
You See It, We Feel It.
milubing | 07 August, 2007 01:35

This year has been tremendously different from the earlier years of my life, countless new experiences. Its amazing that we can hear our song on the chart, and it wouldn't have been possible without all these support from 你们. We're REALLY contented liao.. Don't wish that some of you spend too much on voting, 我们都知道你们的心意.

I think ya all had a fun mass conversation that night, great. As i read through the wishes, feels like we're celebrating a wedding anniversary. =) So glad that ya all are keeping the blog alive with us..

My brother WeiQi just got back to school, brother Nic is working hard in his unit. 加油to both of them! It does not mean that i'm very free ya.. And the 3 of us are constantly striving to improve!


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Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 02:11

hahahas. ((:
wedding anniversary =.=
whose whose whose? LOLs.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 02:24

hey there sam =)late post ya...

same goes for me, this year has been different for me too. it has been a busy year, more idol chasing.but at the same time, i learnt more about music, realised the number of local talents we had in singapore. it's not only taiwan, hongkong and other countries that can produce good singers, good music. what they can do,we singaporeans can. and i've to say, truly proud of ya guys...

all of us wish to see you guys on the stage of SHA next year... and other music awards... we really dont mind spending on voting, as long as you guys do your best. it'll be worth it in the end... =)

hmm, wedding anniversary? haha. maybe one month anniversary ya? coming up in another 2 days. haha. as long as this blog lives, we'll all be here...

yes, know that you three are constantly working hard. jiayou to weiqi for school, nic for camp, and you for music! rock on!

yeahh =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 02:30

also, some of us are in the process of organising some stuff ya... not gonna reveal much but we'll be trying our best to make it a successful one.

hope to see ya guys then! =)

and here's a reminder to all to send out your voting coupons by tomorrow! and do vote via sms and calls too. jiayou!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 02:57

Wedding Anniversary ?!? NOT AGAIN ~
U Eh ...

Anyway, Hope u guyz are doing fine now.. Take Good Care k ~

YOU GUYZ 加油 TOO ... Hope To Cya Guyz SOON k!

S m i L e z . . .
Slp Early Ba ... NiTex ~!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 06:45

hi ! Sam
how are u recently????
Wedding Anniversary ?!? NOT AGAIN ~

anyway, weiqi also GAMBETTE for his studies la....
Then Nic also gambette for everything la

got to go now for work


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 08:32

yuan lai u r here wor. Something's wrong with my comp last night at around the time u post so it keep shutting down automatically. haha.

Wedding anniversary? hahaha. Aiya, don't know what else to say le. Jia you jiu dui le. Most importantly, stay happy and healthy.

Weiqi must study hard and jia you for the new academic year.

Nic must work hard in your unit. Hope you can overcome all the difficulties?

Sam huh, work hard and play hard too? haha. Do drop by http://lostsoldiersmlb.blogspot.com more often ;)...


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 10:21

morning !!

bet tt tis yr has been a different one for most of e mlbians .. not juz u, sam .. ehh, wedding anniversary ? again ? haha ..

weiqi, study hard n jia you !

nic, work hard in ur unit !

sam, jia you in wateva u r doing ! n do visit e publicity blog more often coz ur tag has alr gone to 'older msg' liao (thx to qing, quizzy n mi .. haha)

mlb, jia you ! hope to cya guys soon ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 10:21

hello =)

sam: ya, think they had a great time having mass conv.. haha.. u jiayou oso orh n take care..
ya lor, drop by often at the publicity blog.. wahaha.. =D

weiqi: start sch le.. jiayou yeah n take care! =)

nic: jiayou oso orh n take care.. performing in e coming ndp is it huh? drink more water wor..


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 10:22

ehh .. u tag same time as mi again .. hahaha .. but i faster than u .. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 10:35

shan: ya lor.. y u n i always tag at e same time.. tsk tsk tsk.. YA!! this mus b called xin ling xiang tong.. *shy* wahaha...

sam: haha.. ya ya!! this is also a diff yr for mi.. i make a few new frens.. haha.. cos MLB songs nice ma, tat's y it's up on e chart.. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 10:44

ya la .. xin ling xiang tong sia .. haha .. aiyo, dun shy la .. haha ..

gotta go sch for proj miting liao .. bye everyone .. [qing, c we fated to c each other in sch not .. haha]


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 10:44

telepathy... =D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 11:07

hihi, i not sure if i will be able to show u the video on u channel. but i've streamed what they said & loaded to the music blog. So in case no video, got audio also good right?

I caught it twice already today but am not able to video stream here so no choice lah. But i will still try to get it for you so that you can see Nic moves & grooves...



Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 11:27

xiu: THANKS!! got nic dancing wor.. haha..

shan: haha.. my skin v thin de lei.. haha.. ya, c if we fated not.. ahya, if today didnt c each other, wed sure will c de liao.. haha. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 12:39

we didnt regret supporting YOU GUYS TOO!
jiayou okays
dont let disappoint us (:


p.s. hi sam i heard fm my aunt that u had lunch with her that day with dasmond! she find u kind.. of cos i agree..


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 12:53

oh...thanks xiu jiejie. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 12:55

Hey Sam!Glad to see you posted..

Wedding anniversary..haha..really meh?Of course lor people celebrating..it's you guys special day mah..hehe..

Nic & Wei Qi ~ You guys must be buzy hor..but must jia you okay!
But don't work too hard lor..Don't want any of you to fall sick,okay..


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 13:16

jia you mlb!
oh yea! heard that lucify got new singer? is it true?


Blogger christinncameron | 07 August, 2007 13:29

Its been a different year for me too. I joined many outdoor activities and trained myself to be fitter.
Going to take up more music lessons and website design etc.

I've had a fulfilling year learnging things and chasing MLB.

Hope all MLBian are enjoying their lives too!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 13:47

lunch ur lunch sam?

tis x is "wedding" anniversary... nxt wk will b 1 yr old celebration for ur "baby"... haa...

njoy ur day ahead!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 13:49

opps typo...

shld b taken ur lunch...


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 13:51

Hello SAM,

Whose wedding anniversary..


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 13:57

aiyo.. a/r typo...

i wanna type yr but had typed wk...


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 14:18

Gd afternoon Sam...greetings from the land of Dohni! Belated Happy Anniversary.

One year liao..winning the title! Looking back..I was amazed at myself..at my age should not be doing all these..ha.a.a.a! Yuan bah!

Wave to WQ n NIC...


