous yuanping | 15 June, 2009 00:48

gosh, i havent been here for super long. so many new posts liao. thank you for all the birthday wishes. thank you capri, quizzy, limedrops n mlb. :) time machine? cool! i wan time to past faster during work can. all the numbers are driving me crazy. 5 more wks to the end of internship, yay! :p

eh, mon not a gd timing for those working lei. in any case, i cant make it for both dates. i've promised my colleagues to go for company's bbq on fri. :(


Anonymous capri | 15 June, 2009 09:33

good morning!

erm... wkdays nt a gd timing to those working. prefer wkend ;p

but guys, if u all really bz, we can alws arrange it at later date. no hurry... when release album time, d autograph session is oso a "gathering"... haa...


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 June, 2009 12:05

friday night please, can can? =) gee
cos i usu not working at night.
the cx here.


Anonymous Jane | 15 June, 2009 14:20

I tink weekend is better for all of us. I want friday! 26th friday evening not bad as the next 2 days is weekend.

Hmmm playing ball games (like badminton, basketball & etc.) or eating lunch/dinner together?? Haha.


Anonymous pekchoo | 15 June, 2009 16:52

I prefer Fri night!



Anonymous syl | 15 June, 2009 17:01

Dining together sounds fun..
How abt some jamming session at fusion too? Shiok de lor. =D


Anonymous MIKO(: | 15 June, 2009 23:09

cant make it for both days mentioned. D:

what happened to 27th?


Anonymous duckling | 16 June, 2009 12:01

it's getting more interesting by the minute... *anticipating*
hope it won't clash with my classes thou.
Take you time...dun pressure yourselves.


Anonymous angie | 16 June, 2009 12:51



Anonymous Jane | 16 June, 2009 13:31

Ok. Take ur time 2 choose the date it is alright de. Yeah cool! Meanwhile jiayou & take good care. :)


Anonymous MIKO(: | 16 June, 2009 16:19


now i hope it doesnt clash with foc. o__o


Anonymous aizutto | 16 June, 2009 17:45

Next month..okaylah..
Just take time lah..


Anonymous syl | 16 June, 2009 20:12

Yeah! Sounds like good news to me. =x


Anonymous quizzy_me=) | 17 June, 2009 01:25

it's ok~~~haha
thanks mlb for being so thoughtful...

hmmmmph i was passing by kbox suntec earlier on, happened to see them playing "cheng shu" MV at the entrance =D? haha then me suddenly got high...haha...

take care everyone...woohoo me not working tml! nitey ppl...


Anonymous mighty mouse | 17 June, 2009 01:51

eh...wat happened to the 99%confirmed date? :P nite nite q_me, enjoy ure day off!


Anonymous sofui | 17 June, 2009 05:47

hee, anything will do...


Blogger binz | 17 June, 2009 09:50

it's okay(: more meaningful to have most of the people down rather to rush it!


Anonymous nic | 18 June, 2009 02:29

Aiyoyo!! messy messy.. we'll sort out timings soon.. hope all be able to attend yea..

(happy bday qian hui! better late than never? oops...)


Anonymous Jane | 18 June, 2009 02:37

Dun worry take the time ok? Hehe. Yah hope all be able to attend it. The more the merrier. Yup better late than never. Opps haha lol. :)

Jiayou & take care all! ^_^


Anonymous quizzy_me=) | 18 June, 2009 02:52

haha thanks mm jie...ended up my friend exchanged shift with me so i went back to work today. cos her daughter kena chicken pox so she bo pian gotta exchanged off day with me...haha so bo pian gotta help but i ended up getting 2 off days straight (thurs and fri), so i feel like having mini holiday now hehe...

haha hello nic...haha no worries ok...thanks so much...hope i'll be able to go...


Blogger qIaNhUi | 18 June, 2009 03:04

LOL.! =_____= Ok La Late Better Den Never La ~
THANKZ NIC! Appreciate It ~

S m i L e z :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 June, 2009 14:02

feel free.

honestly, it's rubber band time beyond from now. beyond control.

will try to make time. otherwise, meet on next album.



Anonymous Anonymous | 20 June, 2009 11:44

Long time didnt come there already
How are u guys!!!!
Going macau later with family day +sis's bdae+father's day


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 June, 2009 12:12

went 2 macau recently, love the place n food.


Anonymous nite owl | 22 June, 2009 00:35

so quiet here,
gd nite sweet dreams all


Anonymous quizzy_me=) | 22 June, 2009 03:35

i'm here i'm here...
milubing jia you...


Anonymous nic | 22 June, 2009 03:47

need a holiday :(


Blogger thy | 22 June, 2009 17:13

Do we have to be like in mlb's fc or something to turn up for the gathering ? (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 June, 2009 23:28

MLB have no FC, we're one big family=D


Anonymous nic | 23 June, 2009 02:46

welcome!.. no mlb fc..

just ppl that support us from the heart!

Pls do join us!


Anonymous weiqi | 23 June, 2009 23:59

wow.. gathering coming real soon :)


Anonymous Jane | 24 June, 2009 00:18

Hello nic & weiqi... How are u guys??

Yeah gathering soon... :) When??

Jiayou & take good care. :)


Blogger qIaNhUi | 24 June, 2009 00:39

♥ Gathering!


Blogger thy | 24 June, 2009 01:36

ah that's great, i want to come too then , am i allowed to ? :P


Blogger Sam Wong | 24 June, 2009 10:28

Of course ya can. =)


Anonymous pekchoo | 24 June, 2009 12:54

Gathering soon~
Hope I can make it!


Anonymous flora | 24 June, 2009 15:53

Hope gathering date can be fixed fast. So I can plan my schedule. Seem that no matter got study or not, I'm always busy. But at least I get to fly again. :D


Blogger thy | 24 June, 2009 17:22

ah, i cant wait xD thou i think it'll be quite embarrassing since it's my first time attending such gathering .

but i think it'll be fun so .. i cant wait ! xD


Anonymous quizzy_me=( | 25 June, 2009 00:52

where got embarassing....we r a bunch of...hmmm...happy family? so of cos u r welcome to join in the fun...and won't be embarassing de...

hello everybody~ i very sian =(


Anonymous Uncle Phil | 25 June, 2009 02:17

Yo..everybody's (including MLB) are talking about the gathering. But when & where will it be held?
Yes, anyone who love & support MLB can attend the gathering. Please do not feel shy or embarass! Just join in and have fun. :)
Hope I will be available on that day! Gotto keep my fingers crossed.

Good night & sweet dreams to everyone here. ;D


Blogger thy | 25 June, 2009 06:53

Yeah i will definitely be there. I cant wait for the day to arrive xD

I really hope i'll be free on that day ;P Will we be allowed to take photos ? xD


Anonymous IC | 25 June, 2009 10:43

more details will be disclosed on the blog as soon as they're finalised, do check back here frequently for more updates.



Anonymous YUJING | 25 June, 2009 18:30


checkcheck Everyday!