
Old/New Faces, We'll Take Them All
milubing | 22 October, 2007 18:05

Yo yo.

Last Saturday.. Hmm.. It's comforting to know that despite the not very ideal setting overall (not blaming ah), you appreciate the performance. Thank u again. Also for the belated presents, new toys for me to use. I received some cool photos (with myself in it too); yea i like them, cos i could remember you with that. And i've read every card, some very interesting ones. Don't mind me cut and paste over here a few lines i stole from there, i'll leave out ya names.. =)

"The GAI BAN COMMERCIAL! Wah! My face is half as big as my television!-.-"

Another cute person sang a birthday song for me then.. "The light bulb broke and it started to snow outside the house" ??!!

A positive statment : "Have higher expectations of what you are doing. Aim for the moon and even you don't catch it, you'll catch the stars on the way."

Off to dinner now.


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Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2007 01:02

to all the people who're interested to order MLB TEE.

we've got on hand about 20 orders for the tee, but will be hard for us to get a cheaper price n so on if there're only 20 orders. we know that there're some of you out there who already hv the shirt but wish to order another one, so we hope that you guys can gv us ur orders, so tt we can order together.

We'll only be ordering the shirts if we hit 50 orders and above.

Therefore, please do email us at milubing.fc@gmail.com if you wish to order the shirt, we'll get back to u guys if the order's confirmed.

Thank you for ur cooperation peeps... anymore queries, jus drop us an email...



Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2007 01:26

weiqi: i think u slept at 1230.. just nice after u tag, close the window, yawn a bit. then *pak*. met alice.. hmm........

uncle phil: huh? on tv? uh-oh....

quizzy_me=): haa.. kinda happy.. or rather very happy cos very taico.. the last fight was scary.! luckily ur tag above remind me i havent do my RJ AH!

meikian: i want the teeshirt plus one more! woo~ =)

countdown countdown.. milos in underwear at SHA.. haa..?


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2007 01:32

Hey sofui, my guess is the same as you, Mr goldfish never sleep at all. Guess right got pressie not??

Weiqi, must try to get some sleep ok. We want to see shuai shuai milubing on stage on SHA, not goldfish and skeleton (and I mean you SAM!!!) Someone told me you are too think now and your butt is gone! *O*


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2007 01:36

why ur name upside down?
i'm still at work.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2007 01:36

JIA YO Guyz For The SHA ! ! !

Will definitely be jia yo-ing & shouting out loud for MLB inside ~
SoOo PROUD of u guyz yea...
I'm sure MLB will hav a chance to go up stage get award de! Hopefully can get as many as possible la Hee~

S m i L e z . . .


Blogger Uncle Phil | 27 October, 2007 01:37

yup, you & biru were shown on ch8 at news at 10.
regarding ordering of mlb tee, you have to email to: milubing.fc@gmail.com to inform what size you want & also the qty. Do not forget to leave down your particulars to join MLB Family.

Hope you have rub some oil or cream to your ankle and must sure it recover soon.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 27 October, 2007 01:45

So glad & happy to see so many MLBians at Vivo City just now at the SHA street concert. Too bad MLB was not in full force. Wow, think MLBians have the loudest scream & shout.
Hopefully, this evening at Indoor Stadium for SHA 2007 will see so many MLBians shouting & screaming for MLB too.
MLB Family, Jia-You... Cheers...


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2007 01:47

sam ar, jus now ur back view facing us when u playing hai dai quan, u v skinny la! eat more k? gain some weight..if not next time is not i kena blow away by e wind liao, it's u..oops! haha..oh u did well jus now! even tho it's mlb minus 2.. :) take care n cya tml! :)

weiqi, we understand y u couldnt attend e event la..getting ur work done more impt.. :) jus tt abit shock when we saw sam onli..haha..hope u completed more work yea..hmm..since 6 n 7 taken liao, den i shall guess 630! got prize not? hehe..take care n pls try to catch some slp tonite..later reali become goldfish liao! cya tml! :) yes, i'm gg sha after all..hees..thx to BiRu! :D

nic, hope ur camp show went well..n i hope ur muscle aches are gone alr? :) pls try to slp more..tt day c u is tired until eyes almost cannot open liao..take care k.. :) n i hv faith tt u guys will get sth tml! cya tml! n smilez k! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2007 01:49

oh yes, e-wen, pls email us at milubing.fc@gmail.com k..easier for us to collate..size can come later..after everything is finalised..we need to noe e qty tho..thx! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2007 02:02

wen~~~ congratulations for winning the ticket. But that is not your primary reason for being happy ba? heh heh. SAM~~~~~~

oh ya, biru take care yor~~~

all have fun ya? take care!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2007 03:05

