
milubing | 11 August, 2007 00:26

long time no bloggie! anyways...soon my crazy hectic days be over..gonna get some rest after ndp! been madness...wanna take some time thanks some ppl like YOU YOU & YOU for supporting us tru the promo period n the entire superband thingy...now the first wave of the album promo thingy is over...we'll just hope for gd results so that the band survives in e market to bring ya guyz more music aye?...remember this guy?..hehe..no prizes for guessing..but just tot spice the blog up abit..long time since i posted a pic...smilez...


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Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 15:14

Hello MLBians. How are u? Hope that everyone is fine... What? Wei Qi got lost in his school? Lol... Wei Qi, are u really that gong? HAhax... Hmm, qing, uncle phil, how are u? Hope that u are fine... Uncle Phil, can ask u a question? I saw ur message in this week I-weekly. How did u go and write in the I-weekly de? I also want to write but I don't know how to do it. Can teach me? Hahax... I hope to hear from u soon. Thanks worx!

Si Min. =)


Blogger MLB Publicity Blog | 13 August, 2007 15:35

Oh yes now I remember, if you can, tuned in to DJ Cruz's program "wang ren mi" from 7am onwards ba. Not sure about other programs. They will be giving out VIP tickets to the street rock concert on 25 Aug. These VIP tickets would enable you to watch your favorite artistes (for our case of course Milubing) at a better spot (the front?). Yup, so tune in to his program, answer a question then sms in ba. Good luck ;).


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 15:37

the sembawang music centre best seller chart not updated yet -o-! sad~


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 16:19

Hello Sam.. Hello Weiqi... Hello Nic.. oh! cool..Hello Uncle Anthony.

Hello MLBians...just come in to keep in touch.


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 16:25


reverse global warming? means singapore will be snowing eh? sounds good! :x heehee~


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 16:25

hello ttww jie! haha =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 18:08

Haha....weiqi, late for half an hour is small case in NTU. While I was there, got ppl first yr on time, 2nd yr late most of the time, 3rd yr very late then just bochup, dun go liao.

I just tabao food into class most of the time. Save the time for "mi lu" or ZZzzzZZZzzzzZz....



Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 18:20

新加坡金曲奖2007 造势活动

醉心龙虎榜 街头爆唱会

25.8.2007 Sat 7pm
Times Square
Millennia Walk

Free Admission 入场免费



and other than listening to 就是万人迷,can also check out Cruz's blog to win the priority passes.


2006年8月1日-2007年7月31日榜上积分最高的十首金曲歌名电邮至 thebonuspage@cruzteng.com 就有机会获得8月25日龙虎榜街头爆唱会贵宾区通行证!

截止日期: 8月22日

for more details and the terms & conditions, proceed to the link above.

hope all these helps. cheers! =D

i was just being bored so i typed all these out. haha... =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 18:21

haha before I go, gonna intro this site to you guys - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mi_Lu_Bing

yeah if you guys are free got nothing to do then can write somemore stuff about the guys in wikipedia. haha.

Of course it's not written by me la, it's by an unknown kind-hearted friend. haha.

going home lo~ bye!


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 18:24

haha thanks meikian. i'll copy-paste ur info to the publicity blog when i go home. thanks lo~~

*running to the exit of school*


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 18:28

NP...hahas.sometimes really think im too free eh, always like to type out whole chunk of stuff from elsewhere. hahas...

hope those helps lahhs. as for the question set by Cruz, i duno the answer also... so cant help in giving the ans. hahas. those who know can send in. good luck!


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 18:47

hi all mlbians & mlb :D
frm lorita & me (:

long tym since i left a coment here.. hahas.


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 19:10

Hey! Not a regular tagger here but just wish to say that I really miss seeing Milubingwith their patterns on stage;D I know its kind of difficult but hope that maybe next time you all have a gig, add in some here and thr, probably make a performance a even better one. Just a suggestion.

Anyway, the album is really cool, Goodluck!


