
4th Day Over
milubing | 07 September, 2007 00:42

(Picture was taken from the carpark above Tiong Bahru
Market sometime last week when i had dinner there)
Hmm.. Today was a peaceful day. Saw some dark clouds when i was out in the afternoon. Saw the sun too. Dark clouds VS Hot sun. It didn't rain as far as i know. What am i saying? =)
Nope, i wasn't sporty today, no time, no action. Maybe tomorrow, if i'm free.. I'm sleepy now, sweet sweet dreams.



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Anonymous Anonymous | 09 September, 2007 18:04

:) :) :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 September, 2007 18:18

wahaha. hello I'm back again. Bought the album liao. But forget to buy something else =(. Nvm la, not important anyway.

They mentioned the gai ban costs $20.95 at CD rama right? aiyo, Music junction costs $20.90 only. What about HMV and Sembawang music Centre? haha.

Under the best seller chart at CD rama hor, i saw milubing's album back at number 9 again. But duno zhun ma. But whatever the case, congrats! yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuumseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeng

so the proportion made it to 70/30? 2 coupons (for shi ying) to 1 sms (for lei)? haha. just ratio hor.


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 September, 2007 18:27

Yeappie! 私奔到月球 rising high!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 September, 2007 18:34

by the way weiqi, the cover is nice la. but you mention you wanted to use pink but found out it's "too pink" le right? haha did u try to experiment with different shades of pink? but eh, will still look too pink eh? duno leh. haha.

But still, thanks for the surprise. so sweet of you. hehe =D~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 September, 2007 18:35

ya, sembawang also $20.90.aiya, not much diff lah. lols.


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 September, 2007 19:15

huh?! 6/4 too risky as in to wic song huh?!

and the album cover is real nice lor! because we hav weiqi as a art student! haha! thankiew weiqi~! =]

cant wait to get my copy soon tmr!! whee~!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 September, 2007 19:19


was jus reading this old post by nic... probably the post tt touched me most among all the posts since the start of the blog.


shall not bore you guys with my gan chu... but for those who havent read tt post b4, shd go read ya?

'A happy beginning of a friendship... dear God...may it never end...'

miss the old times. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 September, 2007 19:19

well, finish watching the MVs le. Agree with meikian about the third song. Well, there's nothing we can do anyway. All I can say is - now i know why the cameras are wandering around during the autograph sessions liao hahaha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 September, 2007 19:24

Me too miss superband. Can i have a show of hands who missed superband too? hehe

*raise both hands and legs*

off to watch TV lo~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 September, 2007 19:27

thx meikian for tt post, didnt read before actually. bt its nice. really gan chu hen duo.
actually ii was reading thru my own old entries in my blog, read about the interaction with the trios. yup, somehow bac to the old daes. missing so much. =]


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 September, 2007 19:29

superband is missed! haha. still rmb those times nic used to blog almost everyday~ then sam always not blogging cuz in camp. now seems to be the opposite...

and then the 3, esp nic will always update us with stuff from their recording, sound check, whatever. complaints... and of course good things lah. haha...

miss those times~

maybe later i mute the mv, play Get Alive along with it, see if the effect come out better. haha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 September, 2007 19:43

so, meikian, hows the effect work?! izzit somehow, betta?! haha!

sunday has coming to an end, SO SAD!!! ii want my weekends!!! why cant we swop weekdays and weekends to 2daes and 5daes?! haha! =p


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 September, 2007 19:49

duno leh, i havent try yet. hahaha... i try liao then tell u. LOLS.

yeah lohs, even if is weekday 4 day weekend 3 day i also shuang. haha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 September, 2007 20:46

/yumin raises both hand up high.
superband is very much missed. (:
MLB and MLBians, take care lo! heh.


Blogger Jodie [: | 09 September, 2007 20:55



Sigh. Am i tat suai on my burfdae?

Anyway, congrats of releasing of the gai ban.
But as i said, sigh. :(

Now all my songs in MP3 ARE GONE!
Sorry ppl! I needa relief my heart felt feelings!

:( Not in a good mood but actually i oso got 2 happy things lar.
"Moodless" to say bout it.
To find out, go my blog sooner or later.

Tmr got sch liao. Needa slp. Goodnite, ppl .


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 September, 2007 20:58


like wad ik said.. lei is the first zhu da ge.. so sad cannot make it the top 3.. like wad u guys say its like an 'old' song on the chart already and a little difficult to get it up to top 3.. but wad i can say is we try to maintain lei in the chart and also vote for shi ying.. maybe we should like prioritize.. until 1 song reach our target position and we'll start to vote for the next song.. hmm.. agree?


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 September, 2007 21:14

i get the gai ban for u as belated pressie wan? hahas.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 09 September, 2007 21:20

Halo MLB Family,
I am finally back and coming here after watching the MVs.
I personally prefer this gai ban packaging. The pics were also much nicer than the original one.
After watching the 3rd MV, I realised that most or in fact everyone of us were somehow captured by the camera. I love the ending part where all MLBians together with MLB on the stage shouting MLB POWER-LAH...

