
Music Charts and Advice from Nic!
milubing | 20 July, 2007 03:05

Hey MLBians,was reading thru the posts from u all and realised that quite a number of u have been trying to encourage the rest to vote our songs up the charts.Was thinking since this is the case,I should at least help by posting it clearer as a blog here,and give clearer directions.SO i cleverly cut and paste one of the posts heh heh heh.. here's wat he/she wrote..btw,thanks ya? :p

1. I-weekly coupon (40%)

- Fill up the coupon, cut it out and mail it to Y.E.S 933.

2. SMS (30%)

- Sms POTP933_space_song title
to 72346
The song title can either be in simplified chinese or hanyu pinyin
SMS charge is $0.30 per SMS

3. Telephone (20%)

- Call 1900 912 0933
Call costs $0.20 per call

4. Visual Radio (10%)

Guess if we wanna do this, then do this together as a team ba..Gambatte!!! hope i spell correctly! Btw,hope xiu sees this. I just uploaded tons of pics in a new photo album.Xiu, pls help activate the album on the photo blog cos i gotta go slp le..so tired after cropping those photos and after doing a mini surprise for everyone. It's called, "Nic's guide to cooling down(especially useful during 'qian chang hui')"

NIC's guide to keeping cool...message passed down by WeiQi

*ahem* so now u know.. tsk tsk.. :p Take care peeps! hope this post will cheer u up! btw, why so late then i post neh? cos just now jamming start at 2230,cos i got night driving lessons heh heh..

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Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 03:20


yes, very clever lah u.haha!

why u still not sleeping! so late liaoo. aiyo! no problem, we'll vote like siao. YEAH! we work as a team :D

ok lah, u jus go and sleep, we'll do the rest. heh. and err, "Nic's guide to cooling down(especially useful during 'qian chang hui')"... i'll look forward to that. haha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 03:25

anyway, i was just going to go offline liao. close the browser liao then thot of coming up again to peep. heh.

aiyo, you ahs... [paiseh, i feel damn naggy today] please go and rest lah kays~ the photos and surprise can wait. we dont mind waiting. more impt u get enough rest, dont fall sick huh.

nic's guide to cooling down... chope the area that got most wind? i cant think of anything else now. im tired too! hahas.

tired, havent finished studying for the test that's like first thing tomorrow morning. but it's friday tomorrow, about 2 more days to the auto session~ looking forward to it!

jiayou guys... and if ya guys will be jamming tml and saturday... dont stay up too late. takecare! wan an lohhs~ :D



blogger jus scared me half to death by telling me 'cannot find server' after i pressed publish. heng heng i managed to recover this. phews



Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 03:30

haha.. wonder if MK really went offline..i just finished my post.. heh heh.. I'll tell everyone wat i told u last sunday:" we're going to sing ben xiao hai, hai lang, and bu xiang zhang da!" Heh heh.. kiddin la.. nitey!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 03:31


aiyo! buay tahan u... can make the pics until so funny. wait i laugh until i cannot sleep then u know. =.= the first pic damn funny can!

wahh, jamming started so late? what time u reach home sia? ok lah u go and sleep. i'll laugh to sleep with these few pics tonight. :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 03:32

wahlau, CHAN WEIQI!

u win liao lorh! yao si...


i purposely sabo you. HAHA. :P

and yes, IM STILL HERE.


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 03:34

wwwwat time i wat?..i reeeeach home...i..i...zzzzZZZZZZZZ.... *grabs pillow and KO* (will this be the end of WQ? Find out in the next issue of 'crappy blogger in the nite') :p


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 03:37

WEIQI.. U're really LAME ~ =___=


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 03:44



u know your blog got polar bear? -_-"

actually i duno what crap u talking about. mus be too tired, 意识模糊liao, start talking crap. haha...

and u make me feel like K-ing you with my pillow. hurrs.

and u say las week singing ben xiao hai, hai lang and bu xiang zhang da right, why never sing huh? i didnt hear leh! u bluff us... haha... :P

ok, nites! stop providing free aircon. i'm going to sleep liao~ =.=


Blogger yammy | 20 July, 2007 04:38

haha. weiqi, 很冷lei!

qianhui: i'm skating already. XD

good night everyone ^-^


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 07:44


what stage is ur driving at? I just finished my 5.01 on Weds! Test in september....


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 08:25

Gd Morning guys & mibians

Thanks weiqi for the pic!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 08:28

i have cut out the coupon and send to yes933 already lol


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 08:30


zao an ni hao =D! thanks weiqi for sharing.


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 09:18

yes! mr chan. done le b4 reading the full msg. u can see it up there or in the pic blog ;p

i go home le... to rest

have a good weekend


Blogger qing qing | 20 July, 2007 09:22

morning!! =D

weiqi: LOL!! thanks for e aircon.. haha.. =D
yeah, shld vote tog since we're MLB family.. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 09:38

just wanna check who will be going from sengkang?.. i'll be going alone and thought who can go with me?...- yummytruffles


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 09:45

cold cold cold, damn cold. no wonder like what irene said, last night very cooling. hahaha....long time never see such lame things from weiqi n nic already. hahaha... like the pic with nic swiping off sweat with tissue. the tissue shines so brightly some more. Like some miracle medicine...:DD

tonight got somemore ah? Good for the hot weather. Btw, your MV shot at Changi is it? Think its either near the airport there or near taneh merah ferry terminal. Went there a couple of times, super ulu and damn hot!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 10:19

biang eh, I'm already icy cold in my classroom le la...cos the air-con is really cold...lol!

oh ya just to add on to Weiqi the post ba. Filled up the whatever details in the coupon and cut it out liao right, mail it to:

Farrer Road PO Box 933
Singapore 912899



Blogger Uncle Phil | 20 July, 2007 11:04

One more important thing to add on:

PLEASE SEND OUT YOUR VOTING COUPONS BY TUESDAY IN ORDER TO BE QUALIFY FOR THE SAME WEEK"S RANKING. (Cos the cut-off time is Thursday 12pm, and if you sent out on Wednesday, your coupons may reached Yes933 after the cut-off timing. So to be safe, send out on Tuesday the latest.)

1) Those who has sent out your voting coupons on Wednesday this week, your vote will only qualify for next Sunday's ranking and not this Sunday.
2) Do not send out voting coupon with the same name in the same week. Extra vote for the same name shall not be counted.
3) Each person can vote more than once with different kinds of method (as mentioned above by weiqi).


Blogger Uncle Phil | 20 July, 2007 11:10

Oh, correct me if I am wrong,
Telephone calling method of voting is only for the 20 songs that were on the chart from the previous week. Its not for new song.

Not too sure, what is visual radio? Anyone that knows can kindly help to explain. Thanks.

Ya, I am going from Sengkang this Sunday. But I should be leaving around noon, anyone wanna go with me?


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 11:39

Visual radio is only applicable to certain M1 customers that subscribe to the service...thats all I know...


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 12:17

you're welcome, weiqi! ;)

just doing my part for my fave band!

Gambatte ne~ :) (and yes, you spelled it correctly)

quite crappy in the night eh?

-rushes off to mail chart voting coupons-


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 12:32

Weiqi, your tag really lame lol..


I going back to class...



Blogger Uncle Phil | 20 July, 2007 12:40

Hi MLBgal_colleen,

Please be informed that whatever voting coupons you sent out today will only qualify for next Sunday's ranking & not this Sunday. Unless you have sent out voting coupons from last Wednesady to this Tuesday.
Anyway, thanks for joining the team of MLBians casting votes for "LEI" up the Yes933 Long Hu Bang.
Hopefully "LEI" will be on the chart this Sunday. Its gonna be a very good gift for MLB, and also showing our support & appreciations for their music.