WEIQI! If we guess correct what time u sleep do we have prizes? Haha. I think u sleep at 2am.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2007 03:42

i guess weiqi slept at 3am?
jiayou in ur sch work!
den u rest earlier liao. :DD

Arolf, orh hor.
i noe who r u. xDD
sam's butt is gone?!?!
ware gt so kua zhang.
jus nt tt visable onli ma. =x
like perverts lei.
go observe his.....
tsk tsk.

go off to slp le.
MLB mus jiayou & win as many awards! :DD
GOOD LUCK & good night!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2007 08:20

good morning...

today's the big day! first ever big event for ya guys ya? jiayou and zheng guang for sg, and the sg band scene... and us! haha. sg's first ever SUPERBAND!~ =)

alrights.. hope nic n wq had at least a small bit of rest last nite... feel bad everytime seeing ya guys look so tired n blank. if only i can 'fen' abit of sleep to ya guys. i think i sleep too much? hahas. okayys that's crap.

today's weather kinda cold... takecare all... and we'll cyahh tonight at singapore indoor stadium... and be ready to scream and cheer for MLB! =DDD


Blogger Pek Choo | 27 October, 2007 09:14

Sam, Nic & Weiqi...

Good luck for tonight SHA results!

Hopefully you guys can get as many awards as MLBIANS will be there to support you guys later..

Take Care & cya guys! smile :)


Blogger Strat | 27 October, 2007 09:29

nic,sam& wei qi,
Gd luck For tonight's SHA ya !!! I'm sure tat u all will get awards de ... haha... take care ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2007 09:32


all the best!!





Blogger Uncle Phil | 27 October, 2007 09:48

A very Good Morning to MLB Family,
Wow, look likes everyone are waking up very early today, very excited for the Big Event this evening for our Singapore only Superband MLB.
Yup, MLB, All the BEST to you guys. Have Faith in yourselves & WIN as many Awards for yourselves & MLBians as possible. We will be there shouting & screaming for MLB.
Today is the time to show the music industries that MLB really got the POWER & CAPABILITIES of producing GREAT MUSIC.
As said many times: We are proud to be in the MLB Family, We have CONFIDENCE with MLB, and We have NEVER EVER REGRET SUPPORTING MLB.
Yeah, MLB & MLBians POWER-LAHS...


Blogger Uncle Phil | 27 October, 2007 09:50

To FC Leaders,
Is there any meeting place & time for all MLBians attending SHA today?


Blogger Unknown | 27 October, 2007 10:43

my guess is 5.30 am.

today's the day. MLB jiayou! (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2007 10:51

uncle phil,
not realli.. jus look out for us when u guys reach bahs. or giv us a call. we'll be in mlb tee, shdnt be too hard to spot.

cheerios.JIAYOU GUYS!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 27 October, 2007 11:04

Ok, Shall see you gals/guys later.
Off to buy lightsticks now.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2007 11:26

i guess 5.30am too!
eh weiqi.
ur tag arh..
feels abit unhappy. even though it has a :)
i noe rushing hw is very xin ku..
mayb bring in some positive attitude? like keep telling yourself 'i'm going to finish soon..' for 135184864484815212 times,perhaps can destress abit? uhh. =x juz take care and jia yoU!

yup yup, it's TODAY!
i'm rather confident that MLB will win at least 1 award. *best newcomer!! * heh.
dress smart, walk with pride.
ahhh. shuai dai le! haha!
i'll be sticking my ears to the radio.
hope MLB and MLBians enjoy tonight's ceremony!