As for today's Long Hu Bang result, I was quite shock to heard Lei dropped 7 positions from #7 last week to #14 today. I have never expect such thing to happen so soon. Cos, last week we get many MLBians to filled up at least 2 coupons per person. But I dunno who informed them not to fill in the song title? Therefore I got a concern here, did we sent out those coupons withouting filling the song title? If that's the case, then we are wasting lots of coupons & stamps!
If the song titles were finally filled up, then why Lei can dropped by so many positions? Thought Lei & Shi Ying should have a balance proportion. Unless what ik said was true, the publicity votes prefer Shi Ying to Lei (cos, most of my colleagues also prefer Shi Ying).
In fact MLB's songs up the chart very fast lor!
Lei was at #17 in the 1st week where it get into the chart, 2nd week already in the Top 10 chart at #9, and continued to be in the Top 10 until today which is the 8th week. The Best ranking for Lei is at #5 spot. Lei got the most advancement ranking was 8 positions up (#17 to #9) and the most great droppage was 7 positions down (#7 to #14).

Shi Ying came into the chart at #20 during the 1st week, then advanced to #14 in 2nd week and again advanced to #9 in 3rd week (today).

We can see that both songs are already in the Top 10 within 2nd week for Lei & within 3rd week for Shi Ying. As of today, Lei has accumulated 78pts & Shi Ying has accumulated 19pts.

I personally feel that Lei still can be brought back to the Top 10 if everyone of us did not give up! But, to be frank; to be in the Top 3 is really difficult.
Then we have to vote super hard to push Shi Ying to the Top 3 within the next 2 weeks. And finally to the TOP by the 3rd week from today.
As for the strategy: I will propose 60%/40% by coupon votings and 100%/100% by SMSes & Callings for Shi Ying & Lei.
Hopefully next week we can push Lei back to Top 10 & Shi Ying to Top 5.
Anyway, I still wanna thanks All MLBians for voting these 2 songs very hard in Yes933 Long Hu Bang. let's don't feel sad or disappointed anymore, but continue to vote harder. Yeah, We Can Make It De!

Very sorry for the super lo.....ong tag.

Tomorrow is school re-open again for all students. Everyone must Jia-you again, especially those sitting for prelims, 'O' & 'A' Level. All working adults also must Jia-you...
All the Best to the MLB Family.


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 September, 2007 22:15

who's gai ban ??????JJ Lin
omg,he is so cute & friendly

Sorrie guys!!!!I'm so high now


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 September, 2007 22:20

lols. no lahs, haiyo. jodie wan mlb de gaiban. hahas


Blogger binz | 09 September, 2007 22:34

today's lhb was a stunned sad happy one i think. i xia dao when i heard lei playin. but the thing to rejoice is shiying shot up to #9. eh im wondering hor if we can really vote for lei and shiying(via coupon method) at the same time with the same name leh. cuz i tht many ppl voted both together but lei dropped many positions.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 09 September, 2007 22:37

Sorry for a mistake, Shi Ying has accumulated 20pts (not 19pts) as of today.

Why this place so quiet tonight? Izzit everyone is preparing for tml sch & work!

So, no one has read my super lo.....ong tag above lor! Nvm, its alrite then.


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 September, 2007 22:39

al the best to all taking their prelims,
jia you to those at work,
nic, sam & weiqi, 记得要多休息哦!
hope all have a fruitful week ahead! complete all tasks and stuff. stay happy and remember to keep a smile on a face. =D

take care!!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 09 September, 2007 22:47

Hi binz,
As what I knew, all the voting coupons were without song title written on the voting coupons. And please be assured that quizzy has got a confirmation from Yes933 DJ LiYi that we are allowed to votes for 2 different songs with a same name.
I believe what ik said was very true lor, in fact the results don't just based on MLBians' votes, there are ppl who love MLB's song but their preference were Shi Ying lor, and these were the ppl that push Shi Ying into the chart. Remember when Shi Ying 1st got onto the chart at #20, we (MLBians) were very surprise becos we(MLBians) have yet to vote for Shi Ying.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 09 September, 2007 22:50

Yeah shihui, you are right must put on a smile on our faces.
Hope you have a fruitful week ahead too. Remember to grab your copies of the gai ban tml.
Take care & have a nice days... :-)


Blogger binz | 09 September, 2007 22:55

uncle phil: omg so many coupons wasted ahhh.. ya i think many ppl out there like shi ying so perhaps that's the reason it's shooting up faster than lei bah. anw thanks for the clarificaiton abt the confirmation with DJ LiYi(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 September, 2007 23:02

No, the coupons were not wasted. from what i know, the song names were filled. many votes were cast for lei, but still the position dropped.