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 14:28

hello ttww jie. hello capri jie. haha. all jia you.

All taken your lunch? I only had two salmon cutlet. Cos was too full from drinking milo and eating two donuts before class. haha.

Last paper will be from 4.15pm to 4.45pm and tada~~


oh ya, hope we will have many many anniversaries to come. jia you arh ;D...


Blogger Uncle Phil | 07 August, 2007 14:55

Halo Sam,
Glad to hear that you have a tremendous year with countless of new experiences.
Just to let you know that we (MLBians) also have a year of fun with great music from MLB (3 bros).
We have never regretted supporting MLB & MLB has never disappoint us.
We are equally amazed to hear MLB's song on air & on Yes933 Long Hu Bang. MLBians will continue to votes for MLB's songs till they hit the TOP of the chart ranking.
MLB's album also has been selling likes hot cake. It also hit the Top of the Best Seller Chart at many CD Stores. Well done, MLB & continue to Jia-you. I am very sure that your music will be able to hear in any of the Asian countries in no times.
All the Best to the 3 milo bois, and Jia-you in whatever you guys are doing (be it school works, camp commitments, music & leisures).
Regarding the mass comms, yes we are having lots of fun and its so good that we can discuss things together.

Halo MLBians,
Please send out all your voting coupons by today before 5pm.

Call 1900-9120933 then key your phone number follow by # then press 1 and key 8 #.

SMS : Key POTP933(space)Lei to 72346.

Thank you very much for those already voted.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 15:03

"Call 1900-9120933 then key your phone number follow by # then press 1 and key 8 #."

when i call, it goes DOOOOooooo~~ dooooooooo~~ dooooooooo~~ like don't seem to get thru. -_-!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 15:07

hi quizzy_me!

jia you 4 ur paper!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 15:28

omg omg omg! i havent been here for an uber long time cos of school ):

hope all's doing fine yo! (:


Blogger Uncle Phil | 07 August, 2007 15:31

Hi quizzy,
How come you got problem getting the line? I called just now, but my 1st call was cut off half way thru. Then I called again and am able to complete the voting. Wondering whether they still charge me 20cents for the 1st call?

ya, Good Luck & All to Best to your last paper. Jia-you...jia-you.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 15:38

haha. i meant, few days ago le. haha. ok i try again.

thanks for the jia you. now i counting down le. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 15:39

Sam is playing hard too.
Enjoy! =)


Blogger Jodie [: | 07 August, 2007 15:55

Late post hors?
Can slack hors?
Anyway, wad wedding thing?
Hehes. I a little slow (:
Anyway, yeap.

Suppose can wake up later lors but cos i in Sports CCA so needa go there 1 HOUR EARLIER!
Anyway, i participating in a running race!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 16:49

hi q-me, i key as above 1900-919120933 then ph no the press 1# as u mentioned, n a voice said i votd for Jay Chou.. ? wh is not what i wanted le so how.. minus 1vote liow for MLB..


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 16:50

FREEDOM REGAINED. But last paper screwed la...haha.

happy national day in advance...


Blogger Uncle Phil | 07 August, 2007 16:51

Hi Jodie,
All the Best to you in your running race. Remember sportmanship comes first, have fun.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 16:53

What a boring day today!! So tired in class... hai~
I have send 4 coupons to 933 to vote for lei this coming Sunday Long hu bang!! Hope to see gd results on that day!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 16:54

mlbian, I'm not too sure. I think u forget to press 8?


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 17:06

b4 pressing the 8, i was told i voted for JC then line cut off. aiya, i better dont phone.. but i did sms. anyway tks q_me, but sori i did mean to vote against MLB


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 17:07

i din mean to vote for JC..


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 17:20

ok i tried agn with another hp no.. n got thru lei.. sori for the earlier error..


Blogger Uncle Phil | 07 August, 2007 17:23

Hi mlbian,
You should not press 1#, it is suppose to be prees 1 then follow by 8#.
Your are told that you voted for Jay Chou, becos you pressed 1# cos Jay Chou's song was at #1 spot last week.
Sorry about it, maybe my explanation not too clear.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 07 August, 2007 17:26

You can use back the same hp, cos the hp you used has not voted for Lei yet.
Please remember not to press the # button after you pressed 1. Do it after you press 8.
Thanks for voting again. Hope you get it right this time.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 17:31



Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 17:42

sent out 10coupons to 933 liao~ hopefully they can get to top3 of longhubang :D


Blogger qing qing | 07 August, 2007 17:53


quizzy: screwed, nvm.. as long u try ur best can liao.. haha.. =D

shan: heehee.. tml i'll b seeing u liao.. haha..

ttww ah yi: YEAH!! u're here.. =D
when r u coming back to spore?

i oso jus send 4 coupons!! yeah.. lucky i make it in time.. send it at 1600+..


Blogger christinncameron | 07 August, 2007 18:00

Yeah!! I just voted via SMS.
First time voting!!HaHa!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 18:08

tks Uncle Phil, i managed to vote twice using 2 diff hp nos for Lei


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 18:59

YESH! we feel it too!! we feel the gratefulness from you boyz, we are thankful for wad you boyz did and appreciate our effort done.


Blogger qing qing | 07 August, 2007 21:00

hmmm.. anyone noe if there's any address where we can send letters to MLB?


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 21:09

it's on the warner mlb website. should be warner's address. but actually i wont suggest u send there lah,cuz also duno when it'll reach them. but u can try lorh. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 21:50

aiyo .. we no fate la .. still din get to met each other .. haha .. ya ya, u can c mi tml at tp liao .. u v excited isit ?!? haha .. i shy leh ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 21:58

Heyy all MLBians,

MLBian gathering this Saturday, 11 August, 1pm, at Shifu's restaurant.

Hope you guys can come down and help us fill in the 933 voting coupons too. Those who have extra coupons, u guys can bring them down too.

Also, just to emphasize in case there're any misunderstandings. This is purely a gathering for MLBians, MLB will not be attending.

The restaurant is called Eighteen Chefs,located at Eastpoint, next to Simei MRT station. It's next to the POSB bank,along the outside of the mall.

Hope to see you guys on Saturday!


Blogger qing qing | 07 August, 2007 22:08

meikian: HUH!!!! >.< eiyer!! acty, i oso scared i send there, den other c my letter.. wahaha.. =D
oh.. got gathering wor.. haiz.. cant go.. =(

shan: LOL!!! ya, TOO EXCITED to c u tml liao.. *vomit* haha.. ya lor.. we really no fate lor.. haiz.. gg for e gathering?