Blogger -WHEY` | 27 October, 2007 13:05

AW, even though weiqi could not come yeaterday, we still supported MLB yup? (:

BUT! today MLB shall be as a whole.. right? :D

all the best to MLB!

and i guess many MLBians will be down to support MLB rights? SO AM I! :D heh.. hope to see MLB on stage later :D



Blogger binz | 27 October, 2007 13:27

WEIQI: haiyo weiqi you want us to guess then mux be very very late le bahh. i suppose you slept at 5? not good for health lah. but yup for studies sake, hafta hang on there! jiayous and hope ur exam results reap what u sowed(:

迷路兵 jiayous jiayous for later ok! hope you guys win as many as possible(: eh anyone wanna volunteer to give me a msg live when they win any of the awards? hehx thanks. then i can scream at home for them(:

seems like everybody had loadsa fun yday.. im feeling guilty for missing sooo many events recently.. ahh can o's quickly be over?


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2007 13:51

halo peeps!
ytd was super fun
quizzy and panda
help me xuan chuan that i cry?
actually hoh
i really cry la
to be honest
cos too ji dong
too big de da ji leh
i tot uncle phil was lying to me
then i dun believe
some more go pei he him also leh
then realise weiqi really din come
so shock until i cry
i'm sorry wor
u nvr go mia again ar?
hmm, i guess u din sleep at all! cos the way u said it.. hmm, just a guess la.. haha..
see you all later!
i can go le~~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2007 13:52

that's not my first tag wor
everybody who saw me crying ytd
noes that i'm the chang ke of the blog
cya guys later!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2007 13:54

halo everyone!
yup yup,
yesterday's performance is great!
everybody enjoyed although only one milo appeared right?
and though sam just sing one sentence of the song lei
we are still happy
hai dai ya hai dai!
c you guys later!
good luck to the 3 milos!
everybody who are gg must drink more water
if not later cant shout leh



Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2007 14:26

oh, so u admit u r the devil and not the angel la? hahahahaha. I think weiqi will read until blur blur as to, who is the little devil? hahahaha.

oh. I just woke up la. haha. wish milubing and mlbians have a beautiful saturday! Shall see whoever that will be there later, and those won't be going down, I shall see ya guys next time lo~~

now off to my breakfast while scanning comp ba =)~~


Blogger binz | 27 October, 2007 14:33

haiyo little devil though i never go yday but i think i never guess wrong ur identity bah. cry le over le. today you can see until shuang le so it's a happy day today huh!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2007 15:39

JIA YO GUYZ!!! Best Of Luck!
Cya Guyz Later... AhHahax... Sooo Excited!

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2007 15:54

i guess 6am or 7am


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2007 16:34

Weiqi ~ I guess you didn't sleep at all or you either just had a little bit of a nap. LOL. Just a wild guess bah.

Anyway, may i ask how much does the MLB shirt cost each? Any reply will be appreciated!

Good luck for SHA tonight, Mi Lu Bing! I hope you guys will win something!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2007 16:52

Wow Wow Wow~

Saw sam playing hai dai on e news reminds me of my friend n i famous for this game..haha..
Weiqi, I think you slept immediately after your post lor.. cos that'll be the possible reason why you ask us to guess mah- I think la..haha

**************Gambatte*************Wishing MLB all the best for SHA with the stars! Win many many many - awards hui lai!Jia yo 123345678910x! Will be cheering for yall at the radio!


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2007 17:07

all the best for SHA tonight! :D
though i won't be able to make it to the awards or the red carpet, but still will be jiayouing for MLB mentally de. heh.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2007 17:33

Hi uncle phil... I think that I am alone in this MLB family. No one talks to me anymore except you. U are my best friends!!! Quizzy jie is ignoring me and not replying my sms or reply here anymore. I feel very sad... What am I goiing to do? Then yesterday I very du lan one of my classmates leh... Don know whether to say it out or not. Haix... I am not shuang le!!! ARH!!!!!

Si Min.