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 September, 2007 23:05

haha..all wan to strike 4d or toto ar..wish u guys gd luck den.. :P

syl, mlb's audition no is 1311..u oso wan to buy 4d ar? lols..

milubing, congrats on e release of e gai ban! me n mk still complaining on fri how come no gaiban den sat she msg me liao..haha..gonna get a copy tml..saw e front cover design today..it's nice.. :D thx to weiqi for tis 2nd surprise wor.. :D oh n happi 2 mths to mlb's baby(album)! :DD

now to lhb results..i got a shock when mk told me lei was at no 14..such a drastic fall! i rmb sending 30(out of 45) coupons for lei sia..haiz..oh well, mayb we shld take jasmin's suggestion n chiong shi ying up instead? got to admit tt it seems harder n harder to make lei advance on e chart..but i reali hope lei can rebounce back into top 10..afterall, they got nominated for best local lyrics composition based on lei rite..tsk..

on e other hand, glad tt shi ying advanced 5 positions to come to no 9..thx to those who voted or helped us fill up e coupons.. :)

now back to e qn, how we shld we vote for these 2 songs..imo, 60/40 for lei/shiying will be abit dangerous n lei mite jus fall out of e chart next wk(assuming wad ik n uncle phil said abt e public votes is true)..i'm tinking 70/30 on my side..try to keep lei on e chart as long as possible(thr's an award for e song which has stayed e longest on e chart as well rite tho lei can onli be nominated next yr)..i onli hv 40 plus filled up coupons left for tis wk..anyone w other opinions do voice out ya..we'll try to work sth out..i shld be on msn if u guys need to discuss.. :))

uncle phil, i was e one who told e fans not to write e song title cos we havent decided how much to vote for lei n shi ying respectively..n since i was bringing all e coupons home i cld count n decide how mani to send for each song..rest assured tt all e coupons were filled up w e song title..i checked thrice before sending them out..n i acty tried to imitate everyone's handwriting for e song title, tho not perfect..so e 50 i sent shld all be counted..jus tt i tink mayb we are e onli ones voting for lei..hence e drastic fall in ranking..

starting of new sch term for e students tml..jiayou yea..n those having e rest of their prelims from tml onwards, take care n slp early..jus do ur best.. :) i'm looking forward to tml so tt i can buy my gaiban.. :))


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 September, 2007 23:05

Hello MLB & MLBians!
My first post of the day!LOL!
Wah..a lot of people already went to get the gai ban..
I think I will go and get it tmr..


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 September, 2007 23:20

yes yes, happy 2 mths to MLB's first baby... before the clock strikes 12...



Blogger Uncle Phil | 09 September, 2007 23:24

Oh yuan ping, thanks for the clarifications.
I also agree and want Lei to stay on the chart for as long as possible. I have confident that we are able to push Lei back to the Top 10.
I go along with yuan ping suggestion 70/30 for Lei/Shi Ying respectively with coupon votings & 100/100 for both songs with SMSing & Callings.

In fact Lei advancement on the chart was faster than Shi Ying:
Lei was at #17 in week 1,
Shi Ying was at #20 in week 1.

Lei advanced 8 positions (#17 to #9) in week 2,
Shi Ying advanced 6 positions (#20 to #14) in week 2.

Lei advanced another 1 position (#9 to #8) in week 3,
Shi Ying advanced another 5 positions (#14 to #9) in week 3.

From the above rankings between the 2 songs for their 1st 3 weeks, Lei has a better result over Shi Ying (cos Lei accumulated 29pts, while Shi Ying accumulated 20pts).


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 September, 2007 23:27

yeah. that day pinky jie decided to 豁出去了。cos we won't be meeting so soon yet mahz, so she decided to get them filled up their names first without filling the song names. to stand by for remaining weeks.

if we already vote a lot and lei's position still drop, there can only be one possiblity - fans of other singers are catching up.

suan le la, don't lose your sleep over this. smilez. those having prelims tomorrow de, jia you ;D


Blogger Uncle Phil | 09 September, 2007 23:28

yuan ping,
Don't think I have your MSN. Can you add me: forevermlbian@hotmail.com

Its so sweet to watch the 3rd MV, it brings back alot of memories.
But, why the Shi Ying MV was in black & white (very retro lor)?


Blogger Uncle Phil | 09 September, 2007 23:38

After watching Shi Ying MV again, I recalled Nic asked us to keep still (sit or stand straight) for a family pic during the 4th gathering. Haha...

Then for the 3rd MV, I think the song that was choosen suit well with the shots lor. It will has to be a slow song to recall & brought back all memories (just my personal opinion).


Blogger binz | 09 September, 2007 23:39

oh heng heng the coupons were not wasted(: ahh as long as we do our best to vote then others have to leave to fate le yea?