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 19:46


haha! ii saw something very funny related to u ytd!! hahaha! okie, u guys dunno wad am ii laughing.

why u lost ur way again huh?! one year in sch liao, and even attended the orientation before sch starts, shld be more familiar with ur big big sch liao rite?! haha! or mayb he cant anyhow walk ard the sch rite. haha! jkjk. or mayb sch of art is located at a very secluded area? [my sec sch's art classroom is located at a damn ulu place. ha!]

anw, same as many ppl here, ii oso blur blur during first dae in sch, although my sch damn pathetic small laa, but still, MiLu! haha!

eh, weiqi, dun ganchiong laa, we can wait de, good stuff deserve the rights to wait [dis sentence guai guai de]

and one last thing, we are blessed to have support a group of idol like u boyz. JIA YOU!!! *MuackzZ*


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 20:22

1 我怀念的
2 中国话
3 爱情转移
4 春天的微笑
5 其实很爱你
7 我又初恋了
8 好听
9 咕叽咕叽
9 自由不变


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 20:38

Woah..yesterday I didn't managed to go to this blog..sian ar..

Wei Qi ~ U got lost??Never mind lor..only first day mah...

Okay..I better go..my eyes are really sleepy now..hehe..

Oh..WeiQi,jiayou hor!


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 20:44

uncle phil,
if si min didnt mentioned, ii wouldnt have notice your comment on i-weekly. anw, thankz for tt! cos if one didnt suggest, "ii think i-weekly wouldnt have tot of putting mlb on front cover." haha!


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 21:24

thx anonymous for the ten songs.

bt tt result is only 2007年第二季季选成绩,so is not the accurate answers. ii shall type out wad ii found in Yes93.3 webbie for ur reference.

2006醉心龙虎榜 年度十大金曲

1. 孙燕姿/ 雨天
2. 光良/ 约定
4. F.I.R 飞儿乐团/ 飞行部落
5. 杨丞琳/ 庆祝
6. 蔡依林/ 假装
7. 林俊杰/ SARANGHEYO 只对你说
8. 周杰伦/ 霍元甲
9. 杨丞琳/ 过敏
10. ENERGY/ 爱失控

2007年第一季季选成绩 十大最受欢迎金曲

1. 曹格/ 3-7-20-1
2. 飞轮海/ 爱到
3. S.H.E/ 怎么办
4. Tank/ 专属天使
5. 张学友/ 好久不见
6. 五月天/ 为爱而生
7. 张韶涵/ 梦里花
8. 梁咏琪/ 原来爱情这么伤
9. 萧亚轩/ Elva is Back
10. 梁咏琪/ 给自己的情歌

2007年第二季季选成绩 十大最受欢迎金曲

1. 孙燕姿/ 我怀念的
2. S.H.E/ 中国话 & 陈弈迅/ 爱情转移
4. 何耀珊/ 春天的微笑
5. 张韶涵/ 其实很爱你
6. 吴建豪/ Never Let You Go
7. 五月天/ 我又初恋了
8. 许茹芸/ 好听
9. 孙燕姿/ 咕叽咕叽 & 林俊杰/ 自由不变

Hope these helps for those who wanna participate in the contest on Cruz Teng's blog.

just pick 10 songs wic u feel are the top 10 most voted songs. yup! more info refer to meikian's tag. Good Luck!! =]


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 22:00



Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 22:02

haha. thanks.

now many ppl burning incense papers and those offerings for the hungry ghost festival ba (which starts today)? The smell is quite strong here, feeling a little uncomfortable now. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 22:04

shihui, i copy-paste your post to publicity blog too ok? haha. thanks


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 22:11

yup, quizzy, go ahead. and if u feeling uncomfortable with the smell, why not u shut all the windows and switch on the air-con/fan? u will feel betta bahz. =]


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 22:19

haha thanks. it's ok ba. I don't have air-con at home anyway. haha. i on my fan to full speed le. so still bearable. haha. in school, sometimes guys at my level will smoke at the stairwell (it's enclosed de), then due to the fact that RP is everywhere is air-conditioned, the smell will spread very quickly so it's even more unbearable lor.

which is why i don't like people to talk to me immediately after they smoke. no offence la - i got nothing against them, but i cannot stand the smell lor. haha.


Blogger Jodie [: | 13 August, 2007 22:28


Hi Weiqi!
HAHAS! I get it!
Ur first day of school like mine oso!
My class actually can see from the entrance one.
But i like dumb dumb lars.
I oso went wrong class but NOT AS MANY AS YOU!