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2007 20:56

YAY!!! MILUBING WON the xin1 ren2 jiang3 award! :D


Blogger binz | 27 October, 2007 21:05

AHHHH 迷路兵 won newcomer award!!!! congratsss.... oh man the live was like omg~~~~ and nic ahhh happy until the voice got the geng ye and the 紧张 de dou yin..


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2007 21:07

best new comer award!
you guys DID IT!!!
muahahahahs. =D=D
hope more awards would come. =D=D


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2007 23:32

They won?I didn't listen to YES933..Congrats you guys for winning!I am so proud..

Weiqi,pop quiz is it?LOL!But I am guessing around 7am?Or maybe not at all?


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 October, 2007 23:45



Blogger Unknown | 27 October, 2007 23:46


dont know what to say already. too happyyyyyyyyy!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 00:12







Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 00:13


ookay, i have to rush my work. GOOD NIGHT MLB AND MLBIANS. HAVE A GOOD REST OKAY, WEIQI, SAM AND NIC! it's been a long night. hope you three, and everyone else, will sleep well. x)



Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 00:21

恭喜迷路兵获颁 YES 93.3 主办 新加坡金曲奖2007 最佳新人!!!

shall we cheer for them?!!!
YESH! we did it at Singapore Indoor Stadium!
HIGH dao~
they are so shuai!!!
their performance in stage, 2 words to describe, POWER LAH~!!!

our next target - 最佳乐团!!



Blogger Rah | 28 October, 2007 00:37


congrats to MLB wor for the newcomer award ! hee..=) feel happy for u guys ! do continue to jiayou ok.. =DDD YEAH ! all the best wor !! (:

BIG BIG loves ! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 00:43

wanted to read the tags above bt ii really cant take it anymore, a really LONG day today! bt ii did ENJOY!!! haha!

Good nite all, hope we can hear Get Alive on LHB later noon time k?! haha! JIAYOU!!!

I WANNA GUESS!! shld be - 5am in the morning?! oOpz~!! tts very late, bt anw,

MLB, you guys really did very well! and the report card shows EXCELLENT!!!
you guys deserve the Best Newcomer AWARD!!! whee~!!!
you guys are being LOVED by us alot alot!!!
take a good rest tonite alrite?! with smile on ya face!



Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 00:48

yeah! expected MLB to win only 1 award. Congrats.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 01:01



Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 01:21

Congratulations to Milubing de Nic, Sam and Weiqi for clinching the best new comer award!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 01:24


Continue to jiayou eh =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 01:36

GONG XI MLB !!!!!!!
I almost cry when i heard MLB 's name be call out ......i'm really happy for u guys.....from Superband until now,u guys really improve alot and i think this award is very suitable for u guys.

Looking forward for your 2nd album....i'm very tired now...shout too much juz now for u guys & farenheit....

Once again,GONG XI & keep on jiayou (write more good songs)
c u guys soon!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 01:41

alright. more news about SHA just now if u wanna check out. Got mentioned milubing but nothing that we don't know though. haha.



Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 01:56

GD Nitez MLB & Mibans


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 02:04

GAmbette with your schoolwork


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 02:04

oh. i supper-ing hor fun now. Too bad there isn't any chance for me to pass my letters to the guys just now. Cos really no chance mahz haha. But never mind, I see if I want to type out later, or I'll write a new one next time. =)!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 02:19


you three boys ah... 看起来普普通通,还真的是POWER LAH... =)

omg larhs. i was so gan chiong when they were announcing the best newcomers, there almost cry la aiyo... was there gripping the board very tightly n going 'omg omg, how ah how ah!?' haha...

but yupppps. 恭喜恭喜,CONGRATULATIONS GUYS! BEST NEWCOMER! once in a lifetime award manns. glad tt u guys realli got it.... =) mus be smiling now? haha. we sure were having a happy time cheering n singing along with ya guys man!