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 14:30

I think might not be so soon that we can see Lei on the chart.

Coz when I called in, none of the choices of songs is MLB's. Best to sms to vote...or else waste time on the phone.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 20 July, 2007 15:05

Hi pf,
Fyi, I already mentioned in my previous post: Voting by calling method is only for the 20 songs that are on the chart from the previous week.
You will definitely not hear MLB's song through calling in, if it is still not on the chart yet.
So, at present we only can vote by either sending in the voting coupons or by SMSing. Its BEST if every MLBian can votes with these 2 methods.
Hope it is clear enough for everyone to understand. :-)


Blogger Jodie [: | 20 July, 2007 15:32



Sorry for like so called being missing for many days.
Cos my parents like band me from using com.
ARGHS! Not here soo many days got loads of updates siahs.
I very der blur now!
Having muscle cramps now!
GOSHH! Got it after yesterday's tennis training!

Hmms. My another problem is tat MY COM KENA CAUGHT VIRUS!
Haven't settle yet lors!
Pissed off now!

I really feel very bad now lehs.
Never talk crap here for long time.
Dun get me wrong!
I not purposely dun come here one lehs!


Blogger Jodie [: | 20 July, 2007 15:33

And yahs.


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 15:45

sorry....didn't see ur post earlier...

wahhhh siannnn....hope it wld be 6 soon, so that can knock off frm work


Blogger Uncle Phil | 20 July, 2007 16:50

Me too, hoping the clock to strike 18:00
Weekend approaching, happy weekend to all MLBians.
Ya, Sunday meet at J8 for the 2nd autograph session. Yeah...


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 16:51

weiqi: hey hey,jus wanna add that there are 3 new msn display pics.Also,many ppl askin so,Nic took A's inside,and diploma outside.THere's a review on us in LIFE section of straits times today :)


Blogger PeiShan | 20 July, 2007 16:51

omg .. it's cold here .. thx to weiqi .. haha .. =P ehh .. e pics r funny ..

to jodie: v long nv c u here le .. glad to c u here .. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 16:54

haha suay day in class finally ended. I shall rush to our 7-eleven to buy straits times. If not I ask my father to help me. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 17:02

there is a small part of new about MLB in THE STRAITS TIMRS (LIFE) today !


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 17:36

lol! it's sold out in my sch de 7-eleven le, so i already asked my father to help me buy. haha.

eiyer, if i can get the paper i can scan the article using sch de scanner and post it here le~~

By the way, just now Pauline jiejie called me to remind me to submit the proposal for the FC leader thingy by 5pm, but i miss the deadline cos really got no time to do...so i guess i will have to miss it lo~~ O_O



Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 17:59

i think by this time very difficult to get straits times .


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 18:00

just saw Jodie's tag...Jodie, if it's still there and it cannot be solve then reformat ur comp...ask me again in msn if u need help. Recently I reformatted my lappy so I should be able to help or I can get my hao xiong di to help u...

Ok la I going home le~ have a nice day!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 18:01

oh...anyway meikian say she will be uploading later...so sweet la, I love her even more le~~~ haha joking joking...


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 18:15

Just saw the article at the straits time.. And watch the MLB video clips..

NICE pics and video...



Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 18:20

yah.....pek choo
u're rite......

MLB Gambette for this coming sun event lol....

see u next sat.....


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 18:22

Lorita cya next Sunday events..
Take care
Thanks for telling me some places in Macau.. haha~ When I come back from my holidays, I will tell you my trip.


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 18:35

sunday or sat le

go hk disneyland lo
support Fahrenheit....they promting hk disneyland


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 18:44

thanks for answering that question about nic heh. nice photos of the auto session! wow. very nicely taken. thanks for uploading yeah? :)

aiyo, dont love me everytime i upload something leh. then u have to love me alot. more than mlb. haha... LOLS! :P

here goes. the straits times article. :D


today's weather was uber cold. arghhs. i was like sneezing away in school, cuz on top of that very cold weather, i was sitting near 2 fans, one on top and one infront of me. =.= why so cold huh? mus be because of u lah, weiqi. haha...

anyway, i think we should get warner to help u guys look for endorsements...

nic can endorse tissue, sam can endorse roti prata/kopi, weiqi can endorse aircon...


TIRED! weiqi, wei le read n reply u ytd, i slept so late lah can. hahas... was going to sleep liao then see ur post so stay for awhile more. then in the end cldnt sleep cuz ur tag n photos were jus too funny. lols!

and today's test was disastrous. -_-"


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 19:01


That means FLH going HK.. wah~ But I don't think I will be so lucky to see them.. hahax~ Will chat with you when I come back from HK yah..
Take care MLB & MLBIANS


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 19:04

pek choo
take care lol
update me where u go in hk


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 19:05


I dont have any roaming phone leh~~
buT will update you when I come back on next Thursday night... When I come online..


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 19:18

some comments about the straits times review...

i think the band should be judged more than how well they do. more importantly, it's how much effort that's put in.

whether it be a original of the band, or tracks produced and arranged for them to record, we've seen and heard much effort put into them. and i thus feel that we should credit them for the effort they've put into every single track in the album. :)

i've been to most of MLB's gigs since the end of superband. it's always the passion while playing the music that makes me enjoy listening and watching MLB's performance. how serious they look during sound check, how happy they are while performing on stage. it's more like, the passion that makes the music so enjoyable.

if one plays really good music without enjoying it, i dont see a purpose in it. it really cheers me up every single time watching MLB perform, seeing the smiles on their faces and such.

if you've never realised what i've mentioned, do take a closer look, pay more attention at the future gigs. i assure you, you'll discover something unique in it. :)

it's hard to put my feelings into words, but it's really the love for music that makes me enjoy listening to MLB so much. rock on! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 20:08

hurr hurr.
weiqi. u very funny lah.. hahaha.and pls sleep early!
anyway, my kor said he saw nic performing at the red cross event.. yup. cos he's in mdc bah.
nic, xin ku le.


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 20:51

wah weiqi, despite reaching hme so "early", still post d voting details for us as well as d pics. pls do nt tired urself out ya...

take care...


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 21:00

Wow just received a news from my mum, MLB album alrdy sold out at TPY central CD Rama.... It won't be long their songs will hit the charts. Looks like MLB's hardwork is going to be well rewarded now.


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 21:12

wakaoz..weiqi..reali early leh..haha..
should rest well...hehe
but den the photo hor..reali funi sia..
last pic of nic reali look fresh oni..haha..

kk..take care..sleep well..eat well..enjoy well...everything well..=)



Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 21:45

still tired though i jus woke up. hahas.

thankfully the album wasn't sold out at northpoint yet, managed to grab another copy today for sunday's autograph session.

looks like it's sold out in a quite a few places ya? proves that singapore really supports their local artiste, local band.

cheers, takecare!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 21:50

wow album sold out? thats great! :D

so super looking forward to SUNDAY! MLBians rmb to wear MLB tee! (:

anyonw any idea how long the autograph session will last?


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 21:55

the auto session will probably last for more than an hour, maybe 1 1/2 to 2 hours?

the previous one was about 1 hour plus. but there may be a bigger crowd this time so the time will vary lah. yupp.