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 22:37

talking about going to wrong class; it's not very common in our school or at least for people around me ba. But because the classroom doors all looked the same, sometimes when some people come back from, say, lunch, they might blur blur enter the wrong class. Then people inside that class will be looking at you weirdly. that is the most paiseh moment la. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 22:40

the milubing on wikipedia is who create de huh?! so cool!! and ii went to did some adjustment a few mins ago. haha! will ii offend the copyright?! bt can be edit one lehz, so weird.

anw, ppl who see this, do enter the website
to 加油添醋 abit laa. haha!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 13 August, 2007 22:44

Hi si min,
wow, your eyes very sharp leh, the message was so small and you still spotted it. Must be becos of the 3 chinese characters 迷路兵 lah! Haha...
I don't even know about it until I saw your post here.
In fact you can also send in your message by forwarding it to the email address on that page, but all email must be writen in chinese. And you have to leave down your name, address, occupation, NRIC No. & Contact No in your mail.
Fyi, I wrote in on 6th Aug 2007. Never expect it to be pulished so soon!
Now, only hope that i-weekly could fulfill our wishes.
I next targets shall be U-weekly & Lime magazine. I also hope that more mlbians will write in as well.

Hi shihui,
No problem, you don't have to thanks me for writing in to i-weekly. I am doing these just becos we want MLB to be featured on the front cover of the magazine.
Just pray hard & hope that MLB's pic will be published on the front cover soon. Cheers...


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 22:44

okie, ii shall go to bed now!

one last thing,

Nic, al the best in camp, betta take care, dun hurt urself. =)
Weiqi, al the best in sch, dun over-stress on ur sch work, relax! =)
Sam, al the best in wadeva u are doin now, hope to talk to u soon. =)

we miss ya boyz, jiayou and take care!! nitez ppl!


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 22:45

my 1st day at tp ar .. ehh, oso mi lu lor .. haha .. actually i went for e orientation liao, but tt OL only bring my class ard tp once nia .. then we juz follow bindly .. when sch starts, i dun even know how to walk to tp bkshop lor .. haha .. n e worst thing is tt during e orientation tt day, i dun even know which busstop to stop lor .. i c alot ppl alight i oso alight, n tadah .. i reach tp .. haha .. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 22:45

haha,i can say i'm actually quite heng... my sch's quite big but nv get lose inside before. lols. cuz i never go to places im not sure of lah. hahas. cuz i scared wait i jus barge into the wrong room then paiseh. =.=

ahhhs. so tired~


Blogger qing qing | 13 August, 2007 22:46


shihui: I'M HERE to tag! heh heh..

quizzy: thanks thanks..
eh.. i cant rmb still got wat comments lei.. lol.. jus finish reading, but 4get liao.. =X

ttww ahyi: u're here agn!! yeah! HELLOOOOOOOO!! =) how r u?

shan: heh heh.. aiyo! i 4get to c ur nails today!!! wan c how come u took SOOOOOOO long to cut.. heh heh.. =P
anw, thanks 4 e 2 seats! =) muacks..

eh.. ya lor, mi lu only ma.. haha.. got 1 guy oso.. he come into our class, den we tot new classmate.. my class rep introduce all of us to him le, den he realise he go wrong class.. haha.. somemore is after e teacher took e attendace le, den he realise.. heh heh.. =D


Blogger qing qing | 13 August, 2007 22:50

shan: eh.. at least u not bad lor.. i took e wrong bus home man!! lol.. somemore is e first day of orientation.. haha.. i tot 69 opp e sch will go to tamp interchange, den i sit sit till shuang shuang.. den sudd realise like weird weird de.. den quickly alight.. is already somewhere at bedok liao.. den dunno how to go home!! lol.. somemore ez link card gg no $$$ liao.. den i finally reach home bout 2.5hrs later.. =.=


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 22:55

lol! when ii almost want to leave, everybody come in tag!! *faint* shall reply some first.

yup yup!! when you enter the wrong classroom, and ppl inside all looking at you, was the most embarrassing moment! and ii had this experience before!! si bei paiseh lor! haha!

Uncle Phil,
yup, all we do are for MLB!! Whee~

qing qing,
HI!!! big wave to you!! haha! tt guy u mentioned damn funny, can imagine! hhahaha!!!

okie, really gtg, if not cant wake up! BYE~!