ehh u're like so 'amazingly' thin today can?! OMG. so scary larhs~ please la, dun starve urself leh, thin enough liao la! eat more eat more... and i think u got a shock this aftn right? haha cldnt see what u were trying to signal in the car thou, window was too dark. andds glad ya saw us at the finale.. hahas. dun hv to thank us larhhs. u guys made it with your own effort! && we're proud of ya guys. =DDD for now... do take loadds of care.. eat more, rest more... JIAYOU for ur dancing! hahaha. and hope the muscle aches are a lil better alr. =PP

ehh, u look super stone today lor. =.= the only time i actually saw u laughing was during the da tou fen segment. anddddd. you keep talking to FANGDATONG rights?! jealous manns. haha... he totally rocks lorhx... then i cld only sit there n watch u talk to him. hahaha.. alrights. u looked blank larhs, tired? hv more rest ehh... please rmb you're human ahh, mr chan... JIAYOU!

heyo... thanks for waving during the finale haha.. thot where ya guys disappeared to, hidden behind so many people lorhx. anddds. u din talk when ya guys got the award! ahhhhhs. but wells.. u really are slimmer than before larhs! u 3 make me wonder ah.. in preparation for SHA then all nv eat for the past 3 days izit? look so thin today. aiyo... take good care of ur health!~

andds today's lightsticks... someone's favourite colour! =DD

once again.. CONGRATULATIONS GUYS! && we're very very proud of ya. =)


tired~ thanks to all those who helped to scream and cheer for the boys today... and also those who helped in doing the boards, those who helped in holding them. thank youu! =)


Blogger Strat | 28 October, 2007 02:24

Yo... Jus reached home ... Thanks to the taxi driver who drives at the speed of 140km/hr ...So tat I can reach home earlier ... haha ...

Gong Xi!! Gong Xi!!!
Congratulation to MLB ... haha THE BEST NEWCOMER AWARD !! haha... U all are the best ... haha...The performance jus now was GREAT !!!I'm veri happy tat u all won the BEST NEWCOMER AWARD ... once in a lifetime ... haha ...other awards still have chance to get next time ya .... JIA YOU !!!


Blogger Strat | 28 October, 2007 02:24

This comment has been removed by the author.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 28 October, 2007 02:25

Just returned from SHA, taken my shower then immediately login.
1st of all, I gonna Congrats MiLuBing for WINNING the Singapore Hit Awards for BEST NEW COMER AWARD. This was the award we wanted very badly for MLB to WIN, and you guys have finally WON it. Such A Great News to the MLB Family. It is alright eventhough MLB never win the other 5 awards, cos we have achieved our target. Cheers... MLB Power-Lah...
Secondly, I gonna tell All MLBians who were at the Indoor Stadium Screaming & Shouting for MLB. Although our fans were not as huge as YanZi & FLH, but our volume were not worst than their. MLBians are really Power-Lah...
Thirdly, as said by shihui: Our target for next SHA will be 最佳乐团 and perhaps 最佳本地作词 + 最佳本地作曲. MLB Jia-you... We will be with you guys.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 02:33

tml sure sore throat one. i think my whole life i nv scream until tis extent before =.=

the price of the MLB tee will depend on the number of orders we have. like any orders for class tee etc, the more orders there are, the cheaper it will be. we'll enquire from the shop when we hit 50 orders... jus let us know if you're interested to get the shirt, we'll inform u of further updates.


Blogger binz | 28 October, 2007 02:42

yea uncle phil i agree with you that the mlbians present screamed really loud jux now! you guys could be heard clearly screaming 迷路兵 over the radio~

those who went screaming do drink loads and tonnes of water, liangteh, pipagao and whatever that is good for ur throat!

wheeeeeeeee congrats to mlb winning!!!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 28 October, 2007 02:49

Yup, Best New Comer Award is an award that any artiste can only win once in a lifetime. And MLB, you guys have made it. We are so proud of you guys & also being part of MLB Family.
Yes, others awards can be won at following years.
Ya, I was also very excited when they alreadt read out 2 names. And finally the 3rd name was MLB. Was overjoy with tears, 非常感动。 Then very high lor! And standing up holding the board plus singing 泪 so loudly with MLB until I lost my voice, but still shouting together with fellow MLBians.

Do not be jealous ok, I brought MLB back to my home and in my room now. Haha... I meant the boards with pink lightsticks.

