
Thank u
milubing | 01 May, 2007 00:13

...to all who came for the concert to support charity and us. Even to those who couldn't come, we're thankful for ya support here too. Really glad that most of u enjoyed our performance. And the compliments not only make my day, but also spur us to work harder, cos there's still alot more room for improvement. We'll always try to bring better music each time! Jia you!
Seems like there are more charity shows these days.. Eh.. For a good cause ah.. We drummers got alot to practise for this Sunday's THK show. Jia you! '_'
These few days gonna be hectic for me, but i'll still dig out some time for my bike and MOTORbike. WROOM WROOOOOOM..
Everybody, jia you in whatever ya doing!


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Anonymous Anonymous | 23 August, 2007 19:17

大家好! Willow back in town. Came in 2 days ago but no time to tag. Looks like a nice garden. All plants still here and nice.

I saw Sunflower pics..you mus be a photographer, beautiful pictures of nature at angles and captured the essence of the time, the place, the moment. I can see the different colors of the ocean, the clouds, the quietness - no wonder you named it 'Edge of Forever' - really 天之崖, 海尽头 ! Where the sky and the ocean meet! My grading for the pictures ***** 5 stars. Not many people hv the opp to travel to such beautiful and exclusive places. Make the most out of it.

I have sent an e-mail to Cedar and asked him to check this out.

We missed National Day too. In China, we gathered together and have a meal and cheers to Singapore. We love home and it is where the heart is.

Well, mango that is a pretty smart kid!

Smilez.z.z.z.z. to all plants!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 August, 2007 23:30

hi wilow, nice to c u bck..


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 10:14


Hello folks,wat's up? lalang reporting again. Sori MIA. Too much school works until I 'bing'.
Anything interesting here?

I cannot see sunflower jiejie's pictures leh! Aiyo..c u ppl wrote like so nice de. Mus go c whether can ask sis to use her laptop to check it out.

willow jie..wave**/ yr cedar kor still in forbidden city..n u back here..for good?

I reali hv to 'tong' until I graduate..den like all of u I hv more time n freedom. Aft tt go army liao.

mango, how's army life? where u attached huh?

OK so much folks, lalang bidding 'temp' farewell...

zai jian!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 August, 2007 10:59

hi morning naturians,

hi lalang,, jiayou! n all the best! in yr study n whatever u do, but must come here to relax n tell us story.. whenever u can... why 'temp' farewell? naturians love yr story le..


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 August, 2007 12:49

hi hi coconut & naturians...

it's a sunny day! hope it remains so bright & windy thruout d day!

yeah lalang... all d best in ur study... visit here for some "fresh air" if u need to take a break away fm d books. jia you!

gg to watch d boys perform tonite... tink it's gonna b crowded...

everyone, njoy d day ahead! (^^)/


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 August, 2007 16:33


mon blues? haha.. d day is almost over! ;-D

last sat's event was nice, except for d weather. it rained when d event started. wanna watch d whole event, but dun wanna to watch in d rain, so went off after mlb performed.


Blogger 天堂鸟 | 27 August, 2007 23:20

Hi to All Beautiful Plants.

Super great news:
MLB has been nominated with 2 awards for this year Singapore Hit Awards as of Saturday, the rest of the awards' nominees shall be announced on 3rd Sep thru Yes933 radio programmes.
MLB has been nominated for 最佳本地作词奖 & 最佳本地歌手奖。
With these nominations, it has proven that MLB's music are well recognised. Great job, guys.
Some of us already bought our SHA tickets.


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 August, 2007 09:42

早安. Went to the lastest posting and first time left my mark.

Hi to you all. Looks like a bit quiet here. Me leaving tomorrow.

Lalang, no I did not leave Cedar in China. I came back for a job interview, pick up some computer stuff, see our families as it is 7th month and lvg. Our contracts ending soon. Cedar probably will extend his in China and how can I leave him alone to the mercy of 小龙女. I found another company who needs an architect and have applied. Chances look good.

You all take care. Regards to Sunflower. Looks like she is not here.



Anonymous Anonymous | 28 August, 2007 10:32

hi morning naturians,

waving! to Willow..all the best to yr new job.. sending my regards to u n Cedar..

Sunflower must be v bzy..


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 August, 2007 15:14

Hello from the Land of Coco Demuer-Seychelles. Sorry I am not able to tag as often as the connections here is 'snail' pace. All my documents to my office is still in my outbox.

It is raining season here. I lived in a villa up the slope unlike Mives I live in management quarter. I will send you all some pictures as to where I work, sleep and eat.

Maldives have national boat named Dohni, Singapore got orchid Vanda Joaquim.. Seychelles got Coco Demeur. You all can go to the web and find Seychelles and you have the information. This place is called the Garden of Eden. The place where Eve tempted Adam to eat the apple provided by the Snake. As legend, this is part of the land connected to mainland and was broken off and floated south to where it is now. This place have lots of big rocks, and gaint tortoises. I shall take some photos for you all.

How are all my plants? I really miss you guys. I am happy to read that MLB is nominated for 2 awards and Lei is No. 5 on 933. These guys have worked quietly and I hope they make a career out of the things they love best - SING!

Have to go now. It is 11.09am here and in Singapore it is like 15.09 liao!

Warmest regards - big smile and big hugs from me... to all my plants!


Blogger 天堂鸟 | 30 August, 2007 22:37

Halo Sunflower,
I can feel the warmth from your big hugs. Thank you very much for taking the trouble to tag whenever you could. We miss you very much too.
Hope you are getting used to your work & lifestyle over at your side. Wish to see you back in S'pore soon. Take care & have a nice day, everyday. Cheers...


Blogger 天堂鸟 | 30 August, 2007 22:43

Oh... so sorry Sunflower.
Sad to inform you that Lei has dropped to position #8 last Sunday, the reason could be Shi Ying are on the chart at #20 last Sunday.
We will try our very Best to maintain Shi Ying on the chart and at the same time voting super hard to push Lei to the Top of the chart. Very sorry once again, we must have let you feel disappointed!


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 August, 2007 01:36

Hi Hi sunflower! Happy to msn wif u even for a while.

BOP, dun be sad! As long as we know MLB is the best, the rest in the chart are all sing more than a year. Give them time, more & more ppl will like MLB's music.

Dun flame me but I tik JJ is a better choice for Best Sg Singer.

Too bad, can't make it to the gathering. But will dropby Raffles city to pass the gals some LHB coupons.

Btw, why MLB FC did not buy the tickets for 933 awaqrd in bulk? Then, all MLBians can sit 2gether mah!

Okie... me gg to Zzzzz...


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 September, 2007 17:04

Hi folks...howdy? It is getting harder and harder to come here. All my projects, exams, etc. are killing me. So many postings to read.

Hope you all stay well and healthy.

Sunflower jie, look fed to more pictures from you.

zai jian...


Blogger 天堂鸟 | 03 September, 2007 20:19

Hello to all the beautiful plants,
Super Great News:
MLB has been nominated for 6 awards for upcoming Singapore Hit Awards, they are :
1) 最佳本地歌手奖
2) 最佳本地作词奖
3) 最佳乐团奖
4) 最佳新人奖
5) 最受欢迎新人奖
6) 最受欢迎团体奖

Of the above 6 nominations, #5 & #6 are opened for online voting.
Please try to votes and show your support for MLB. But bear in mind that only can votes 5 times with 1 IP Address.

Those who have yet to purchase ticket for the upcoming Singapore Hit Awards on 27th Oct 2007 at Singapore Indoor Stadium, please try to buy your ticket soon.
Fyi, some of us already bought the $58 tickets. And we are allocated to Block A34 Row 2 & 3. So, try to buy your seat at this Block too.
Strongly believe that MLB will attend this award presentations & eventually WINS AWARDS. So, better be there to witness this yourself than regret later!

Another good news were:
Lei has advanced back 1 position to #7 and Shi Ying has advanced 6 positions to #14 for yesterday's Yes933 Long Hu Bang.
Which means Lei has accumulated 71pts while Shi Ying has accumulated 8pts as of yesterday.
Thank-you very much to all plants who have voted and make this a success.

Wishes every plants here a Happy week ahead. Yeah...


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 September, 2007 02:49

hi Sunflower n naturians, how's every1? Blessings to u all..

the other day, i saw a documentary of Angmoh lady divers enjoying in the deep sea of Seychelles.. wow! shoals of fishes.. different varieties n colors.. giant tortoises n other sea creatures... beautiful sights..

Congrats MLB/mlbians!.. the waiting n hard wk finally beginning to show results..

to those studing or wking.. jiayou!

yawn! sweet dreams


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 September, 2007 17:17

yeah yeah.. congrats to mlb!

coconut, how's ur wkend?


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 September, 2007 02:13

hi naturians, where r u all?

mango didi.. haha u found new friends out thre..congrats la.. hope it will mke u braver..

mango mama n others hv a gt weekend.. n happy dreaming..nitz


Blogger 天堂鸟 | 09 September, 2007 02:24

Halo All Beautiful Plants,
Another Good news:
MLB's Gai Ban Album is released. I've confirmed with CD-Rama, and was told by the staff that this Gai Ban Album are selling at $20.95 and it comes with 3 MVs attached.
Hurry down to any CD retail store to grab some copies for yourself & your love ones.

Have a beautiful Sunday, also dun forget to tune in Yes933 at 12noon to hear Long Hu Bang.
Hopefully Lei & Shi Ying will advance in their ranking later. Yeah...


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 14:56

hi rosemary.. sori la.. overlooked yr question earlier.. so far so gd had gt weekends..except my lst weekend..wasn't sweet.. was sick, a result of too much hot fish curry with prata.. n went to hosp to visit someone's mum, who had a bad fall..she is in a semi-conscious stage nw.. hope she wil recover soon.. sianz, c all those bad blue black on her eyes n arms..

hv not purchase the MLB's Gai Ban Album yet..

waving to all naturians..pls don't milu..


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 15:06

hi, sometimes ago, i came across an article.. no idea whether is true..

"Scented oils linked to brest growth in boys".. quote..

"The lavender n tea tree oils found in some soaps, shampoos, hair gels n body lotions can produce enlarged breasts in boys, according to a study pulblished in an issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, suggested these oils can act in ways similar to the hormone estrogen...