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 22:57

shihui, things in wikipedia can be edited by anyone, but wikipedia reserves the right to remove any 'rubbish'. yeah. haha. So in school we were taught not to rely on wiki too much for research cos 'it can be edited by anyone', but it should be reliable because if wiki found the info to be rubbish, they will state there so it's up to u to decide whether u want to use it for research. haha. yup thats how wikipedia works.

qing, thought u still have ppt to do? wahahaha :P


Blogger qing qing | 13 August, 2007 23:08

quizzy: yeah!! m doing now.. stupid mi 4get to save my completed ppt!! AHHHH!! den now gotta redo agn!! *faint* somemore my fren send mi hers, she added some pics.. but those pics r e same as e previous slides.. =( dunno she add for wat.. sianzz!!! think i can go die liao!!

shihui: yoz! heh heh.. nite nite.. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 23:11

ehh .. stop toking abt mi n my nails k .. wo sheng qi le >.< haha .. actually e seats r reserved for my frens de frens de .. then they sit elsewhere, so i quickly chop 2 for u .. i thk e guy sure v paiseh as he walk out of e classrm .. haha .. aiyo, u more sotong than mi lor .. haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 23:21

This week's U-Weekly features a small article on the boys.

hahas~ being the very free person i am, shall type out the 团员小秘密~




-他最容易‘入睡’,懂得在乘搭公共交通工具时,take power naps,趁机充电一番!


SAM, 真的hor...你会不会太挑剔了?! =.=


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 23:22

din blog 4 few days, at last c a new tag fm nic! cldnt recognise when i saw d pic.. u & ur dad looks cool~~

weiqi, haha... after 1 yr liao still can get lost... hope tdy u manage to go to d correct class? jia you in ur studies! anxiously waiting 4 ur surprise 4 us!!! (*^^*)

sam, bz lately? no new pics? hope u r getting on well.....

aiya, d 醉心龙虎榜 街头爆唱会 falls on d same days as d campus super star final... wanna watch both leh.. how huh.... mlb, can update us roughly wat x is ur performance?


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 23:27

yes capri jie, i just whined to my friend too. she say, go watch milubing's performance ba. CSS2 finals can watch repeat de. but it won't be fun le la. but bo pian. lolol.

she wanted me to send her one song but i rejected her gracefully le. lucky she understands. phew!

she's the one that provides me with the long hu bang coupons lor. haha.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 13 August, 2007 23:31

Hi meikian,
I don't think those article de report are true. Cos I ever saw Sam drinking normal mineral water, not as what the article mentioned: Sam only drink certain brands of mineral water from France. As for boiled water, I am not too sure. But if Sam has gone through Army training for 2 years, then I think it should not be true too. Fyi, we (army personnels) drink water straight from the tap without boiling. lol


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 23:34

迷路兵 Sam+Nic+伟奇



迷路兵团长兼键盘手伟奇,主唱兼吉他手李顺利 (Nic) 以及鼓手王瑞祥 (Sam) 三人,其实是从小玩到大的好兄弟。可是






here goes the front part of the article.

aiya, duno tt sam lah. LOLS. but can surely guarantee he's damn 挑剔 about food. =.=


Blogger Uncle Phil | 13 August, 2007 23:35

Fyi, I exchanged mlb album for voting coupons. But its ok lah, anyway I have already given out all mlb album to my frens & colleagues, except 2 copies for myself. Haha...


Blogger qing qing | 13 August, 2007 23:41

meikian: thanks for e article.. =) muacks..
eh.. ya lor.. he v tiao ti lei.. lol.. plain water oso dun drink?? OMG!! cant b ba.. haha..

sam: eh.. u dun drink plain water de ar? lol.. wa, den ur house alot of mineral water ar? =X

shan: ok lor.. dun say dun say lor.. i now bad mood sia.. no mood fight w u..
ya, tat guy was extremely ps la.. haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 23:52

u really v free hor .. haha .. thx for e articles .. =)

y u bad mood .. cheer up k ^_^ u nv tok back i bu xi guan leh .. haha .. kidding .. u saw mi today, so muz happy k .. haha ..

wah, u really v 挑剔 leh .. boiled water oso not 合口味 .. really not??