Specially to those who paid me $5 (meikian, quizzy, pandaeye, berries & givon): Please be informed that I bought a total of 42pcs of pink lightsticks, a board, 4yards of elastric band, 1 roll of double sided tape & 1 roll of transparent tape. The total amount was: $64.30


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 02:51

uncle phil,
haha.. paste on the ceiling la! like constellation, very nice leh! LOLS. anwws. ehh lidat not enough to cover cost also right? gv u 10 bucks then u dun wan tk... =.=


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 02:59

haha okk, thanks uncle phil. thanks to those that did the boards too. xin ku ni men le.

screaming? hai hao la. since when is my voice loud like you guys/gals? I got my whistle with me. hahahaha.

whatever it is, I had fun zi-highing just now. I may appeared to be calm but inside, I was zi-highing wor. Especially when they are showing the nominees names...felt so excited when I saw my other idols names' (Jay Chou, Cao Ge, 樱桃帮, Energy...) being announced as the nominees...but best part is still milubing lah. haha. I mean, really! haha.

Hope Milubing had fun just now too!

uh~oh~ Weiqi still owed us an answer (as to what time u slept the other day). But it's late le, go to sleep first if u r tired ba. Tell us again when u more free lor =).


Blogger Uncle Phil | 28 October, 2007 03:04

Oh izzit? From the radio can heard our shouting clearly for 迷路兵. Wow, didn't know that we are so powerful? No wonder, I am having throat irritation now. So paiseh, this was my 1st time shouting for MLB until like this (Oops, no. 1st time was during the SB GF). hehe...
But I really have a great time at the SHA. Seem likes a youngster shouting for idol. Haha... lol

Hopefully, we can hear Get Alive on Yes933 LongHuBang in another 9hrs' time. Lets votes harder, so that we can see MLB in SHA 2008. Only artistes with songs on the chart can be nominated. Lets Jia-you in our votings. This is the only method we can repay MLB for producing Great Music for us (of course we have to buy MLB original albums).
Eagerly waiting for MLB 2nd baby to be out soon. MLB Jia-you...


Blogger binz | 28 October, 2007 03:12

haha yea uncle phil could hear u guys! i was like wahhh-ing ah home.. mlbians of course powerlah! no need to seems like a youngster lah, you young at heart 就是 youngster le! oh ya lhb.. dunno if can crwal up by 12 tmr.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 03:17

long hu bang later arh...OMG man, I invested heavily this time (50 coupons, I've counted), please work~~~ haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 03:20

erm, investing heavily is referring to the stamps ba, the coupons is from the support of all of you guys (plus my friends and mother!). Thanks for the help in mass-voting ya? haha


Blogger binz | 28 October, 2007 03:22

yea hope get alive will get alive in lhb~

hmmm i dunno if i shld go slp or stay awake. i went to nap jux now so im super energetic now but then if i dun slp then later tmr sure very late then crawl up.. i got a yu gan maybe weiqi will pop by.. hmm shld i slp or not?


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 03:27

binz, if u r tired le then go to sleep ba. if not tired then u may want to do a bit of mugging? Midnight studying - quite shiok actually. don't stay up too late though. hahaha. U told me to sleep early, now i tell u back the same thing hahahah.

but weiqi arh~~~tired de hua go sleep first wor~~~hehe


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 03:30

CONGRATS 迷路兵 FOR WINNING THE '最佳新人奖' ... Really SoOoOoOo PROUD Of U Guyz !

I Was Sooo Excited & Nervous There When Announcing The Award Winners... Knew that u guyz sure will get it de...
Performance Was Simply GREAT Too! Very HIGH Yea~

NIC : Ur red pants really very 明显 Lo... Every Now & Then The Camera At Ur Direction, I can easily recognise That's YOU... HaHax!

Well, Nv get to cya guyz after the thingy... Y Go So Fast? SoBs ~

Anyway, Still HAPPY For U Guyz La.. Hope to see a new update post frm MLB Soon k ~

S m i L e z . . .


Blogger Uncle Phil | 28 October, 2007 03:34

Ya, I also think & got a strong feeling that one of the milo boi will tag tonight.
Maybe they might even take a pic of their award and post for all of us to see (only see, cannot feel or touch). lol... haha...