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 22:08

c u guys
i will be at simei doing gym


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 22:11

haha. that's why tt time i asked mr chan where the mail goes to... cuz they also never put is address to wad company or what. according to mr chan is warner address.. duno larhs. bt wan give letter best is give in person lohhs... cuz if send via mail scarli get lost somewhere in the middle. haha...


Blogger qing qing | 07 August, 2007 22:19

meikian: oh.. thanks! =)
YES!! scarlie got lost in e middle or go inside e dustbin or ppl read e letter, den i v paiseh liao.. wahaha.. =X
but i wun b seeing them liao.. =(
eiyer!! y warner didnt create one add specially for them de.. haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 22:28

heh heh.
it's been a diff year for us too. xD
i tot tt time passed by real fast tis year.
we saw the improvements & efforts from u guys. xD
thx for the great music! (:

wedding anniversary? =.="

if u're busy, jiayou!
if u're veri free, play hard! xD
take care yea? (:
slp early la.
heh heh.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 22:32

aiyo, excited until vomit ar .. haha .. gathering ar, dun thk im going ba coz i haf major proj to do wor .. but feel like going leh .. haha ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2007 22:39

It is too bad that I can't make it to the gathering because I already have something planned..maybe next time,yar?

Good night to Mi Lu Bing & MLBians!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 08 August, 2007 00:03

Halo Fellow MLBians,
With regards to the gathering, try to be there if you are free. Don't think it will take up lots of you time. Just be there and mix around with fellow MLBians, and help to fill up the voting coupons.
Hope to see many MLBians (especially the new ones) on this Saturday.


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 August, 2007 00:22

If you're not free to stay long for the gathering, perhaps u guys can just drop by to help fill in the voting coupons if possible... Cuz we've got coupons but not enough people to fill them up. Thanks!

Cya guys on sat. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 August, 2007 00:41

oh no !! that means i cant come :( i cant make it on weekends because of church!!


Blogger binz | 08 August, 2007 02:15

Weiqi's tag at publicity blog @0146!

sobs...so long never tag and blog le..so busy b4 skool reopen,now school reopen le..worse..tired leh..but so many ppl say jia yo to me! so i'll jiayo! the thing i was doing for u all is almost done le, got part 1and part 2.heh heh.take care ppl, and pls forgive me for my brief absence hor.. btw! THANKS for putting us on long hu bang at no.8!!! amazing ppl mlbians are.... nitey!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 August, 2007 02:27

Thankz binz for posting here ...

HaHax ...
Had enough of rest too alright ~

NiTez !!!
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 August, 2007 02:35

Hey Ppl ..
Hahax i nth to do la go post up a video ... Go hav a look when u're free ... LoLx Enjoys ~ =P

>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqgEVUzOny4

S m i L e z . . .
NiTex ~


Blogger binz | 08 August, 2007 02:40

weiqi: haiyo weiqi so late liao still haven rest.. sch reopen liao dun tire urself out! mux jiayous and jian chi dao di for studies like u did for the album! thingy for us can always wait cuz u so busy then needa rest ok? (:

sam: voting wun cost much lah(: it will only be <$1/person/week.. it's definitely worthed the $$ to hear MLB songs on the LHB(: lol u always got the wedding feeling hor. thinkin of getting married ah? haha.

meikian: ahhh got gathering! haiyo dunno if i can go anot. but if really cannot stay jiu maybe pop by to fill in the coupon(:

quizzy_me: haha u sure will be very happy these few days hor cuz sam and weiqi tagged at the publicity blog! (:

eh jux watched the video on xin.sg.. the milubing~yes may i help you? thingy is so gao xiao. but got the feeling nic very stress then wanna destress then become like that.haha.
also the wo ai xing qi tian, why sam singing shiying that time look so bei1shang1 and tong4ku3? maybe too into the song liao~~


Blogger binz | 08 August, 2007 02:50

qianhui: haha no prob(: 只是举手之劳..


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 August, 2007 06:18

wahh, second day nia leh?! busy le ah~ take great care ah! dont tire urself out. JIAYOU! we jiayou together =D

not only do we want to put u guys on longhubang no.8, we wanna put u guys on no.1! will be voting more... go borrow my frenx phone n vote. hehs. :)


we're gonna get thru all these with MLB POWER. =)

jiayou jiayou!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 August, 2007 11:39

Yeah Tomorrow National DAY!! Haha~
Who going for the NDP Parade...

Thanks MK for updating, I will see if I am not busy I will attend the Mlbians gathering yah.



Anonymous Anonymous | 08 August, 2007 12:27

those who haven hav the seen the advertisement can try catching them during the period between afternoon when it keep showing advertisement , bcoz it keep appearing at tt time .


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 August, 2007 12:30

to SQ

U BO LIOW, the case is closed long time ago liow, why go dig up the dirt fm other's PRIVATE blog to dirty tis blog.. everybody is entitled to his or her likes/dislikes..

mlbians here are all so happy n high.. why? do u need to spoil the atmosphere..

is impossible to please every1. tis is my opinion.. DONT ATTACK THE BOIS!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 August, 2007 12:50

hi i came acoss a grp of community - friendly chinese music lovers..at "The Chinese Music" blog - abt MLB Debut Album.

About them - " What bond us together is not the language spoken, skin colour or nationality, but a sincere passion to chinese music. At Chinese Music Blog, we bring chinese music to the world."

The Link :



Anonymous Anonymous | 08 August, 2007 13:17

sorry sq, i've removed your tag. i think u have to respect the blogger and the blogger has the rights to her own thoughts. don't know what you are trying to raise.

anyway to all, the mlb on uchannel uploaded. can see abit of nic grooves. cheers!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 August, 2007 13:34

hi xiu, gd day to u n tks for everthing.

MLB - yr advt on ch/U - lively/cute/fun..i enjoy watching..

Keep on Smiling! yr Smiles will attract ppl, esp girls haha~


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 August, 2007 14:06

hi ! I'm in the office now
how ar u guys?????


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 August, 2007 15:01

hey yoz!!

xiu: thanks alot!! =)

lorita: yoz!! how r u? haha

shan: LOL!!! i really cant imagine u wear e same shirt as mi!!! lucky diff colour.. haha..

weiqi: aiyo!! so early liao still haven slp!! mus rest more ok! =)
studies more impt.. u free then do e thing for us.. no hurry de.. we'll all understand de.. =)

nic: eh.. tml performing is it huh?