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 22:03

Sunday's Autograph Session-

22July07, JUNCTION 8, 3pm

-please wear ur MLB tee if you have, try to wear white if you dont

-queuing area should be at the LJS area. but i'm not entirely sure cuz there's this other S.H.E event there on the same day. so maybe you guys can drop by the LJS area when you reach, check if there's anyone there. If there isn't, then head up to Open Plaza to check out. and try to recognise your fellow MLB fans, so that you dont follow the wrong queue or smth.

-note that you're not allowed to request MLB to write your names for you on the album when u go up for the autograph session. also, drawing of hearts, smiley face [that kind of small small thing lah] is supposedly not allowed too. :P

-please go down to show your support for MLB this sunday if you're free!

all reminders lah,haha. think there isnt anymore i wan to say liao... will add on again if there is.


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 22:14

地点:碧山第八站露天广场 Bishan Junction 8,Open Plaza

-queuing area should be at the LJS area. but i'm not entirely sure cuz there's this other S.H.E event there on the same day. so maybe you guys can drop by the LJS area when you reach, check if there's anyone there. If there isn't, then head up to Open Plaza to check out. and try to recognise your fellow MLB fans, so that you dont follow the wrong queue or smth.

it already say tt it will b at open plaza !


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 22:16

Date: Sun July 22

Time: 3pm

Venue: Bishan Junction 8, Open Plaza

-queuing area should be at the LJS area. but i'm not entirely sure cuz there's this other S.H.E event there on the same day. so maybe you guys can drop by the LJS area when you reach, check if there's anyone there. If there isn't, then head up to Open Plaza to check out. and try to recognise your fellow MLB fans, so that you dont follow the wrong queue or smth.

it already say tt it will b at open plaza !


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 22:18

yes, the event is held at Open Plaza. However, usually for the autograph sessions held at J8, the queue starts from downstairs, at the LJS area. i've been to quite alot of auto sessions at j8, so far every single one requires us to queue downstairs. then the security will bring us up about 1/2 hour prior to the event.

but as i mentioned before in my prev post. [which i cant remember where it is] i'll check out with the management if i can, so you guys can drop by LJS area to take a look jus in case.


Blogger yammy | 20 July, 2007 22:53

meikian, i'm yamroll/yammy. you know me ma? i don't have your msn wor. haha. can u add me in msn? yanrong63@hotmail.com. thanks ah. bu hao yi si. ma fan ni le.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 20 July, 2007 23:08

Aiyah, jia-lat liao! I haven't buy MLB's album for this Sunday autograph session?
Tml must call up CD Rama various outlets to confirm they got stock b4 going down and purchase.
Hopefully, I am able to get 2 pcs by Sunday.


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 23:12

thanks meikian for the info.

will try to chiong down before 3pm /= i think by the time i reach, the queue duno how long liao. will they restrict the event like until what time? or they will sign until everybody de album sign finish..? paisei language abit broken, ming bai jiu hao. heh.


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 23:14

uncle phil: J8 has sembawang and i think still have stock (i was there yesterday and still have the album) price $18.90. yup.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 20 July, 2007 23:16

Oh quizzy,
with regards to the proposal thingy, I think you just submit yours eventhough it has passed the deadline. Maybe they will still accept if your proposal is good.
Cos, initially the deadline was 12noon, then you mentioned Pauline called you and asked you to submit by 5pm. So, I will suggest you just send in yours (If you are still intestered). Thought I actually did remind you yesterday?


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 23:16

i dont think they'll restrict the event time. most likely they'll finish signing everything before leaving. yupp.


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 23:18

YAY. :D okay thanks again.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 20 July, 2007 23:23

Thanks for the info, but I prefer to buy it from CD Rama, becos I can get points to exchange for $20 vouchers.
If I cannot find any at CD Rama, then I will get it from Sembawang Music.
In Sengkang-Compasspoint has CD Rama & Sembawang Music, so quite easy for me. Unless its out-of-stock too.


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 23:30

hi weiqi..e pics are so so funni..haha..had a gd time laughing sia..slp early next time la..we can wait..n ar, u v lame can..so tis sun u all still singing ben xiao hai, hai lang n bu xiang zhang da? or xi huan ni, xiao wei n ai de chu ti yan like wad meikian said..lols.. :P thx for e free aircon lor..no wonder i slept reali well last nite..haha..thx for e info abt e review on u all in straits times life.. :)

meikian, thx for all e articles tt u'hv uploaded..xin ku le wor..n thx for e sms to inform me abt weiqi's post.. :) but bcos i got free aircon last nite so i cldnt wakey.. :P oh n i 100% agree w u tt e guys hv put in their 100% in producing gd music for us..it's such a joy watching them perform on stage..u will jus smile automatically..cos u noe tt e guys are realli enjoying their performance alot..n e happiness is contagious..so, rock on guys! :D

syl, thx for all e voting coupons! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 23:39

aiyo, the guyz where got put in 100% in producing the music ... more lyk 200% ya ;p hee hee


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 23:45

haha uncle phil, I didn't forget, just that got yesterday got no time to do nia~ haha.

mk, =P!

if cannot buy their albums yet de hua, buy it at when you are at J8 where the autograph session place is ba. I bought mine at JEC de autograph session place at $18 only...


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 July, 2007 23:48


MLB's never say die attitude!



Blogger Uncle Phil | 20 July, 2007 23:49

I remember the other time; got a few MLBians felt that 伟奇 & 林宇中 looks alike. But after seeing 伟奇 latest photos, I feel that 伟奇 & 陶喆 also looks alike at certain angle. Anyone agree with me?


Blogger Uncle Phil | 21 July, 2007 00:02

Hi meikian,
one advice from me; we are really very please for all the hard works you've put in for the MLB Family (I personally appreciate it very much). But, I hope you are coping well with your studies too (cos, most of the times see you writing negative thingy about your school works).
Fyi, I am very concern for you on your studies. Believe MLB also want their fans to have good results in their school works. Please try your very Best to balance between the two.
Very Sorry for all these comments, but I really treasure a die hard fan likes you, that's why I am worry to lost you (if your parents stop you from attending events or worst stop you from supporting MLB becos of your school results). Hope you understand where I am coming from? Jia-you...


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 July, 2007 00:08

hi uncle phil,
thanks for your concern. :) i'm trying hard to balance up with school life too, still trying to adjust to my intensive tests and revision. but i'll hold on to the never say die attitude, continue to work hard. :)


cheers :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 July, 2007 00:08

uncle phil: haha i only feel that 伟奇 is becoming more and more 帅 :D

anw what u said abt balancing studies and MLB applies to all students i guess. so everyone jiayou ba!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 21 July, 2007 00:09

Quizzy: Thanks for the reminder. Ya, that shall be the last resort. Only worry that everywhere also got no stock. But it suppose to be a very good sign if MLB's album is totally out-of-stock.

Btw, does anyone know how many copies were produced during the album's launched date? Look likes MLB's debut album is really selling likes hot-cakes. Yeah...hurray...


Blogger Uncle Phil | 21 July, 2007 00:13

meikian: very glad that you understood where I am coming from. All the best to you. cheers...

MIKO: Ya, you are right. Its suppose to be applied to all students regardless of which standard they are in. So, all MLBians Jia-you...


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 July, 2007 00:22

oh yah regarding the voting coupons. can we like save stamp and paste like 4 coupons (with different names) on an envelope then send in? will they count as 4 votes or what..


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 July, 2007 00:31


quite true la...but I hate our school de system - give grading base on the whole cohort's performance (moderation la). If the whole cohort do badly, one can even get A by just getting 15/30. In one of the module test I got 7.5/30 with D+ (they say is 'conditional pass'...anyway that was better than it's first paper lor) when others would already got C with 6.5/30 in other modules le...tsk tsk tsk...

aiya whatever it is, jia you ba... ;)

miko, duno leh. have to ask them le...