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 23:55

quizzy_me, ya can watch repeat.. but as u said, no fun. but after watching juz now d result 4 d gals...(-_-!) y tat huixian was out? prefer her than d o/r gal!!!

shall c wat's d result 4 d guy...


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2007 00:02

wah kor! wat kind of result is tis? aiyo... dun wan watch d ccs final liao... xian!!!

nite all~


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2007 00:03

opps... posted twice... ;p


Blogger Uncle Phil | 14 August, 2007 00:13

I also feel that Marcus performance tonight was better than Ben.
Still the 1st season Campus Superstar better than this season. Same goes to Singapore Idol & Project Superstar. Seem likes the 1st season are always the Best.
Ya lor, I also won't be watching the Final. Better go and support our MLB. Yeah...


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2007 00:18

haha. ya today's results is a little unexpected. aiya don't talk about this le ba.

I wonder how will milubing feel or what their first reaction will be if they know one day there's contestants of such competitions singing their songs. But I know we have to support la, cos they r going through what milubing use to experience ba. haha. just my thoughts.


Blogger qing qing | 14 August, 2007 00:19

ya.. all e 1st season de r always better.. haha..

shan: haiz... shuo lai hua chang.. getting high blood pressure soon.. i v guai de.. wun tok back de.. heh heh.. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2007 00:23

i think it'll be real cool. hearing other ppl singing your songs, SHIOK leh. haha! w have man zu gan~ las time keep singing other ppl de songs... in the future surely will have ppl singing their songs. wait for superband season 2 loh~ haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2007 00:32

kk .. cheer up .. high bld pressure .. so serious ar, nid mi call ambulance ma .. haha .. kidding .. eh, guai ?!? plz lor, u sure u nv tok back ma .. haha ..

ehh .. gotta slp le .. nitez ppl .. sweet dreams ..


Blogger Uncle Phil | 14 August, 2007 00:40

Hi meikian,
Has Biru & yourself find out the signboards thingy?


Blogger Uncle Phil | 14 August, 2007 00:40

Oh, still got the banner?


Blogger qing qing | 14 August, 2007 00:44

shan: dun need la.. die le better! wahaha.. =P den dun needa rush projs, reports n hw!! haha.. rush till i think needa go IMH liao..

ya lor.. v shiok to hear ppl sing ur own songs de.. heehee.. i always v qi dai ppl to sing MLB songs when performing or having comp... =P


Blogger Uncle Phil | 14 August, 2007 00:47

its time to zzzzz,
good nitez & sweet dreamz to mlb family.


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2007 01:04

uncle phil,
eh, biru asked liaoos. she say she'll check n let us know again. so probably we wait for her reply first lorhs. if dun have then we find one day come out n make or what bahs. banner ah, duno lerhs. think we dunid banner bah, no place hang also. =.= the boards should be enough. wait for her reply loh...


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2007 01:28

die le better? pls don't say that, it's very scary, although I know you don't mean it.

do a board that represents milubing, think that will be enough? haha duno leh. haha.

good night =D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2007 01:30

WQ, aiyo so blur, 1 yr in campus oredi still can get sooooo lost. not staying in hostel!! poor thing, must get up very early for morning classes then. u hv my sympathies. hey dat's a pretty funny description of your bro. didnt know he can change his hair colour accordin to mood. next time ask him to "perform" for us ;) happy, den hair is pink, sad, den hair turn blond, angry, turn black and good mood, turn to a nice warm brown colour. so nic is superman, you are spiderman, then sam must be a character from X-men. let's call him "the visualiser", a new superhero from X-men! haha, but dunno wat super power he has? let u guys decide!
hope my tag not too cold for you. tonite a bit warm so shld be ok to hv some cool air. u guys hv a great week ahead! nite.


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2007 08:41

haha hello mm jie. u very funny la.

zao an da jia hao =D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2007 08:47

Heyo, here's another way to win priority passes for the concert.