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 August, 2007 16:06

Tml who will be going for the NDP event


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 August, 2007 16:07

hey pardon me for my brief absence. Last night internet tio cut. Haven't even submit my Reflection Journal lor. Sure down-grade. sad. I'll slowly read the tags above. Meanwhile, I've checked with CD rama Causeway Point le. Milubing's album is number 5 this week (last week number 7). I asked that friendly jiejie le, she say the chart I see there is the bestselling chart for the whole CD rama Singapore de. haha.

Was at vivo city when I passed by Music Junction and Sembawang music centre; only 4 copies of mlb's album was seen on shelf. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 August, 2007 16:09



Anonymous Anonymous | 08 August, 2007 16:10

oh, tomorrow national day huh. My brothers and I will be going to Marina Bay to eat zi char then watch fireworks wor.


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 August, 2007 16:20


wah~ tml going to watch just the fire works...
I will be going for the live tml with my aunt.. I also want to see fire works!! haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 August, 2007 16:29

ya la .. we xin you lin xin sia .. wear e same clothes, really luckily not e same color .. if not i wun stand bside u le .. haha .. dunno e ppl bhind us noe anot .. haha .. anyway, we alr got e tix le .. yeah !! but e queue really dame long lor .. xia si ren ..

pekchoo n quizzy:
hey hey, tml i might b going to watch e fireworks at marina too .. but not comfirm yet, coz my frens haven confirm wif mi ..

really v long nv c u tag/blog le .. but it's ok, coz we noe u r bz .. once again, jia you in ur new semester n do take care, dun lei huai shen zi .. ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 August, 2007 16:31


oh ya, binz say i must be very happy cos weiqi and sam tagged at publicity blog right? haha. Yes yes. Especially when sam tagged, I was jumping in between the air leh. haha.


Blogger qing qing | 08 August, 2007 16:37

quizzy: haha.. not only u v happy.. shan n i oso!! haha.. we v happy when weiqi tagged oso! it's like kinda long he didnt tag liao ma.. haha.. so happy! =)

shan: ya la! mayb we're twins in our previous life.. haha.. acty i didnt realise it, den i saw "FILA" den i was like, v familiar lei this shirt.. haha.. i think they realise it lor.. haha.. wa, lucky u didnt come back after tat.. cos e girl behind was super bu shuang n keep scolding like hell sia.. haha.. she say till so loud lor.. ppl in front la, cut Q.. haha.. i think she purposely say it de, cos my fren de frens came n join in e Q lor.. but my fren didnt say ok, den they jus cut in.. >.< somemore their frens oso cut in lor.. but kena caught by e SAA ppl.. haha..
YA!! e Q super long lor.. i reach there at bout 11 lei.. if is MLB coming hor, i realise at 10, straight away rush there Q liao.. haha.. wanna be 1st to take tix!! haha.. =D
i wan go c fire works oso lei.. but i normally cant go out on 9 aug.. cos my mother bdae oso.. haha.. den needa celebrate..


Blogger Pek Choo | 08 August, 2007 16:38

icic... go there and enjoy the fire works!! This year fire work quite special!!

Enjoy yourself tml...


Blogger qing qing | 08 August, 2007 16:38


pekchoo: SO GD!! u get to watch live de!!


Blogger Pek Choo | 08 August, 2007 16:42

Ya, I will be going tml to watch live at there... But I hope the weather will be good tml.. haha~


Blogger qing qing | 08 August, 2007 16:46

pekchoo: this yr fire work got wat thing special? i v qi dai lei.. haha.. although i not gg.. haha..

oh ya, forget to thank qianhui n binz..

qianhui: thanks for e video.. =)

binz: thanks for posting..
btw, u receive my milk liao ma? wahaha.. think spoil liao la.. haha..


Blogger Pek Choo | 08 August, 2007 16:50

This year parade will be different than pass few years..Because I watched the preview fire works before.. And will be nice!!
You should go down and take a look!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 August, 2007 16:52

qing: twins ?!? haha .. mayb .. i oso din realise until u tell mi lor .. huh, e ppl bhind us noe ar? i shy leh .. haha .. aiyo, ur fren din say ok they still cut ar .. u noe hor, actually my fren de fren is e 1st few ppl in e queue de, then e SAA ppl say non-tp cant go in, so she din take e tix coz my fren de fren de fren is non-tp, then she went off ... then dunno y my fren bcum 1st in e queue .. haha .. so i oso 1st few ppl to take e tix .. luckily until ur queue still haf tix .. e SAA ppl say there's a total of 500 tix n she din xpect there's so many ppl .. haha ..
eh, tml ur mum' bday ar .. go out eat eat la .. then go watch e fireworks ..

ya, i noe .. tt's y i chio my frens go .. so far only 3 say ok .. e rest haven confirm .. qi si wo .. so dunno still going not ..


Blogger Pek Choo | 08 August, 2007 16:55

Shan: icic.. than you just go with your 3 friends tml.. What time will u be going??The fire works start about 8pm bah..


Blogger qing qing | 08 August, 2007 17:01

pekchoo: this yr de parade like v nice lei.. where is it held huh? =X i cant rmb.. =(

shan: heh heh.. no la, we not gg out eat.. =( everything prepare liao..
aiyo, ya lor.. i oso heard only got 500 tix.. but tat girl hor, keep shouting de, like siao lor.. keep asking us move back, WTH!! e ppl behind dun move back, how we move lor.. tsk tsk tsk.. my frens didnt manage to get.. they reach there late.. haiz..
if MLB hor, think 500 not enough de lor.. haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 August, 2007 17:05

marina bay right?


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 August, 2007 17:21

aiya .. e more e merrier ma .. haha .. actually i wanted to watch movie in e aftnoon de .. but my fren say exp n sure alot ppl de .. so i dunno they wanna go out walk walk 1st then go watch or not .. n mayb will have dinner 1st then go watch lor .. yup, i noe tt e fireworks starts at ard 8pm .. thx thx ..

icic .. u noe y e ger keep asking e ppl to move back ma .. coz my frens n i were out of e queue coz e first few ppl queue too far away fr e booth liao .. but she noe tt we r there 1st la .. then there's a grp of guys so stupid, go queue bhind us .. haha .. aiyo, y ur fren din go earlier ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 August, 2007 17:37


anyway, just a question. Lavishing money on food (here i mean overeating) and lavishing on stuffs that u dun need, which is worst? haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 August, 2007 17:49

ehh .. i wld say lavishing on stuffs tt u dun nid is worst .. coz 吃是福 .. haha .. n if u overeat, do more exercise lor .. haha .. bsides, u r spending money on things tt u wan n need (food)..