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 September, 2007 23:47

but that song is a sad song lor. those shots are more suitable for "Get Alive". haha mk and i thought this way. no I'm not saying it isn't nice, just feel weird jiu dui le haha.

haha true true. We still strategize le then vote hard hard, the rest leave to fate ba. Last week nic also mention in his tag that his stand is "sui yuan". well, *shrugs*. haha.

since we were talking about MVs, i remember last time we will joked with Oyster jie (who no longer frequent here?), Milubing's MV director shall be her, since she's studying something related to film directing is it? i forget le. aiyo. although those old friends might have gone MIA in the blog le, but from their msn nicks, can see that they never forget milubing de wor.

haha. since meikian mentioned about the old entry that nic blogged last time, i feel like doing something too. *status changed to be right back*


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 September, 2007 23:52

ya, jus thot tt cuz the clips all look so happy... fits Get Alive more~

nic's dancing clip! haha... =P next time dance more leh~ LOLS...

duno why ah, jus now went to read the archives... suddenly miss the old times alot. the gan chiongness every week... result show~ wah. seems like long time ago! 1 year pass le... whoas~


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 00:02

haha done. I re-post that old entry in publicity blog le. Plus saying my most heartfelt yet rou ma words hahaha. Hopefully nic sam and weiqi would passed by there? haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 00:13

sweet memories always to be remembered? really liked that photo. =)

what a long journey. but not to be forgotten...

many smiles along the journey, more to come!~


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 00:22

huh? yes ba. haha.

anyway, hope weiqi's homework is more or less done le? As for sam, hope you had fun these few days. Nic? is your tough week over now? haha.

Nope, I'm not emo-ing or even drunk (I don't even drink arh hahaha). Just 感触良多. And so do meikian? hehe =D.

in any case, I miss superband jiu dui le. I think the superband withdrawal symptoms still never recover ba? haha.

wooh~ listening to chong qing de 周公讲鬼now. hmm...haha. learnt something out of it le.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 00:25

haha yes, im feeling very gan chu liang duo today. maybe abit insane. LOLS. i think superband withdrawal symptoms wont recover bahs~ at least not within a short period of time... maybe stay for a few years, after all, MLB and superband interlink de mah. haha...

WQ,hope ur walk cycle completed liao... or still rushing it now? aiyos. takecare!

ahNIC,so how have you been since las week? hope the shows went well. jiayou ah~ =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 00:33

superband is being missed alot alot alot! =((


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 00:39

I miss superband too!
After superband, all other competitions r no funs


Blogger Uncle Phil | 10 September, 2007 00:55

Ya, I missed Superband too.
That was the show/competition that brought all of us here and finally becoming MLBians in the MLB Family.
Woohoo, I love MLB Family.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 01:01

i miss superband three! and four and five and six...and n to the power of n. haha. haha. already rou ma in publicity blog le. But i'll rou ma again (eh i dun normally do that de lor haha). I love MLB family too and three and four and five~~...

eh meikian, u pian xin la, never 问候 sam? hahaha =P.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 01:05

haha... say here say there also say the same thing one, thats why i nv say loh. LOLS.

ok lah..

sam, so got go sporty today? hope u got more time to be sporty this week. haha...



Blogger Uncle Phil | 10 September, 2007 01:17

Wow, its 1.15am liao.
Going to slp now.
Gd nitez n sweet dreamz.
Have a great week ahead to MLB Family.
Jia-you in whatever you are doing.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 01:22

nitey and chocolate dreams to uncle~

sian arh~ school reopening in one week time~~ haha =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 02:39



Blogger Uncle Phil | 10 September, 2007 11:27

Hi, good morning MLB Family.
Its Monday again and its a wet Monday. Seems like most of the times, the 1st day of school re-opened surely a raining day?

Haiz, I am sick today. Never go to work, already consulted doctor at the polyclinic, and was given 2days medical leaves. The clinic was super crowded, took me about 1 1/2hr to complete the whole consultation + getting my medicines. Right now, at home resting. Going to sleep soon.

All members of the MLB Family, please take care, drink more water & have a great week ahead.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 11:47

da jia zao an~

ya u very hao yi si say tt to those ppl who go back to sch today hor? hahaha...

uncle phil,
takecare! i was sick over the past few days too, heng i recovered before today. drink more water n take more rest... get well soon~


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 13:03

juz finished my first paper.. haiz. more to go! haha
oh man.. u all say until the gai ban so nice.. i'm craving for it already! haha. but.. aiye. i'm not buying it so soon.. if not, will get distracted from my studies! heh.
okay pinky jie, thx for the audition number.. embedded into my memory le. hees.
uncle phil, take care alright?


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 15:19

uncle, take care wor~ hehe =D.

meikian, =D! But i really sian la. haha.

new class list was out le. All new names. Then no more off days on Wednesdays too. Cos i choose 5 modules mahz. haiz...jia you ba!

Those having prelims de, jia you! hehe =D.