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 July, 2007 00:36

haha was thinking if like that can, with 10 stamps can already send 40 coupons. lol.

actually also dont know the school need to moderate for what. haha.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 21 July, 2007 00:37

Strongly agree that 伟奇 is becoming more and more 帅 & 越来越不像马来人。
In fact not only weiqi, Nic & Sam also becoming more and more 帅. Plus 越来越有明星风范。


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 July, 2007 00:38

weiqi 越来越不像马来人.



Anonymous Anonymous | 21 July, 2007 00:42

yah they really more ming xing and more confident now. even my mum says so. heh. (:


Blogger Uncle Phil | 21 July, 2007 00:43

MIKO: I don't think that is allowed. Fyi, even the coupons cannot have the same hand writing (correct me if I am wrong).
Anyway, maybe we can ask the yes933 host to explain during this Sunday autograph session. He/She should be able to advice us on the yes933 Long Hu Bang's thingy.


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 July, 2007 00:48

uncle phil: huh?! same handwriting also cannot? got so strict oh. what if my ah ma want to vote then i help her write? :p haha hopefully the host will tell us ba.


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 July, 2007 00:48

weiqi, my fren saw u at SPD charity show ... say u very shuai4, the hair style suits u to the T lor.


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 July, 2007 00:59

Regarding Straits time life article, the critic has e same view as me, know which one is mlb, which one is not.

weiqi now really dun look like malay.. maybe we are getting familiar with his look, maybe he is not as tan as before after he ORD?

So meikian, we r correct lah...

Yup, TPY CD rama had sold out MLB album, went yesterday and the rack of No 3 is totally empty. Thinking of going to my fav chinatown store to ask how's the sales like. BTW, heard that this famous chinatown cd store is under renovation. For his regulars, just wanna let you know there is another outlet at ppl park complex, the one where all the tour agencies are.


Blogger euniice =) | 21 July, 2007 01:04

the photos so FUNNY la.
proudly edited by WEIQI.



Anonymous Anonymous | 21 July, 2007 01:05

i think can quite easily see the difference in the lyrics... the originals just feel very mlb, while the others feel more of written by 'professional lyricists'. music's quite easy to differentiate too.

aiya, duno what im talkin about.duno how to explain larhs.

i think weiqi used to look thinner during superband times leh. now look more shuai lers, esp with styling of hair and such.

seems like really alot of places sold out huh... will go try grab a few more copies soon. but im sure there will be a stall selling it at the auto sessions so shud be ok bahhs.



Anonymous Anonymous | 21 July, 2007 01:06

thx weiqi for the pics.
veri funni sia! xD
slp earlier ar.
take care! (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 July, 2007 01:13

Hi..wa..so cold here.. Bei Ji hor..

Hv bn busi and busi entertaining. Thanks to Meikian, Quizzy n Uncle Phil for answering my ? in the previous posting. ttww flying off tis Sunday..so to all those tt hoping to meet up w me will hv to wait until year end liao.
MLB.. wherever I am, I am yr fan..I will login whenever I can. This plcs sometime got line problem but I will strive de.

I hv to lv my album w Capri n Pinky until my return lor! Txs a million!

MLB... u will make it de!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 July, 2007 01:17

The Autograph Session Pics At The Pictures Album Are SoOo NICE & Well-Taken!
As Well As These Funny Step 1-3 'Nic's guide to cooling down' Pics ... 'Gao Xiao' Lek YOU ~

Thankz La WEIQI ~
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 July, 2007 01:40



Blogger Uncle Phil | 21 July, 2007 01:47

flora: the famous CD store you are referring izzit call 富声? Its not closed down but rather shifted to the temporary market next to Outram MRT Station. As for the other outlet you mentioned thought its Peoples Park Centre, izzit at the basement next to the food court?


Blogger Uncle Phil | 21 July, 2007 01:50

Please take care & wish you all the best in whatever you do.
Do login to this blog and tag along whenever you are free.
Bon Voyage... our dear fren.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 21 July, 2007 02:04

Talking about Bon Voyage, make me think of 祝你一路顺风 sang by 吴奇隆。This song is very touching and meaningful.


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 July, 2007 02:15

Hiya, just bought your album to see what my younger brother was raving about. I was very pleasantly surprised with the impressive repertoire of songs. I especially like 'Lei". Good job guys. Looking forward to seeing your songs go up the charts. You have come such a long way since Super Band. Hope you'll have many more albums to go.

Best, Mi Lu Lao Bing


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 July, 2007 02:20

Uncle Phil, not sure if its the one you said is same as mine. I only know the english name as Visma. I'm regular customer, the boss n empolyees know me. :P cos I always go there and buy in bulk. :p regular customer got discount and even without discount, its the lowest priced CD store in singapore.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 21 July, 2007 02:51

flora, ok. think I given the wrong store name just now; should be 富良 ya, their prices usually cheaper than elsewhere. Remember last time they gave free packet of pocket tissues with any purchased.
How about the 2nd outlet? Did I mentioned the right store?


Blogger Uncle Phil | 21 July, 2007 02:56

very tired & sleepy now, going to bed liao.
good nite to MLB Family, have a great weekend ahead. See you guys/gals on Sunday at J8 for MLB 2nd autograph session.


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 July, 2007 03:00

2nd outlet is not basement leh, i rem its at level 3...quite sometime never go already but bear e same store name visma, n e lady who tending e shop is sister of the lady at original shop. fee tissue? heh heh, that uncle gave me free hp stripe before :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 July, 2007 03:19

no problem! :) it's a pity you cant meet up with the guys this sunday. but i'm sure there'll be other chances ya? do take great care! cheers :D

tired! hahas. tml,or rather about 3 plus more hours, is the release of harry potter 7, anyone ordered? hehs. :P

nites all!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 July, 2007 03:36

nitey! me going out with my bros later - celebrating two of them's birthday...

Nic sam weiqi and the rest please jia you and take care...other than jia you and take care I don't know what else to say le la...=(

haha =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 July, 2007 08:43

managed to crawl out of bed 2 hours ago to grab my copy of harry potter and the deathly hallows.

despite feeling sleepy, determined to finish the book in the shortest time possible. :P

have a gr8 day all! stay happy :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 July, 2007 09:39

morning guys & mibians

Bon Voyage....c u end of this yr ma

On behalf of pek choo
i'm on my way to Maccu & hongkong now
MLB Jiayou for tmr authorgraph


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 July, 2007 09:48

hi..Erm i support mLB for veri long but can ii noe how to join e fan club..Miie and my friend are findin anf wanting to join e fans club..cAN uiix tell miie how..Pls send miie a msg to tyz1012@hotmail to tell miie can..Thank you..


Blogger Yuan zhuang | 21 July, 2007 10:38

hi.erm i am jus now tat gal hu asking how to join MLB dan club..can uiix just post to miie at my blog thank you..oriiginalgal.blogspot.com..Thank alot..


