
milubing | 11 August, 2007 00:26

long time no bloggie! anyways...soon my crazy hectic days be over..gonna get some rest after ndp! been madness...wanna take some time thanks some ppl like YOU YOU & YOU for supporting us tru the promo period n the entire superband thingy...now the first wave of the album promo thingy is over...we'll just hope for gd results so that the band survives in e market to bring ya guyz more music aye?...remember this guy?..hehe..no prizes for guessing..but just tot spice the blog up abit..long time since i posted a pic...smilez...


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Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 00:32

wa...so many Jiayos in the preev post!!! thanks ppl! hey hey..i'm first to tag...


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 00:33

Nic...Long time never see you post!
I am so glad to see you posted something..

Make sure you have a lot of rest!!You must be tired after the NDP yesterday hor..

Take good care!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 00:34

Wei Qi,aiyoh..why you tag first!!
I thought I am the first leh!


Blogger Unknown | 11 August, 2007 00:35

woah, cool pic.

hello nic and weiqi!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 00:46

HEYO nic n weiqi! =D

hahaas... wait for u so long lerrs. LOLS!

NICE PIC! chao shuai de. hahas... where izit taken at? and i seriously think you look shuai without specs larhs! forget it if u dun wan to believe me. LOLS~

finally can rest le yah? so how was the performance? hahas... bet it was good. didnt get to watch it. sighhs~

long time no see you guys le! 2 weeks! haha. i bet everyone are missing ya guys. hope for more events soon... YEAH~ JIAYOU! =D



Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 00:48

Wow, Nic look cool without glasses too.

Did Nic marched for NDP? haha, didn't saw him.


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 00:52

hello nic! it's been a while yea..i miss gg to auto sessions to support u guys..suddenly no more event liao abit weird..but ya, we'll get used to it..i hope ndp has been great for u yea..we tried to go to e merlion area hoping to hear ur performance but guess we got thr too late..too mani ppl liao..n we were stuck on tt bridge or wadever it's called for super long.. >.< anyway, hope u are having a gd rest now eh.. :)

weiqi, u v disiao lei..y u tag first sia..are u n nic tog? y so zhun tag arnd e time he blog ar..haha..anyway, jiayou for e new sem yea.. :)

sam, enjoy wadever u are doing now..cont to go under e sun to exercise n keep fit.. :)

jus a reminder, mlbian gathering at shifu's restaurant, eighteen chefs, tml at 1pm..we'll be in black..hope to cya all.. ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 00:59

ya larhs i went there to try n listen to the pre parade... then in the end stuck here stuck there, by the time we actually got to settle down at a proper place, half the parade over liao. haha...

and yahh... hope to see more MLBians tomorrow! please come down n help us with the coupons yah? thanks! =D

nic, now very free right? tomorrow come n join us lorh. hahas! =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 01:04

Hey long time no see blogger, how ya doing? Din see you on TV leh, really a small kalafair role hor. Hahaha...

Whats that? Black tights?! *horrified* hahaha... I know the place you take this pic... guess guess, Chimes?

Weiqi, sch reopen liao, missed your holiday? Where is your surprise for us? And did you get a place to sleep... or to work in your school this yr not? Maybe if you help to clean up the pathway or help on the gardening you might be able to get a bed there at one of the hall. Hee, just joking. Its' weekend!

Yoz Sam, when is our racing day?


Blogger qing qing | 11 August, 2007 01:08

WA!! nic finally tag liao wor.. haha..

nic: really lei.. didnt wear specs v shuai.. wahaha..
u n ur father look alike.. haha..
yeah yeah!! finally u can hav come rest! =P

weiqi: WA!! u here oso!! heehee.. v busy ba.. more rest more wor.. n rmb to eat hor.. =D

shan: eh eh.. faster c.. is he e one u saw yesterday? lol..


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 01:09

meikian! u v pian xin lei..y u ask nic nv ask sam n weiqi?? tsk tsk..


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 01:12

whoa. of cos I remember him (if I say 'guy' or 'man' or whoever, I think I would sound rude). haha. Send my regards to uncle and amanda ok? haha. and as for u, congrats for regaining your little freedom? haha.

weiqi, hello =D!

Sam's MIA again? =O! haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 01:15

ok lorh... weiqi n sam, if you all free can come also. HAHA. aiya. say shuang only larhs.people where got so free like us! haha... =.=

tell your dad tt he's also POWER LAH! like MLB. haha. he's really supportive of ya guys larhs. =D and tt pic's really cool. hahas...

ohya. got mi lu on your first day in school not? hahas... =P hope all's going well for ya in school so far. jiayous!

hao jiu bu jian le. hahas. still keeping fit? =) takecares!