Whether the oils elicit similar endocrine-disrupting effects in prepuberial girls, adolescent girls, or woemen is unknown".. unquote..


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 17:03

Hello plants - so long - sound like a song. Yes, it is a long time since I last tag. Very busy and this place is a challenge here. I promised you guys that I will take pictures and I did. This place not exciting, it is nature. Unless you like nature, you cannot do much here.
I was sick for 2 days after I arrived on 3rd day. I am OK now.
Why so quiet here? Where is everyone? mango, lalang, pink rose, BB...only left coconut? Come here even if I am not around.
Today is International Heart Day - so I am leaving this for all of you..... :)
Happiness keeps You Sweet,
Trials keep You Strong,
Sorrows keep You Human,
Failures keep You Humble,
Success keeps You Glowing,
But Only God keeps You Going!
10 Roses for You.
One Rose for Long Friendship

One Rose for Unconditional Love

One Rose For Financial Wealth

One for Everlasting Happiness

One for Success

One for Knowledge

One for Beauty, inner and outer

One for Family

One for Honesty

And the last one for a long and healthly life

Cheers folks... keep this place warm...


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 September, 2007 17:42

hi hi nature friends! I went to malaysia for a trip wif my big & small bbs. Quite rush & dun do much shopping. But my lucky little bb won a lucky draw prize! =)

BOP, i saw ur message in I-weekly. Agreed wif u tt I-weekly shd make MLB the front page. They have being unfair to the boys i feel.

Sunflower! You take good care ya! Enjoy the nature ... my family love nature too. To the rest of the nature, take care too! =)


Blogger 天堂鸟 | 13 September, 2007 01:12

Hi Sunflower,
So nice to see you tagging and showering your love for all the beautiful plants in this garden.
Ya, hope you will take extra care of yourself. Do not fall sick again. Enjoy yourself with the nature and imagining all the beautiful plants here were there with you. Haha...
Will you be coming back in October?

Hi bb,
Thanks for agreeing with me. Fyi, this was my 2nd times writing to i-weekly for the request. Hopefully, they will consider my request finally. I will never give-up writing to them until I see MLB's pic on i-weekly front cover one of these days.

Wishing all beautiful plants in this garden & Sunflower in a far away nature shall have a great day, week & whatever. Jia-you in what you are doing. MAY GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU.


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 September, 2007 01:50

hi 天堂鸟 wow u became a star in the gaiban haha!

n mango, r u in the pic?

sleep well all!


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 September, 2007 13:47

hi hi garden...

mia fm garden for quite some time.. ("p)

hope everyone is doing great!

sunflower, sorry to hear tat you are sick, but glad tat u hv recovered. pls take gd care of urself... will u b back nxt mth?

BOP, i saw ur write-in too.. yeah, so far they dun seems to hv d intention of putting d boys on d cover pg.. weilian release album oso can b on d cover huh... we shall hv to WAIT patiently...

it's thursday! wkend is coming! plan go catch a movie... alone... haa...


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 September, 2007 12:29

hi naturians, happy weekend..

sharing a link, i recd in my email..

22-23 SEPT 07



Blogger 天堂鸟 | 17 September, 2007 00:55

To all the beautiful plants,
with ref. to coconut tree info, please be informed that MLB shall be performing on 23rd Sep 2007 at AMK Hub. The timing still unsure, perhaps can check it out at the main blog next few days.

Very sad news: Lei is out of the Yes933 Long Hu Bang yesterday. But Shi Ying is moving up from #9 last week to #6 yesterday.
Please help to push Shi Ying up to the TOP by votings as many as you could asking your family members, relatives, friends & colleagues for helps.
Please also votes for MLB in the SHA votings thingy, kindly refer to the main blog for more details. Thanks.


Anonymous Anonymous | 18 September, 2007 15:09

Hi...Sunflower frm a place with not much sun but raining all the time.

Last weekend I went for a break. I went to Praslin and LaDique. Very French right? Yup, these places have French influence. Went there in a catamaran with 3 other female colleagues. The ride was rough and many throw up. The sea wind was so strong that I hv to moved from upper deck into the lower sheltered area bcos I am all wet with saltwater from the sea.
Praslin is where all the coco de mer grow. There are the female ones and male ones and they look like the anatomy of a man and a woman. Nature is so strange - no wonder this plc is named Garden of Eden. We live in a small guest house by the sea. Food are home cooked and the famous dish - curry octopus. These country is also very strange - most are European, Asian are like so few, you can count them by fingers. So we are the few 'rich' Asian. This plc caters free for resident with ID and forigners have to pay for everything. Fortunately I am on GOP so I do not need to pay.

LaDique is 15min boat ride from Praslin. This plc have big tortises - really giant ones. Not good for swimming this time of the year due to the SouthEast monsoon. It was a relaxing two days - however my colleagues are all sea-sick except me. So now I know I am a sea person.

I will be returning end of the month but I will fly off to Phuket immediately the next day. I will be in Phuket until mid November 07 and I am done with the travelling. See you guys soon!

More pictures coming your ways...

Where is mango? lalang, Pink Rose?

BOP.. it is ok that 'Lei' went out of 933. At least they have two songs in the LongHuBang. As for the cover...I think writing to I-weekly is no use. Must write to papers for their unfairness.

Wave to BB and Rosemary + coconut.

Cheers guys!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 September, 2007 20:17

Hello everyone..wa! really long time no write... I nearly forgotten about this place liaow! How come so 'jing' here? PEOPLE... come and post leh... or else grow weeds ler.
For me it is schooling, part time workinf trying to earn a little bit money for school fees as well as books. Not that my parents can't afford, I also need to buy some PC accessories for myself.
Hope the fire is not going out of you guys.
No more story to tell cos no time to sit down with Ah ma also.

Sunflower...where you are, take care!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 14:10

Here's sharing a link to the AMK HUB BASH MLB's performance..


Sunday 23rd Sept'07
Venue: L1 Main Entrance (facing MRT Station)

Concert Extravaganza featuring
-Superband Champion Mi Lu Bing
-Project Superstar 2 Female Winner Tan Diya
-Campus Superstar 2 Runner-up Koh Cheng Ning
-Mediacorp Artiste Nat Ho

tis is my 3rd attempts.. trying to post..


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 September, 2007 21:16

hi Sunflower tks for the photos, octopus curry, my saliva drooling, yummy~

BOP - u & yr mom r not well?.. pl take care.. get well both.. best wishes..

myself also.. just recovered fm flu..

mango & mango mama, lalang, pink rose, bb, rosmary, cedar & willow... waving to u all... best wishes..


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 September, 2007 10:08

Wishing Sunflower & naturians..
Zhong Chiu Jie Kuai le!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 September, 2007 10:57

gd morning garden...

i've come to leave my herby scent &.. to pluck away any growing weeds... haa...

sunflower, hope u'll njoy mooning tonite... shld b v nice to 赏月 at d beach/ resort huh...

everyone, 中秋节快乐!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 September, 2007 20:44




Blogger 天堂鸟 | 25 September, 2007 21:43

Halo All Beautiful Plants,

***中秋节快乐*** Best Wishes to All of You & Family.

coconut tree,
Thank you very much for your get well wishes to me & my mum. I am pretty alright now, but my mum has yet to recover fully. I wish to see her healthy again (my mooncake festival's wish).


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 September, 2007 13:14

hi waves.. Sunflower & Naturians..

BOP - gd to hear.. u ok nw..naturians join u in yr Zong Qiu Jie's wish for yr mom's Recovery & Gd Health..

Here is an Interesting story for Women n esp Men.. is rather amusing..


"A man was sick and tired of going to work every day while his wife stayed home.

He wanted her to see what he went through so he prayed:

"Dear Lord: I go to work every day and put in 8 hours while my wife merely stays at home. I want her to know what I go through, so please allow her body to switch with mine for a day. Amen.

God, in his infinite wisdom, granted the man's wish.

The next morning, sure enough, the man awoke as a woman

He arose, cooked breakfast for his mate, awakened the kids, set out their school clothes, fed them breakfast, packed their lunches, drove them to school, came
home and picked up the dry cleaning, took it to the cleaners and stopped at the bank to make a deposit, went grocery shopping, then drove home to put away the groceries, paid the bills and balanced the checkbook. He cleaned the cat's litter box and
bathed the dog. Then it was already 1P.M. and he hurried to make the beds, do the laundry, vacuum, dust, and sweep and mop the kitchen floor. Ran to the school to pick up the kids and got into an argument with them on the way home. Set out milk and cookies and got the kids organized to do their homework, then
set up the ironing board and watched TV while he did the ironing. At 4:30 he began peeling potatoes and washing vegetables for salad, breaded the pork
chops and snapped fresh beans for supper.

After supper, he cleaned the kitchen, ran the dishwasher, folded laundry, bathed the kids, and put them to bed.

At 9 P.M. he was exhausted and, though his daily chores weren't finished, he went to bed where he was expected to make love, which he managed to get through without

The next morning, he awoke and immediately knelt by the bed and said: Lord, I don't
know what I was thinking. I was so wrong to envy my wife's being able to stay home all day. Please, oh please, let us trade back."

The Lord, in his infinite wisdom, replied: "My son, I feel you have learned your lesson and I will be happy to change things back to the way they were. You'll just
have to wait nine months, though.

"You got pregnant last night."

Voted Women's Favorite E-mail of the Year !
if you agree, send it to all your friends who would enjoy this?

I just did ! .


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 September, 2007 13:21

A bit of fragrance always clings to the hand that gives the rose.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 September, 2007 10:57

Hi Plants... tis is lalang. Long time no see. I really missed you all... Today wan to share something here. No offense to anyone. I believe I also fall into this group of people. Because now our family do not hv many children, our parents are very protective. My parents are different - they only wan me to study and n a gd future..


Common Sense

Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as knowing when to come in out of the rain, why the early bird gets the worm, life isn't always fair, and maybe it was my fault.

Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you earn) and reliable parenting strategies (adults, not children are in charge).

His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a six-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.

Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job they themselves failed to do in disciplining their unruly children. It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer Aspirin, sun lotion or a Bandaid to a student, but could not inform the parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.

Common Sense lost the will to live as the Ten Commandments became contraband; churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than their victims. Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar can sue you for assault.

Common Sense finally gave up the will to live, after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her lap, and was promptly awarded a huge settlement.

Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust; his wife, Discretion; his daughter, Responsibility; and his son, Reason. He is survived by three stepbrothers; I Know my Rights, Someone Else is to Blame, and I'm a Victim.

Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone. If you still remember him, pass this on. If not, join the majority and do nothing.


C u next time... :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 October, 2007 09:46


lalang, ur post a little cheam...


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 October, 2007 11:26

Hey Plants and Sunflower...big hugs from me.. Cedar Tree. Now I know in Chinese Cedar Tree is 'Chun Shu'. Lots of medicine properties.

Long time since last I was here. Handling over of completed projects and lots of rectifications works. I will continue to stay in China for another 2 years. Actually a bit excited bcos then I can catch the 2008 Olympic in Beijing.

Willow have left the company. She joined another company but we are working in the same city. At least I am not too far from her. We planned to tie the knot next year. I have kept her so long and she said she is no longer competitive with the China Xiao Long Nu...ha.a.a.a. I have been counting my fingers and realized that we have known each other since A Level.

I saw the pictures of Sunflower travel to Maldives. Very good pictures and very good angles as well. Photography also needs talent. Ever consider to be a freelance photographer?

This place is still very nice except lesser plants around. Maybe cos Sunflower is not around. However the heart remains warm becos we are link to MLB.

I got MLB first release. Good for a first timer, could be better. I missed the voice and the noise of MLB and all the 'actions' of Nic. I suppose I like the 'visual' MLB on stage. I think I will not be able to see them like SB anymore. They are more serious now...sigh!

Although I am seldom here, my heart is here with you all. So many memories, happy ones, sad ones, all the 'panthers' and 'LauDigo' ones, friendship ones - boy! I thank to MLB that I am 'young' at least once! Looking back, I wondered how I got into all these - must be the magic of MLB. Both AK and Garden brought me lots of memories however we have to move on.

Three cheers to GARDEN and all my planty friends!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 October, 2007 12:55

hello Cedar, happen to log on... glad to hear fm u.. congrats to u n willow.. finally haha! happy for u both... Cheers! & blessings to..


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 October, 2007 05:06

Congrats to cedar n willow...

Cedar, keep her forever.. believe in yr heart, none of the Xiao Long Nu can replace..

I love her when she first tag here.. her tags bring back my emotion..i also ever been young...

once again, congrats..


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 October, 2007 05:26

coconut tree,

did sunflower back last month and off to Phuket now?
did she download more photo beside Maldives?

sori for not here for a while.. time getting less.. how i wish if one day got 24 hrs...

have a nice weekend, naturians..


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 October, 2007 05:30

Oop.. how i wish if one day got 48 hrs lah..


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 October, 2007 13:13

Hi folks, I will b leavg tomorrow to China. You guys take care and warm the garden.

WoW, I din know Willow got fans here. Ha.a.a.a, she will be happy to know she got others 'loving' her as well. Thanks mango - I am not gg to be jealous!

Yes, Xiao Long Nu is very tempting however Willow is used to all my bad habits. She knows wat I wanted and wat can do and cannot do. I too complacent..no other woman can take le la! My mum said Willow got bad taste to want to marry me but she is glad to hv Willow as a DIL. They clicked well which I am glad.

So much for that and thanks for all the well wishes.

Tis garden is a place where both Willow and me can park ourselves. We always remember to come here at least once if we are in town.

Sunflower, Coconut, me and maybe some others here have gone thru up and downs. Sometime we make it and sometime you don't. As a man I find it funni to 'fight' over some issues with gals. Tat is why Willow always win... :)

I look fwd to see some photos from Sunflower too.

Until we meet again, bye planty...


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 October, 2007 14:58

hi mango tree - u must be the mama..cos u said u were young once.. ya, both mama & son been MIA for some time.. bzy? how abt using 'mango tree mama'.. then we kn is u.. otherwise we all need to guess who, haha! if is mama.. then u also must hv gone thru lots of ups n downs like some of us..

memories - gd or bad.. will always remain deep in our minds/hearts/consciousness.. i believe we will bring all these to the next life.. unconsciously..

rdg Sunflower - ya, she did sent to my email.. a couple of photos of - a link to some pictures of where she stays n wk in Seychelles.. link is on only for 7 days.. so cld be the reason why she did not leave the link here.. nw the link is gone..

u r rite.. Sunflower is nw in Phuket.. no idea why she is not tagging.. cld be bzy or weak netwk signal..

BOP also MIA..

Cedar, here saying tata to u.. 'Happy working, Happy Marriage, Bear Lots of Little Fruits' haha! yuanfen!


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 October, 2007 23:40

Congrats to Cedar Tree & Willow! Kind of busy as little bb SA2 is coming! Kekeke... stressful bb logging off! Take good care ya ~ all my nature friends!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 October, 2007 13:38

Happy birthday to Nic!
Congrats! to Shiying! still in top 10.. even tho it has dopped..
Nvr mind la! we cont to try our Best! Jiayou!


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 October, 2007 13:39

congrats bb! wish u hv many more!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 October, 2007 12:20

Hi to all my planty friends! MIA so long - 不好'仪式'. I am glad to see you all here. Missed so many postings but I will try to read them.

WoW! Cedar and Willow gonna tie knots liao! All the best! So long to friendship - all the time from SB to now.. I can understand why Cedar said that. SB over long ago but we keep our ties bcos of MLB. Yes, I agree - I miss NIC's actions on stage too.

Rosemary - I remember I owe you a 'craby'. No time to channge resolution b4 send to you but you will get it de.

BB.. how are you. Is your Doha still on going? How is little BB.. exam around and the year is coming to and end - time flies. Thanks for showing up here... and keep 'surfacing'.

Lalang..ah! You also MIA. I can understand. Please do well in your study. Nothing's like having a good grade and a sound career!

Mango mum and son! Howdy!? How long more mango sonny needs to serve NS? Mango mum, I got some pictures on the place I worked. Not so exciting like M'ves that is why I did not out it here. However I do have some pictures but let me do it up first...Thanks for supporting!

Pink Rose..now in committee, not showing up here but I saw her on CS. If you peep, leave some traces!

BOP..you are so full of energy and love for MLB. You have done so much for MLB. Having fan like you is a blessing.You keep well... even got nothing to post also..just say 'hi'.

Coconut..thanks for mentoring this garden. Not easy for you too. You keep well, continue to tell story even if they is only one person here who will read it.

PXH is doing well in his studies. Father very please with him. He was hoping to come back here for New Year. Lets cross our fingers that he will show up. His dad is retiring. I heard his family may immigrate to Canada to stay with his grandparents and Da Bo! His Dad show me some pictures of his boarding school and dorm and I saw MLB picture on his study table. I did a MLB picture with an elarge pic of Nic at a corner - it is sitting on his study table. So much for growing up! His Dad said PXH may do medicine instead of forensic but I hope he does forensic.

As for me, it is travelling and more travelling. I am told that I maybe station in Shanghai next year for half a year. On top of that followed by all my travels, I will be very seldom in Singapore.

So much for my update. Should be back by Nov 07 if nothing comes up.

Cheers folks!


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 October, 2007 17:31

hi hi garden...

1st of all, congrats to cedar & willow... glad tat u r sharign wif us ur joy.. ^^

hi sunflower, no hurry in sending me d pic... i hv lots of time to wait.

coconut, gd to alws c u ard!

take care all... i'll b back again! ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 October, 2007 14:07

Ah Hoi!!!! wa...a...wa...a.. very stressed up. Must come here to breath, and breath and deeeeeeep breath.

Wa lau...really.. how many of you exam coming huh? From wat I gathered all here working or army..got schooling or not?

Cham liao...all my muckings is like see 'stars'.

Now I got to run again..road runner. Bee.e.e.e.ep....beep.p.p.p.


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 October, 2007 11:29

hi waving to Sunflower & Naturians..

Sunflower ..happy wandering!..
can travel round the world for free.. gd le,

i am just trying my best to give some sunshine to yr gdn.. nothing much i can do..

Cocoa Tree is a v useful plant n love universally.. esp love by Nic(chocolates).. haha! so u better produce real gd quality product.. otherwise we throw rotten eggs at u ... haaa~

lalang.. u jiayou..


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 October, 2007 16:45

Hi All

Below is a link to some pictures..



Program is Powerpoint..


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 October, 2007 11:10

BOP - "Happy Birthday "..

& happy wkend naturians..


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 October, 2007 01:22

hi Sunflower, tks for de photos.. u captured them v well.. beautiful nature..esp the close range turtle laying eggs & the sunset..


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 October, 2007 22:02

woo, more photos fm sunflower!

shall go view them!

take care & c u back soon!


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 October, 2007 22:05

wah.... sunflower, ur photos r alws so beautiful & captivating.... how i wish i can b there to njoy d nature too....


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 12:19

Hi naturians..how are you all. Came in to wish SAM Happy Bdae. 21 year old...dream age..so young..

hum.m.m.m.. 21.... to me is so long ler!

Thanks to Rosemary and Coconut. I hope Mango saw the pictures since she asked.

Looking forward to be back soon. Stay in touch.


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 12:50

Msg for a lost friend....

May the dove fly my msg to an angel up there.. named Cindy!

Gone but not forgotten.

How many still remember?

We do.....

向日葵你好吗? I came in to say Happy Birthday to SAM. Remember? We are Sam's Charlie Angels?


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 16:14


pink rose milu le! xD haha..

been real busy lately..so mani proj n reports to write..haiz..
but i din forget here..jus din hv time to come.. :( n i onli tag on cs when i hv sth to say.. :D heh..

oh yes, 恭喜 cedar n willow!

so, sunflower, when will u be back? havent seen u for so long!

jus in case u guys din c e post at cs, 迷路兵改版签唱会 on sat, 20 oct, 3pm at suntec city my playground..do try to make it thr if u can yea..cos it will be e ONLY autograph session for e repack album.. :)

oh n if anyone has got extra yes933 long hu bang coupons, do pass them to me yea? running out of coupons alr..thankies!

alright, till den..back to my reports..take care planties! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 October, 2007 16:49

hi waving to sunflower n naturians..


And to those ex-charlie angels..for rememberance.. the condolence blog for cindy still around..



Blogger 天堂鸟 | 17 October, 2007 23:30

Wow, so long never come to this garden. Glad that all the beautiful plants are still having a great times here.