Blogger qing qing | 21 July, 2007 14:18


on wed(i think), i pass by this cd shop at tm. was thinking whether shld go in not.. when i was deciding, i heard this v familiar song.. it was shi ying!! the shop was playing shi ying!! so nice man!! =D
den, yesterday, was at bugis, heard these three girls toking.. heehee.. one was saying milubing is singapore one rite, den e other was saying ya ya.. den, e other one say she dun like any of zhang zheng ***(not v gd if say out e full name ma =X) this album de songs.. her fren say, milubing is better.. she prefer milubing!! WAHAHA!! of cos milubing is better la.. haha.. =D

YES!!!! weiqi is getting more n more shuai!! haha.. acty MLB getting more n more shuai la.. haha.. my frens oso say that.. they said tat they look v diff from last time, during superband times.. =)

sam: i dreamt of u last nite.. dreamt bout u at e sheng shiong show, being e judge.. wearing white shirt n jeans.. =P

meikian: thanks for all e info! =D do i need to love u more oso? HAHA!!
oh.. u hav test yesterday? i oso!! but it's shit lor!! cos mine is use com de ma, den my com hang!!!!!! ji dan gao lor!!

aiyo!! i keep dreaming of MLB n MLBians these few days de lor.. =D

hooray!! tml is sun!! yeah yeah!! =)


Blogger binz | 21 July, 2007 14:44

qingqing: wah u seem to be dreaming of mlb almost everyday! hahax..

that day i ordered milo peng then when the uncle served the drink he said: ni de mi lu bing. lolx he was smiling when he said that and looked at me. i wondered if i had milubing 3 words on my face? then the next moment the tv was showing the mlb album advertisement.

yea agree that mlb is turning shuaier and shuaier.. now that weiqi dun wear cap that often, can see his hair! very shuai lahh


Blogger qing qing | 21 July, 2007 15:55

binz, haha.. ya lor.. keep dreaming of MLB lor.. sometimesi dreamt of MLBians oso.. haha =D got 1 time, i dream of MLB for 2 Consecutive days lor.. *blush* haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 July, 2007 16:48

i totally agree with u
MLB more & more shuai man

u guys muz Gambette for tmr lo

c u guys next week sat


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 July, 2007 17:20

how ar u ????
i'm looking for u
come to MSN ma


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 July, 2007 18:39

lorita, i went on msn but u went offline le..leave me offline msg or sms me ba..i doubt i'll get to go online later n tml..


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 July, 2007 19:13

hello peeps~

oh yes, speaking of sheng siong show, will sam or nic be judging tml? :P

very cold weather~ =.=


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 July, 2007 20:02

tml is sheng siong finals right? think long long ago sam said nic will be judging for finals bah.

anw i passed by the j8 sembawang and saw MLB's advert! those big big kind put at the shop window those kind.. (: was going ard cdd shops but cldnt find this kind of advert. then there have! finally rang wo kan dao le (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 July, 2007 21:04

i dun have ur mobile no
can u sms me
i leave u my mobile no
in MSN


Blogger givon | 21 July, 2007 21:31

hey MLBians! can i confirm again.. where is the LJS? what time must we reach to queue? sorry :(


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 July, 2007 21:41

LJS is along the stretch of fast food outlets... from the mrt station u walk towards the shopping mall, then u turn right. it's that whole stretch with macs, coffee bean and whatever lah. then u walk to the end and exit thru the door, the queue should be on your left.

but again, still duno if the queue will definitely be at ljs.

as for what time u need to reach to queue.... no specific time bah, u can reach anytime before the event starts. if you reach after 3, go straight up to the open plaza...

i seem to be repeating myself. arghs. sorry to those who've read this at least twice liaoo. =.=

by the way, MLB will be signing on the 外壳 of the album. not on the lyrics book or whatever. so please rmb to bring it if you want your album to be autographed. [best u jus bring everything lah]



Blogger givon | 21 July, 2007 21:49

ohh icic.. sorry for making u to repeat. so if i reach b4 3, i shud be waiting at the ljs?


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 July, 2007 21:59

yup, anyway u wouldn't be unsure whether u shud be waiting at ljs if u reach there earlier cos they won't open the door to Top of the 8 de. When it's time to go in, the guards will direct u so no worries ya ;)?


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 July, 2007 21:59

it's ok.

ermms. cuz it's still not confirmed where we should be queuing. so maybe u jus take a look at the ljs area when u reach, if u dont see a queue there then u check out the open plaza. yups.

and even if you see a queue, try to make sure that they're mlb fans bah. cuz there's another event of S.H.E at 6pm at the same place.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 21 July, 2007 22:05

Wow, have been searching high & low for MLB's debut album today. Many of the CD Rama stores already got no stock (CD Rama TPY, Brass Brasah, Heartland Mall). Think our wishes have come true - MLB album selling likes hot cakes.

Good news to MLB Family, MLB's debut albums' sales ranking:
3rd of the chart in CD Rama across Singapore.
Top of the chart in HMV Music Store.
Top of the chart in Sembawang Music.


Blogger givon | 21 July, 2007 22:13

okie! THANKS MY DEAR MLBIANS! you're so friendly and helpful. aww.. i'm touch.. hahas


really hope to see you guys.

btw.. you guys wearing mlb tees? other than the cds.. what shud be bring?

to mekian and quizzy_me: THANKS A MILLION!

to uncle phil: there's still stock in sembawang at compass point. i bought another 5 at one go.. and the salesgirl was like "wah!"

happy for them.. jiayou mlb! and mlbians too.. rest early for tml's SCREAMS!!


Blogger qing qing | 21 July, 2007 22:14

meikian: heehee.. tml rmb to b guai guai kk.. dun anyhow run.. jie jie com find u tml!! haha.. =D

uncle phil: OMG!! really??!! thanks for e info.. tat's great man.. haha.. oh, den u manage to get urs?


Blogger Uncle Phil | 21 July, 2007 22:17

Nearly half day of searching, I finally managed to get 2pcs from Hougang Mall CD Rama Store. Think they left about less than 10pcs. Then I saw in Compass Point CD Rama only left with 3pcs on the Top of the chart display shelf laying at 3rd Place.

I am still keeping my fingers crossed and wish that 泪 will be up yes933龙虎榜 tml afternoon.
Ya, for those who wish to help "chiong" 泪 up yes933龙虎榜. Please look for me to fill up a voting coupon each (only for MLBians without voting coupon). I have about 20 voting coupons.


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 July, 2007 22:51

so if i reach after 3pm just go up to queue? sry.. very bu zhi suo cuo cos never go any autograph sessions before =x im noob!

aye. hopefully the host tml will tell us whether can send multiple coupons using 1 stamp.


Blogger Jodie [: | 21 July, 2007 23:10

Shan: hahas. Yahs. Long time no see. XD.

Quizzy_me: hahas. Yahs. My dad just download new virus software. It helps a little but not tat much lars! At least is improving! XD.

Lorita: Really? Soo good. I saw the article of both of tem went hk disneyland. hahas. But sad tat is not the whole band lors. I oso like fahrenheit XD.

Today such a nice day for me!
I went to "Eighteen Chefs" to eat and plus..
Oso went to support CSS2 Top 10!
They came to Eastpoint today!
WAHH! I was being squashed like shit lors!
I stand until my leg still hurts!
But it is a great experience!
hahas. For being a CRAZY fan!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 July, 2007 23:36

u like fahrenheit????me too
u saw them in real life....
which band member u like????

okay,may i have ur email
is better dun tok in MLB blog lol


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 July, 2007 23:38

TO Sam ,Weiqi & Nic Kor
good nitez guys! Tmr got to wake up early to go church....and met yuan ping to pass her some letter for u guys......

i will support u at home le



Anonymous Anonymous | 22 July, 2007 01:09

haha. Causeway point de CD rama hur, I saw less than 10 copies on shelves. As for vivo city de MJ - I think I saw only 5? aiyo, didn't count...

today is the day! haha. actually i'm quite tired now - after gai gai-ing with my bros the whole afternoon. But I'm very high too leh - cos now discussing another secret mission with qing qing and yamroll over msn...hope it works la. haha.

enjoy your day!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 22 July, 2007 01:27

Wow, got secret to discuss huh?
Ya, most of the CD Stores doesn't have much stock left.
Think the 改版 will be out very soon, hopefully will come with the 2 MVs & Nic's self composed English songs.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 22 July, 2007 01:30

Where have all MLBians gone to? The blog was quite quiet since last night!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 July, 2007 01:44

hi uncle phil,
ya lorh, the blog very quiet these few days. only about 20 tags in a day.

will be going to sleep soon... cya guys tml bahs :D


Blogger Uncle Phil | 22 July, 2007 01:59

hi meikian,
What time will you be in J8 later?
can you update me when you are there (w-qi coolz)? Who are you going with?


