
milubing | 28 October, 2007 10:51

It's been quite awhile since i blogged though i've been reading..

hmm...last night what we had and experienced was something given to us by you all. Never once we thought we would win superband...never once we thought we would cut an album...never once we thought we would be at the awards getting one...the award belongs to you all - not only 3 of us...that's the truth..

the physical award ain't mean much..it's the memory that will linger..a sweet one..it's the milestone of milubing's friendship between us 3 bros and u all that we have come to know throughout this entire duration...without your support...we 3 would be living our passion of music...with your support..we have been given this chance to live this dream.

thank you all again to those who were there...many whom saved real hard to get the tickets just to see us and cheer us on..

thank you to those too who quietly supported us from far away behind at their home...hearing out for us on the radio..

thank you famly and friends for seeing us through...

we have reached new ground...we have come so far...

its always been a journey...never a destination...

and the award was a marker...a milestone in this colourful journey..

thank you all.

on behalf of MLB...


[Had to add on: This award has also been a reality check for us, to evaluate ourselves and the distance ahead. The encouragement you all have given us is touching, seeing the group of u all there yesterday really made us feel so happy..felt like we were performing our very best, to make every MLBian proud of being part of this family. The trophy is indeed a shared one, not by 3 guys, but a whole bunch of friendly and loving people, who call themselves MLBians... We salute u all..thanks taking this journey with us...]


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Blogger Strat | 28 October, 2007 11:09

haha... MiLuBing is the Best !!!!你们是我们的骄傲!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 11:15

Milubing is LOVE! :D


Blogger Jean | 28 October, 2007 11:29

yeah!u guys are the best!
rock on and bring more wonderful music to us!:)


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 11:31

haha! you guys hav done a great job for urselves.(: YOU GUYS ROCK!


Blogger binz | 28 October, 2007 11:44

hmmm i wonder who was the one who posted.. weiqi mah?

mlb if you say that we have given u guys the chance to live your dream, then u guys have also given us the chance to enjoy great music! you guys have been the source of motivation for many many of us, no matter it being studies or those working out there.. continue to rock on man!

great job mlb yday! live until very nice wor~~~ esp loved the part when nic added those woh woh woh!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 11:49

迷路兵! 加油& dun 累坏自己ok? :D


Blogger Uncle Phil | 28 October, 2007 11:52

MLB has proven that their music are recognised. Well done guys, MLB has makes us feel proud. MLB is the only band that has gone so far, and many more journey to proceed. We will continue to move on with you guys.
All the hard works, sleepless nights & great music you guys did have finally show result. Yup, that's Best New Comer Award.
We are really super happy to share this precious moment with MLB. Perhaps we should have a celebration maybe in December, where weiqi & many MLBians shall be having holidays. We love to be with MLB, evenif it is only for a few minutes. Yes, that's true.
MLB lets continue & Jia-you together. We know that MLB will be a Big Name in the redional soon. Have Faith & Confidence, May God Bless the MLB Family.

One thing to add on, why isn't Sam speaking upon receiving the award?

We love MLB, and that's FOREVER...


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 11:54

hey...dun make me cry la
i'm still very happy for u guys le
I'm still having sore thoart..i think i shout alot yesterday for u guys & Farenheit....omg,i'm so high yesterday...


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 11:56

oh ya,i didnt notice Sam didnt speak at all....
paisei la..so happy liao



Blogger Jodie [: | 28 October, 2007 11:57

Sadly i didn't go yesterday.
But i heard through radio.
The ambience there really made me superr high until counldn't sleep!
I tot they wouldn't broadcast through radio!
But they did!
I was superr happy when i heard radio will broadcast.
But it was hard for me to picture the scenes of each celeb.

Went to xin.sg just now.
I LOVE IT! Especially Nic's red pants.
Very stunning XD!
Jiayou okays? (:

Erm. Yesterday did ChongQing asked Nic to tuo yi yesterday?
I heard tat very clealy.
I know tat u all didn't take off lar.
LOLS! Have a great week! ((:


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 12:01

a long journey indeed,
and it's a fruitful journey ii would say!
we would like to thank MLB for being part of our life too!
with the appearance of you 3 boys, our life became much more meaningful! haha!
JIAYOU, boys~!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 28 October, 2007 12:04

Wow, why is everyone waking up so early today? Eventhough many have slept very late or rather only this morning.
Think everyone must be still very high & excited.
Ahh, with a busy Happy October & SHA ended. When will be the next time we see MLB again?
Hopefully warner music will conduct a celebration with mini-concert for MLB Family. But perhaps has to wait till weiqi finished his exams.
To those still having exams besides weiqi, please continue to Jia-you and achieve good results (likes MLB). Cheers...


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 12:08

there're many unexpected surprises in life... meeting ya guys is one for me. =) and im sure, much that has happened over this year, are unexpected, but pleasant surprises for ya guys too.

ya guys realli did us proud.. and urselves...

not only our support... the hard work ya guys put in too, much effort put in for every single thing.

here's one.. and more to come in the future!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 12:25

Is this Nic who blogged this entry? Looks like his style. :)

Last night was great, isn't? Performing at such a large venue, infront of such a big crowd...when was the last such event? Superband final.

Congrats on the Newcomer award! Hope to see you guys to get more awards, when your music become more and more mature. One day, may even get the best album awards. May our force be with you.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 12:48

grahs~ still no mlb song on LHB chart lehs~ *prays hard*


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 12:49

Congrats to 迷路兵 for winning the 最佳新人奖!! as what we have hoped that you guys would win, and you all did!! All of us went wild yesterday when 迷路兵's name was announced, wow! just couldn't stop cheering for you guys, even more wild when you guys performed!! You guys have definately done yourselves and us proud!! so happy for you guys (^o^)v

have a good rest today guys and prob go celebrate, ya?! see ya guys soon :Þ


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 12:57

Sup yo! Wow... Nice one!!

It is very hard to get this award as many are fighting for this which they can only get once in a life time.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 13:07

congrats to 迷路兵 for clinching e best newcomer award !!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 13:44

congrats guys! continue to live ur dream!! i will continue to support u guys quietly:)


Blogger -WHEY` | 28 October, 2007 13:49

really glad to see MLB on the stage to receive the award yupp!


hope MLB's 2nd album will be up very soon yea? :) all of us will be waiting!

and the performance yesterday was superb too :D its just like all the hard work was paid off :D



Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 13:53

after reading this post, it feels like mlb getting through another round of quarter finals in superband. =)
well. i still must say a BIG THANKS to milubing for bringing so much joy and nice music to us. your efforts paid off with ytd's award! =D
it's all worth while the sweat and effort. continue to jia you ok? soar higher. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 13:55

u guys 最棒!!!!!!!
hehe~~~im one of the mlbians who support u guys quietly from far away at home~~~=p next time i want the chance to shout for u guys under the stage lah!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 14:15

MLB SAM, NIC & WEIQI CONGRATS for winning zui jia xin ren jiang! great performance last nite~ take care & jiayou!


Blogger qing qing | 28 October, 2007 14:18


although only win one award, but nvm la.. cos it's e zhi you yi ci de award!! other awards, nxt time den take la.. wahaha.. :)

ytd performace was great la.. high oso..



Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 14:34

Yup, is this nic blogging? haha.

aww~~~ I'm at loss of words sia...anyway, I believe milubing will "fly" (as in, soar~) higher in the sky of music de.

Milubing and Sin Huey are the first among the alumni of "Super" competitions to clinch the best newcomer award in SHA...Mr James Kang must be very proud of you guys too...eh, got thank him ma? hahaha.

Other than that...hmm...I can only say, it's milo music that brought u trios together, and the MLB family together. so....hmmm.....we'll be friends forever, alright? haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 14:34



Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 14:44

another report on SHA last night - http://www.xin.sg/article.php?article=10671

it's the interview with Milubing with videos included =)...


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 14:59

Hey NIC ...
Yea it's really quite awhile since u blogged, but noe tt u're really busy... Hope u do hav enough rest k~

MLB's Hard Work & The Passion In Music Had Been Recognised.. We're Very HAPPY For U Guyz!

Dunno y, was feeling quite touched after reading ur post... Hee =X
Juz really SoOoOo PROUD of u guyz...

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 15:05

congrats MLB!!!
proud of u guys!!



Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 15:42

paiseh yor, let me sidetrack a bit.

To those that can't get enough of Milubing (WE'RE ONE OF THEM =P!), tuned in to Yes933's “LIVE 音乐会” at 8.30pm tomorrow, to catch the encore broadcast of SHA2007.


at the same time, don't forget to catch Milubing on Channel U's "Hey Gorgeous" tomorrow too, at 8pm ot 12am =). Everyone must watch...if you're free ok? =P!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 15:54

oh I know what to say after watching the videos le! haha! what i meant to say is, jia you in writing new songs! As I've said, we are looking forward to hearing and seeing new patterns from you guys! jia you! jia you! wee~~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 16:44

too bad tmr have to work until 7pm
i will watch repeat at 12am ma


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 17:48

Congratulations for winning an award, Mi Lu Bing! *confettis & fireworks*

You guys deserved it for all the contribution and hard work you guys had done!

Congratulations once again!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 17:59

ya guys realli rocked indoor stadium last night. =D

and u 3... gain back the weight u're supposed to have! and jiayou.. to the one having exams, all e best! to the one busy with his dancing, jiayou! to the one busy making music, rock on!

it's a well deserved award... and now... it's time for a small bit of rest! rest well so that you can chiong for whatever that's coming up. jiayou!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 18:54


this smile is for all of you - the three boys, and the MLB family.


Blogger Pek Choo | 28 October, 2007 20:08


Now is the chance gor you guys to take a break..

& rest...

MLB Jiayou!!

SmiLe 4 you guys :)


Blogger Rah | 28 October, 2007 20:16

YO HO !!

ok..i still feeling so happy to hear tt u guys won thr best newcomer award ! that a great path started for u guys again ! (: REALLY REALLY feel so proud for u guys ! :D

(: really happy ! CONGRATS YA ! hohoh.. take gd care of urself all right ..=P rest well ! all the best for everything ~ i had faith in all of u guys ! hohoho..=))

(: -big big hugs-


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 20:22

Nic, jiayou. Dun be emo, smile more.

Dun let them style your hair this way, longer fringe nice.

lurrvee uuuuuuuu <3333


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 20:28

mlb congrats!

jia you, work hard & look 4ward to ur nxt album!


Blogger -WHEY` | 28 October, 2007 20:53


tml will be airing the Hey Gorgeous at RP! even though is recorded some time ago, but! those ppl who went there, we'll flash back the good times with MLB! and have "fun" playing hide and seek?? lols! and those who didn't go, maybe MLB in the show will just enlighten you guys?




Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 20:59

I feel that MILOs performance was the best last night even though the most handsome wuzhun was there.. but i only screamed for milos!

RP airing was a fast and memoriable one to me.. look at sam's face yo~ =)=)


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 21:03

yeah. nic jia you! nic u must take good care of yourself alright? or else marssh will sad sad. hahahaha. don't say i say de =x...

ahem! xiu jiejie if u r reading this, last night binz sent us the clips she recorded for SHA le. darling already uploaded here -

got 3 clips - Introducing MLB walking Red Carpet, MLB Singing Lei & MLB winning The Best Newcomer.

u see if u wanna post at the "power lah music and videos blog" ba =). haha. Then u no need so xin ku tml record the LIVE 音乐会 mahz. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 21:24

hey peeps, thanks for all the congrats.. congrats to u all too! cos we share the trophy ma... :)
Hope u all like the pics we took,although only 2 ya? scared ppl say we zhi lian ma...anyways..really touching to see u all..AND hear u all! U guys n gals ROCK!
eh, i'm afraid this semester my results will dip by quite a bit, no choice, cos it's really tough this time. I've accepted the fact that i can only do so much, so just do my best. This goes out to all who have written to me regarding your studies. If ur taking your papers/handling your assignments, and even those in the working class handling your projects, Just wanna say JIAYO back to u all!Do ur best, and don't let yourself down, but if things don't turn out well, it's not your fault cos u tried your best.So study hard,but if u fail,it's ok,try again next time! :)
p.s.The ans for prev post: 5.30am


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 21:25

Not surprising that you all get the trophy. From the start you all are already winners. ;P

Still, I wanna say congrats to the more-to-clinch awards winners!

Take good care Milo boys. Bless you all!


Blogger -WHEY` | 28 October, 2007 21:27


again and always JIA YOU! maybe after these important events you can get to study already eh!! :)



Blogger Pek Choo | 28 October, 2007 21:32


Yeah~ Thanks for updating the 2 pics..

Want to say Jiayou back to you again for your studies!!

Take Care & Gd luck for all the



Blogger Strat | 28 October, 2007 21:34

Wei Qi,
haha... guess wrongly ... aiyo... slp so "early" tat day ... haiz ... Is ur exam over ? CAn rest more le ma ? haha... JIA YOU !!! haha... Wei qi power lah !!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 21:35

manymany Loves for MLB and MLBians. heh.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 21:37

weiqi, u tag made me cried le la. I was still...thinking about my studies thingy, then u tagged le. xie xie ni. we all jia you together!



Blogger -WHEY` | 28 October, 2007 21:40

oh ya~

and the pics are so : WOW WOW WOW!!!

yesterday we all didn't have a good and close look at the 3 shuai ges!! OMG!!

and i have to say, MLBians will always support you guys!


*i'm still ���-ing with yesterday's ����*


Blogger -WHEY` | 28 October, 2007 21:41

ah, cannot see the words..

its supposed to be :

*i'm still tao zhui-ing with yesterday's qi fen*

:x lol!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 21:52

*wipes tears*

erm, yup, JIA YOU BACK TO YOU WEIQI! 5.30am arh, aiyo aiyo. =(! hope u had enough sleep today. haha. I use one of these pictures as dp in publicity blog ok? haha.

not zi lian la. U guys are already very shuai le. really. haha.