Nic sam and weiqi, jia you too =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 16:01

ooh uncle phil is sick?
take good care of yourself wors.
hope that you'll recover soon. (:

and congrats t the release of MLB's gaiban album. heh. i think i won't be able t know what it looks like until next friday. because the prelims is here! :(

take care everybody.
ayes, off t to study le.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 16:21

Yeah finally got MLB new gai ban.. The front cover is so nice!!

Mlb Jiayou!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 16:21

haha. min, jia you!

I'm off for class BBQ le. Will be back at midnight. Everyone take care yor~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 16:46

Hi everyone here.. all mlbians and mlb

Firstly, congrats to mlb for releasing the gai ban! I love the album cover.. with all of them wearing pink.. hahas. Hope every mlbians have bought it ya?

Secondly, i wanna give some comments for the lhb thingy. Yup, it was really shocking to see lei dropping so fast. I was still telling my fren how it chiong from 17th position to 9th. However, although lei has drop 7 places, from 7th to 14th, i personally feel that we should not give up on lei despite the heavy fall. I agree with IK, that lei is the zhu da, maybe some of them think it's old and so, stop voting for lei. We should let lei stay as longer as possible in the chart, to help lei to get into top 10, or even more, top 5 or 3. We do not want to earn the points by both the song, but also let lei to become one of the songs in the top 10 lhb songs. Since lei has already earned such a good results, we should continue let lei to rise up to earn more points rather than giving up. Also, not to forget shiying as well.

Anyw, this is just how i feel. Your dont need to really follow larh, but just take it as a opinion bah.

know that many ppl does not have enough coupons but one vote really means alot to us, i'm right?

Shiying and lei jiayou!



Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 16:48

Oh yar.. today i went to CD rama to purchase mlb gai ban cd. Guess what i saw.. MLB album (not the Gai Ban one) was rank 9th position. I rmb MLb album was no longer on the chart two weeks ago. CONGRATS TO MLB.. 看.. 你们多有魅力! hahas

jiayou mlbians in voting!



Blogger PeiShan | 10 September, 2007 17:42

ohh .. mlb album went up to 9th position again ar .. gd gd .. congrats MLB *cheers*


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 17:47

hi, we are also MLB's supporters, but seldom tag.. we will cont to vote for both lei n shi ying.. 50/50, then let destiny takes its course...cheers!


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 18:39

Hello all, here're the leading singers for the respective 'Most Popular' awards for now-10/9 evening. (in no particular order)

Most Popular Group
Mayday, S.H.E, Fahrenheit

Most Popular Newcomer
Li Yu Chun, Evan Yo, Fahrenheit

do vote more for MLB!


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 18:47

MLB is not on the leading yet?*sigh*Must jiayou!

I just bought gai ban but haven't seen it yet..just flip through the lyrics book..I prefer this one coz more colourful..

Wei Qi ~ You did an awesome job on the cover design!*pats*


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 18:59

btw, new imag got small mention of MLB... it's a report on the news and recent updates of all the Super contestants.small pic thou.


so we're already at 金唱片 liao ah? haha.. congrats! =)

scanning it now..


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 19:15

the small article

I Weekly



Blogger Uncle Phil | 10 September, 2007 19:26

Thank-you very much for all the get well wishes by fellow mlbians. I am feeling better now, anyway still got 1 more day to rest.

With regards to this latest issue (No 515 dated 13th Sep) of i-weekly. I also saw my post requesting for them to place MLB's Pic on the front cover was published. Thia was my 2nd attempt to write in, the other one was published in issue no: 511 dated 16th Aug 2007.

Hopefully we will be able to see MLB pic on the front cover of 1-weekly soon!


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 19:31

YEAH!! MLB gai ban album is on my hand now! whee~

lotsa comments came to my mind after goin thru the entire album.
NICE Album cover!! =D thx to weiqi!
NICE packaging!! compared to the previous cool version, ii love dis the most. =]
sweet memories recorded in the MV of 我为什么还爱你. so sweet~! ;] thx to the producer! and agree with uncle phil, the ending part shows the spirits of MLB Family!! =D
迷路兵真的很帅!! =D

other den tt, hmm...
although there are sweet memories can be seen, but ii saw many familiar faces!!! 我的天啊!真的是丢脸丢到家!!! hahaha~!!! lolxx. =p
ii was laughing away thruout this MV, although cant blend-in with the emotion of this song laa, bt really can kill monday blues mann. haha! 赞!!! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 19:34

uncle phil,
take plenty rest hor. sick le must take medicine on time and drink more water k. take care!

ii hav 2 family members fall sick too, stomach flu ii think, haiz. get well soon, ppl!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 21:13



but now it not the time to buy . sian .

anyway , vote for SHIYING to get top three first ? cos i feel that shiying will be more popular . then probably follow by (why i still love you)<-- translate to chinese]

just my suggestion .(:

so , good luck to all those who are having prelims JIA YOU !

o y7a, will there be any autograph session for the gai ban ?

take care.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 21:54

"halo everyone,today was a bad day for me,woke up late for class,went home to nap 1 hr b4 driving class at the east side,then woke up late again.Jialat,my body not listening to my mind le.