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 August, 2007 17:51

im back.
after soo long of no taggin, i suppose. hahas.

i dunno tis sun de gathering i can make it or not. possibly, i mite juz pass by & help fill in coupons bahs. hahas.


Blogger binz | 08 August, 2007 17:55

qing: haven receive leh. spoil le lah. haha
quizzy_me: haha i think if nic also visits the publicity blog then u faint liao bah? hahah. yea i also think lavishing on stuff that u dun need is worse. cuz lavish spending on food u still get to enjoy the food, the money used to buy the food at least is productive as to fill our stomach. and 能吃就是福!but lavishing spending on stuff that we dun need like no advantage at all!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 August, 2007 18:05

haha. thanks for answering.

ripberries, is saturday la. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 August, 2007 20:28


here's an advance Happy Birthday from me to our dearest Singapore, and also a one mth happy birthday to MLB's first 'baby'.

going for national day countdown later... in case i dont come back early, wish first. haha...

xiu, thanks for the video! =D

was quite disturbed by that little bit of unhappy thing on the blog this morning. thanks xiu for deleting that tag. wish that this place is a happy and peaceful one. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 August, 2007 20:37

opps. paiseh! hahas. been sooo bz with sch stuffs & my frens... hais.. oh well.. sat.. hmm.. maybe i can go? hahas. muz ask mummy 1st, sians...


Blogger Uncle Phil | 08 August, 2007 21:05

Ya lor, 9th Aug-迷路兵的"1st Baby"将在明天满月了。Happy One Month Old to MLB's 1st Baby.
Last month this date (9th July), all MLBians were eagerly waiting & rushing to all major CD Store to grab copies of MLB's debut album.
Times really passes super fast, very soon MLBians will be eagerly rushing to grab MLB's 2nd, 3rd & many more albums.
MLB jia-you and continue to provides us with great music. We have confident that MLB can do it. Cheers... :-)


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 August, 2007 21:57

Wei Qi ~ It is nice to see you tag at the publicity blog..Don't work too hard,okay..You must jia you but don't overwork lor..


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 August, 2007 21:59

haha. Ya lor. Milubing first 'son' will be 1 month old le. haha. whoa we got a lot of anniversaries to celebrate hor? haha.

I still remember a few moments before 9 August 2006, err nic updated the superband blog then some of us were 'there' wishing each other happy national day. haha still can remember. 1 year le, now our smiley nic 已经保家卫国去了. haha *salute the NS Man of miluBING*

oh ya, last year at this period was still sam who is 保家卫国ing and now is nic. hahaha :P


Blogger qing qing | 08 August, 2007 22:07

OH YA!! tml MLB baby is 1mth old le.. so fast.. haha.. ya ya, hope they will hav more babies!! i wan many many more.. haha..

so excited!! tml is national day!! =)

binz: aiyo, i think on e way to ur house, other ppl drink liao la.. haiz.. haha.. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 August, 2007 23:31

hope they will have more babies? sounds so wrong. haha :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 August, 2007 23:32

haha pardon me, I admit I'm thinking dirty. hahaha :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 August, 2007 23:36

oh ya, just got back the result for one of my test paper. That module where I got F for the first test and E for the second test. NOW I GOT C+!!! wee~~~ although it's 9.5/30 only, but I finally didn't flunk. wee~~~


Blogger qing qing | 08 August, 2007 23:38

quizzy: u BIAN TAI!! haha.. thinking dirty.. i v CLEAN de ok.. wahaha.. dun teach mi bad orh.. i still under 18 kk!! wahaha.. =P
YEAH! u passed!! continue to jiayou! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 August, 2007 23:49

haha. no more oil to add le. All papers are over. haha.

yes yes. but shan would say u r already bad le. hahaha :P.

U very clean? *sniff sniff* yeah u bathe. So u win =D!


Blogger qing qing | 08 August, 2007 23:54

HUH!! no need add oil liao ar.. lol.. den add milo liao lor.. wahaha.. =D so shuang! haha
no la, shan noe i v gd girl de.. =D
YES!! i bathe le.. somemore i bathe for 45 - 60 mins kk.. of cos clean liao la.. haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 00:00

-_- waste water...haha

anyway, was looking at imeem.com to see if I can find any videos related to Milubing. Then of course can see people uploading their songs to imeem.com (to be used as blog song?). Got one person uploaded all the 9 songs, then got ppl asked for that person to send them the whole album songs.

Imagine if we don't have all these ppl around, Milubing's album sales would have been better.

But what to do? As what I mentioned to yammy, there's nothing we can do to this kind of technical de stuff. sigh.

nvm. me just whining. dun mind me.

happy national day =D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 00:03

ya hor .. ur "baby" 1 mth old liao .. ehh, nv 摆满月酒 ar .. hahaha ..

congrats on ur passing of ur paper ..

ya la ya la .. u v e gd ger la .. (trying to bluff myself .. =X) eh eh, bath for so long .. save water can .. spore no water liao la .. haha ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 00:05


SINGAPORE ROCKS LIKE MILUBING ROCKS! wee~~ cos of Singapore I have shelters over my roof; cos of Singapore I get to meet nice people. Cos of singapore I get to meet milubing and MLBians. wee~~~

I'm crazy liao. haha :D

Thanks shan ;D


Blogger qing qing | 09 August, 2007 00:08

yeah!! HAPPY NATIONAL DAY! n happy dae to SINAGPORE!! n happy 1mth old(sounds weird?) to MLB baby!! haha.. =)

quizzy n shan: i not wasting water kk.. haha.. jus tat i take abit longer to bathe only ma.. wahaha.. =X

shan: i v gd girl de wor.. u're not bluffing urself la.. tat's e truth ma.. haha..
eh!! i wanna post now, y u post oso huh??!! lol.. can we dun b so xin you ling xin ma huh? lol..

quizzy: YA LOR!! if dun hav tat kind of ppl, den MLB album sales sure better de.. although now v gd liao la, but will b much better! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 00:12

haha. talking about one month right, i shall provide another 4 numbers here. 4875 - is the positions their album were at in the 4 weeks in CD rama best seller chart. Sembawang music centre's one is 1213. haha.