Blogger binz | 28 October, 2007 21:56

WEIQI tagged(: weiqi thanks loads for the 2 photos.. shuaiges ah~ aiya where got zhi lian, you guys take more photos, we more happy. we can get to see more! anw thanks for the jiayous(: now that the chunk of mlb events are over, hope you are able to rest more to run further for your big exams coming up hur~ good luck!

anws i realised the full length photo sam de left foot is qiao4 up de.. isit play drumset too much then will become xi guan like that? ahha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 22:01

hi quizzy_me, hi binz,

thanx but its ok..already uploaded the recording i've edited yesterday.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 22:04

e pics r nice!! ahhhh~
ya, not zi lian la.. zi lian oso nvm.. shuai ppl zi lian nvm de la.. haha.. =P

oh ya, MLB de shoes like kinda special lei.. haha.. abit pointed de.. keke.. but nice la!!

weiqi, results ar, as long as u tried ur best jiu can le! =)
my gpa keep dropping only.. haha.. only dropped, nvm improved de.. =(
jiayou orh!!!!

sam n nic oso jiayou!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 22:08

arh... nic de really pants really striking. Stands out from a pool of black. hoho

Weiqi...Jiayou jiayou. As long as you dun give up. :D


Blogger binz | 28 October, 2007 22:09

oh xiu thanks for uploading there(: your recording de sound quality sure is tonnes nicer than mine(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 22:20

pls dun make me cry la.....i almost wan to cry liao....
c-ing u so poor thing cant cope with ur studies...make me feel sad & a bit worry of ur health(coz u sleep damn late)oh ya,eat more vitiams C....dun make urself fall sick for this period....
No worries,u can do better in next semester(dun give up!!!)

Feel free to visit my blog if u have time la....


Blogger Uncle Phil | 28 October, 2007 22:35

why your tag are always so touching? I did not cry, but my tears just dripped down from my eyes while reading your tag. Already felt very touched this morning with Nic's new post. I think you can become a writer too.
we (MLBians) feel very honoured to share the trophy with MLB. And please be sure that we are very proud to be part of the MLB Family. We will continue this journey with MLB forever.
not to worry so much even if your results in this semester has dip by quite a bit, infact you are already doing very well between school & work. And you know that you have did your best. You will definitely do better with less work now. Jia-you...
Fyi, MLB has ROCK the whole Indoor Stadium last night (wish MLB could has sing another song). It is a night that the whole MLB Family will never forget.
We are already winner with 1 award, b'cos we have achieved our target. We will have to move on for more other targets. The journey will continues.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 28 October, 2007 22:41

Oh, the 2 pics were so nice with 3 handsome young men. Should have taken more and share with us.
It is very difficult for me to take any pic yesterday. Firstly, I do not have a super good quality camera & secondly, our views from the seat position were normally block by the crane with a video camera moving around.
Hopefully, anyone who has nice shots can share it here. Thanks.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 22:43

cheer up lahs~ see! ur posts making most of us sad u know? do cheer up! even if u din do well for exams, at least u tried ur vry best le ah~ soo, 继续加油! 我们永远支持你的!:D


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 22:48

trying to make people cry huh? hahas... and realli was kinda touching at the awards ehh. thou for me, i nearly cried when we were waiting for results. so gan chiong can =.=....

ehh wq, so now u're telling us back what we've always been telling you! haha... alrights... jus do ur best, and u know u havent let urself down. even if things dont turn out okay, it's not the end! =D it's okay larhs, jus work harder for next sem ya? =) smilez..

andds.. nice pics there =D thanks for taking the effort to tk pics for us yeah!

not only ya guys n us... ur family n frenx too. we felt happy being there too, to be the ones to witness ya guys receive ur first award. memorable mahhs. =DDD

here's all e best for the future... what's gonna come, jus look ahead n do ur best!~ jiayou guys =DD


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 22:48

thx loads for the nice nice pics!
weiqi smile until very can lan wor. hees.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 22:50

n jus to tell ya guys back... what nic wrote for me the other day.

nvr give up!


and the... 'got chance do catch some ZzZzzs okies?' haha....


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 23:01

eh. didn't realized is-it-u chupped in the entry again. haha. aiyo, i'm at a loss of words now. SALUTE U GUYS BACK. heh heh. jia you! jia you! we shall continue to run this race (in all aspects of our life) together ba. Tired de hua can just slow down and walk walk.

cos we are “一家人” mahz....;D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 23:06

I assumed Nic made this entry?Um..
but whoever it is,thanks for updating the entry!

I am glad you guys won!The three of you totally deserve it!And the two pictures is gorgeous!Thanks for putting it up.

Weiqi,oops..looks like my guess is way further..LOL!But it is okay..
Wah..you slept so late?Poor you.
Must jiayou okay..


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 23:06

listening to the clip now...

really feel touching to hear playing of lei in the bg when the results were announced. reliving what happened ytd...

and now. we were that loud?! i din know. haha....


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 23:06

oh forget to say, thanks xiu jiejie =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 23:07

Congrats ~ MLB! You boys deserve it!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 28 October, 2007 23:08

Ya, with no event at the moment, please can all the 3 of you, try to have more sleep & also put on a little weight. It is not so nice for guys to be too slim (just my personal opinion).
Catch up with whatever you've missed during your busy schedules. Continue to Jia-you with whatever you are doing. All the Best & May God Bless You.


Blogger binz | 28 October, 2007 23:09

argh why are things getting emo here? at first abit bit still can take it.. then wah you guys one by one make me emo~


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 23:33

where got emo? it's touched. haha.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 28 October, 2007 23:33

Ya lor, it is getting more emo here! Cos everyone of us here share the joys & tears together.
Everyone's working harder be it study or at work. Everyone must continue to Jia-you in whatever we are doing. Cheers...

Listened to the clip for 3 times liao. The image of last night coming back in my mind. Ya, didn't know that we can really shout that loud. Its amazing...


Blogger -WHEY` | 28 October, 2007 23:38

yup, before i go to pack my stuffs and go to sleep, wanna say some stuffs here :D

for this period of time where there isn't any events coming, WEI QI : hope you'll have more time to manage your homework, projects, test, exams etc.. good luck to school work (and i guess i have many projects to come up the following week).. NIC : hope you can have lesser stress over army and stuffs (its sad to see you get stressed up yea?) hopefully you can get enough sleep though :) and SAM : mr sporty.. can get back to your sporty life eh :) mean time don't forget this blog and the MLBians :D


remember to catch Hey Gorgeous! xD


Blogger ruoxin | 28 October, 2007 23:39

congrats! :)
keep going!! :)


Blogger binz | 29 October, 2007 00:14

agrees with -whey` that i am so proud to be a mlbian(:

since it's getting emo-ey and touchy i also wanna say that thanks loads to mlb and mlbians for bringing me the highness and craziness~ it seriously led me through my tough times of facing my o's(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 00:23

I LOVE 迷路兵! :DD
u guys was realli great last night!
salute u guys too.
for always bringing great music to everyone out there.
thank u for the great music!
thank u for being part of our life!
continue to ROCK ON too! (:

indeed a touching post. T_T
later tis post flooded wif tears ar.
the pics was a niceeeee one!
u guys look great in the outfit. xDD
u guys jiayou yea?
meanwhile hav a gd rest too!

weiqi, 加油 again nxt semester! (:
u've already done ur best.
so it's enough liao. :DD
i tink i'm drowning in my O lvl too.
nv done enough revision.
jus struggling to get through.
like wad u said, "I've accepted the fact that i can only do so much, so just do my best."
yea, so i'll do the best for myself too. (:

heh heh.
u guys take lots of care hor.
good night! :DD


Blogger Uncle Phil | 29 October, 2007 00:24

not to worry so much, just hang on. and very soon it will be over, then your holidays are coming. meantime, continue to jia-you.