Now i gotta continue to bia,got quiz and loads of assignments not done for this week."WQ, how do u deal with ur mountain of hmwk?"
Ans:'Use the concept of small victories,split up the chunk into smaller bits,finish bit by bit,each time u finish a small portion,tell urself u had a small victory,and it'll help u carry on in a..steadfast fashion.' Wanna thank my dad for teaching me this trick.Hope it helps u too,in any situation u are facing.Take care mlbians,really appreciate how each of u support us in ur little ways,which add up to a SUPER big contribution!(jus like small victories that will lead to the final victory over the battle)."


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 22:02

Hii WeiQI,
hope u can take care yourself~~
remember rest too~


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 22:10

hey hey, u mean u nv late before ah? always sleep so late! ppl like me always late for sch... record holder haha. maybe next time try to set as many alarm clocks as possible? i always set like, 2 phones, and one alarm clock. haha..

yeah yeah. thanks for the tip too =)

ni men yao jiayou~ and takecare loads...


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 22:12

ur body not listening to ur mind tat is bcuz u don't have enough sleep,try to relax abit or take a nap ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 22:17

WQ, not bad, good advice from ure wise dad. yes break down the tasks to small ones, when you complete each one, celebrating the small victories will provide you with the momentum to finish your mountain of hmwk. push on!


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 22:21

yup, agree with xiiaohong, u really need more rest, so tt u hav a clearer mind. =] if no time to rest, jz treat ur mountain of homeworks as games bahz. jz play with them. heez. thx for the tips, seems quite useful, mayb during my uni daes in the future bahz. =]

really cant imagine when ii step into uni life, how will it be?! hmmm......


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 22:35

Bought the gaiban le. It's soo PINK-ku!!! lucky u changed the bkgrd colour otherwise it'll be really overdose :p Like the fact that u put in the extra effort to hv your shadows in the back of the album cover. Neat idea! the 1st cd cover so ku, den the gaiban so yang guang. So does dat mean MLB has shuang chong xing ge?
Oh now we can see where u guys did all the jumping. It's all in this gaiban. wow u guys got style huh, even jumping also hv so many patterns!
How come both MVs all of you ku ku de. Prefer the shiying MV, though it's a little sad. i blur leh, ure 2nd surprise is the album cover, the 3rd mv or the gaiban? if it is the 3rd mv, den u guys hv fulfilled ure fans' dream to be in ure mv ;) tink it's a pretty cool idea.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 10 September, 2007 22:35

Thank you very much for your get well wishes too. Hope your 2 family members also have a speedy recovery.

Why you dad never teach to rest well. There is a saying: You wanna win a battle, besides having good weapons, you still must make sure that you are fully energetic (meaning~Must have enough Rest).
But what your dad has taught you was excellent, its not only use for refering to doing homeworks or studies, its much in use for real life regardless of what you are doing. So sweet of you for sharing this great piece of advice.
Anyway, you must continue to Jia-you for your studies, driving & of course music.

Hope all your busy schedules are over and you are back to your normal routines. You too must Jia-you in whatever you are doing.

Where have you gone? MIA again or really busy with all your sporty activities.
Maybe you are busy writing new songs for MLB 2nd album. Anyway, you also must Jia-you in whatever you do, be it sporty activities or writing new songs.

All MLB Family,
Please drink more water and have enough rest. Jia-you for your prelims / exams if you are a student and Jia-you in your work if you are a working adults.
Hopefully there will be more events coming up with the released of the gai ban. My wish is to have a MLB mini concert / showcase soon, then our big family can all party together. yeah...


Blogger Uncle Phil | 10 September, 2007 22:44

Any mlbian here who go to karaoke pubs frequently? Any idea that MLB's songs will be in the karaoke pubs with the released of MLB's MVs?
Yeah, we can go karaoke pubs and sing MLB's songs soon! Cheers...


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 22:51

=( just came back from class BBQ. didn't realized there are a lot to update. wait for me arh. haha.

*eyes very sore from BBQ*


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 23:33

weiqi, jiayou n take care! guess u were too tired, thus cldnt wakey on time..anw, u not bad liao..onli late once..i late most of e time de..walk into class oso paiseh..haha..but bopian, bus always jus left when i reach interchange.. >.<

nic, hope ur busy busy days are over..take care! :)

sam, manage to get sporty these days? mus thrash dasmond back someday ar.. :P

watched e mvs in e gaiban..i tink i like lei e most.. :) shi ying oso not bad la..but y black n white ar..hee..wo wei she me hai ai ni is acty qt sweet la..but it feels weird to be seeing familiar faces inside..lols..n to tt particular someone hor, i saw mani scenes w u inside lei..whr got low profile..hahaha..

to those who are sick, take care n drink more water! i'm nursing a sore throat now..ouchy! :(


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 23:44

oi... i where no low profile.. in the mv u more obvious than me kay. u so prominent, i in the background nia hor..