Although BOP does not know you guys in person, BOP still wanna Congrats to Cedar Tree & Willow. All the Best to both of you.

coconut tree, thank you very much for your birthday wishes to BOP.
BOP has a great time on his special day, cos MLB has a superb performance on BOP's Birthday.

Sunflower, from those beautiful pics you posted. Seem likes you are having a great times. Ya, you will be back soon right? Hopefully, we can meet up or attend MLB's event if there is any.

Hopefully all the beautiful plant in this garden will attend this coming Saturday's (20th Oct) event for MLB gai-ban autograph signing session at Suntec City~My Playground at 3pm. And please put on the MLB tee if you owned one.


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 October, 2007 19:03

hi BOP,

nice meeting u at Suntec for de auto today...

happy wkend all..


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 October, 2007 23:44

hey hey... coconut, surprised tat u attended d autograph session!

will u b gg to d concert at vivo? i shld b gg~ ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 October, 2007 15:12

Helo.o.o.o.o..o Plants! lalang in the house. Howdy everyone? Like MIA so long until I milu - cannot find the home. So xiao right? I went to read briefly in the recent postings...wat's the 'noise'? I cannot follow.

Anyway Garden is peaceful. Sunflower not back yet? Like so long ler. Really miss her.

Me exam, exam, exam.. over liao will go see my cousins in Penang. So unless I get a com... no postings frm me. Dun forget me!! :(

Recently nainai tld us one of our neighbour gone mad. Young girl, got pregnant, aborted bb n parents din't know. One day no reason she 'coo...ing' to something. Like bb talk tat type. Initially no one pays attn, but she will like bb carry type of action. So family tot she kena possessed. They bring her to 'tiao dang' n they said she got a little child hanging on to her - probably her bb. Family got shocked but they say she's not married n no bf so where got bb...? Family called some of her friends n her best friend tld them tt she actaully got a bf, very short time. They got sex lah...but girl do not knw got sex will get bb. They broke off n later found out got bb. Scared to tell family and so worried also. One day she bleeding n bb died - fell into the toilet when she wee weee.e.e. She tot she mensus. Alamak, where got girl so innocent wan? Aft tt she also nvr said anything 'cos she thinks not important. Now bb haunted her. So the 'tiao dang' give her 'hu chwee' and she is better now. Scary right? I sometime also naughty but now I very scared aft hearing this. Better not do anything too much with a girl...control......k.k.k.k.

So much for today...lalang cao liao.. bie


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 October, 2007 01:20

haha! rosemary .. why surprised? i did meet u at Bishan la, for de debut auto...
anyway, i did miss yr presence, last Sat for de gaiban auto..
will be away tis coming wkend..

lalang i believe stories of dead babies/ppl's spirts do attach to human beings .. either out of revenge or out of love.. it depends.. so u remember not to anyhow pregnant young girls...haha!

tired~ nitez all!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 October, 2007 09:51


Hi friends, Willow is back. So much to catch up. Thanks for all best wishes. Aft all the up n downs, we wanted to call it a day. The next chapter is beginning. That's is life isn't it.

Oh! I missed sunflower's photos this time. I cannot open file anymore. :(

Looks like there are lots of activities gg on with MLB. It is heart warming to see a bunch of die hards. Cedar is luke warm but he cannot forget the friendship here. He talks abt the blog a lot and we laught at some of the silly things he did. Amazing to think abt it.

Need to go in for meetings. Will be here for a few days n hope to come in again.

Bf I go, thanks to Coconut, Mango, Pink Rose, BB, Rosemary, Lalang (so full of stories), Sunflower, BOP. Did I missed anyone?

Oh! we got a new comer - xiao ju xin mei, Japanese? Welcome to Garden.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 October, 2007 09:18

Hi Garden - Looks like no one's here. This is Willow again. Normally can tag early in the morning before office gets busy.

Gambatte Garden and plants!


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 October, 2007 01:47

hi willow, glad to c u around.. u & cedar, must be bzy planning for yr coming Big Day..

xin mei - charlie angel n the late Cindy aka just_me.. ah! there is a sad story behind it.. ask Cedar to relate to u.. he knows the full story..

naturians - take care all.. n gd nite..


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 October, 2007 23:11

2molo is the last paper for small bb! Her SA I more stressful than her! Happy for the bois to get the award!

Btw, I am gg to Jay CHou concert next year! ^_^ Happy!

Take Good Care ~ my nature friends!


Blogger 天堂鸟 | 29 October, 2007 00:15

Hi to all the beautiful plants,
BOP is back with Great News:
MLB has Won the Best New Comer Award at yesterday night Singapore Hits Award at Singapore Indoor Stadium for the MLB Family.
Please go to the main blog and read the post from Nic & WeiQi, there are so touching.
Lets continue our journey with MLB as a family. We are very proud to be part of the MLB Family, and have never ever regretted supporting MLB.
Have to thanks MLB for bringing all of us together to appreciate their great music. They are always so friendly & caring for everyone.
BOP loves MLB and MLBians (of course including all the beautiful plants in this garden).


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 October, 2007 11:26

Hi Plants, Yoz!

So happy to come in and got great news. MLB won an Award.

BOP.. you are so funny. All Plants in this Garden are also MLBians..ha.a.a.a.a.a. So you love the Plants in this Garden twice :)

BB, Rosemary, Mangos, Willow, Coconut...jiayou!

Sorry all, MIA lately. Coming back soon...looking fwd to it.

Jiayou Garden!


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 October, 2007 21:37

hi hi garden! hv been mia-ing fm here too.. ;p

coconut, haa... coz tot u dun wanna make "public appearance" so din go to d autographs sessions. tat gai ban's autograph session i cant make it coz i went to my sis's hse.

hi bb, i'm gg to jay's concert too! he's opening a/r show on fri. i plan to watch tat too, so will b gg for 2 consecutive nites! hope i'll b able to get d tkts. last wk had a horrible time getting d tkts. website jam, hotline engage. went dwn to counter q for more than an hr, then d system jam. waste so much time!

sunflower, it's nov! look 4ward to ur rtn!

happy halloween to all... (^^)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 November, 2007 11:42

Helo..o.o.o.o.o. 我回来了!!

Finally can tag like xiao. So difficult to get connection frm some of the places I went.

A BIG HUG.. to all the plants here. Thanks so much for keeping this place.

Thanks coconut, BB, BOP, rosemary, pink rose, willow,lalang, mango - mango so long din c you here... I am back and hope to see more of you.

I will arrange for a day for us to meet de....ha.a.a.a.a. feel so good!

Went to CS and left so many tags there. Like so long nvr continuous tagging there. So shiok!

Happy Halloween...but don't go frighten everyone huh, rosemary! :)



Blogger 天堂鸟 | 02 November, 2007 01:02

Halo Sunflower,
Welcome back to this beautiful garden of yours.
Well, glad that you gonna arrange a meet-up session. BOP also feeling so good. With the owner of this garden back in place, this garden will be filled with warmth again. Hopefully, you will not leave this garden so soon!

Haha... of course BOP knew that all the beautiful plants in this garden were mlbians too. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 12:44

Helo...Garden... where are all my plants?

Jus went to spill so rubbish in CS..without me around, I think CS is happier.

TGIF... have a good weekend!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 18:33

Hey sunflower! Welcome back! Lets go 18 chefs! Small bb love the food there! =) ta ta!


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2007 02:33

hi all, had been bzy lately...

Rosemary, u r rite..i dun like to mke too much public appearances.. but i do go n support MLB whenever possible n if time permit..

Sunflower, glad u r bck..so hope yr gdn can rec plenty of sunshine n water fm u..

happy wkeend naturians..


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2007 14:40

welcome back sunflower!

been bz at work lately so cant tag much... anyway, look fwd to a garden gathering!

hv a great day ahead~

p/s: sunflower, i din go scare pple on halloween lah... haa...


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 13:32

Yoz...Garden. Yes, I am back, BACK, back! Ha.a.a.a.a.a so happy. Missed all nice movies and MLB's events. Just went to watch Stardust.

Let's meet up. This weekend is dead for me because so many weddings. On 21 to 26 I will be in Bangkok, so out for me too. We will communicate by e-mail so not to hog the garden.

Rosemary and Pink Rose, I believe I owe you guys monies and you all me MLB's CDs. Let clear our bills.



Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 21:52

hi sunflower, nxt wkend is oso out 4 me as need to attend a wedding too... so i guess we can oni meet in dec?

haa... anyway, no hurry lah.... juz meet which everday possible... ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 November, 2007 19:04

Garden... Happy Deepavali. Festival of lights. Nothing is better than lights - we can see clearly. Hope it lights our way and show us the correct path to track so that we will not go wrong.

Cheers :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 November, 2007 02:04

hi naturians, happy holiday..

Sunflower - I went to visit old memories & came across old gdn .. is already 1yr old... so must wish gdn..

" Happy belated Anniversary"...

refer Blog - I want complain (milubing | 27 August, 2006 03:03)"

Hello to all flowers, plants and precious stones.... may you have peace and fun in MOTHER NATURE's arms. This is a peaceful GARDEN for everyone who has an identity....
So May I be the first one here....
to welcome all of you...
SUNFLOWER...ttww | 19/09/2006, 10:32 "


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 November, 2007 10:41

Hi Garden...waw! crying... no one here...sobz.z.z

So the fireworks had ended. Left with a few sparkles here and there. Ya, I understand bcos we all had a life to lead, things to do and lots lots of commitments, both work and skool. The pulling force that we have to come together and stand together for MLB like SB bcos it is a competition is over.

I was watching the SB tape one by one..and think abt the good old days. The happy and sad time on the Blog. How we all stay up late into the night to wait for fans to post the results... alamak.. really..really..SHIOK! I remembered how sad we were wen MLB is out..but we were so sure tat MLB will come back into the qtr final..tat is the time we all had together....! Like yesterday man!

Cococnut.. thank you for the posting. I forgot alreadi wen I started the Garden. I don wan to remember bcos it is out of an unhappy occassion.

K... weekend...hv fun to all plants who read but din post.