Agree that many of us were strangers but now we are frens or even as family members in the MLB Family.
Believe many of us have made many new frens or best frens "jie-mei". Without MLB, all these will be impossible.
We gonna move on the journey with MLB for many more good years of great music & performances. :-)


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 00:26

just listened to the clips again - didn't realized chong qing did sabo nic to stripped wor. But i think nic didn't hear is it? haha.

erm, as the clock strikes 12, guessed it's time for all of us to go back to our normal lives again...for the time being. Cos we won't be meeting so soon mahz. haha.

we may be quite a distance away from each other, but fret not! cos I believe, we already have each other in our hearts. So to those that are mugging for their papers (mine this friday!), or slogging hard at work, jia you alright? Your good friends here will always be behind u de.

cos like what i've said, we're “一家人” mahz. haha.

take care yor~~


Blogger Uncle Phil | 29 October, 2007 00:34

wow, quizzy
you are also starting to write toughing tag huh? Did you learn it from weiqi or nic? Haha... lol
Ya, agree that life is back to normal without MLB's event. Begin to miss MLB & MLBians liao. Also don't know why? Especially after last night SHA, I feel very happy that we took a small family pic before we left the stadium. Whoever has the pic can send to me or post here, please.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 01:47

hey wei qi, thanks for your reply, hahaha... yea i Noe i am a student still.. but guess Wat, making arts item with my hands is a form of relaxation and enjoy, whether or not for others... arts in music, craft works, photography, so on and on , are my passion and a form of relaxation... i was only able to learn music through ECA involvements in primary 6 for a year of cos, and harmonica for 2 years,harmonica is stills OK, but my from young great passion in piano and keyboard, wasn't that good and enough for me...until once, i tried to use my harmonica to pull outs notes from background music and tone sang.. although it wasn't a perfect one, but at least i did it to produce it as similar as possible... (^_') Y

^^ guess what, but 话放在前, it isn't nice to say this too... frankly, i was thinking to invite MLB to our sch to perform due to sch going to be demolished, i suggested to terence, his reply wasn't nice, producing something that hurts.. he said that he doesn't wants me to embarrass him in front of you all, as he doesn't wants his friend to think that his own other friends is someone who wants to take advantages or what ( i forgotten, as it wasn't nice to remember too)...plus... none of you is from our sch too... but i hope that everyone enjoys e music MLB produced as much as i am ... i am pretty sure is the fact of those reasons.. but haha... it breaks a friend heart... i said this to you not to ask you do anything but to just tell you what happens, and fact is... i know is childish too.. but i am trying to avoid him wherever i can... ^^

Anyway...^^ weiqi, i will pick up your advice, and if possible...drop by my blog , so that is easier to contact each other.. and more more more more more easier to get more advice from you... thankz for you encouragement, ^^ it helps.. to you too... if you have things to share, i will always be your listening ears...^^my day brights up wherever there is music and arts passes by me each day, or even a single smile form anyone... it just me all e way... i won say my wishes ends here and thanks god allows me to know you..hahahahaha... SMileZ

hey sam and nick... ok ok ok .... sorry ... is nic.. hahahaha... i make nic key chain wrongly... apologies... hope you both too will be always smiLEinG out of your hearts.. u will feels to that just a smile, brighten not only owns day, but others too.. i can also be your both listening ears too... don't look down on me, you may find some differnce in me to other people of my age...
about god.. i have my own ways to communicate...^^

hey.. please drop by another blog of a famous christian band.. u will love them too if you hears their songs.. erm... possible.. i will pass the music cd to Tian Rong or Keith or even load to by blog to let you all listen to the songs..i love them ...
see ya... and please do drop by my blog!!

CONGRATS to your winning... you all are sooooooooo suai on sat!!! hehehehehehehehe


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 01:47

no la uncle. unlike u guys who are still high-ing, i think i was emo-ing ba. or is it empty? it's like, yesterday high too much le ba. haha. think should be 感触良多 lor. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 01:48

YAY! Congrats on the win! :) MiLuBing rocks! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 01:48

REALLY NICE PICS Taken! (Though Only 2 La)
OMG U Guyz Really Look SoOoOo SHUAI La~

Very Touched Too, To cya guyz each's tagging abt the SHA... WHERE SAM's?!? =P

SoOoOoOoOoOoOo PROUD Of U Guyz, I really MUST say this many many times ~ \/(=^o'=)

Salute To 迷路兵 Too! Continue To ROCK Yea~
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 01:49

wow. yi ge liang ge all leaving ur blog links, I shall leave mine too ba. haha.

for 1 second I was sad-ing again la. Saw my facilitator's comments for one of the lesson last week le. Don't know whether she encouraging me or whatsoever la, but make me sad sad jiu dui le. But since I already said jia you too all of you le, i myself must jia you too le....erm...i try...haha

nitey! chocolate dreams! haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 01:50

uncle phil: yeap thanks i'll hang on there(: i see freedom approaching me! ahha..

wah after sha everyone become some pros at fa biao emo feelings~ dunno why i jux kept reading these tags and feeling very touched and stuffs~


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 01:51


你们最棒! =DD


Blogger Uncle Phil | 29 October, 2007 02:05

wow, its nearly 2am liao. Time to sleep lor.
good night to MLB Family & sweet dreams.
Haiz, Its Monday Blue again!
But at least got MLB in tonight Hey Gorgeous. I only can watch the repeat telecast, cos I need to attend buddhist discussion class in the evening till 9.15pm


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 02:13

hv a good nite's sleep tonight... and be geared up for what's going to come in this brand new week.

it's a brand new day!

smile to sleep thinking of last night. =DD jiayou all!~


Blogger qIaNhUi | 29 October, 2007 04:04

MLB JIA YO ! ! !

U Guyz Had Good Rest k...
Yea Tonitez Can Watch - Hey Gorgeous @ Channel U Le!
Well, I also only can watch the repeat telecast @ 12am ... Looking Forward Lo...

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 09:25

oh. I did smile to sleep last night. Fyi, I need to have my radio on while sleeping mahz. Then at 2am, suddenly yes933 goes “新加坡金曲奖2007 - 最佳新人”then the music for "shi ying" starts...aww~~~not saying "shi ying" will put me to sleep but at least I feel very comfortable and ease under that circumstances. haha.

good morning by the way. Sam looked so thin in the pictures sia. face so small. Weiqi and nic also small and thin. must eat more leh. Not junk food though. haha. please take good care yor~~

and MLBians must take care too! heard that today A level starts too le is it? haha. people taking A level - like syL, miko, min...all jia you yor~~



Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 09:48

aha! forget to say this;

weiqi, glad that you didn't let your results affects you too much. glad that you didn't take it too hard on yourself. Unlike me, last sem don't know cried how many times because of results le. Someone told me I tried too hard, then everything don't work. sigh.

haha. Now I learning to take things easy liao. But eiyer, now it is the facilitator's comments after each daily grades that will affect me le leh. haha. but hai hao la. I know how many times I cried - 3! hahaha.