Blogger PeiShan | 10 September, 2007 23:47

ur bbq hao wan ma ?? muz drink lots of water leh, since u eating so much heaty food ..

"tt particular someone" .. i noe who u toking abt .. keke .. u too muz drinks lots of water n take care ar ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 23:48

So many MLBians are sick?
You all must take care of yourselves hor..I am sure the boys would be worried hearing the MLBians getting sick..

Get well soon to all that are sick!

Wei Qi,aiyoh..bad day for you today eh?Never mind,next time would be a better day for you okay.
Jia you hor!

Nic,hope everything is okay with ya..managed to get some rest yet?If not,must hor..

Sam,eh?Where are you hor?MIA is it?
Or busy with sports?If you are busy with sports,must trash the other person okay!

Good nights to MLB and all MLBians!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 10 September, 2007 23:48

you are right lor, that some1 where got low profile?
I also find it was a mistake to shot Shi Ying MV in black & white (very retro lor!), cos the 3 bois were very smartly dressed. Initially I still thought my player got problem (why no colours), but when the 3rd MV is out then I realised that my player got no problem.
In the Shi Ying MV; there are 2 parts where Sam was still singing but WeiQi & Nic were talking to each others at the background (very funny lor!).


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 23:56

dots. dun talk about me liao... -_-"

whatever it is,i think the mvs look gr8. good job to the crew and the milo boys!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 September, 2007 00:01

haha shan. ok lor. haha.

meikian changed name to someone liao? haha.

i think it will be better if shi ying is filmed in a, say, bedroom instead? those kind of hostel bedroom de.

and weiqi, jia you for your work!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 September, 2007 00:02

so ya, those sick de, please take good care ok? Weiqi also take care arh, dun fall sick. same goes to nic and sam.

by the way I'm feeling better le =)...


Blogger PeiShan | 11 September, 2007 00:09

huh .. "ok lor" only ar .. aiya, if im there sure fun de .. keke .. =P

gonna slp liao .. nites mlb n mlbians .. sweet dreams n take care ..
n weiqi:
know tt u bia-ing for ur sch assignment .. but bia gui bia .. tired le muz rest ar .. ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 September, 2007 00:15

weiqi, 加油! :DD
u can do it!
meanwhile, mus hav enough rest too.
if nt hw to finish ur hmwrk?!
take care hor.
slp early!(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 September, 2007 00:15

uncle phil,

rest early to get well soon. read your post in i weekly le.. hope lo.. may be must hv more people write in

i love 'lei' mv.. more like mv.. like the back ground too, but the weather too hot for nic.
my mom love the 3rd mv..we prefer this lyrics book than the previous one too..

talk abt the karaoke, is it 'wo wei se hai ni' is more suitable than 'get alive' for karaoke ?


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 September, 2007 00:48

thanks quizzy. (:
i wonder if you're back from bbq nots. haha.

hope that tday (because it's past 12am) would be a much better day for you. sleep earlier than won't wake up late le ba. and jiayou too alrights, with all the piles of work that you have in hand. take care! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 September, 2007 01:24

haha yes. cos we r at chalet at Aloha loyang, but many of us not staying overnight haha. so just bbq, eat, drink (i didn't drink the whiskey that some of them were drinking so dun worry), watch TV haha. And discuss about hey gorgeous lor haha.

my eyes kena 'smoked' so was quite dry. Now feeling better le.

weiqi, tired le dun 死撑, then end up nothing is done. haha no offence la.

They say the most productive person will have mini nap (say, 5 to 10 minutes?) in between then ya...??

haha =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 September, 2007 01:48

someone, mian dui xian shi la..got ppl agree w me tt u are not low profile lor.. :P

shan, thankies! ^_^ hope i recover by tml..if not i feel so gao wei toking..lols..

quizzy, shh~ dun let e cat out of e bag..later someone paiseh la..lols.. :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 September, 2007 02:05

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~ i scared of cats. haha!

duno why, suddenly so happy and empowered after chatting with a friend. haha. smilez =)!

aha I know le. Cos I feel very blessed. =)!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 September, 2007 02:08

hmm.. jus thot i wld try voting for the SHA awards with my phone.was surprised it actually worked. maybe those with gprs can try also... try to generate more votes~ not sure how the ip add thing for phone gprs works thou~ hmm..


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 September, 2007 02:17

but GPRS de hua will cost a lot wor.

my way of generating more votes is change IP address. Cos my IP address isn't static de mahz, so when i disconnect my internet and connect again, i'll get a different IP. Thats because my ISP (Internet Service Provider) will randomly assigned IP address de i think. so ya, depends on ur ISP, you might be able to change IP address on your own lor.

haha hope my explanation helps.