Blogger Uncle Phil | 22 July, 2007 02:01

Time to zzzzz,
gd nite to MLB Family, see you guys/gals this afternoon at J8.


Blogger qing qing | 22 July, 2007 02:03

heehee.. quizzy, my hand wanna cramp liao la.. haha.. wa biang, die liao la.. tonite really dun need slp liao.. LOL!! =D

nite uncle phil! =)


Blogger Uncle Phil | 22 July, 2007 02:22

nitez qing
wat time u going later? with who?


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 July, 2007 03:28

uncle phil, cos we're "marathon-ing". Not only working on ahem ahem, but also updating my blog about my outing with my bros...haha. then chatted with them over msn oso~~ hehe :D

visit my blog when u r free la - u can access the link at the publicity blog...and tag hor ;D


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 July, 2007 03:30

oh qing is probably offline marathon-ing somewhere le~~ she will be going with me, cos we needa go somewhere to ahem ahem first. tell u more when we meet again ;D. we aim to reach J8 at 1 plus.

yamroll should be marathon-ing too...haha.

nic sam and weiqi jia you!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 July, 2007 09:13

"Think the 改版 will be out very soon, hopefully will come with the 2 MVs & Nic's self composed English songs." i certainly hope so too! (:

wa.. so i guess i'll be seeing uncle phil, quizzy, qing and many others later! (: but dont know all the faces. haha.

lol hope u all de ahem ahem is done and all perfect (:


Blogger Uncle Phil | 22 July, 2007 09:22

Halo MLB Family,
Good morning.
Its a beautiful Sunday,less than 3hrs we shall know whether "Lei" will be up on the yes933 Long Hu Bang? Believe "Lei" should be up on the chart today. Yeah...
Less than 6hrs, we will be at J8 for MLB's 2nd autograph session. Believe the crowd togay gonna be bigger & of cousre the cheers & screamings will be louder too.
MLB Jia-you... MLB Power-Lah...


Blogger Uncle Phil | 22 July, 2007 09:28

Yup, you shall be seeing all of us. Its the most easy to spot me, cos I believe I am the oldest MLBian in the Family, that's why I am address as uncle. Hahaha...
Btw, where are you staying? And what time you are expecting to reach J8? You should be able to see MLBians wearing MLB's Tee if you are there b4 2pm.
Introduce yourself to us and everything shall get on from there. Cya later.


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 July, 2007 09:37

uncle phil: i can only reach on the dot at 3pm (that is if im able to chiong down successfully) aye. if like that means i go straight up to the open plaza and start to queue or will the queue still be downstairs?


Blogger Uncle Phil | 22 July, 2007 09:47

Think you better proceed straight to Top of the 8 at 3rd floor.


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 July, 2007 10:02


hey peeps,
im so sorry about my wrong info for the past few days. i've confirmed liao, the LJS area is reserved for the S.H.E event at 6pm. fans attending MLB's event will have to queue up directly at OPEN PLAZA (Top Of the 8).

please note that ADMISSION ONLY BEGINS AT 1230PM. so those still at home, take your time, dont have to reach so early.

yupps. sorry about the wrong info!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 July, 2007 10:04

Good morning MLB family

Hi uncle phil,

Sori for confused you.. see u later...


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 July, 2007 10:12

oh okay. thanks uncle phil and meikian. see you mlbians later! (:

MLB must jiayou okay! (: rock the open plaza upside down. whoo!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 22 July, 2007 10:28

Hi meikian,
Thanks for the latest updated news.
So, you are there already rite? Anyone with you?


Blogger binz | 22 July, 2007 10:57

oh thanks meikian on the lasted updated info(:

won't be able to reach that early, scared i will be at the back cannot see clearly! ah.. hahx getting too high liao..


Blogger PeiShan | 22 July, 2007 11:29

thx meikian for e updated info .. cya lata .. dun anyhow run hor .. haha ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 July, 2007 11:43

MLB jiayou for later's performance at Junction 8.
rock the house down. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 July, 2007 12:03

hey minX))
i cant come down todae
hope to c u next sat...yah

MLB gambette for later performance
rock the house down,k? :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 July, 2007 12:15

haven't seen you for a veryvery long time already. ):
hope you're doing fine now in spore.
think i'll be going down next sat too.
can finally pass you your stuff. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 July, 2007 12:18

Wow,迷路兵's 泪 is No. 17 on 933 chart!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 July, 2007 12:18

congrates...to MLB
lei is in long hu bang at 17th place
i'm so happy lol.....

Contiune to vote guys!!!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 July, 2007 12:18

lei is playing on long hu bang right now.
17th place. (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 July, 2007 18:09

yah....my stuff still with you


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 July, 2007 18:12

haha yah. it's been with me for almost a year i think? lucky you still remember. heh.


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 July, 2007 18:16

hi lorita!

din go j8 tdy?


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 July, 2007 18:25

hi capri
yes...i didnt go J8 todae


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 July, 2007 18:26

i still remember coz the person is in spore todae
and planning to see him but i'm lazy la


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 July, 2007 18:26

u looking for me ?????


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 July, 2007 18:29

oh yah hoh.
okay lah, i've got to go for dinner.
feeling uber hungry now. ):
there's school tomorrow and i still have undone homework.
take care! :)
MLB and MLBians, have a great week ahead. ^^


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 July, 2007 18:34

din c u, so ask if u did go...

nxt wk oso nt gg?


Blogger Uncle Phil | 22 July, 2007 19:00

Congrats MLB, your "1st baby" - 泪is finally on Yes933龙虎榜 at #17. Not too bad for a start. Believe the ranking will be better next week, cos we have filled up quite a numbers of voting coupons today.
Thank you very much to fellow MLBians who have been voting very hard for 泪 to go onto Yes933龙虎榜. Let's continue to vote harder and make it to the TOP.
Yes, to the TOP. I always believe we can do it, cos we are very UNITED as a Family.
This is just the start only, we still got 适应,Get Alive & other MLB's songs to vote onto Yes933龙虎榜.
I am super HAPPY today, cos 泪 already on Yes933龙虎榜 at #17. And today's autograph session at J8 was much better than JEC last Sunday. Have confident that next Saturday's autograph session at BPP will be even better.
I next wish is to help MLB get the Platinum Award for this MLB Debut Album. The sales need to hit 15000 copies in order to get this award. Based on the album sales' ranking at various CD stores, I think it should not be a problem for my wish to come true.
Of course every MLBian plays a part in these, once again a BIG THANK YOU to all MLBians to make this a success.