Well, I thought I always believe that as long as you enjoyed in what you are doing in class, the results will come after that. But well, it's easier to say than done. I'm still learning, hope you are too or I believe you are. haha. Designer-to-be~~~~oh, you already are? hahaha.

I better typed all these out or else I'll sure forget everything when I pass u the next letter which is don't know when =)...



Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 09:55

最佳新人s! :D

our pride! (x

way to go, guys! WHEEE~

take care! and drink loads of water! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 10:50

Congrats! Congrats! Congrats! to all 3 energetic boys of MLB!!! + the MLBians who were present at the indoor stadium! Can really hear all~ the shouts coming out from my radio.. so enthu! I'm not saying I'm not- I cheered so- ok madly- that my sis thought I was going crazy-HAHA!!!
Was really really excited when u boys won the Best Newcomers award!!!That was the second good news I heard after my exams! Also saw frm the news at 11pm that day that sam 笑得合不拢嘴 when mlb was on stage receiving the award~

Well... I thought I heard nic's voice going unusually sore that day while singing lei, then sam also sang?... ahahah.. I think it was my radio who was going bersek, HA!

Weiqi: The clothes you designed for SHA really rocks! Suddenly felt like during the superband days when yall designed the costumes yourself! I wonder what those words on your coat is?
About your results: Nevermind about this time, just try harder next time! As my teacher always says(even in everyone's report bks lol), *ahem*' You have the potential to do extremely well'. Try to catch up all your work during your holidays!Jiayo~~

Mlb is the BEST!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 11:04

congrats ~! x)
mus continue to 加油哦! ~


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 12:25

恭喜迷路兵! 贺喜迷路兵!

We cheered so loudly that we could not hear the thank-you speech ;p But I did notice the camera went off before Sam could speak..haiz.. :(

Weiqi and Nic, now that the event and gigs are over, do take the opportunity to have a good rest. 休息是为了走更长的路...

Sam, time to get sporty and put on some weight!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 12:49

ahaha. now listening to milubing's songs while doing work. then re-read this entry again...ah~~觉得好幸福...haha...=)...


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 12:58

"think some of u got it wrong heh..i didn't design the outfit la...it's Annie from MDC,a very PRO costume designer! :) Take care peeps!"


Blogger Rah | 29 October, 2007 13:00


(: just do ur best in ur studies can le. dun overstress urself. though u may say ur result may drop a bit. but still continue to try harder for the nxt round ya ! u can do it ! BUT remember dun mug until u dun have enough rest for urself k.. do have some rest for urself.. or else u will fall sick lor ! like hw i am nw.. fallen sick AGAIN for the 2nd time in this month. =/

jiayou jiayou ar..=P
*HUAI TING* (: means fight on. lalala ~~ :D take care !~


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 13:17

weiqi & nic
now most of the events are over, & ther's no events for the time-being, i do hope both of u will get more rest if possible kays?

heyhey! eat more healthy foods & gain weight! u look real thin now, compared to 以前 lor~ so u must must must eat more ok? hahas. also, u can go back to ur sporty self after those events le ba? hahas!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 13:27

Weiqi ~ You're welcome. It's really nice to know you guys won after all the effort. Oh, you slept at 5.30? That's late. Just do your best in everything you do, okay? Don't overwork or get sick, yeah? You must jiayou! Anyway, the 2 pictures is gorgeous. Thanks for putting it up.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 14:51

GRATS to the 3 ke ai de milos! (sorry that i'm abit late ya?)

Hmmm, let me "chong wen" that scene that MLB won the award again..
最佳新人奖.. 迷路兵!!!
Me and Jiahui, who happened to be sitting quite near to each other.. was still saying," walao.. 谁来的??!! MLB leh??? " Funny that we xing fen until we dunno that MLB has won! until mlb went up the stage.. and we "HUH" very loud!!! haha.. we all thought that Frh will win the award.. so was damn suprised and happpy when mlb clinched the award too! 好的开始, 就是成功的一半! thats what i've been thinking.. though mlb got only one award.. we were all very happy! 入围是肯定.. 得奖是更肯定! Right? haha.. at that moment.. i suddenly feel like crying :'( really touched.. that the guys had 成功 after all the 努力! JIA YOU MLB! 明年的金曲奖 is waiting for you guys!

thanks for updating the blog.. very easy to recognise you! Your style~~ hahas.. Thanks for waving to us and thank-you-ing us at the finale! Happy to see you HIGH-ING again! the Real Nic! hahas.. u looked great that day.. i was sitting in the group of Daniel li ji han's fans.. and they dunno who is MLB.. and when they saw u, they said.. wah, 谁来的.. 帅leh. Hahas.. Nic is still the shuai ge we've known right? JIAYOU!

Finally, u smiled again.. in that close up photo! haha.. u looked more shuai when u smile! dun act cool next time la.. but when u smile when 电 all the girls! haha.. That day very shuai! Hahas.. Remain sporty kks? we love the sporty Sam! And eat more! u looked so skinny! 创作会流汗ar? hahas.. lols.. eat more! fit but not skinny!

aiya, we guys so shuai.. nobody dare to say u all zhi lian.. if they say, that means they are jealous of the 3 milos! hahas.. take more photos! hahas.. touching to see you guys winning the award also! 失败是成功之母! Even if u failed this time, u will pass another time right? dun give up kks? MLBians will keep jiayou-ing for u! dun give up no matter what! 尽力就好了.. dun get too stress up! sleep early ok? Really very dan xin leh.. everyday sleep so late.. later got health problems(choy choy!) jiu worse le.. take care!

everybody taking exams,, having holidays,, doin hmwk,, schooling,, working (whatever la),, JIAYOU! hahas.. good luck everybody!

Now i abit no voice,, voice abit lao hong.. hahas.. that day frh de fans were really (wow!).. yup yup,, and we tried to win them by shouting.. and drinks was confiscated.. guess everybody having sore throat right? hahas.. drink more water peeps!



Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 14:59

hey all of you!
congrats to MLB!
jiayou weiqi!
sleep early!
err,, guess everybody knows who i am..
right.. hahas,, it's me..
take care peeps!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 15:02

from the previous post,
wow! u smart ehh.. i so mysterious.. hahas.. u can also guess dao.. dunno if u made the right guess? hahas

err.. i'm not lor.. hahas.. ok.. i admit.. I'M THE LITTLE GOOD DEVIL! not the bad de.. ok? hahas.. think weiqi dunno bah,, though he's smart! ya.. later he blur blur.. oops

take care(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 15:10

little devil is pandaeye's friend but not berries mahz. haha. wo ke ai de little devil~~~~

hmm...come to think of it. I thought people who are busying with writing songs will put on weight? cos lack of exercise mahz. but Sam is opposite? *shrugs*

unless sam didn't sleep la~~~lack of sleep sure slimmed down de. aiya, duno leh. haha. but in any case, Sam must 好好保重 ok? =D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 15:12

姐妹们,next time shall we go up to weiqi and asked him personally whether he know who xiao devil is? hahaha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 15:20

good good! we shall ask him personally :D hahahas!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 15:31


Continue to jiayou!