From I-weekly (5 pairs of passes):

问:请写出其中一位会出席《Yes 933新加坡金曲奖造势活动-醉心龙虎榜爆唱会》的一人名字。

输入 [IH][答案][身份证号码][姓名][性别][email],传到73388。

例子:IH Ans 7612345B Lee Yun Hui F leeyh@yahoo.com


Good Luck!

oh and just to summarise, what we know of is tt there're currently 3 ways to win the priority passes-

1)listen to 就是万人迷
2)The Bonus Page @ www.cruzteng.com

do add on if you guys know of more ways. hope many will be able to win. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2007 08:48

i realise i got typo. oops. hahas...

问:请写出其中一位会出席《Yes 933新加坡金曲奖造势活动-醉心龙虎榜爆唱会》的艺人名字。

cheers =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2007 10:09

wooh, cos our papers all over le so now classes are less stressful now. haha. yeah, saw another C in another test paper that i just got back today, wee~

thanks arh meikian, no school today? haha =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2007 10:12

morning !

aiyo, u ok not .. sound so serious ..

helping lorita to relay msg coz she too bz le, n tis is wat she wanna say: hi sam, take care of urself .. im in office now ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2007 11:26

heh heh.. hello!!!

shan: haha.. today ok le.. heehee.. cos presentations all over le!! YEAH!! =P
now only left exams.. =.= SIANZ!!
oh ya, did i ask if u gg for tat thing on 25aug?
i wanna slp liao la.. yawnz..

meikian: thanks thanks.. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2007 11:50

how's ur presentation ?? 25 aug ? tot i told u liao, i feel like going, but sure alot ppl de .. haha ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2007 11:53

shan: haiz.. terrible horrible vegetable!! teacher says e topic i do on is too little.. haizzz..
oh ya hor.. u told mi yesterday.. =X
u in sch today?


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2007 12:07

aiyo .. ehh, i at home .. lata gotta go work .. thur i might b in sch ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2007 13:13

yup sure a lot of ppl. If there's Stephanie Sun then sure got a lot of ppl. That was what we discussed last saturday. Thats why they planning to go very early? lolol. I'm not sure for myself, but if nothing crops up I should be there too.

come back later, I do ppt first...


Blogger Jodie [: | 14 August, 2007 16:02

Hmms. Sam really hen choosy.
Hehes =P.

Anyway, here's a joke. (:

Q. 你避上眼睛的时候,你会看到什么?

Have fun guessing XD.


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2007 16:17

Hi uncle Phil, yup. my eyes very sharp de. Hmm, how to write email address in chinese de? May I ask u guys a question? does weiqi and sam have brothers or sisters? And how old are they? Don't mind if I ask this question horz? Hehex... Uncle Phil, u got friendster mahz? Why u added me in msn and then u never online de? I hope to hear from u soon. Thanks! =)

Si min.


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2007 16:22

Sam have jiejie but not sure if weiqi's one is jiejie or meimei. yep. How old? That doesn't really matter ba? haha.

Uncle phil usually online in msn at night. But not everyday? haha.

Jodie, I saw black color? Sorry la I sucks at riddles.


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2007 16:29

Hi quizzy. Ok, i know le. Nice to meet u. Can we be friends? I hope that u won't mind. Hahax... Did u watch campus superstar yesterday night? Hui Xian and Marcus out lehz... I should say that Zheng Ning should be out instead of Hui Xian. Didn't u agreed with me? I hope to hear from u soon. Hahax...

Si min.


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2007 16:53

weiqi's one is a meimei. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2007 16:59

Aiyo! The media..会不会闷 ah?! Always report the same thing about MLB. Is that all they can talk about MLB..repeat and repeat. Is there anything we don't know from the media? I know it is exposure.. but try new tricks ma! wa lau ai!


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2007 17:02

thanks anonymous.

Si min, can arh. U might want to get my msn from those who have it. Just try not to talk to me when I'm having class jiu dui le.

Yes I watched too. Well, forget it la, it's over anyway.


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2007 17:08

relac ba 闷死人. I think I mentioned before long ago - look like we know the guys better than they do. haha. But give them a break ba, maybe they thought there are people who still don't know them. haha. don't know leh.

Talking about this, part of my wish is to be the lucky journalist to interview milubing one day, be it for my school magazine or best still, if I can be the writer for the more established magazines one day. wahahaha =D! Will my wish come true? Looking forward to the day...yeah~ =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2007 17:59

going home lo~ bye!