No I'm not teaching qing qing or any of the meimeis to buy 4D. reeeeeeeeally~~ haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 00:14

q_me, u so high today. Congrats on ure improved grades. must thank ure good facilitator? and i m wondering how come u know qing bathe already n smell nice nice? didnt know can smell virtually as well!:p
U n qing realli siao tonite.


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 00:20

weiqi, school start already. must buck up le. have spare time, must come n visit ure own blog.
nic, didnt forget still owe u something. it's coming, check ure owl post soon (hee..suffering from post-potter syndrome)
sam, keep blogging!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 00:21

happy bday singapore !!! im so blessed to live in s'pore .. ^_^

u r wasting water lor .. eh, i dun wanna qi bian zi ji leh .. haha .. aiya, we xin you ling xin cannot meh .. u say liao ma, we might b twins in our previous lives .. haha ..

eh, u providing zhen zi again ar .. haha ..

gotta slp le .. nitez everyone .. sweet dreams ..


Blogger qing qing | 09 August, 2007 00:22

quizzy: notti ar!! haha.. scarlie those nos. r e top prizes.. haha.. den when i no $$$, i come to u ask for lucky nos.. haha..

mighty_mouse: ya lor!! quizzy siao siao.. ppl use nose to smell, but she use eyes de.. haha.. den she keep looking at mi, make mi shy.. *blush* wahaha.. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 00:23

wee~~ thanks mm jie. ya we're siiiiiiiiiiao tonight. haha :P.

Cos qing qing and I got telepathy. haha.

yes agree with mm jie - Sam, keep blogging ;D! Weiqi can come back to catch a breather if you are sian from studying. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 00:26

eh eh eh, qing arh, u mean i peeped at u while u bathe? O________________________O!!!

hahaha :P

nitey shan


Blogger qing qing | 09 August, 2007 00:26

shan: LOL!! c la, i post, u post.. i didnt post, u didnt post oso.. lol.. ya lor, think we really r twins in our previous life lor.. haha.. but it seems to b getting scary orh, cos it's like these few days we keep having thngs in common.. haha.. n tagging at same/almost time.. haha..
nite nite.. dun dream of mi.. =P


Blogger qing qing | 09 August, 2007 00:29

quizzy: wahaha!! u noe e best la if u got peeped at mi bathing not.. haha.. *blush*
ya lor, think we're gg to b xin you ling xin oso liao.. haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 00:35


then what would happened to me if I'd peeped? eiyer~~

MLB and MLBians, enjoy your day ;D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 00:36

aiyo q_me, u r a peeping tabby. i better be careful liao. qing, u realli xin you lin xi with many MLBians huh. luan fang dian here;)


Blogger qing qing | 09 August, 2007 00:42

quizzy: haha.. think hor e more we tok, e more crappy we are.. haha..

mm: haha.. i too attractive liao la.. haha.. many of them wan to b xin you ling xin w mi.. haha.. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 00:54

HAPPY NATIONAL DAY & happy holiday! yeah!!!

it'll b even better if it's on a fri.. den i can hv a long wkend... anyway, i'll still njoy as it's my newphew's b'day too!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 00:57

haha.*peep peep peep*

siao la. I dun wanna end up behind bars. hahahahaha :D


Blogger qing qing | 09 August, 2007 00:59

quizzy: haha.. huh, u dun wanna end up behind bars ar.. infront wan ma? haha.. =X


Blogger Uncle Phil | 09 August, 2007 01:01

Hi quizzy,
1st of all, I will like to congrats you for getting better result in one of your paper.
Hope you will continue to work harder for the next semester/year.

Then your ranking for the CD Rama likes not so correct leh. I remembered the very 1st week, MLB's album was at 3rd position leh. How about the HMV ranking? I remember got 1st, 2nd & 4th if not wrong.

Ya, Happy 42nd Birthday to Singapore. Hope everyone here will has a beautiful holiday & do spend enjoyable times with all your love ones.


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 01:05

haha thanks uncle phil, duno leh. It's either "3875" or "4875" jiu dui le. haha.

qing, behind de hua i can continue to peep mahz. infront de hua, I'll be exposed if I peep. wahahahaha =P.


Blogger qing qing | 09 August, 2007 01:09

quizzy: heh heh.. infront de hua, is i peep at u liao.. haha.. if u wanna peep at mi, think no choice liao lor, needa b behind.. wahaha.. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 01:12

eiyer~~ qing qing wanna peeped at me bathiiiiiiiiiiiing~~

aiya, i think MLB and MLBians are getting drowned in the flood we created soon le la. Controoooooooool~~ haha


Blogger qing qing | 09 August, 2007 01:19

quizzy: eh!! is u peeped at mi first de hor.. haha..
ya lor ya lor.. later MLB n other mlbians come here c, tot alot of tags, but is all our crap! haha.. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 01:20

i go off for a while n come back n u gals still peeping at each other! tsk tsk...and i also want to say Happy Birthday Singapore!
goodnite everyone, enjoy the fireworks tmrw. hmm...dunno whether can catch it live or not...let's see...


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 01:26



Blogger qing qing | 09 August, 2007 01:27

mm: is quizzy bian tai lor.. keep wanting to peep at mi.. haha..
nite nite.. =)

watched the video on xin.sg this afternoon.. haha.. very funny!! although i watch liao la.. but still find it v funny! haha.. at first is weiqi prompt nic to say, den later is sam keep prompting nic.. haha.. den i think e reporter like abit xia dao lor when nic say he haven say e MLB yes may i help u.. haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 01:45

haha mm jie going down to marina bay too? haha.

qing qing, -_-!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 01:48

Happy National Day!

just came back from the national day countdown. haha... never experienced such an event before, but it was quite heartening seeing everyone singing national anthem and the nation day songs. =)

MLB's album,满月already! haha. first was the wedding anniversary on the 5th, and now the man yue today.got red eggs not? haha... =P

and here's to nic, jiayou jiayou for tomorrow! haha... =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 01:53

Yeeeeeeeeeeees~~ I want reeeeeeeeeeeed eeeeeeeeeeeeeeggs~~~


Blogger qing qing | 09 August, 2007 02:01

meikian: where is e countdown held? i always cry when i c everyone singing national anthem n national day songs tog.. cos it's like showing tat u love spore.. v gan dong..

ya lor, MLB like got alot of anniversary liao.. haha.. but it's gd!! hope everyday oso will have.. haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 02:09

*counting* 1 day anniversary. 2 days anniversary. 3 days anniversary....365 days anniversary...366 days anniversary... haha =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 02:16

eh... west spring sec. haha. held by zhenghua cc... it was quite cool laa. happy to see all in that big big hall singing national day songs together, reciting pledge etc.

everything also can celebrate laa. one year from superband finals... one mth from album release... sure got more one. lols..