Support you guys always!!!! :D

Gong xi gong xi! XD


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 15:50

haha. cool!

heh heh weiqi, thanks to the two very nice pics u post, many of us are already using it (especially the close-up one) as msn display pic liao. givon, berries, qing qing and I all using the close-up de. haha

then was discussing with givon this - maybe all of us should use the same pic as our msn display pic lor. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 16:37

Congratulations! Milubing..
Keep it Up!

May I congrats ur Sifu too..


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 17:00

felt that nic's voice went a lil pitchy towards the end of lei. gan dong-ed? haha... =P

anndds. nic's voice still din sound very back to norm on the radio... sounded okayy live, but perhaps that was due to the fact tt we were screaming too much to hear properly. anwws. drink more water n tk care alrights!

wells. english and maths papers today... was sneezing for the whole day so i cldnt realli concentrate on the papers. but ahhs, i did my best liaoos. jus hope for the best bahs =D

annie's the designer who designed all the costumes for sb finals! right right? haha... she's cool =DD

andds for one... i know of quite a few people who very much wanted to go down to indoor stadium to watch ya guys get the award on tt day... but due to some reasons or another, they cldnt make it... i bet they were smiling too, when they knew of the results. =DD ya guys definitely din let them down. =)



Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 17:07

hmm .. i noe hu is little devil .. lol ..

best wishes for ur papers !! i wasen smiling when i heard e results thru my hp radio lor .. instead, i was so happy tt i keep laughing n telling my sis n bro tt mlb has won e award .. n i was outside having dinner lor .. some of e ppl there keep looking at mi .. haha ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 17:09

thanks shan..=)

haha, quite jia lat... jus now doing paper, then sat there blank out for a small while... then thot of tt day n started smiling to myself. lols.. luckily everyone were concentrating on their papers. haha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 17:37

yeayea :D can wor, & how u know i using as well? hahas!

all the best for ur papers! jiayou wor :D

& to all others, take care :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 18:03

congrats on winning 最佳新人奖!!! ((:


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 18:24

haha .. funny la u ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 18:34

meikian, orh hor..nv concentrate on ur paper..orh hor.. =PP


Blogger binz | 29 October, 2007 18:53

little devil: hehx paiseh i guessed wrongly, so im not smart. aiya.. i guessed the other prsn. after knowing frm her is you instead i was like oh ya hor you also very feng weiqi de.. hehx.

meikian: i stoned during eng paper1 too! then stoned there thinking of mlb winning also. dunno why tht of them again b4 emaths1 then i down there umchio very long then my friends gave me that weird look.. haha.


Blogger Unknown | 29 October, 2007 19:00

seems like a lot of us havent really finish rejoicing. but there is no end to rejoicing! (:

those taking o's, jiayou for your papers. those taking a's as well!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 19:15

so fast, MLB month over liao.. =/
but nvm.. nxt time still hav chance to c them de.. =)
MLB, take gd care of urselves orh!!

quizzy: hao hao!! heehee..

i noe who little devil is!! keke.. she ownself admit she devil la.. haha...

binz: heh heh.. who u guess is e little devil huh? wahaha.. i wun say out if u dui wo hao yi dian.. heh heh.. :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 19:33


please fight on ok! will continue to support all of you no matter what!




Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 19:54

thanks berries =)

u think u gao xiao ah.. like someone upstairs... =.= i sneeze until i pekcek today lor. lols..

haha super gao xiao... i din finish paper 1 thou. sighhs. cuz half the time i was sneezing la, then kept thinking of wad to write, inspirations dun wan to come. the poor teacher invigilating my class had to run here n there to get me tissue haha.. then when i duno wad to write sometimes i'll blank out.. then i sit there n smile to myself. haha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 20:48

hahas. think of them while doing exam is good xD can 让你精神起来 mahs, hahas >.<

& qingqing! i saw u hor! hahahas!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 21:03

i was right in front of the tv when sam hit the camera.. i tot i bang into him!

haha! i saw givon berries biru! funny funny!

they are so hilarious!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 21:03

like always, MLB never fails t put a smile on my face. (:
after the tv break, it's back t the books!
&& thanks quizzy. heh.
i so can't wait for the a'level to be over.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 21:06

mk, no la i not gao xiao..can nv fight him for e title..lols! u ar, exam nv concentrate still dare say i gao xiao..lalala~ i tink me n BiRu are suay.. >.< so low profile tt day still bei pai..eeyer~ n i tio suan again la..hmpfh :/


Blogger binz | 29 October, 2007 21:09

qing: hahah i'll treat u with tonnes of care and love lah! gong zhu dian xia~ lolx

meikian: haiyo do take care! still got quite some papers hur! bring rolls of toilet paper tomorrow then~ my inspiration also keep dun wan come then i was like argh. stone to think of mlb, happy liao then can write le. jux managed to finish on the dot.

camera man like mlbians alot hur. keep try to shoot you guys.. hmm managed to catch quite alot of familar faces.. and omg mlb was shuai dao~~ hahx


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 21:10

u is suay de wad. heng i nv tio pai...

that was like... 4 hours of filming made into one hour of show. whoaas. the actual day was more fun.. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 21:10

oh gosh.

the milos are so mesmerizing!

*faints smiling*



Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 21:11

aye....... MK but i saw you leh! hahaha!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 21:14

mk, u behind me wad..but oso got pai dao u k..c minhui oso say she saw u..lalala~ ya, e actual filming was better..they cut out alot of interesting stuff..n sth tt someone did..lols! eh heng we nv follow dasmond's grp la..he thr chasing e mlbians..gao xiao.. =PP


Blogger Pek Choo | 29 October, 2007 21:18

Omg nice~!~ But the best it was that day we have 7 hrs filming with them vand have lot of fun at there... Show many mlbians today at the tv... hee~

take care

smile :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 21:23

got meh? i nv see. lols. even got also not obvious larhs. eh minhui dun sabo hor. lols...

yeah lor heng nv follow dasmond's grp... =.=


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 21:25

okay la. MK, i wont tell the whole world


i wont say that. really. i wont say




Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 21:29

juz make it on time to watch Hey Gorgeous but miss for 15mins but nvm...still happy to c MLB on tv....

How are you????


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 21:33

dun be stress for ur a lvl ,k????
me n Nic Kor (ur fav la),sam & weiqi will support u from behide

TO ALL MIBIANS taking a lvl
this week

ALL THE BEST!!!!!We(MLB FAMILY)will support u guys....


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 21:40




Blogger Unknown | 29 October, 2007 21:47

mk i saw you too. haha but i think yp most obvious le.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 21:51

haha... BiRu also obvious bahs. lols! but at least we nv run around n kana caught on tv.. only during the voting right? haha... =PP

ehh whatevr! seeing us on tv is so not the zhong dian!!! =.=


Blogger Unknown | 29 October, 2007 21:53

fun to spot some other familiar faces other than the trio ma!

sam was super lame. when they looking for the girl they were shouting "ZAI NA LI?!" and sam said "kuai na chu lai." FREEZING.