Blogger qing qing | 22 July, 2007 19:06

jus reach home not long ago.. =D

it's so great!! WOOHOO~ SHIOK!!! =P

shan: xin tong rite? LOL!! i almost loss my leg, in e end didnt shake hand w MLB!! ARGHHHH~

sam: LOL!! ya, my shirt is nice.. it's e nicest amongst all my clothes!! LOL!! cos it's MLB t! =D
btw, shan is e one v noisy one, laughing alot when u signing hers.. tsk tsk tsk.. =X

weiqi: keke.. not hot ar? wear e blazer(is it called blazer?)? haha.. wa lao, shan n i super xin tong man!! didnt manage to shake hand w u 3.. =(

nic: heehee.. didnt sweat so much today huh? haha.. ahya, didnt get to c u jump w ur guitar.. haiz.. =(

sam, weiqi n nic: hope u all like e gift.. =)


Blogger Uncle Phil | 22 July, 2007 19:18

For the yes 933��� voting thingy, we have confirmed with the host �λ� today. And the restrictions for casting votes were as follows:
1) 1 person only can vote once using the same method per week (meaning: 1x sending voting coupon, 1x by SMSing & 1x by calling [since �� already on the chart]).
2) Cannot have same hand writing even if you used different names to cast your vote.
3) Cannot paste many voting coupons onto the same envelope or postcard (if you do that, only 1 vote is taken in account).
4) All votes must reached yes933�����by Thursday 12pm (to be safe, please send out latest by Tuesday), in order to be taken into account for the same week's ranking.
Hope every MLBians will understand the restrictions, so as not to waste your voting coupons.
MLBians lets stay UNITED and continue to votes hard for MLB's songs onto yes933���. MLBians Jia-You... MLBians Power-Lah...


Blogger Uncle Phil | 22 July, 2007 19:23

aiyah, why this blog sometimes "siao..siao.." one ha? suddenly all the chinese characters became small squares again?
Hope you guys & gals can read what I've written.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 22 July, 2007 19:25

Oh... so sorry to ik aka Ivan, MIKO, binz & etc. Didn't get to see you guys & gals.
If you can recognise me, come and say hello to me in the next event (next Saturday at BBP).


Blogger Uncle Phil | 22 July, 2007 20:01

Hi yammy,
Glad seeing you in-person at J8 just now.
Hope you have enjoy yourself at today's autograph session.

Calling more male MLBians, please come and join me if you wanna support MLB. I am very glad to see many Male MLBians today (even JiaHui also mentioned not easy to see many Male fans).
Wondering the guy wearing MLB's tee is peeping here?Saw you alone attending the autograph session just now. Believe you must be a die hard fan of MLB too, I wanna know you and any other Male MLBians.


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 July, 2007 20:04

hi capri
next week????sure will go
is the last authorgraph ma
i have some letter for them


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 July, 2007 20:07

hi lorita,

i c... me dunno if gg nt... will try to.

u wrote them lots of letters huh... ;-)


Blogger Jodie [: | 22 July, 2007 20:29

LORITA: Okays. U can find my email by clicking on my name whenever i tag here, LIKE NOW! hehes. THANKS XD!

ANONYMOUS: Yahs. I was shocked when i heard Milubing's Lei was on long hu bang lors!

Everyone, lets vote more and one day, Lei maybe NUMBER ONE! hahas XD.

WEIQI: Saw the walls u painted for the restaurant! Very nice and cartoon-ny. hehes.


Blogger qing qing | 22 July, 2007 20:59

MLB, gong xi!! lei is up on long hu bang le.. YEAH!!

jodie: hello!! =)

nite everyone.. so tired.. =.=
tml den continue tagging..


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 July, 2007 21:03

HAHAS:d GONE TO UR QIAN CHANG HUI EH[: was fun man[: sam was funny eh[: wei qi so shuai. yos. MLB jia you eh~


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 July, 2007 21:09

hey...im so happy today!! hahaha...finally get my album autographed!! but quite sad ocs sam's signature kenna scratch when i kept it in my bag...:( but the joy of seeing MLB in real is much more!!! hahaha...cos this is my 2nd time seeing them in person...the 1st time is the FIR event...then today see them up close somemore!!! hahaha...*wide grinz*

the guys are so SHUAI!!! hahaha...look sooooooo good...esp when the SMILE~ *ting ting ting* mi si ren le...hurhurhur...and its so cool to hear them sing live!!! wished they had sang more songs though...hahaha...

oh...i can really see all the fans liking for MLB...all singing along and swaying to the song...and this girl standing in front of me was so engross and swaying the MLB board that i was so scare it will hit me on the head...hahaha...but that goes to show that the songs done by the buys are so captivating!!!

and...happy to hear tt MLB got into the 933 chart!!! CONGRATS!!! all the hard work is given due recognition!!!

oh...just a qn here...is there any add or place that we can send stuff for the guys to? like to the company or sth?


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 July, 2007 21:10

no la
only 1 letter


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 July, 2007 21:15

i have add u in MSN already


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 July, 2007 21:15

i have add u in MSN already


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 July, 2007 21:49

good nitez to MLB & Mibians
have a pleasent day tmr...yah....

is 1 letter for each members
hope to c u next week sat


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 July, 2007 21:52

yo! haha. it has been a crazy and fun day. haha. Thanks milubing for making my day - "Get alive" managed to empowered me a lot just now. Wasn't feeling good few days back due to school work...when they performed this song, recollections of those unhappy moment were flashing back and I feel like crying la - not sad but was touched...

haha don't know what I'm talking about la. But this is conclusion I came out with - 听迷路兵唱歌,感觉真幸福...



Blogger PeiShan | 22 July, 2007 23:01

hello ..

enjoyed myself alot juz now .. YEAH !! lol ..

to qing:
yar la .. so xin tong .. 4got to shake hand wif them .. =( but hor, i carry so many things, left hand holding e present n placard, right hand holding my camera .. no more hands to shake liao lor .. lol ..
eh .. i where got noisy .. u oso laughing lor .. i so paiseh, laugh until nic n sam were looking at us .. haha ..

to sam:
aiya .. i din manage to capture ur cute post .. u so fast put down ur hand liao .. eh, i realise sth abt u leh .. when u sign hor, y ur head put until so low .. as in e distance between ur head and e album is v near .. n hor, everytime aft u sign 1 album, u will take a look at ur signature 1st b4 passing to weiqi .. so funny ..
and hor, my voice v soft meh or i toking alien language .. when i told u tt e present is fragile muz handle wif care .. u like cant hear mi like tt .. keeping saying 'huh?' ..

to nic:
ur smile is so nice la .. n hor, y u nv do e jumping post .. only stand there nia .. but oso v shuai la .. hehe ..

to weiqi:
first time c u play drum .. cool sia .. n e post tt u were trying to imitate nic .. v funny ..

to mlb:
hope u all like e present tt we gave u .. muz use ok .. ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 July, 2007 23:08

SHAN! I want the pictures!!! haha.

I was told yuan lai today's the zao bao got review on Milubing's album wor~? heh heh am I the last one on earth to know again? haha. but i read from the website le. That reviewer gave the guys good comments wor~ haha.


