
You See It, We Feel It.
milubing | 07 August, 2007 01:35

This year has been tremendously different from the earlier years of my life, countless new experiences. Its amazing that we can hear our song on the chart, and it wouldn't have been possible without all these support from 你们. We're REALLY contented liao.. Don't wish that some of you spend too much on voting, 我们都知道你们的心意.

I think ya all had a fun mass conversation that night, great. As i read through the wishes, feels like we're celebrating a wedding anniversary. =) So glad that ya all are keeping the blog alive with us..

My brother WeiQi just got back to school, brother Nic is working hard in his unit. 加油to both of them! It does not mean that i'm very free ya.. And the 3 of us are constantly striving to improve!


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Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2007 13:32

shan, kopitiam also crowded. U should have go to the big field next to it instead. But when the fireworks started, many patrons (from kopitiam) rush to the main road and watch. haha.

qq, don't die don't die. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2007 13:35

everywhere is crowded la. haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2007 14:50

which big field ?? ya lor .. everywhere oso a lot ppl .. haha ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2007 15:24

qing qing: okie, thanks a lot! (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2007 17:16

what shirt was tt guy wearing? haha. we were at toilet at ard 9 plus, saw a guy tt looked like nic also. then my fren die die dun wan to walk out n see. arghs~


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2007 17:29

haha .. eh, he's wearing black sleeveless top .. bottom i forget liao ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2007 17:43

eh ok... i think it's the same guy my fren saw. haha... =.=


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2007 18:01

okok .. so only ur fren saw la .. u din saw isit ..

i saw u yesterday leh .. haha .. at marina square's breeks .. u even walk pass mi lor, coz u went to pay e bill at e counter (i thk) when i walk into breeks .. n hor, my fren say u v shuai leh .. haha .. (happy hur? haha ..) k, dun ka jiao u le .. take care in army .. ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2007 18:07

my fren saw... then she said 'eh, i think i saw nic leh' then i din really believe so din walk out n see. then after that she kept saying it looked like nic, so me n another fren walked out to see. but gone le. haha... not fated. lols!


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2007 18:17

oic .. u la .. dun believe ur fren .. haha .. really not fated la .. actually i oso not v sure if tt's nic, coz he's not wif his specs on .. so i keep looking (hope nic din realise .. lol)then e more i look, e more i confirm it's him .. lol ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2007 18:21

haha. how i know! she said tt sentence super calmly lorhs. then i thot she jus say say nia. =.= but after that she said not nic cuz his hair behind got spiked... then nic's hair not long enough to spike. duno lehs.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2007 18:27

haha .. ehh .. e guy tt i saw oso has his bhind hair spiked leh .. omg, e person tt i saw is nic not .. i blur liao .. haha ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2007 18:32

lols. no idea... cuz initially my fren keep saying she think is nic. then we went out to see. after we came back she thot abit n say dun think is nic cuz his hair not long enough to spike. i din see so i duno lahhs...

aiya, whatever. lols


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2007 18:36

haha .. ok lor .. wateva .. haha .. i gtg le .. bye~


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2007 19:35

Heya all,
just a reminder... MLBian gathering tomorrow @ Eighteen Chefs, 1pm. Look out for a group of ppl in black, tt'll be us.

Also, if you got extra coupons, do bring along. and if you've got stamps n envelopes can bring along also, jus in case we not enough.

yuppppps. see ya guys tomorrow! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2007 19:52

shan, it's near to the place where ppl have steamboat? I also duno exactly where. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2007 20:34

haha if more than one person mistakes that person for nic then most probably it's him i guess. (:

enjoy tomorrow! :D


Blogger Jodie [: | 10 August, 2007 20:43

To those ppl out there: Hmms. YEap. Cos u see. All my competitors have damn long legs lars. GOSH! Hahas.

I duno whether i saw correctly or not.
I think I saw Nic captured a little on TV!
I dunno hors.
Is only my guess! (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2007 20:52

hahahaha~ if tt person's really nic, we gotta gek si. lolxx. wadeva now.


cya ppl tmr!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2007 22:24

ehh .. near steamboat .. isit sth like park like tt de ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2007 22:25

Hi,Nic,Sam n wei i
So happy that the cd is out!I really enjoyed the songs in yr album!!!Very nice especially 泪!Strive on to achieve gd result!!!Mlb strive on!!!!Best wishes to the three of u!!!!Always there to support u all!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2007 22:34

argh....miss MLB la


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2007 22:56

shan, guess so ba. not very familiar with the place. lol


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2007 23:14

heh i see a new supporter (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2007 23:35

hello all! :D

haven't tagged for a long time.. haha.. anyone bought the latest issue of teenage magazine? MLB is being featured in the magazine! i have not bought my copy but i heard from my bestie and getting my copy soon! :D

by the way, tml is saturday! :D will there be any mass conversation tml? heh :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2007 23:37

yesyes! mass conversation tomorrow (:
and i'm off to lalaland already.
going to children's home for CIP tomorrow morning.
games, peer tutoring and arts & craft session.
hope that everything will go on smoothly! :D

and everybody here, rest early.
sweet dreams and goodnight. ^^


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2007 23:41

oh yes, one more thing.
please warn me if there's li whey jiang gui tomorrow! haha. (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2007 23:43

hey whey

what is the issue # for the teenage mag ?

who is on the front cover ?


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 00:05


min.. you so funny ah.. so scared for what? cannot think of any ghost stories.. tml i take leave for my ghost story telling shift.. haha.. some one take over for me.. haha.. :P

ik, the issue is september issue.. the one with Yang Cheng Lin's cover page..



Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 00:18

so fast september issue is out? LOL! thanks for informing ;)


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 00:27

whoo! thanks whey. havent been buying teenage for VERY VERY LONG =x yah loh. will there be mass conv tml ahs? if have i shd be coming near midnight! hehe.

anw just a random thought: i hope MLB will be featured on the COVER of a magazine! [i-weekly, maybe? (:]


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 00:42

i haven't buy the magazine.. but my friend told me was september issue.. haha.. usually teenage issue quite early ba.. haha.. my friend asked me to buy the whole stack of magazine to support MLB! so funny lah!

lol! wad time u all wanna start the conversation? hmmm.. lol~

i'm going to sleep already! see u guys HERE tml! :D heh heh~

nighty all :D


Blogger Uncle Phil | 11 August, 2007 01:05

Fyi, I already wrote in to i-weekly and request them to publish MLB's pic on the Front Cover last week. Hopefully they will consider my request, maybe more mlbians write in will be better!

Since everyone so keen to have a mass comms again, ok we shall continue to have it tml night at 11pm again. Those interested please stay online with your MSN.

Hi Li Whey,
Thanks for informing about the teenage magazine with MLB's article. Still considering whether I should get a copy? Cos I am no longer a teenage, hahaha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 18:24

liwhey, i also don't know why i'm so scared leh. have always been and will probably always be too. lol.

uncle phil, teenage is not a magazine only for teenagers ah. go get a copy too kay! (:

mass conversation tonight.
(and i'll make sure my radio is off when the ghost stories are being told. hehe)

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