
Good Morning
milubing | 26 April, 2007 02:10

Yes, it's 5 of us drummers making noise together. I'm on the big fat bass drum, BOOM BOOM BOOM! PLs call ...... to make a donation or we'll burst our own ear drums, thank you.
This is what i did today.. I woke up early to have a haircut, or rather to trim my hair. After which i went riding! Under the hot sun, with one friend on his own bike, we moved aimlessly in search of some nice place. Finally at late afternoon, we stopped by a park with a lake in the north. Then it started to rain. SIAN! My bike and i then took a shower on the way home. At night, Nic and i went to watch the primere of Spiderman. 1st time i'm watching that movie, quite nice in my opinion.
How come i'm still not home now?!

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Anonymous Anonymous | 30 April, 2007 17:00


u got tell us tt they at the other side meh? i v blur leh. haha... i only heard u telling me to go find them. then i lazy to move liao mah. hungry leh. haha. then u know, i told the others i went there to eat curry puff before the performance,they laugh at me lor! diaoos...

and very the thanks for your 'sharing' ah, but i think nxt time u wait until after the performance then share with me lah. haha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 April, 2007 17:10

lols. that anonymous that meikian is talking to, duno if i guess correctly who. haha.

Jodie, no la, i'm sure there are youngsters who love ballroom too de. Vas & Pris - they r a couple. wahahahaha.

chocolate muffin so yummy...


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 April, 2007 17:16

i must share 1st. cannot wait.. later i forget again.. hahas. xD

ya lor! got our backview.. so pai seh can! like so many people looking.. forget it.. let's no rake up things again. what past has past! (:

i asked you want go find them anot.. i also didnt know they other 2 saw them already.. until i was outside.. almost got bang down by their van.. so suay lor! =.=

i told them you all were waiting outside.. but they say they have to go already. cause they got to bring their instruments back.. they told us to say sorry to you all..

i thought you only wanted to go toilet? still got curry puff story arhs.. missed out that part.. hahas!!

quizzy_me, dont guess who i am already.. know also must keep quiet! shhhh~ (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 April, 2007 17:20

wth larr u. maybe u dai suay us? hahaha... u got say meh? i din hear larrhs.. toilet is u all wad, i wanted to eat! hahaha...

got time contact me over sms... [get my number from da jie da] we can xu jiu abit more. LOL.


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 April, 2007 17:25

not me lor! i only help come out with ideas.. hahas. xD"
i got say.. you old liao ler.. cannot remember things already.. xD oopps. (:

i will take from the da jie da..
better not let her see arhs.. later she come after me.. xD


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 April, 2007 17:56

haha. Cos u don't really tag with ur own name de mahz. I got the clue from meikian and u and other friends were together that night. If the rest tag here they will use their own name or nick name de, but u r the one who don't seem to tag with ur own name or nick name, so i think i can guess who r u le lor =D. But duno correct or not ma la. haha

think i'll be going home soon le. Gd bye =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 April, 2007 18:02

wth lah u, haha..
maybe i really gt bad memory lor. cux i cant rmb wad i said. haha.
now on the way hm le, getting someone to tag on my behalf.
u ahh. i wed go sch use comp thn suan zhang w u.

Quizzy,i thnk u noe who she i la. E one tt sit beside me and keep making me laugh. LOLs.

Take care all, i'll be back on wed. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 30 April, 2007 22:00

lol. perhaps, perhaps, perhaps..=)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 May, 2007 00:37

aha! i know who is that annoymous. :x and i mus agree the boys sang 想你是临睡的习惯 really well! *3 cheers for MLB!* xP heh heh. really? where for the pics of our backview? that day so xia suay. T_T


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 May, 2007 00:40

opps. typo error *where are the pics of our backview?*


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 May, 2007 10:17

haha, i think the pic is at the publicity blog. damn paiseh lahh tt day. LOLs!

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