Anonymous Anonymous | 09 November, 2007 16:37

hi, how's every1? happy weekend!

oops.. Sunflower, sori, to bring bck memories u do not wan to remember, but my thots differ.. be it sad or happy .. as in life.. fantasy world also has its ups n downs.. happy n sad moments ..

however, most impt is i do find happiness along the way, nobody can predict de outcome!.. whether sad or happy, to me is treasured memories.. nvr mind, if some friends.. just drifted away.. tis is life.. they are meant to be passing guests in our lives.. at least, i did enjoy their friendships n companionships once.. so cheers! life is short.. let's be happy! in whatever way we can.. just sharing my thots..

below is an interesting 'True Life' story, i read somewhere..
after reading it.. i feel ppl here are definitely better off than those poor LONELY SOULS ..


A TOUCHING STORY - how meaningful the little attentions can be to lonely people. "

While visiting a hospital patient, the chaplain casually remarked,

Chaplain - "Will you be having visitors while you're here?"

Patient said quietly - "I'm afraid not, "You see, I don't have a friend in the whole world. They say I was nearly dead when I came here. Good thing I dialed for help when I did."

Chaplain said in disbelief - "Is there anyone who knows you?"

Patient - "No, sir. I'm telling you the truth. I had a PHONE put in, hoping that somebody would call a wrong number and for a few moments I'd think that someone was actually thinking about me. BUT THE PHONE NEVER RINGS. A FEW TEARS RAN DOWN FROM HIS EYES. But then he stopped speaking altogether because the experience was so painful to talk about.

** The beauty of it all is that the moment we become our brother's or sister's keeper, it will help us break through our own loneliness, whatever the situation or circumstance

Don't overlook the benefits of 'TOUCHING'.. Lonely people should decide that they will be open to the appropriate touch of others and take the opportunity themselves to touch others as well--yes, even a traditional handshake can give a real lift and can be of encouragement like the lonely old man, mentioned above.

"A woman in California decided to visit a friend whose husband had recently died quite suddenly. The visitor didn't know what she would say, but when her friend opened the door, they fell into each other's arms and wept openly. Not much was said, but later the widow expressed how much it had meant to her to have her friend's arms around her at this crucial time.

That touch of Love and Caring meant more than any words that could have been said!" unquote!


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 November, 2007 01:28

sunflower! u're back..saw a few of ur tags recently n i kept wondering if u came back alr..anw, welcome back!

haha..tis mth is mugging mth for me..exams! can we meet in dec?? i end my papers on 28 nov..hmm..no worries abt e money for e album..take ur time..jus let me noe in advance when u wan to collect ur album.. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 November, 2007 21:20

one more day to d end of my long wkend... *sob*

went to macritchie tis afternoon 4 treking... lucky d weather is cloudy so not too hot. had an encounter wif 1 monkey while on way back. my fren was holding a bag of rubbish & d monkey wanna snatch it fm her. in d end we had to hide d bag of rubbish in bag to get away...

so how's everyone's wkend? did u oso had a long wkend like me?


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 November, 2007 09:31

Monday morning again Plants... Before I get busi for the day, tot I come here to check.

Coconut, tat is a touching story. You always got things to tell - must give the story telling award to you and lalang. Lalang gone on hols alreadi? or he is hvg exam? Did he said somewhere he Poly n is Poly also hvg exam now?

Pink Rose..U must study well. Nothing is like skool. When you come out to the working world you will know. However the times have changed - the younger generation, really Very self centered, really Very 'bo' manners, Very no respect. I wonder how these youngsters are brought up? We got a few attachments here and some - really don't know what to say. Pink Rose hope you not litat, ya! I am gg out of town again from 20 Nov and back end of the month.. so our meeting will be in December for sure.

Rosemary - you really meet a 'real' monkey or the type tat got two legs? Monkey both types also can be dangerous. The real ones are wild so don't think they are cute and you feed them. They may even bite. As for e two legs ones - I suggest you don't go treking alone or with just another gal - not safe. I read gang rape and other horrible stories - so take care and be more alert and careful if you like such activities.

OK.. so much lor soh from me. A bit kaisu right?

Mango... have not seen you around for a long time. Missed your presence..how come you not flowering anymore huh? Let us smell the mango 香气 again.

Wanted to say hello to Xiu but din do on the latest posting. If you do come to garden and read - HELLO XIU,!

K.. you all have a great week.. back to work!


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 November, 2007 14:38

Hello everyone...long time no tag here. Sori exam...projects, sckool camp etc.

Sunflower welcome back. We all missed ya!

Now is my turn gg away. Lvg with our team to China to do volunteer work. We gg to 'xiang xia' to help built skool, house for the poor orphan of the town. I tld mum tis is more meaningful den gg to Penang.

Here is a story for you all before I go... enjoy

A student asked the teacher why the Japanese make their teacups so thin and delicate that they break easily. "It's not that they're too delicate," he answered, "but that you don't know how to handle them. You must adjust yourself to the environment, and not vice versa."

For this... have a nice day!


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 November, 2007 16:57

hi sunflower, it's d real monkey. ya, they can b fierce so we din play wif them. there were quite a few of them so better dun play play... ;-)

so u r travelling again. tis time to which wonderland? hv a gd trip & c u when back... take care...


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 November, 2007 14:02

Hello naturians how's every1?
Hv a pleasant wkend all.

Lalang - u hv a gt mom..u will learn lots doing meaningful charity wrks wh u cannot learn in the classrooms.. keep it up.


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 November, 2007 14:05

hello, BOP n Mango tree (mama + son) - missing u all.


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 November, 2007 22:29

Hello sunflower...

Dun cry lah .. all plants luv garden de...
Love all the pictures .. really... i keep them as my precious collections : 'Somehwere in Time.....' from sunflower..
mango enlisted in March this year.. so, still long way to go..

You gg again.. this time where u go ?


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 November, 2007 22:42

mango tree = mama
mango = son
is that ok ??

coconut tree.. miss u too...

BOP.. thx for.. hmm ... bring mango along... otherwise he wun dare to join mlbians..

now i know who is pink rose.. hi !

lalang.. feel proud fr yr parents, seems like u can do many things at once to make yr life more meaningful ..

lately.. veri busy... the ISO things.. made everyone under pressure.. now over le, forced us to clear leave..
anw.. next week my turns.. going China fr holidays.. but this time not feel exciting. dun know why....


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 November, 2007 10:46

Hello Plants...Monday again.

Hello to Mango Tree. Long time no see. Happy and shy at the same time that you like the pictures I posted. Not very good at it but I like scenery. Enjoy your China trip.

Lalang, good to be in skool and young. So many to do and do it when you are young. Life is so vibrant. Take care in China. It is winter now. Must bring medicines - esp. cold medicines.

Coconut, Rosemary, BOP, Pink Rose..jiayou!

See you all when I come back.


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 November, 2007 23:43

bon voyage sunflower!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 November, 2007 02:04

hi mango tree, gd to hear fm u..

tis ISO thing, really put pressure on everybody.. i experienced it in my previous office..

which part of China r u gg?.. anyway happy holiday, enjoy yrself..

Sunflower - bon voyage..



Blogger 天堂鸟 | 24 November, 2007 02:28

BOP wanna says sorry to all the beautiful plants in this garden, cos BOP has been MIA lately!
In fact, I am super busy & under lots of pressure at work. Eversince my ex-superior resigned, I have been doing his work + my normal tasks. People from everywhere (internally & externally) are looking for me. Every morning have to attend operational meeting & every Tuesday has meeting with top-management (involving CEO, Director & GM).
I have to continue doing all these until my new superior join us in mid-Jan. I am feeling very stressful lately, luckily I have many days of leaves (bal from 2006) to clear. After next Thurs & Fri leaves, I still got 7 more days to clear in Dec.
But even when I am on leaves, I still need to check my office emails from home & receive phone calls whenever there are any issue.

Thanks for the Jia-you.
Bon Voyage, and hope to meet up with you when you returned.
Take care & All the Best to U. :)

BOP misses you too.
Hope you are doing Fine.
Hopefully, will see you more often at MLB events.

Mango Tree,
No problem, we belong to the MLB Family.
Mango is getting along with me quite well, and mango has knows more mlbians now. Perhaps, you should join us too.

Its Weekends once again, hope every plants will have a very great weekends. Cheers... :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 November, 2007 05:58

Hi plants, happy weekend..

coconut tree, having bad cough? consult doctor is the better way i think.. hope u get well soon.. take care!
i gg kunming, dali, lijiang and shangrila.. go with my sister family n my mum. mango not going.. he dun like china..


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 November, 2007 14:13

coconut is sick? yeah, do c doc if necessary. take care...

mango tree, nice places! enjoy ur holi!

BOP, jia you... u still hv more than 1 mth to tong till ur new supervisor on board. find some ways to destress if u really too stress out. else talk to ur boss to find someone to share ur burden.

yeah.. gg to watch fred claus tonite... compliments fm d co. ^^


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 November, 2007 09:20

hi morning naturians,

mango tree, rosemary & BOP.. tks.. stil having my cough, tho improved much .. sign.. 2mths already, seen doc, usually the med can stop my cough.. but tis time round de med seems useless... anyway i drank chinese herbs boil with lou han kuo.. it helps alot!

gg for holidays or just simply go jalan jalan anyway, any place will help us to recharge our bodies.. so hv a happy day jalan jalan.. bye~


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 November, 2007 09:58

Yoz..z.z.z. plants! I am BACK.

Coconut.. mum tld me once if cough don get well within 1 week it is gg to b '1000 days cough'. V jalak n you need to sweeten yr throat or else it will hurt badly. Day time in 'hot cough', nigt time is 'cold' cough'. You mus take care!

BOP..i believe we all work litat. Given the job but not the title. Since u r capable why employ another person. Jus give u a staff.

Hello to Mango Tree n Mango. So Mango Tree gg to China. The co I work for hv resorts in these places u mentioned. However u hv to take it easy cos the altitude n many have headache due to height pressure. Now is winter n my posting mayb late but u mus take care of yourself. Me no good for winter, my nose always dry up n bleed.

Mango - so u now with BOP. Hope u still come here n read if u don wan to post. Glad u two strike up a friendship.

Rosemary, u always so full of activities. Pink Rose shld hv finished exam by now.

Really wan to see u guys. Let me settle down n den we will meet.

I have gone on a 'religious' hols to Thailand. Ran into Loy Katong n hv alots of fun. We were at Thai nattional TV news twice in a day! Famous lioa! Visted a few towns out of BKK and reali enjoyed myself. Oh! I visisted a sunflower plantation. Sunflower in Thai is called 'Dan Sa Wan'. Hope to cleanup some pics and will post it up for yr viewing.