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 02:20

Hahax ... Happy 1Mth MLB Album Anniversary Too...!!! YeAh ~

Today's Also My Mum's Bday Worz...
WOW ...
& I Saw The Channel U MLB Interview Juz Now ... LoLx SoOo CUTE La ~ ~ ~

Enjoy The Day Ahead EVERY1 ..
迷路兵 - U Guyz JIAYO k ...
Take Good Care ... MUACKs ~
S m i L e z . . .


Blogger qing qing | 09 August, 2007 02:21

WA!! so far.. lol.. oh.. so it's inside e hall ar? ya lor ya lor.. it's gd to c everyone singing national songs n reciting pledge tog.. i long time no recite pledge n sing national anthem liao.. i miss singing national anthem n reciting plegde.. =(


Blogger qing qing | 09 August, 2007 02:22

qianhui: today oso my mother's bdae!! so qiao.. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 02:23

yes yes. never sing for two years le. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 02:24

and today is another MLBian Joanna de birthday. She may or may not be peeping. 080888 was her day. hahaha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 02:25

eh not today. yesterday. haha.


Blogger qing qing | 09 August, 2007 02:28

quizzy: ya lor.. =(
yawnz.. tml if can den continue crapping w u.. haha... =P

nite nite.. mi gg orh orh liao.. *YAWNZ*


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 02:38

qing qing : Today's ur mother's bday too ?!? WOW REALLY SO QIAO ~

S m i L e z . . .


Blogger Pek Choo | 09 August, 2007 08:54

Shan: sorry for late reply, tonight performance will be great!!
I am going out now to meet friend first, than proceed to go NDP Parade... haha~


Blogger Pek Choo | 09 August, 2007 08:59

Happy National DaY to MLB & MLBIANS

Stay happy always...
Take Care...
Out to go meeting frens go K Lunch after that proceed to NDP Parade..


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 11:29

aiyoh. likw no MLBians online now leh.

yes sam, mass conv are always very fun. though 90+% of the time we dont know who we're talking to. haha but we all know we have a common love and thats MLB! (: it's like bonding sessions for MLBians.

weiqi! just to add on to the number of JIAYOUs u have now,


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 12:08

jia you saM!
jia you niC!
jia you weiQi!

everyone jia you!! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 12:22

here's another internet album review =)



Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 13:07

MLB/ MLBians


.....TTWW frm the Edge of Forever!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 13:19

hihi ttww jie!

everyone, enjoy your day ;D!


Blogger Jodie [: | 09 August, 2007 13:25

WEIQI: YEAP. LONG TIME U NVR TAG LERS. Anyway, u jiayou orhs!

SAD :(.


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 13:45

Thankn meikian for recommending that. Although that was a not-so-good review but he/she did provide the most constrructive criticism i guess. Not that I agree la.

I like the last two paragraphs. I think it's a very encouraging comment for the guys (I THINK LA haha).




Jia you arh Milubing~~ I believe one day Milubing will be able to stand proudly on the stage of a foreign country, saying produly "我们是来自新加坡的迷路兵!" Also, friends from other countries will also love our milo music. jia you!

~.~ but if that happens we will not be able to see the guys so often le huh?


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 13:46

never mind la jodie, have fun jiu hao


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 14:00

yup .. looking forward to it too .. i confirm going to watch e fireworks wif my frens liao .. hehe ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 14:16

quizzy: distance makes the heart fonder. lol. it'd be great if they can fa zhen overseas. but im sure they'll be very much missed by the mlbians here.

pekchoo: wah u so lucky got tix to NDP. i want fireworks!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 14:23

haha miko, u r absolutely right ;).

haha me come back again later. MARINA BAY~ HERE I COME~


Blogger qing qing | 09 August, 2007 15:03


qianhui: ya lor!! so qiao!! haha.. happy bdae to ur mummy orh.. haha.. =D

ttww ahyi: HELLOOOOO!!!

jodie: ya lor.. hav fun jiu can liao.. still got nxt yr ma.. =)

maikian n min: i realise i dun hav ur msn!! =(
wat's ur msn?

read e review le.. they write wrongly e LEI is it huh? they wrote LEI(tired) instead of LEI(tears)..
i oso agree 如果继续加油,其实迷路兵是可以去台湾发片的。
hmmm.. if they go overseas fa zhan, ya lor, i think wun b able to c them often.. but it's gd for them to go fa zhan.. so hor, if they really go fa zhan, we'll oso b happy for them.. although we cant c them often..


Blogger Uncle Phil | 09 August, 2007 15:07

qing & qianhui,
Send my birthday wishes to your mums, hope you & your family have a great times.

Happy belated birthday to you too. Hope you have a great times yesterday.

Thanks to the link for another MLB album review.

wow, great to see you taggibg today on Singapore Birthday. You never forget us on this important day. We too will not forget you, but we really miss you. Wondering you have off day for today.

Its ok even you never win the race, remember I told you: Sportmanship is more important. Believe you have did it. Cheers :-)

To the rest of MLBians,
Happy National Day, those going to watch NDP & the fireworks, do enjoy yourselves.


Blogger qing qing | 09 August, 2007 15:14

thanks uncle phil! =)


Blogger qing qing | 09 August, 2007 16:09

hmmmm.. si min wans mi to ask, wat r weiqi n sam's sis names.. anyone noe?


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 16:14

gotta go mit my frens c fireworks le .. bye everyone .. enjoy e fireworks lata .. cya~


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 16:17

hermionepotter2291@hotmail.com =)
and about weiqi n sam's sis names... tts kind of private for them bah. they may not want to reveal? so probably dont reveal here, if wanna know next time can ask them in person.



Blogger qing qing | 09 August, 2007 16:22

meikian: THANKS! =D
ya!! but she wans mi to ask.. =/


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 17:30

Hi Quizzy, Qing Qing, Lorita, Uncle Phil, Pinky....


No holiday for me today. I am working from a far far island. Flew in by sea plane tis morning. I was stranded at the bar so went into wireless and must come and see MLB and you all here.