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2007 18:52

hello everyone here, bac to tag. [ii shall not mention names, cos too many to name. lolxx.]

yup, fully agree with quizzy tt we actually noe the guyz more than the journalist do. cos we are their 头号粉丝 mahz. haha! rite rite?! we got the chance to get to noe them more whenever there are events, bt the journalist interview them becos of work, so tts so much diff laa. bt sumtimes we relay on their reports on all the media too. so tt we noe them much more betta. isnt it?! and yesh, they alwaes repeat the same thing in various forms of media, ii think mayb they cant reveal much too. so now is our job to get to noe them more on our own. haha! so many rubbish ii am typing, bt it make sense rite?! lolxx.

quizzy, u may succeed one day if u focus on ur dream. do wad u like and not do wad u dont. cos u will 后悔一辈子 de. wad course u taking in tp huh?! ii very sad lor, cant do things ii like, cos ii seriously took the wrong course for my diploma, very sad lehz. haiz, gotta work harder in the future to pursue my dreamz le. jiayou!!

qing, dun stress laa! preparing exam is more 轻松 den doing projs bahz, no need to relay on team work. rite rite?! and forgot to ask ya, 王子帅吗? haha!

sorry, super long tag bt one last thing, please dun ask any personal questions bout the boyz in here, try to avoid, if u really wanna noe, u can ask the boyz urself. ii think the boyz have the rights to keep their own private matter. so gotta depends on them?!!! heez, no offence yea.


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2007 18:58

*typo error*

quizzy, ii noe u are in RP instead of TP! paiseh! studyin in TP one are qing and shan. haha!

ii mentioned we relay on the media sumtimes cos we cant probably ask them like, "wad u like to eat or wad u dont" or "you dun like ppl sit on ur bed huh?" LOL!! haha!


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2007 19:12

MiLuBing Jiayou!!
Looking forward next Sat Performance...

Take Care & Smile....


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2007 19:23

oya, ii heard Get Alive on 93.3 in the evening. one more song for us to vote le! yipee! bt where to get more coupons?! =[

是不是每一个Yes93.3时段的节目都能让我们有机会赢得Yes93.3醉心龙虎榜街头爆唱会的贵宾席通行证? cos they were giving out the VIP passes during 3+pm de programme. the question kinda difficult. did morning's programme gave out any VIP passes??


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2007 19:26

start playing get alive already? okayys... GOOD =D

most likely there's more than one time slot tt gives away the tics, if not all. those who tune in to 933 whole day can update us? haha. i listened to yi zhou hao xiao yao ytd but fell asleep so din know if they gave away the passes.


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2007 19:49

YEAH!! 93.3 were playing So Sad jz now!!! yipee~ hen high lehz!!! den chong qing were giving out the VIP passes by the question of, wad song were they playing? as in when they were playing so sad. hahaha! HIGH~!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2007 19:52

how come 933 playing so many mlb songs all of a sudden? lols.

those who can make it for the event try to come... cuz i think we got boards n banners, u guys can help to hold. haha... =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2007 20:04

haha! tts why we very HIGH mahz!!! YEAH!! we can help to hold and cover our face as well, if not our faces will be appear on various forms of media again. -_-|||


Blogger Uncle Phil | 14 August, 2007 20:35

Hi meikian & Biru,
Thank you very much for getting the signboards & banners ready. Yeah, we will look more like a MLB FC with all these thingy.
Agree with meikian that those who are free and available on next Sat, please make an effort to show your support for MLB. We want to see as many fans as possible.
Ya shihui, you are right. Very HIGH now, although the event is on next Saturday evening. lol
Hi quizzy,
Thanks for helping me to answer si min. You are right, I only online MSN after 10 or 11pm. Hahaha...


Blogger Uncle Phil | 14 August, 2007 23:37

Understand that all taken their "o"-level mother-tongue already got back their results.
Congrats to all mlbians with good results. Those that did not do well, do not be disappointed & sad, you can try again.
Don't know when you guys/gals got your results? Haha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 August, 2007 23:43

well, looked like it is. xian ge ji yi was giving out VIP tickets too, then i fell asleep le. haha.