K...so much for today!



Anonymous Anonymous | 30 November, 2007 09:23



Good morning Garden and Mother Nature's children. Enjoy yr day!

Puz.z.z.zled... how come I became 'an..no..ner..mous'!



Blogger 天堂鸟 | 30 November, 2007 11:08

Hi its Friday!
Good morning to all the beautiful plants in this garden.
This week BOP has an early weekend after 3 hectic days of works. Having a good time relaxing & sleeping on my 2 days leave, 2 more days to do so, before reporting back for work again.
Ya, BOP has to really "tong" until my new manager report work on 21st Jan 2008 (again delay for another week). After this year, I will try to look for a new job. Thinking of switching to service sector working in the tourism industry. But look likes I have to take up some courses first. Well, shall see what need to be done.

Sunflower, think you must have remember wrongly. It should be 100days cough (百日咳)instead of 1000days cough. Which I have never heard of?
Btw, welcome back to this beautiful garden of yours.

BOP also had these bad cough for the last 2 years (1 in 2005 & the other in 2006), and its true that all the medicines doesn't cure at all. The only mecicine is: to have plenty of rest & sleep. So, have more rest & sleep ba coconut. Wish you a speedy recovery.

Hope every plants here will have a wonderful weekend. Take care :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 December, 2007 08:36

God morning Garden! Wa..so mani activities leh. To see MLB again for me is like ages... now can do so..so.o.o.o. Happy!


1) Beatbox Final
2) NAC-EXXON party?

Let me know...



Anonymous Anonymous | 04 December, 2007 13:10

hi hi garden...

dan sa wan, welcome home!

haa.. ya, i've got many activities... tis mth's wkend mostly taken up. so if to meet u, guess hv to b on a wkday. a fri will b gd. ^^

i'm nt gg to d beatbox event. as for d o/r, wat performance is tat?

hv a great wk all.. 3.5 days to wkend!


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 December, 2007 14:31

hi waving to naturians..

Sunflower.. u dont frightened me la.. 1000days.. means 2-3/4yrs, must be typo error

BOP ure rite la! shd be 100days..
some yrs ago, i kena once 100days cough, my immunity became so weak.. i kena shinge, the cicle almost completed my waist line(snake in chinese).. the suffering was terrible.. n it took many mths to heal..

well.. 2007 will be flying off soon.. so enjoy while it last..


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 December, 2007 15:51

time really past so fast... but i seems to hv achieve nothing... :'(


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 December, 2007 20:45

Hello Plants....

Yup, typo error lah! So clever BOP to spot it. 100 days not 1000 days - die liao if 1000 days..ha.a.a.a

Coconut, PXH came back ler. Don kwn whether he visited the Blog bcos I met him for dinner n he din mention. Wah! he now 184cm, so.o.o. tall. Results not bad and got a HongKong gf.

Rosemary, yup. Noted. Friday only right?

Anyone gg to the 8th event at East Coast? I misses MLB leh! But I don;t know wat time they will appear. If anyone of you can give me some insider info, I will surely appreciate de!

K..lah! ciao liao!


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 December, 2007 13:03

hey! no idea what happened, tis is de 3rd time today trying to tag, if still unable to will try another time..tag went milu le.. disappeared!..

hahaAA.. Cocoa Tree, u milu also? lost in de hugh jungle out there.. forgotten yr friends in the lost islands.. Sunflower..maybe, u need to leave road signs in order to tarek him bck here n also there..cos he is nw trapped by a butterfly..

Wow! he is growing well.. in angmoh soil..must be v fertile there.. surrounded by plenty of international butterflies~ ~waves~

coconut tree


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 December, 2007 09:53

Hi Plants - MIA. I din see mani of you here too. End of the year so mani activities and things to do. It is holidays time too so mani went out of the country. Can understand. I wasn't around too. Came back my laptop got problem. The whole program got wiped out, drivers also lost liao so cannot do anything. Just got it fixed.

Coconut, I am facing the same problem. Cannot put my name, must type under a different 'sign-in'.

As for PXH, he went to Australia to join his gf's family for holidays. I think he got no time for us ler. I met the gf. I think she too pretty and too rich. Young people, anything can change. I din mention nor give road signs, the mum is there and also this new girl. If I see him again.

So all the best plants - Merry Christmas 2007. Like I said in CS, take stocks of what happened in 2007 and try to do it better in 2008.



Anonymous Anonymous | 18 December, 2007 10:03

halo all!

i'm here! hv been bz at work so din get to blog...

sunflower, sorry... guess may nt b able to meet on fri liao. tis fri i may b meeting my fren den nxt fri flying to bkk liao...

mayb we can arrange to meet on 1 jan? i'm free on tat day.

every1, njoy d up-coming holis!


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 December, 2007 00:54

Hello, all the beautiful plants
Lots of holidays coming up & 2007 is gonna end.
Hope 2007 is a fruitsful year for everyone here. Believe it is definitely a great year for MLB.
Everyone must enjoy your last few days of 2007 and May 2008 be a Better Year for the MLB Family. Yeah...


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 December, 2007 01:40

hey naturians.. happy holiday!

sunflower, u're rite.. his nites r still young.. plenty of other attractions..

rosemary - bon voyage! spend yr xmas in bkk? enjoy yrself.

BOP, ya, hope 2008 will be a better year for every1..

mango tree - how's yr China trip? battery fully charged now..

gd nite all


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 December, 2007 15:57

Dear All,

Wishing all nature friends & family have a Merry X'mas & a Happy New Year! =)

Went to BKK for a holiday w/o small bb. Poor gal hor! But she got 2 go Japan wif my sis & family ler! Kekeke... Lucky gal!

Take Care ~ everybody!

bb, small bb & family


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 December, 2007 17:37

hi coconut,

i'm gg oni after christmas but back b4 new yr... haa...

hv a great wkend every1~


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 December, 2007 13:48

Happy Yung Xiao Jie & Happy eating Tung Yung..

Got beautiful Xmas Slides with song attached .. if anyone interested.. can sent yr email to (caringeagle@hotmail.com)..


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 December, 2007 10:40

* * * * * * * *
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* * * * * * * *
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* * * * * * * *
* * * * * * *

some "snow flakes" for our garden...

MERRY CHRISTMAS & enjoy the holiday~

cheers ^^


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 December, 2007 18:36

MERRY XMAS everyone!


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 December, 2007 16:35

Hello naturians,

"Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!"


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 December, 2007 23:26

Hohoho... Merry Christmas to All the Beautiful Plants in this Wonderful Garden.
2007 is coming to an end, lets make full used of these last few days doing meaningful stuffs. Enjoy these last few days with all your love ones. Cheers...
Wish 2008 will be A MUCH BETTER YEAR for the MLB Family. Yeahs...

Think you have made a mistake, 22nd Dec is not Yuan Xiao Jie. It was Dong Zhi, you must be thinking of Lunar New Year? Haha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 25 December, 2007 23:43

ya,BOP tks, hahaha my ignorant cos i like to eat tung yung with ginger soup..esp the ones with sesame paste.. someone else corrected me liow, outside tis gdn.

gd nite all


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 December, 2007 14:13

Hey! Planty & Garden. Long time no tag here. Came back frm Australia on hols & got 'reminded' that I did not make it here, there and everywhere. Sorry I really forget how to find the blog & also the various 'homes'. This is a lead frm Sunflower.

Hello Coconut Ayi! You energy is full power. Other plants - wave :) sorry I did not get to know you all.

Coconut Ayi don't say that. I have a good female friend but still have a long way to go. The word is 'possibilities'. Anything can happened.

I think Sunflower Ayi will be here lesser and lesser. She travels and next year even more 'cos of her promotion and she may e in charge of the group ">>>>" dept. She is not here 'cos she went to HK.

I am lvg for HK the next 2 days before I go back to UK. Taking this opp. to wish you all a Successful and Fulfilling 2008.



Anonymous Anonymous | 26 December, 2007 18:32

hello cocoa tree, glad to c u bck.. haha, active here.. to give yr Sunflower ayi support lor..

tried to sent road signs to yr yahoo email.. but failed.. maybe u can ask yr ayi for help to yr other 'home'.. hope to c u there.. bi


Anonymous Anonymous | 27 December, 2007 15:41

Hi Garden,

How is everyone today. Came to wave 'bye'. Takecare and keep tje Garden alive!

God Bless!


Blogger 天堂鸟 | 28 December, 2007 03:04

coconut tree,
Oops, someone from outside has corrected you liao! Sorry, perhaps I am too slow! haha...

Cocoa Tree,
Bon Voyage, take care & wish you All the Best in your Final year of study. And May 2008 be a much BETTER YEAR for you, God Bless You too.
Although I do not know you in person, but I have heard about you from your Sunflower Ayi. And thanks for informing that she is in HK.


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 December, 2007 11:56

Hi Sunflower & Naturians..

May I wish everyone a v "Happy & Successful 2008" "May u all hv Peace in the Heart too"..

BOP - aiya no need to say sori lah, I must say tks to u n also to Mango Tree mama, for willing to take time to correct me - so I can learn..

Is eve - so let's sent off 2007 with tis song:-



Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne?
For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne.
We'll take a cup o' kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.
And surely ye'll be your pint-stowp!
And surely I'll be mine!
And we'll take a cup o' kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.
We twa hae run about the braes
And pou'd the gowans fine.
We've wandered mony a weary foot,
Sin' auld lang syne.
We twa hae sported i' the burn,
From morning sun till dine,
But seas between us braid hae roared
Sin' auld lang syne.
And ther's a hand, my trusty friend,
And gie's a hand o' thine;
We'll tak' a right good willie-waught,,
For auld lang syne.

bi! c u next year!