Anonymous Anonymous | 11 September, 2007 02:20


hmm, not sure lah. cuz what im viewing now is text only, shd be cheaper cuz lesser to load? ahh whatevers...back to studying~


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 September, 2007 03:05


hmm.. so many mlbians sick! including me! haha.. flu :( but recovering.. heh.. hmm.. mlbians.. when u noe u falling sick, take some vitamin C pills or vitamin C drink etc.. will some how boost the immune system.. but never overdoze vitamin C ok! :) and of cos water and apple(an apple a day keeps the doctor away!) haha :D

uncle phil!
i agree with what u say.. in shi ying MV wei qi and nic talking at the backgound a little weird.. the first time i saw i tot was like accidentally talk? and the second time i saw it i think it was done purposely ba? lol.. i commented dat to my sis and she laughed.. lol!



Anonymous Anonymous | 11 September, 2007 03:23

yuan lai ru ci.

i just finished an apple =D.

so now my *cough cough* downgraded to *ahem ahem* liao. yeah~~

but honestly i got the habit of eating apples la.

hehe =D!

have a good rest!

Weiqi jia you!

nic and sam jia you too!

all jia you!

take care =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 September, 2007 04:23

haha.. good lah.. got dat habit.. i once had the habit to eat apples everyday.. lol.. now i like oranges more! :x higher in vitamin C content also.. haha.. but i ate appple just now (erm.. last night rather) heh.. *achooo* become *sniffs* lol..


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 September, 2007 10:34

morning folks!

ah.. din know there is a 改版 4 d album... shall check out at d music stores...

feeling bored... so njoying d songs on 933... like d 经典歌曲九联环... nice songs...


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 September, 2007 11:09

ooh, going off t school for my econs prelim paper soon.
*super scared*
those who are sick must take care wors.
drink more water and eat more healthy food ba.

cooling weather tday. (:
chances of outdoor sports for sam?


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 September, 2007 15:25

yar.. everyone must drink lots of water..!

talking about water.. I LEFT MY BOTTLE IN SCHOOL! hahas.. was still thinking that i will breed mosquito nort? hahas.. lame~

yar! everybody prefer gai ban de style! i love both! hahas.. both also have shuai shuai de mlb. Talking about the mvs.. i prefer wo wei shen me hai ai ni. Cos it's the auto session de photographs.. which really brings back alot of memories.. hahas.

shan: yar! mlb was rank 9th! congrats!
uncle Phil: takkaire wor! rest well(:


and not to forget!
we have to keep mlb leading both the nominations! jiayou mlbians!




Anonymous Anonymous | 11 September, 2007 15:53

hellos all MLBians :D
here in sch blogging. now is my cca tym >.<

anyways, read throu all the tags.. most of the MLBians are falling sick! oh my! muz rest well to those who fall sick & to those who are still healthy, dun fall sick :D


Blogger givon | 11 September, 2007 16:02

hellos berries! long time no see! hahas//
cca still blog arh?
eat snake arh?


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 September, 2007 16:30

whew! went to bed at 5am, only managed to fall asleep at 7am. Why? Hands and legs were so sore (as in, suan) to the extent that I couldn't sleep lor. Thought maybe will rain but didn't rain? anyway, no longer feeling sore after I woke up le. hehe =D.

aiyo, thanks givon for reminding that MLB's album was number 9 on CD rama chart. I saw le, but keep forgetting. hehe.

oh ya, i showed my mother the gai ban le. my mother said the design is nice too. hehe =D


Blogger Jodie [: | 11 September, 2007 16:41

Berries-jie. LOLS! But dun need lar. I try persuade my mum then. Hehes. (: Anyway, my CCA cannot blog one. Cos is outdoors! =P

Weiqi. Hahas. Your body not listening to you sounds WRONG! LOLS! Anyway, you take care hor? Dun fall sick orh. Cheers. =P

Anyway, i recieved quite a number of presents from my frens so all of u no need worry i got no present. Hehes. (:


Yesterday heard the SHA results. Milubing was not in the current top 3! Sad sad. But we must try our best to vote more, kays? So tat they can go up and get a prize! WHEE! (:

Have a great week, ppl!


Blogger PeiShan | 11 September, 2007 17:56

hello hello !!

eh .. i know im late to say tis but i really forgot .. "happy belated birthday !!" paiseh ar ..

aiyo, so many ppl fall sick ar .. muz take care ar ..
btw, qing msg mi n remind mi tis .. let's say wo wei shen me hai ai ni mv is available at k-box .. other ppl will c us lor n we will b so famous sia .. haha ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 September, 2007 18:02

hai hao la, anyway the focus should still be on the guys mahz. hehe =D.

sunny sunny day~~

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