Blogger qing qing | 11 August, 2007 01:16

quizzy: u pian xin!!(haha.. i learn from yuaping..) wahaha.. didnt send ur regards to nic's mummy!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 01:21

oh ya, nic u say u guys hoped for good results right? I shall give 2 sets of "4 digits", just in case u all overlooked my previous previous tags. haha.

4875 (or is it 3875?) - the positions milubing's album is at in the CD rama best seller chart for the past 4 weeks.

1213 is the positions that milubing's album is at in the Sembawang Music Centre best seller chart for the past 4 weeks. yeah. hope that helps? haha.

The 5th week's result will be updated after this weekend...hehe.


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 01:22

-_-! ok ok, i rephrase. nic, send my regards to your family? haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 01:31

meikian, i oso noe u say shuang onli..haha..eh i not free lor..i v busy de..lols..i'm qi gek abt ytd.. >.<

quizzy, mlb's album was ranked 3rd on e first wk at cd rama rite..den 4th 8th..aft tt i nv check liao..heh..


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 01:33

lols. i also not free! hahas... aiya, ytd... dont say liao. tomorrow i bring knife n kill ppl le. hahaha... =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 01:35

~.~ pinky jie, now that u mention, i can't remember too. haha. first 2 weeks de, I follow the website, last two i follow what I saw in CD rama outlet. yep. haha.

thanks anyway ;D


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 01:37

oh ya, was at Sun plaza CD rama when I saw the chart - it says the latest result is number 6. But Causeway Point de is number 5. But the staff say this result is for the whole Singapore's CD rama and not that branch alone leh. weird.

haha never mind la, it's still in top 10 jiu dui le. well done guys ;)!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 01:42

WOW.. Nice Pic Lek NIC ... U LoOk COOL Man ~ Wear All Black Somemore ... Hee~

Do Hope To Cya Guyz Real Soon ..
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 02:12

*shy* aiya so bu hao yi si to say this; but still, nic arh, hope to see you visiting (and tagging =P) at http://lostsoldiersmlb.blogspot.com whenever u r available. thanks lot lot =D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 02:13

yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey~~


Blogger Uncle Phil | 11 August, 2007 02:24

Wow, I am slow leh. Still at the previous post tagging.
Was busy going thru my old i-weekly magazines, and managed to cut out 16 voting coupons. Shall bring down to the gathering later.

Hi Nic,
You indeed looks more shuai w/o your specs. And you look more likes a rocker in full black.
Fyi, your dad looks more slim. Must be busy sending & fetching you to events & home. Remember to show more love to your dad, and of course your family.
Finally can have more times to relax & rest. Jia-you in whatever you are doing.

Hi WeiQi,
Hope you no longer "mi lu" when you returned back for a new semester (2nd year)? All the Best to you in your study & continue to jia-you.

Hi Sam,
You gone missing while your 2 brothers are here. Still busy doing exercising to keep fit or busy taking nice pics to share with us? You too, must jia-you in whatever you are doing.

In case those did not see my tag at the previous post:
Since many mlbians are asking for another mass comms. Ok, we shall continue another mass comms tonight (Sat) at 11pm. Wondering Li Whey will has her ghost story ready? Those who are interested, please be online with your MSN.

Hi Quizzy,
Thought I told you that MLB album was at 3rd place for the 1st week of Best Seller Chart at CD Rama. Anyway, seem likes the CD Rama Best Seller Chart was not accurate. As I ever mentioned before, there was 1 day when I stepped into the Hougang Mall branch to purchase MLB album. Then I am very sure I saw MLB album at 3rd place but when I left that time I saw the albums (3 copies) were placed at 4th place. If not wrong, got 2 girls changed MLB album with Lee Hom album, cos they were holding Lee Hom album.
As what you said: Till now MLB album still at the Top 10 Best Seller Chart at all major CD Stores. Yeah...

Hi Fellow MLBians,
Do not forget this afternoon MLBians' gathering. Try to be there if you are available, or at least just drop by and help in filling up the voting coupons. Thanks in advance.