Nice to see all the 'hi' ..really good to know that I am remembered.

You all stay SUPER COOL and support MLB..!


Blogger qing qing | 09 August, 2007 17:49

ttww ah yi: so happy to c u tagging.. =)
HUH!! no holiday for u.. y like tat de.. =(
take care orh.. dun lei huai zi ji.. =)


Blogger qing qing | 09 August, 2007 18:08

everyone!! there r some J8 auto pics here:
one kind soul uploaded it at e forum.. but she/he says tat PLEASE DO NOT TRANSFER THOSE PHOTOS TO OTHER PLACES WITHOUT HER/HIS PERMISSION.


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 18:12

wooh! thanks qing. (: got any info abt where to see BPP pics? cos (as u all know, i think?) i reached when they were leavingggg. /=


Blogger qing qing | 09 August, 2007 19:30

erm.. sorry.. e pics r not uploaded by one kind mlbian, but two.. haha.. =P

miko: no thank.. =) erm.. BPP de, i dunno lei... sorry.. cos those few ppl in e forum only go for J8 n JEC de, i think..


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 21:55

yoz....thanks for the upload the pics
the pics ar so nice....

how are u guys ?????


Blogger qing qing | 09 August, 2007 22:17

lorita: hmmm.. how r u? i hai hao only lei.. haha.. tml got presentation.. =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 22:32

me fine
prepare to sleep liao
bye guys

still need to work tmr


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 22:44

MLB jiayou jiayou jiayou.
MLB best band in singapore :D

All the best!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 23:35

haha just came back from Marina Bay. The fireworks so nice la. got pattern de. haha.

My bros and I were dining at the kopitiam next to the big field where every1 gathers mahz, then the moment we heard bomb bomb bomb we quickly rush out lor. haha. so nice.

hello ttww jie! haha u jia you over there. Take care! qing qing, jia you for presentation. Keep calm~~

I too not supposed to have holiday tomorrow, but I'm going to have self-proclaimed holiday. Ya la I know it's not right, but I promise it's gonna be 1 day only. haha.

But my bros still hanging out la. They decided to walk from City hall to clarke quay. Siao. Then drinking over there. Siao la, they not deciding to have self-proclaimed holiday tomorrow lor. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 23:42

i too am back from marina... jus reached home about 10min ago.

the crowd at marina was... amazing. haha. so many people! we had a hard time squeezing thru to get to where we wanted to go. but was worth it cuz the fireworks were really nice =)

after that went to marina sq for dinner, the crowd was huge too. had a hard time searching for a place to have a proper dinner. ahhs~

im free tomorrow! haha. those who've got sch tomorrow, jiayou =D hope to see ya guys on sat!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2007 23:44

HELLO Guyz ...
Every1 Had A Great Day ?!? I JUZ SIMPLY HAD 1 ... =)

Do EnJoys ... CheErSs ~
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2007 00:01

YA LOR. the bus super squeezy. haha.

I saw a lot of teenagers wor. mixture of guai kia and pai kias...haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2007 00:14

Afternoon Time.. Marina Square Was Soo Crowded Lo ...
The Pathway To The MRT even worse.. Juz only can see alot of 'RED' Ppl ~


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2007 00:33

The big field next to the kopitiam we are at, got a loooooooot of people. I can even see people camping and having picnic. haha. At first we couldn't find a space in the kopitiam, so we were contemplating having 'picnic' at the field too. haha.

Anyone at the big field there? haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2007 00:37

Gonna Go Le .. BYE Quizzy ~

NiTex Ppl ...!!!
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2007 00:54

i walked alot of yuan wang lu... haha. cuz my frenx were at the merlion area, so i went over to the merlion area to look for them. took about half an hour to get there.

and after getting there, stood for about 10 minutes and the police chased us away. so in the end, spent another half an hour walking back to marina square. very cham. haha...

yeahh today really got alot of ppl.. then we were saying tt we should have jus stayed at home to watch. lols.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2007 01:21

haha. nitey qianhui. mk, it's still shiok to watch live arh. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2007 09:51

morning !!
i was at marina yesterday too .. alot of ppl lor .. xia si ren .. haha ..

my fren oso walk alot of yuan wang lu lor .. at 1st we were at e marina square staircase, but there's building blocking our view .. then we went to e marina food court, can c e airplane dame near but v squeezy .. then my fren say go marina mandarin hotel de lvl 6 coz it's not v squeezy, but we kana chase out, summore e person 'escort' us down e lift lor .. then in e end we went to e field bsides raffles link building .. view not v clear, but still can c e fireworks .. v nice ..
eh, u oso had dinner at marina square ar .. i oso leh .. where u eat? hehe .. n guess who i saw .. nic ..

zao zhi dao i tell my fren go kopitiam oso ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2007 10:25

Last Night NDP Parade was great!! But I just hate the crowd when the parade end... The fire work was nice!! Take ard 5mins to show!!
Hee~ Have enjoyed the day.. Today so tired!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2007 10:28

shan: you saw nic at Nic at Marina area.. what time?? I can't even see lol..Too many red ppl walking... so squeezing...


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2007 11:02

yup, i saw nic at marina square's Breeks at ard 9 pls ba .. at first cant confirm it's him, coz he din wear his spec .. then e more i look at him, e more i confirm it's him .. haha .. but i din went up to him la ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2007 11:11

aiyo .. typo error .. paiseh ..
'9 pls ba' -> 9 plus ba


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2007 11:38

heyz, what particulars do they want for the fan club thing? thanks a lot!


Blogger qing qing | 10 August, 2007 12:02

nimiz: erm.. include ur name, email add n contact no. only.. i think.. =)

shan: lol.. now confirm liao ar?
waste my time sia.. i go sch for like only 1hr den go home liao.. =.=

quizzy: thanks! but die liao.. =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2007 12:52

"I would rate this album a 7.5/10. Considering that this is a debut album, i would say they did pretty well. The album brought you through many different kinds of feelings, and the order of tracks are such that the fast songs and slow songs are alternated. i am not sure if there is a particular reason, neither do i see the purpose in it. but if you take apart the songs and listen to them separately, the songs are really good. even if you listen to the whole album as a whole, i would not say that it is bad. it has a good starting, and a good ending. it isnt a album with 10 tracks like the norm, but the 9 songs are good enough."


MLB must read tis, v encouraging..


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2007 13:00

yaya .. now more confirm .. haha ..

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