How can I not be young at heart with so many youngsters around/beside me. Hehe...


Blogger binz | 28 October, 2007 03:38

quizzy_me: hmph i think i shld go slp when i get tired or after any milo's tag (if they come). hahah i like to nag at ppl then after that ppl will nag back the same thing to me. cuz i always dun do what i nag ppl at!haha

uncle phil: haha uncle u haven recover frm highness ah? "only see, cannot feel or touch" haha. mux be staring at ur 'mlb' in ur room. haha yeaa get young with us!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 28 October, 2007 03:42

really can't sleep, although yesterday morning woke-up so early.
now still staring at MLB & 迷 (pink colour lightsticks pasted on the boards), and thinking of SHA just now. haha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 03:44

恭喜迷路兵获得本年度 YES 93.3 最佳新人奖!
was realli happy for u guys! :DD
nominated for 6 awards bt at least won 1 award.
nt bad eh! (:

jus nw when live there was realli high dao~
we're like screaming our lungs out. =x
performance was power la!
&& the 3 of ur dressing today was veri shuai! xP
combination of red and black.
my fav colour! :DD

anyway, take a gd rest tonight! (:
win all the other awards nxt year!
mus jiayou!~
we're all in tis tgt wif u guys!
to help u all scream and 打气. xDD
to us, u guys are always the best!
no matter wad, we'll always be there. (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 03:45

congrats to our MiLuBing!! =D U guys won the new comer award too~ yeah! happy! =)
it is ok for us, that milubing did not get rest of other awards, cos we MLBians already 听到好音乐,也看到了好的表演!
sorry that i do not know what to say...heh heh
加油!迷路兵~ YEAH!
相信2nd album会更好,更棒!
take care ya milubing!
sleep early and simle =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 03:45

Report Of The SHA - http://www.xin.sg/article.php?article=10654

Got a photo of MLB... SHUAI Yea!
S m i L e z . . .


Blogger Uncle Phil | 28 October, 2007 03:46

you so... clever hor. can predict what am I doing? lol...

yup, I still haven't recover from my highness.


Blogger binz | 28 October, 2007 03:58

yeaa mlb de black and red is really shuai dao~~~ and i think this combi of colour gives a 神秘感...

uncle phil: haha yea lor. and i predicted like 100% correct.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 05:01

wooh~~ just had a nice hot shower (and brush teeth too of course). They say u will sleep better if u had a nice hot shower before going to bed right? haha.

ya lor. Milubing's so shuai lor~~ haha. OH YA, if I'm not wrong, think today's sounds system didn't died on the guys right? haha.

the end of SHA2007 also marks the end of our October weekends with Milubing le. Thanks nic sam and weiqi so much for making our October weekends so worthwhile. I won't say "hope to see you guys again real soon" although I do hope so but I seriously think you guys deserved a good rest first. But whatever the case, well done guys! Looking forward to seeing Milubing shining brightly and sparkling in the local or even regional music industry! jia you~!

"morning" =D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 10:41

congrats to our MILOS!
now i dun regret going there lo.. although they only performed one song.. hmm... GREAT performance lo!!

sam looked alil.. quiet.. i tot it shld be weiqi and nic the quieter one..

nice to see u all yesterday! and.. ok.. i'm off to work lo! =)*LATELATELATE*


Blogger Uncle Phil | 28 October, 2007 10:50

Good morning MLB Family,
Still not yet gat over the excitement after SHA. Especially with MLB in my room. Haha.....
Another 1hr 15mins to Yes933LongHuBang. Hopefully, Get Alive will be on the chart today. Yeah.....
Once again I wanna Congratulates MLB for Winning the Best New Comer Award (An award that every new artiste will wanna win).


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 November, 2007 21:39

Gosh... I went to Singapore Hits Award last saturday and heard MiLuBing sang.. Is gorgeous !!! Trust me,the feelings I got from the disc and the Live Band is totally different. Nic rock like never before, WeiQi and Sam performance really inspire me alot . =)

* Thank goodness,I didnt miss the autograph session on the 27 October 2007 * So shuai ~ !!!

* do u hear my heart screaming for them ~ ? *

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