Anonymous Anonymous | 31 December, 2007 12:13


auld lang syne - times gone by
be - pay for
braes - hills
braid - broad
burn - stream
dine - dinner time
fiere - friend
fit - foot
gowans - daisies
guid-willie waught - goodwill drink
monie - many
morning sun - noon
paidl't - paddled
pint-stowp - pint tankard
pou'd - pulled
twa - two


Blogger 天堂鸟 | 01 January, 2008 23:29

Hey, HAPPY NEW YEAR 2008 to all the beautiful plants in this wonderful garden.
May everyone here have a BETTER YEAR. A year of HAPPINESS, JOY, PEACE, HEALTH & WEALTH. All the BEST.

coconut tree,
Thanks for the Auld Lang Syne.
I love this song eversince I was a child in my Primary school days. I and my classmates sang this song in Mandarin while I am in Primary 3 during a school concert. But, everytime I hear this song, I got a very strong feeling that something is gonna missing and can never bring back! At times I hear this song with tears, it is a very touching song. And it is an International Song.
I heard a remix version of this song with disco beat yesterday, and it is Super HIGH listening to this version.


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 January, 2008 14:45

Happy New Year!

may it be a great year ahead for all...


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 January, 2008 18:25

Hi to all the beautiful plants here. A Belated Happy New Year 2008. Came back on 30.12.2007 and hv lots to do. We will be flying back to work on 4.1.2008. My 2008 be a year of Success and Peace to everyone.

Quote of the day :

We are far away, it is only in term of miles. If we are true to each other, our hearts are within touching distance.

Cheers to Sunflower, Coconut, All the best to Cocoa, Mango Tree, BOP, Rosemary and those that keep this place alive!

Sprinkling stardust to all of you!


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 January, 2008 00:46

cedar & willow,
All the Best to both of you too. May Happiness, Joy, Health & All Good Things be with you forever. God Bless.
Thanks for the stardust you have sprinkled. :)

Welcome home to this wonderful garden. Hope to see you more often.


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 January, 2008 10:39

Hi, Hi.... a very belated Merry Christmas and Happy 2008 to each and everyone of you. Sorry I went missing. If time permits, I wish I can come in more often and join the activities more frequent. Looks like I am not able to now with so much commitments on my plate.BUT....but... I will come here once a while to say 'hi' so do not disappear frm the Garden.

I realized that lots of things happened bcos of timing. When the season is over, lots of things disappeared. This is impermance.

We came together bcos of MLB. We have lots of fun from SB to aft SB. We tried to stay together for MLB. However most of the working adults have dropped off. This do not mean we are not supporting MLB but we have career, family and other things to attend to. During this period we made some friends and lose some friends - it is part and parcel of life.

To me MLB Blog is the first one I ever tag or talk to anyone. In this Blog I found the music I like, the band I like, made some friends and all these will go down in mermory lane.

Therefore my wish for you guys :

2008 is here. REMEMBER life is short, BREAK the rules, FORGIVE quickly, KISS slowly, LOVE truly, LAUGH UNCONTROLLABLY & NEVER regret anything that made you smile :)



Anonymous Anonymous | 03 January, 2008 23:22

So sweet to see you back in this wonderful garden of yours. Understand that you are pretty busy, but hope you will find some times to visit this wonderful garden with so many types of beautiful plants.
Ya, agree that life is short, and we should treasure every moment of our life. Must lead a Happy & Trouble Free lifestyle.
I will always remember, how you introduced MLB to me. A Very BIG THANK YOU to U. If I never met you during MLB 1st Family Gathering, I could be still supporting MLB from a hidden corner instead of how close I am with the MLB Family now. :)
All the BEST to YOU in 2008, and these goes to all the beautiful plants in this lovely garden. 加油,新年快乐,心想事成。


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 January, 2008 23:44

cedar & willow, bon voyage!

bop, i'm not gone... will try to walk d garden more often... ;-)

sunflower, i like ur resolution for 2008... "REMEMBER life is short, BREAK the rules, FORGIVE quickly, KISS slowly, LOVE truly, LAUGH UNCONTROLLABLY & NEVER regret anything that made you smile :)"

tis is oso d 1st blog tat i've tag & met frens... really happy to hv know all of u... we may b bz wif our personal lives, but hope we can still cont'd to keep in touch thru tis blog... cheers to our frenship...


Anonymous Anonymous | 10 January, 2008 01:17

hi naturians.. hope all are fine!

BOP,same sentiments here. been hearing tis song since pri sch days n each time i hear "Auld Lang Syne" it means something gg to be missing.. but is a beautiful song.

Reflecting - Moments in Life

" There are Moments in Life
when you miss someone
so much that u want to pick them
from your dreams & hug them
for real!"


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 January, 2008 10:20

Hi Plants, for me it is busy schedules but today I suddendly tot of you all. I stole some time to come here and leave you all a message - Out of Sight BUT not out of Mind!

With this note, I leave you all to enjoy the rest of the days until my next postings!

Cheers to all those who call me 'Friend'.



Anonymous Anonymous | 14 January, 2008 11:07

Hi Sunflower n Plants

Happy 2008. May 2008 brings with good tidings for each and everyone of you. To MLB too! (I wonder whether they read here???)

Came back to settle some work issues and take this opp to come here and leave a note to all. Our wedding date is set on 14 Feb 2008 (Valentine Day). Cedar felt that we shld let Garden know. Aft that we will take our honeymoon in China and than go back to work. Easier for both of us and save money too since we both work in China.

Looks like the both of us will settle in China for a few years. Cedar's company set up a branch and he is now heading the project team there. We will come back but lesser now.

Sunflower, glad to know you are up and going. Congrats! When we first met you, you both felt that you are a dynamic personalty. You make a good friend and we are glad we know you. We will send a card to you and pls come to give us your blessings.

To all other plants, big smile and good luck!


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 January, 2008 13:21

congrats to willow & cedar!

woo~ wed on valentine's day... 祝你们甜甜蜜蜜,早生贵子!

BB, if u r here... will u b watching Mr. J on fri or oni on sat?


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 January, 2008 20:10

Willow & Cedar, Gong Xi, Gong Xi...

"May u both be surrounded by plenty of Fruits & Grandfruits during yr twilight yrs"..Forever Double Happiness.. Valentine & Wedding!! hoooo...

let us kn, if yr plants start to bear fruit.. haha!


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 January, 2008 20:19

Cedar, u got promoted, congrats!.. de stars are shinning brightly for u~

3 yam sengs in advance for u n willow!


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 January, 2008 23:34

Hi Sunflower,
So nice of you to steal some times from your busy schedule, just to visit this garden of yours. We are very sure that you will always be in our minds too, although we don't meet. Take care & All the Best to what you are doing. :)

White Willow & Cedar,
Congrats to both of you on your wedding. 祝:百头偕老,永浴爱河。
Same as coconut tree, 3 yam seng to both of you in advance. :)

Rest of the beautiful plants,
All the Best in whatever you do, and May God Bless U. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 January, 2008 03:38

congrats to cedar & willow !

祝你们幸福快乐, 永结同心,甜甜蜜蜜, 白头偕老..
Have joy and happiness in your life together..


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 January, 2008 18:33

I missed this plc n all the naturians here. How are you all getting on. School started and those mothers mus be very 'siong'.

Cedar n Willow, so nice to knw that you left mssg here for us to share your joy. My wish for you :-

Love is the platform for uniting, patient is the platform for understanding, forgiving is the platform for keeping the marriage, parenting is the platform to keep you together. Stay true, stay in love and all the best to you.

I will surely attend the reception if I am invited.

As for the other plants, I missed you guys man!

Good evening!


Anonymous Anonymous | 17 January, 2008 09:31

good morning...

1 day to fri!

sunflower, miss ya too... & all o/r plants...


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 January, 2008 11:36

Wow, it is another weekend for all of us.
Dun really got much festive moods for coming CNY, cos the prices for almost everythings are shooting up! And ppl likes me already 4yrs without bonus & slary increment, very "Jia-lat" lor. Haiz...
Well, life still got to move on. Only wish to better as times goes on. Haha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 January, 2008 23:12

Cedar n Willow ~ All the best to a wonderful marriage! =)

Miss all the rest too! Take good care ya! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 January, 2008 14:34

BOP, woo... 4 yrs is long! tat time i worked in a co. for 4 yrs+ oso din get much increment/ bonus so i left...

BB, had fun on sat nite? I njoyed v muchie! woo-hoo!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 January, 2008 16:00

Rosemary! Yup, I enjoyed myself! Too bad, there are no singing of b'day song again.


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 January, 2008 16:12

hi bb... yeah, din sing d bday song again... but at least there is something new fm fri nite. like his grandma went on stage.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 January, 2008 19:10

WoW! Hi Folks remember me....haa..a.a.a Lalang here!

Wa, I forgot how to come here. Wanted to many times but now skool work more tougher.

How are you guy? Looks like this 'kool' place is steady and happening as well.

My trip to M'sia was really slack. So slack until I am so lazy.

My trip to China is so 'kold' until my nose bleed. The kids there are so lovable. Their cheeks are forst bitten and 'hung hung de'. Food is not fantastic but something we don eat in Singapore. Because of the weather, I eat like a 'zhu'. Now back to skool so can ran the field, play football and 'jian fe' free of charge.

Where is Sunflower? Miss ya!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 January, 2008 10:17

lalang, welcome back!

which part of china did u went? usu i dun eat much in china coz d food really nt to my liking.. either too oily or mostly vege..

guess u had a fantastic trip huh...

sunflower is bz at work, so seldom tag... but she will when her time allows.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 January, 2008 10:21

双飞 on 933.. woo.. long time din hear tis song liao...


Anonymous Anonymous | 28 January, 2008 13:21

Hello Plants...

Txs Rosemary! for explaining. Yup, busi at work. Too mani happenings - everytime start a new year litat.

Hi lalang, u r as 'up' as ever. Looks like you hv the fun.

Hi to Coconut, Mango Tree, BB, BOP, Rosemary and all visiting seen n the unseen.

Will try to come again b4 Lunar New Year.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 January, 2008 14:28

feeling sleepy, so come here 4 a vist...

din c coconut recently... *wave*

sunflower, so guess u can oni get a gd rest during d 4 days cny holidays huh... or will u b bz hse visting?

hv a gd wk ahead!

i'm looking fwd to c jay again! lol... ;p


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 January, 2008 17:16

Hi sunflower,
nowadays u fly everywhere, i really forget where you are..
come back for new year ?

BOP, 4 yrs no bonus & increment, really not good.. hope you can get a better job.. all the best !

Hello plants,
CNY coming, but alot people sick at this period, must take care !


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 January, 2008 17:51

you must b in ofc right?
i usually feel sleepy at that time too.. then i wl go pantry look for the fun pantry lady..

coconut tree, think have something to tell you but forget.. will check and come back other days..