Shihui, I'm in RP taking Biomedical Sciences. I can't choose courses like mass comm because my English was B3 only. I know can appeal la, but label me as lazy ba - find that process very troublesome, so ended up choosing my next preference which is science le. Cos I'm interested in studying about diseases too. But that more for 'learning for fun' de la. yups...haha.

U jia you too. The CCA i'm involved in is writing for magazines de. WHICH IS WHAT I WANT. haha. writing is fun, but rushing for deadlines is not fun. haha.

yes uncle phil, you're welcome. haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2007 00:27

haha .. shihui mix up mi, qing n quizzy le ..

i gotta slp liao .. nitez peepz n sweet dreams ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2007 00:40

Uncle Phil,
the olvl CL results were released yesterday... [Monday] yupps. no problem about the boards... have to thank uncle anthony cuz he'll be bringing them down for us.

cheers =D


Blogger Uncle Phil | 15 August, 2007 00:49

Attn Fellow MLBians:
Please remember to cast your votes for 泪 by :

1) Call 1900-912 0933 then key your phone numbers # follow by selecting 1 and finally key 6#.

2) SMS to 72346: Key POTP933(space)lei or 泪.

Note: 20cents per call & 30cents per msg.
Each phone can only make 1 call & 1 SMS.


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2007 01:05

=) =) =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2007 01:11

ok i just voted via sms n tel


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2007 01:18

Goodnite Mlbians... thanks for the Jiayos.. :p


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2007 01:23

Hi Wei Qi..so late still haven't sleep?No class tommorrow meh?

I was just about to log off then saw you tag..hehe


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2007 01:29

Nitey WEIQI ..
Aiyo still haven slp eh..

NiTex & JIAYO !
S m i l e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2007 01:34

very 'early' hor? nites~


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2007 01:54

good night weiqi =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2007 02:02

whoa, weiqi so late still hanging around the comp? haha..

school tomorrow! :( *double sighs!*

getting late already! nighty all :DD


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2007 06:46

hi weiqi
gd morning !!!!!u also muz jia you


Anonymous Anonymous | 15 August, 2007 13:02

Hello MLBians. How are u? Hope that all are fine. Hmm, uncle phil, can u briefly describe urself? Hahax... Although we did not meet each other before, I can feel that u are a friendly person. Hahax... Hmmm, if I am living in the North part, who am I goiing to find people to go to the events together with me? Anyone living in the north part too? Hahax... Quizzy, how are u? Hmm, anyone have quizzy's msn? Hahax... All MLBians can add me in msn at Charolette16@hotmail.com. Thanks a lot worx! =)

Si Min a.k.a MLBians


Blogger qing qing | 15 August, 2007 13:18

morning!! so tired.. think mayb go slp agn.. *yawnz*

shihui: YEAH!! exams better than projs cos i dun hav to wait for my frens to send mi their work.. heh heh.. how r u? =P

lorita: WOW!! u wake up so early??!!

quizzy: WA!! ur eng so gd!! haha.. i only got C6!! wahaha..

meikian: get back ur chinese results liao hor.. v gd, gong xi ni.. if no gd, nvm, can retake or do better for other papers! =)

weiqi: so late still haven slp!! >.<

i saw SAM twice yesterday!! haha.. acty wanted to use it, but dun hav e card.. =.= went pasir ris 7-11 buy stamps, out of stock!! went bugis de, finally have! =P

oh ya, jus now when i was half aslp n awake, bout 12+, think 933 giving out tix oso.. b4 tat, they were playing Get Alive!! acty v slpy, but hear liao, v happy!! haha.. den went to slp agn.. =X i heard shi ying at 1 of e shops in bugis junction yesterday! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 13:03

hahas..nic look sooo emo with ur daddi worrx...lol


Anonymous Anonymous | 16 August, 2007 13:14



Anonymous Anonymous | 18 August, 2007 16:20

hahas..damn emo seh...btw nic ur camp is it at sembawang cos tat tym i saw u at sembawang interchange worrx


Anonymous Anonymous | 21 August, 2007 15:34

nic is so damn shuai lar


Anonymous Anonymous | 26 August, 2007 10:32

hi nic...
miz u lots...
i'm studying in ums sabah now...
cant get ur latest news frm either channel u channel 8 or 933...
so sad...
cant even get ur new album...
but i'll support mlb 4eva...
trust me!
jia you!!!

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