Blogger MLB Publicity Blog | 22 July, 2007 23:09



# 歌  手:迷路兵 专 辑 名:《迷路兵》
# 发行商:华纳
# 可听度:★★★
# 推荐曲:《适应》、《我为什么还爱你》、《勇气》


  虽然是第一张专辑,迷路兵的主唱李顺利(洋名Nic)、键盘手陈伟奇和鼓手王瑞祥(Sam)已交出3首创作:《泪》、《适应》和 “Get Alive”,而且还是排在专辑的前3首歌曲,可见唱片公司对他们创作功力的信心。迷路兵初次创作,的确也交出了不错的成绩单,显露他们走创作乐团路线的潜质。


  此外,歌曲“So Sad”则是较有个性的抒情摇滚,而且具有新加坡年轻人的特色。歌曲讲述男生为讨好女生而绞尽脑汁,从熟背最新的冷笑话、最in的游戏到对白,却未能成功,配上歌词“so sad so sad”,有类似singlish的味道。有趣味的歌词在摇滚旋律的衬托下,更加能突出男生内心的烦躁和迷惘。



Source: http://stars.zaobao.com/pages5/milubing_070722.html


Blogger qing qing | 22 July, 2007 23:25

shan: LOL!! ya la.. we laugh till too loud liao lor.. haha.. not only u paiseh lor.. i oso lor.. lol.. laugh till sam n nic look at us.. haha.. but gd lei.. haha.. as least nic smiled at mi! haha =D
i more xin tong den u ok!! i nearly loss my leg/life lor!! e mrt door la!! ji dan gao!! dun like mi!! >.< kiap my leg.. LOL!!
wa biang, 1st time chase idol chase till like tat.. haiz.. haha.. den u so evil!! laugh at mi!! >.< at least yuanping better kk!! keke..
i oso wan pics lei.. =D

sam: i oso didnt manage to capture ur post.. haiz.. i aiming to take liao, den u put down ur hand liao.. =.=

weiqi: YEAH YEAH!! 1st time c u play drum! so cool man..haha..

sam, weiqi n nic: ya ya!! mus use e mug ok!! haha..


Blogger PeiShan | 22 July, 2007 23:25

to quizzy:
okok .. i send u tml can .. coz i haven upload to my comp .. lol ..


Blogger Uncle Phil | 22 July, 2007 23:26

Hi quizzy,
Thanks for the full article from today de zao bao.
Think the one giving the review prefer slow songs, cos he/she recommended : 《适应》、《我为什么还爱你》、《勇气》
But overall the commends given were quite good.
MLB Jia-you...


Blogger qing qing | 22 July, 2007 23:32

aiyo.. i haven read e article yet.. haiz..

shan: eh!! u dun copy mi can.. post at e same time as mi.. TSK!!

btw, jus now e sheng hiong show, nic n sam v shuai.. haha.. =D


Blogger PeiShan | 22 July, 2007 23:42

to qing:
haha .. eh, how u noe nic smiling to u .. lol .. mayb is mi leh .. lol .. kidding .. aiya, mrt door dun like u wat to do .. ok lor, i evil, yuanping angel lor ..
will send u guys e pics tml la ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 July, 2007 23:42


u r nt d last to know.. i've been out since early am, so din get to read d papers till juz now. glad tat they gave a review on their album.

mon again... how fast d wkend is over...

nite all~ Zzz................


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 July, 2007 23:43

oh ya.. flora & sis, did u managed to get tkts to s.h.e'c concert? it must hv been a long q huh!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 July, 2007 23:54

haha. ok thanks shan.

no la qing qing...seriously it's better than kena crushed by the door la, cos the door is closing when u r about to rush in le...super dangerous la~~haha.


Blogger binz | 23 July, 2007 00:08

qingqing: omg are u alright alrdy? hope ur leg is ok(:

shan: hahx i agree with u that sam sign that time the head is low until~~ it seems as though his short sightedness very yan zhong leh need to bend so low.

oh man tdy was a OMG fun and siao day. ahh the songs were high dao fan. then gosh the near view of mlb is damnnnn shuai hur. and the sound was great and the weather was perfect! simply great one today(:

nic: ahh thanks for smiling right into my camera. haha damn dian ren sia.
sam: oh man u were so ren4 zhen1 when u sign. bend so low and then sign so carefully. haha u were so funny. at first looked at me and smile then saw the mlb tee i was wearing then u looked up again and smiled wider. hahx lucky i wore it(:
weiqi: today u seem kinda lost still? compared to the other 2 u kinda quiet huh. haha u were so sincere, every album take up and give the fans with both hands(: then i thank u then u thank back then i thank again.. lol it seemed as though never ending of thanks!

ahh i also din get to shake hands! was at the more in front part of the queue to get the signature so there wasn't the trend to shake hands yet!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 00:08


what's wrong with you huh? what was with that uber randomness last week and this week's extreme highness? =.=

R.I. gang and I are bewildered. haha...

i didnt get to show nic the label u pasted on his face leh. but i managed to show ahSAM. haha... u damn horrible lah, bully ur bro. aiyo... and what was with the 'signing' of the letter and returning it to me? -_-"! u know i very blur u still do that to me, then i still go blur blur take back the letter. arghs!

u were jus being extremely lame today lah horhs. and why i never hear xi huan ni... hahas :P the joke getting abit leng liao. but i really feel like listening to xi huan ni all of a sudden. hahas...

hey hey! did contestant number 5 of the show remind you of a certain song u guys once sang? the oh-yi-oh-yi-oh~ qianhui and me were like discussing about that upstairs. hahaha... :D
din manage to see ya after the show eh. but more impt u go home and sleep, tml gotta work ahs~ take care! and paiseh i was being extremely luan today during the auto, i duno why also... hahas...
and you very happy today yah? glad to see that! :) and glad u heard our he sheng... hahas...

thanks for stopping just now hehs. please thank dasmond for us, so paiseh always mafan him. :)
i was just being very luan today so i was quite blur when u were talking to me at the auto... sorry eh. hahas...
and you havent give me the comments for the book! forget to ask you. arghs.

eh i hope u guys drank the green tea. no poison lah, dont worry. :P

so tired, wanna sleep le...but got homework to pia. ok... all takecare yahs... jiayouus! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 00:23

~.~ tomorrow's school again...last round of understanding test starting on 2 August which is like next Thursday? =(! Nightmare will end at 7 August...

Jia you ba~


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 00:25

Capri, we din q as the q was super long... so garl's friends help us to get but only manage to get one. :( now gotta wait to see if we can win the tix thru some lucky draw contest not...

heh heh, your mini electic fans got famous liao. hahaha...


Blogger binz | 23 July, 2007 00:33

flora: i was queue-ing somewhere behind u all. i saw the fan. ahha very cute. sam looked very amused and happy over it when it started moving.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 00:38

=O? capri jie de electric fan must be very cute de~~ haha. although didn't see how it looked like. haha.


Blogger yammy | 23 July, 2007 00:41

to Uncle Phil: sorry i just came back! glad to see you in person also, though i look kinda blur haha

Nic: your smile nice! just now i donno what you talk to me about actually i just keep saying "orh" haha. too nervous already! Aiyo.. kinda disappointed after the show never get to see you

Sam: thanks for stopping by jus now! (ps i copied meikian's words) so happy can talk to you! i can't sleep already. you're darn nice lahs, thanks for being concerning about MLBians (know we all caught in the rain and wait for you after the sheng siong show)

Weiqi: you look so cute when u say 'thank you'! 你的pattern多过badminton leh haha. and alamak why u never go the sheng siong show? sobbs.


Blogger yammy | 23 July, 2007 00:43

Nic, Sam & Weiqi: just like what shan and qingqing say, haha, must use the mugs we gave you all oh! (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 02:09

Oh.. Guess we can't bear to use the mugs and fans. Or rather, i'll love to keep it safe in my cupboard with the other lovely gifts i've received all this while. And, hope that u all won't catch a cold after being out in the rain just now. I felt COLD, but i'm fine, cos i'm not weak! =)

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