Blogger MINHUI | 29 October, 2007 22:21

hahaha! yaaaa! and the "电" voltage between sam and the other girl also very funny.
the "你喜欢她、他也喜欢你,要不然她为什么一直对知你看" thing! hahaha! x:


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 22:30

Jiayou! dun give up okie, as long as u noe u did ur best! =D Take lotsa lotsa care!

phew~ heng me wasnt "shown" on tv. heh heh. ii didnt see meikian wad?! haha!

why sneezing?! nv put on blanket in the nite rite?! remember to bring packetsssssss of tissue to the exam hall, keke. take care hor!

too all having O's and A's, JIAYOU! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 22:32

this whole year i duno kana on tv how many times liao... =.= it's so not fun hao bu hao. hahaha...

da shan ah sam.. haha =PP

smth to share... our lightstick boards @ SHA! =DDD



Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 22:33

MLB congrats and jia youss worx.. (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 22:33

ya precisely, i also nv see myself lor. =.= i think today weather cold bahs... quite a few people sick in my class. sianns...

hope tml goes alright. ahhhs~


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 22:34

oya, thx for the pics posted above!
nice one!
is this the first time sam smiling so sweetly to the camera?! haha!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 22:38

haha! ii only saw u "hiding" behind biru lor. never even show face wad. haha! oh! den ii think u caught the flu bugs from ur fren. lolxx.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 22:39

duno leh, i nv see myself jiu dui le =.= nahh, i think is jus plain suay-ness larhs. bleahx.

em2 tml, chinese on wed.. then im free for this week liaos. haha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 22:40


and i get what meikian meant by nic fell down at the gym le? haha. but i think the floor is rubber rubber de la. haha. anyway, that equipment arh, i loved to play with that too. But haven't been there for some itme le. haha.

i think MLBians all shy shy de la, thats why we always siam-ing the camera. outsiders won't understand de. berries would know why I said this...

meikian, take care yor. drink hot hot water.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 22:42

haha! cool, u will get ur freedom soon. haha! oh! tt flash thingy is cool~ haha! those boards with you now?!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 22:46

hmm but fall liao also will pain bahx? =.= asked him but he said it was intentional. aiya, whatever larhs...

nope, the boards not with me.. with uncle phil.


Blogger -WHEY` | 29 October, 2007 22:47


watching hey gorgeous just now, missed the first 10 minutes or so.. was chionging home from school cos lessons ended at 7! T-T

but still i got to watch the remaining part of the show :D very very nice :D reminds me on the actual day itself when we get to see MLB for so so so long! i am gonna miss those days man! donno when will have another chance like dat day ah! :D and! i saw alot of mlbians there like qing qing, uncle phil, pekchoo, givon, berries, myself -.-" etc etc..

guess will be catching the show again later? :D:D



Blogger Uncle Phil | 29 October, 2007 22:49

please take care, do not fall sick at this critical moment. jia-you...
btw, where was the mi lightsticks signboard?

All MLBians sitting for their 'O' & 'A' Lvl, Jia-you & good luck. May God Bless You.

Heard that many MLBians were shown on tv for the Hey Gorgeous. Haha... but we really have lotta of fun & spending so many hours accompanying MLB in the filming, although it was very tiring.


Blogger Unknown | 29 October, 2007 22:58

oh ya. i want to ask, weiqi, what was written on your coat that night at SHA? go to the ends of the what?


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 22:58

oya, before the award presenter announcing MLB's name ii heard one group of us were shouting "迷路兵" from far so loudly on the radio. *not the clip uploaded by binz*
wonder that was wic group of us?! (a few group of mlbianz being separated to north, east and west of the stadium)
stay tune to 93.3, they are playing clips of SHA very minutes. haha!


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 22:59

thanks uncle phil...

hmm my pic for the 'mi' din turn out v nice...



Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 23:15

wa biang, still gek-ing me with "long hours". haha. just kidding.

SHA07 will be showing on channel U this coming saturday at 7.30pm. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 23:16

little devil.....haha
she very devil....juz kidding....


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 23:18

erm meikian. maybe will pain but the impact should be hai hao. think he should be able to withstand, considering his macho build....wooh~~~ haha.

don't know leh. can nic enlightened us? haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 23:26

aha! maybe the thing he was pulling helps him break his fall lor. thats why he can 'land' nicely. elastic de la, so don't worry ya? haha. if he suddenly let go of the thing then it's a different story le la. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 October, 2007 23:45

samuela, thx ar..lols..n yes, i heard sam saying e kuai na chu lai..leng~

sam, orh hor..公然搭讪.. =PP

shihui, got mk! hiding behind me! mus c carefully! lols! =PP

mk, e light sticks boards so cool la! hees.. =DD

anw e grp photo aft sha..not v well taken tho..c if e others hv got a better one..


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2007 00:13

aha! watch carefully le. impact not small ba. but i think the thing he was pulling did help him break the fall a bit ba. u gals were saying u all heard very loud sound is it? haha. NIC~~~ do enlightened us yor? haha.

or maybe next time i should go try =x...


Blogger binz | 30 October, 2007 00:48

quizzy_me: serious wan to go try ah? =x scarly nic that stun is those 叔叔有练过的 kind..


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2007 00:57

haha yup make sense. maybe really 叔叔有练过的...eh! u calling nic 叔叔? uh~oh~ haha.
I'm not serious sia. must see i dare ma, which is highly unlikely. haha. well, see first. haha.


Blogger binz | 30 October, 2007 01:03

ops should be 哥哥有练过的~ haha if you really happy happy go try then mux ask ur frens to video it down! then compare with nic's hor. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2007 01:10


haha nitey...have a good rest everyone =)...now tuesday le wor...

hehehehehe =D


Blogger binz | 30 October, 2007 01:30

tried snapshooting some mlb scenes for hey gorgeous jux now. now i wanna see the shots then i realised after a certain period of time i pressed the wrong button, no more shots were taken =.= and haix the shots saved were so small. sad~


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2007 10:02

haha dun sad dun sad.

morning to MLB and MLB family by the way. I think today is going to be the most miserable Tuesday ever. But cannot miserable! must jia you! all must jia you too wor! haha.


Blogger Jodie [: | 30 October, 2007 10:04


The 2 pics are nice XD.
Haha. I love the costumes.

Hmms. Shall go the other blog to see pics and videos now.
So excited XD.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2007 10:05

quizzy, SMILEEEEE!
hope that you'll have a happy day ahead. (:


Blogger Strat | 30 October, 2007 10:20

Jia you ... haha... gd luck for friday exam ya !!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2007 11:20



Congrats!.... MLB!

I maybe late but I am sure all these while that you all will win an award.

New Comer... :) at least all your effort is not wasted. There are many who won but how many get New Comer Award.

Jiayou.... from far away!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2007 11:56

MiLuBing Rocks!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2007 12:30

hi MLB, fun watching u yesterday at 'hey gorgeous'.. Nic nw got strong muscles..whereas Sam, u must go to gym to develop yr muscles too.. haha u are becoming thinner... why?


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2007 13:26

thanks min and pandaeye. Actually hor, it turned out to be a relaxing day after that. Cos thought today's lesson would be difficult but actually quite easy lor. See, now I finished my ppt liao. Actually today my team there's only 2 of us. So we wanted to ask our faci to let us combine with the other team who has 3 only. but he say no need, he have faith in us that we are able to manage. -_-!

but yuan lai he's right....hoho.

hello ttww jie!

min, jia you for GP tomorrow. pandaeye, u jia you too for....

argh~~~OUR ke lian de Sam~~~face so small liao~~~~haha. take care!

Weiqi! study hard! jia you jia you!

Nic! don't know what to say to u but well, jia you yor!