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 February, 2008 01:23

Hi plants.. writing from home. Realli late liao but this is the time I can afford n imagine I just shower in cold water....sooooo cold tonight.

Hello.. I know Qiplant will not visit this Garden but I am here to wish him Happy Birthday.

Mango Tree... I am now in Singapore. Yes, I am here for CNY.

One year has passed, sadness remains. Mum gone but live in my memory. Cannot imagine peole fight with their parents... I wish I can have my parents with me forever and ever...

A thought came to me.. we lost one person when they die... but the dying person is loosing all of us.... SORI.. no pantang... just it is festive and 我思念母亲.

Where is Coconut? Have not seen her here..hope everything is well with her.

BOP... no bonus for so long and no increament..what industry is that? Thinking my staff is not happy with her $100 increament and a 2mths bonus... sigh!

Rosemary, BB, Lalang, Mango Tree, Mango, Coconut, Pink Rose and those peeping....

Happy Lunar New Year in advance and may the RAT brings us Rat Luck.

Cheers :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 February, 2008 12:21

Hi Naturians,

sri i had been v bzy, no time to come here..

tks ppl for missing me, same here.. hv not forgotten u all..

Come in specially to wish u all in advance ..

CNY 2008 -

Careers - Bu Bu Gao Shen!

Hope all naturians will grow well, strong & healthy!

BOP! May u get a better & more generous boss for tis coming new year & be rewarded with more pay increases!

Good Luck & Happiness to all!


Mango Tree - haha! my ears are waiting.. hope is something gd!


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 February, 2008 00:22

haa... yes mango, me in ofc.. tat's y sleepy... ;p

sunflower, dun b sad.. ur mom must b happy to know tat u r tinking of her every min...

so, every1 is ready 4 d new yr? cleaned d hse, decorated d hse, bought all d new yr goodies?

me din get to clean my rm completely... hv to many barangs so takes quite some time to clean up... ;p

hope all of u hv done a gd spring cleaning!

enjoy d new yr holidays (long long wkend for me! yeah!) & best wishes for d year of rat!

wish every1 good health & happiness always...


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 February, 2008 02:37

rosemary, mango tree & coconut tree
Thank-you for your wishes & concerns. Ya, I hope & wish I could be able to find myself a better job in the Rat year!

wow, your company so good huh. Giving $100 increment & 2 months bonuses? yet your staffs still unhappy with it? If I could get half of it, I shall have a better CNY celebration.
There's a chinese saying:
身在福中不知福。Haiz, human are never satisfied with what they have!

Well, BOP will like to take this opportunity to wish all the beautiful plants & their family A Happy Lunar New Year.


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 February, 2008 02:12

Big & Small bb will like to wish all our friends: A wonderful year ahead!


新年快乐 ~ 万事如意

身体健康 ~ 天天开心

恭喜发财 ~ 心想事成

学业进步 ~ 新年快乐

鼠年行大运 ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 08 February, 2008 09:21

Hello Folks... Happy Micky Year..CNY so fast come as so fast will go...n back to skool. So Lalang wishes all a peaceful and well achieved 2008.I am older by one year..

Gong Xi, Gong Xi...


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 February, 2008 00:40

Today is the creation of the human race.. Happy birthday naturians!


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 February, 2008 10:14

Happy Valentine to all my beautiful plants....

May your days be filled with sunshine....

May your days be filled with laughters....

May your days be filled with wisdom....

For all the bad days, unhappy days be viewed as 'a day of learning' to be stronger and better!

LOVE to alll of you... from.... SUNFLOWER! busi but nvr forget you all de!


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 February, 2008 10:26




"Wedding Song"

I love you more than ever, more than time and more than love
I love you more than money and more than the stars above
I love you more than madness, more than waves upon the sea
I love you more than life itself, you mean that much to me.

Ever since you walked right in the circle's been complete
I've said goodbye to haunted rooms and faces in the street
In the courtyard of the jester which is hidden from the sun
I love you more than ever and I haven't yet begun.

You breathed on me and made my life a richer one to live
When I was deep in powerty you taught me how to give
Dried the tears up from my dreams and pulled me from the hole
I love you more than ever and it binds me to this all.

You gave me babies, one, two, three, what is more, you saved my life
Eye for eye and tooth for tooth, your love cuts like a knife
My thoughts of you don't ever rest, they'd kill me if I lie
But I'd sacrifice the world for you and watch my senses die.

The tune that is yours and mine to play upon this earth
We'll play it out the best we know, whatever it is worth
What's lost is lost, we can't regain what went down in the flood
But happiness to me is you and I love you more than blood.

It's never been my duty to remake the world at large
Nor is it my intention to sound a battle charge
'Cause I love you more than all of that with a love that doesn't bend
And if there is eternity I'd love you there again.

Oh, can't you see that you were born to stand by my side
And I was born to be with you, you were born to be my bride
You're the other half of what I am, you're the missing piece
And I love you more than ever with that love that doesn't cease.

You turn the tide on me each day and teach my eyes to see
Just being next to you is a natural thing for me
And I could never let you go, no matter what goes on
'Cause I love you more than ever now that the past is gone.



Anonymous Anonymous | 16 February, 2008 11:33

Hi Sunflower,
So, You are back in S'pore for CNY.
We also know that you will never forget us de, even though you are busy. Thank you very much.

Hi Willow & Cedar,
Congrats to both of you. Its a special day to be remembered forever (14th Feb~Valentines' Day).
All the Best to both of you.

To the rest of the beautiful plants,
Have a great weekend. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 19 February, 2008 13:32

dropping by to say HI~

hope everyone is doing great!

congrats to willow & cedar... 祝你们白头偕老...

sunflower, when r u travelling again?


Anonymous Anonymous | 20 February, 2008 02:06

congrats to Cedar & Willow as man n wife..

hi naturians, hope everybody will huat! during de last 2days of cny!
grow well!

sad to hear of Lydia Sum 'fei fei' gone.. she had spread so much laughter n joy to the world! RIP!

gd nite all!


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 February, 2008 11:07

Hi Naturians,

Happy Chap Goh Mei

Wishing everyone A year full of M.I.C.E.

Multiple-Happiness & Success..
Interesting-Rewards from all Investments(Time & Money)..
Continued supports from all areas/angles..
Everlasting relationships with those dear to you , your loved ones & dear friends.

Hv a great day!


Anonymous Anonymous | 22 February, 2008 09:43

Hi Plants.... quick one before I go back to work. Came in here to take a peep at WeiQi. Looks like he has gone through some bad patch but he is alright now.

How are you guys? Good to see mango tell story. It touched me deeply that although I am struggling with work and to come in here lesser - you all love this Garden to keep it going. Thank you.

With Edison's sex scandle in the air fei fei yang yang, Lydia Sum had to die at this time. Bad start for the HongKong movie industries. Lydia Sum brought laughters to millions of people - despite all her up and downs, she must have a tough time keeping her nose above water. It is very CRUEL to cheat and ask for divorced to a wife who hv gone through life and death to give you a child - Adam Cheng. A courage and the cheek of a woman Kong Jing Hua - to 'sex' up another woman's husband - she has courage. Knowing the world will point their fingers at her BUT she did it - prove of LOVE? Lydia Sum, unfailing LOVE for her daughter - the one and only thing the man she loves left her. Bless this child so that she is brave and be able to go on in life and make it good to make her mother proud. How many of us understand the undying love of a mother. You all must be thinking I am mad - yes, I missed my Mum big time!

So much for the morning Plants. Stay well and before I go I want to sing you all a song......and the title:

YOU ARE ALWAYS ON MY MIND.....Garden, MLB and all those that wish me well!



Anonymous Anonymous | 25 February, 2008 11:41

last wk of d mth! jia you all!

sunflower, when u post, u select on d Name/URL... den u can type in ur name.


Anonymous Anonymous | 29 February, 2008 00:39

hi naturians, how's everyone?

happy b/day to any leap year baby.

Life has it's ups n downs..yuan fen brings ppl together n yuan fen separate ppl.. tis is fate..as the sayings goes "they own each other's debt".

take care all!


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 March, 2008 13:18

weird... how come i oni c last's yr's post??


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 March, 2008 13:19

ah... now can c liao...

hi lalang... saw ur post at cs...

guess everyone's been bz so din visit d garden...

me here to "water" d plants... ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 March, 2008 13:26

hi sunflower/ coconut... we might want to move this garden too?

oni if u post something, den u can c d recent posts.


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 March, 2008 13:52

tis door is suddenly locked.. puzzled.. anyway, TaTa gdn.. tks for serving us well..


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 March, 2008 22:29

Wow, what happen to our home? BOP was lost & is still searching. Please help...


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 March, 2008 10:37

hi BOP - glad to c u here. i had emailed Sunflower rgdg moving to a new location, so just hv to wait for her reply of staying put or move...

Sori lah Sunflower - borrow yr space here to ans BOP. .tks

rgding yr query of what i put at the main blk abt climbing thru the window to get clues to the new location, that is meant for another group of mlbians called cuties at another secret location called Animal Kingdom(AK).. cos got to click on post a comment then click on the newet post to get in to read the latest tags(clues)..


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 March, 2008 13:10

wave to lalang~~~ can u c me here waiting for u to post... haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 March, 2008 14:20

hi coconut, shall await for u/ sunflower to infom if d garden is moving...

btw, did admin juz added d oldest-old-new-newest thingy? ytd i din seems to c it.


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 March, 2008 22:56

Ya, I did not see the so-call (Oldest Older 201 - 400 of 383 Newer Newest) yesterday night too.
Perhaps, it was Xiu who has done it for us. Thank-you very much.
Hopefully, the rest of the beautiful plants will find their way home soon.
Have a great day... smilez :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 March, 2008 13:52

Hi Folks...

This plc is getting cranky. Garden needS a bigger forest to grow. Thank you to all the Garden citizenS and thank you to Coconut who dropped me e-mail requesting for a new address.

As per Tradition... here is GARDEN's New Forest...

Forest : "thankew"
Planter : NIC (he is my fav now)
Address : #9 of Street 10th-07
Area Code : 2251

Please, please find your way there.......

Therefore I declare this place closed as of 7th March 2008 at 1351 hrs.

BY : sunflower

............. END..................


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