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2007 14:02

Hi... everyone! Yesterday de hey gorgeous was damn funny leh... Nic was damn shuai..! Quizzy jie, I'm sorry that I am disturbing u while u were watching tv... So sorry abt it. Anyone knows who is the last girl which they are finding? Quizzy jie, that girl is it in ur school de? Or other school de...? Hahax... Sorry abt it again... Lol... And Sam was really very skinny leh... Eat more!!! Hahax... Wei Qi is funny type and he say leng xiao hua de... Hahax... Everyone who is having exams, jia you!!! Good luck and may god bless u!!! =)

Si Min.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2007 14:13

I don't know what you meant by my school or other school but her name is Tricia, a third year student in RP's Diploma of Biotechnology =)...


Blogger Jodie [: | 30 October, 2007 14:51


I managed to find this on the SHA website.
Is bout Milubing and Weilian behind the scenes b4 the event.


Blogger binz | 30 October, 2007 15:19

thanks jodie for the link(: interview quite long~ but wah sae the room super noisy man~ somewhere at the center of weilian's interview got nic try to play his guitar in the background, some bars from lei..


Blogger givon | 30 October, 2007 15:19

the link is a dead end (:

to quizzy,
ya lor.. ask weiqi HOH! actually hoh, me wanna ask something.. who is little devil?

to all of mlbians
jiayou to those having exams!
especially meikian, taking your o right? jiayou bah! study hard! since there's no mlb gigs le.. hahas.. JIAYOU! to quizzy having exams! dun give up no matter what, rmb what weiqi said (:

smilez everyone ((((((((((((:


Blogger givon | 30 October, 2007 15:23

why mine is a dead end? hahas

to quizzy,
sam is speciall.. he needs to run and perspire while he composed new songs.. thats why he nvr gain fats! hahas.. right sam?

hey peeps!
ytd de hey gorgeous was SUPER PAISEH! nic's group was better,, unlike ours.. a few of us were caught on tv a lot of times! wahh.. very paiseh.. alot of my frens kept sms-ing me to tell me.. ohmine!


Blogger binz | 30 October, 2007 15:44

givon, eh i dunno leh? at first mine din load too. jiu refresh a few times lor.. then can liao


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2007 15:57


but then you can catch the better output this weekend.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2007 16:39

thanks bibi and jodie for informing. haha.

Those who missed Hey Gorgeous last night, xiu jiejie has already uploaded to power lah music and videos blog lo~~.

givon, do u need me to spell it out as to who is little devil? wahaha.

so in the end my group the ppt is neither here nor there la. My faci didn't tekan my group a lot but didn't really compliment too. aiya, forget it. lesson ends le anyway. haha. Thanks for your concern anyway =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2007 16:54

Hai i miss out mi lu bing at suntec.. so sad sad.. i got their ablum and i like the song call wo wei shen mer hai ai ni ! i wish mi lu bin will be a great band in sg.. good luck mi lu bin (^_^)


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2007 19:33

here's something new. article on SHA'07, two pics of the boys.



Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2007 19:41

ohh other than the two pics of them, there's a pic of all the artistes with them inside too. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2007 21:58

i saw a lot of familiar faces on tv too. kinda fun!
yup, october gonna end soon. anymore gigs coming up? haha best is late november. after all the exams! hehh.

MIN! all the best.all the best.all the best! =D

good luck to rest of the peeps taking exams too! haiz. today my first paper and it's already.. sighh. =x

well, juz like nic said, everything will turn out fine.. i shall juz do my best, juz like weiqi. haha!

SAM! haven heard from u for some time. still composing songs? hee. jia you also k..
anyway, initially i tot is becos sam sporty that's why slim down. but after the 933 interview, wahh. yuan lai sam de xi shen hen da! hmm. hao bah. sam jia you! =D

take care ppl! happie holiday, happie working, happie mugging, be happie~ =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2007 22:46

decided to drop by while suffering from mind-blockage from writing RJ (Reflection journal). haha. And also saving a video. haha.

thanks meikian for sharing. haha.

my dear syL, u jia you alright~? haha. Min's paper tomorrow is GP, then she was ah-ing to me over msn just now. haha. aiyo, min jia you too wor~~ and of cos miko too.

oh i overlooked givon's tag. Sam need to run and perspire while writing songs, thats why can slim down? wow. very creative hor? only givon can think of that. HAHAHA. Sauna better right? -_-!

well, whatever it is, no matter what we are working on now, all jia you together ba! haha.

all take care yor~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2007 23:04

shall tag before i go off t sleep.
my first paper tomorrow - GP.
extremely afraid of it lah, since i'm not very strong w my english language. AHHHHH~
paiseh, borrow here t scream awhile. (:
thanks lorita, syl & quizzy.
and to everybody who's taking exams, still schooling or working must jiayou wors! weiqi too. :D
those having holidays, have fun & enjoy.

sweet dreams, & goodnights. ^^


Blogger -WHEY` | 30 October, 2007 23:34

aiyoh.. so tired -.-" and still need to do my hw before i go sleep..

and.. hmm.. how come sam is no where in sight? he busy with his sporty? hehs.. weiqi and nic should be besy too yea?

meanwhile, wanna say jiayou to all MLBians who are taking o or a levels or any exams.. heh.. and not forgetting, MLB JIA YOU! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2007 23:35

hmm, today's emp2 was quite easy i guess. chinese tml.. then my next paper w be next mon.

all e best to all tking ur exams, a lvls, o lvls or whatever...JIAYOU, never give up!

&& in reply to yp's tag ytd...
u zheng yan shuo prawn hua.. u so small size i hide behind u, siao ah. nv see me larhs. even got also not obvious. it's a fact~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 October, 2007 00:04


dedicate these few lines from a song, for MLB and MLBians.

"...不论你身在何方 不论你去到何处 我要你给我记住 我永远为你祝福

不论你身在何方 不论你去到何处 我要你给我记住 有朋友你就不会孤独..."

nitey =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 October, 2007 00:18

thank you quizzy jie!
woah. i'm afraid of GP too.
the facts and stuffs juz couldnt get into my head!
arghs. dun care.
i'm off to dreamland liao. eyes closing soon.
nites ppl! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 October, 2007 00:46

wow. raining so heavily. all remember to put on blanket hor. tomorrow morning remember to bring ur umbrella with u. haha.

Accidentally found 3 pictures of nic and sam, taken from Hey Gorgeous website...


nitey =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 October, 2007 01:13

WOW... Looking At The Videos & Photos, Were SoOo NICE La... ThanKz~!

MLB U Guyz Take Good Care Yea...
Hope To Cya Guyz Again Soon !
LoTsSs Of MISSes ~

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 October, 2007 01:23

woo~ thx for all e pics n vids..nice~ =DD

mk, gao xiao~ trying to fight for e title w somebody ar..lols..gd luck for ur chinese tml! nn slp early hor!

gd luck to those taking o's n a's as well! =))


Blogger Jodie [: | 31 October, 2007 08:57


Just a short clip bout Milubing on how will they share their trophy.


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 October, 2007 09:51

Thanks jodie for sharing, but I think i having problems viewing leh. Like...nothing is shown lor. haha. never mind, I try again later. haha.

morning MLB and MLBians =). Take care yor~

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