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 02:36


oh yeah... haha =D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 03:05

yea, it's a long time since u blogged.
finally u appeared.

nice pic btw.
u look like a punk rocker. :DD
heh heh.
jiayou eh!
dun tire urself out.
rmb to get sufficient rest! (:

we're awaiting for more gd music too!
so mus jiayou jiayou jiayou!
heh heh.
eyes half closed liao, bt i sound so high. =.="

goos night and take care! xDD


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 03:11

quizzy: haha.. if nic go there, think u'll like him more than sam liao ba!! wahaha.. =P
den there'll b a flood agn liao.. hohoho..

nite nite.. yawnz.. =/


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 03:15

qq, =P!

nitey =D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 03:26

haha! Nic looks like a black panther to me.. n must be yr dad's hero. MLB/mlbian keep up the gd wk! jiayou!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 09:16

finally,nic Kor blog le
u muz take gd rest lol..

Once again,GAMBETTE !!!!

u seem missing in action...
where have u been?????juz curious

GOOD MORNING!!!!!!c u guys later at shifu's rest.


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 09:27

ehh... 'now the first wave of the album promo thingy is over...'


hope there's gaiban larhs~ havent got to see the mvs yet! =P paiseh call up warner n ask... hahas. if got gaiban n events, hope w be soon... if not exams coming, dunid to go liaoo. =.=



Blogger Uncle Phil | 11 August, 2007 10:02

Halo gd morning MLB Family,
Ya, I am also waiting for the gai ban with MVs. Hopefully it will be released soon, then we have chance to see MLB performing again.

Wow, another 3hrs will be having MLBians' gathering at ShiFu's restaurant~Eighteen Chefs. Hope to see many new MLBians there!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 13:09

heyy..hoho...HmMm...realli lyk all de song frm mlb de new album hope tat milubing will release their second album soonnn...yeah..yeah..gonna takekare worrx...



Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 13:19

hello guys
long time no see nic
and you look really cool in that pic w/o ur specs
i nearly cant recognise until a second glance
like father like son
both of you look so cool and handsome
son and father went emo?
rest well MLB

SMILE (((((((((((((((((((:


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 14:19

long time no see!! woah u look different w/o ure specs, but still look like ure daddy's son. haha, of cos rit, wat am i talking abt. my fingers are crossed as well cos many established singers are releasing their albums ard this time so u guys are up against some v stiff competition. well hou lang must tui jian lang so also hope u guys hv great results. So will there be 2nd wave promo? hope so!.... and WQ, why u compete with us for 1st tag??


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 14:45


nic blogging.. :) nic looks emo.. lol.. nic's daddy looks so hippy oso! heh..

i miss the promo period! we need more events with MLB! will certainly enlighten our dull days :D heh.. sam is probably relaxing as usual? weiqi back to the hectic school life? *wondering* hmmmm..

and i've bought the teenage magazine! :D to confirm again its the september issue with rainie yang's cover page :D and.. and the funny thing is - NICK ; again.. haha.. same error as the CD advertisement :P

uncle phil, no ghost story lah! later min escape from the conversation oso! haha~ see how can think of any tonight..

*and sorry peeps, i am not down for the 'gathering' cos exams coming.. cannot go out on weekends to "play" already.. sorry sorry :(*


Blogger Jodie [: | 11 August, 2007 15:21


I got hold the Teenage mag oredi.
The reporter asked them where to find the BEST ice-milo.

Nic said was his home.
Sam said was 7-11.
Weiqi said should try ice-blended.





Blogger binz | 11 August, 2007 16:05

wah nic sure is frm head to toe all black huh. black hair black top black bottoms black shoes. eh i think he look shuai-er in specs leh. but w/o specs still shuai larh(:

haiyo din manage to go down to 18 chefs today. wonder how was it there today..


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 16:27

haha .. eh, e person whom i saw at breeks shld b nic ba .. haha ..

ehh, r u at breeks after e ndp performance, if yes, then e person whom i saw is u wor .. n i found tt u look dame shuai w/o spec .. haha ..

yes yes .. u r e first .. happy hur .. haha ..


Blogger qing qing | 11 August, 2007 16:47


shan: haha.. confirm ma? lol.. eh.. today got mass conv lei.. online lei.. u didnt join us for mass conv b4 lor.. >.<
c, i now v guai, faster finish my hw.. den at nite can tok to others! =)

ya hor, sam like missing.. haha.. =P

how's e gathering?


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 16:56

haha .. shld b ba .. c nic got reply mi not lor .. haha .. mass conv ar .. i shld b online lata ba, but i dunno i will b doing my proj not coz i now still doing lor .. ehh, u guai ?!? ermm .. *thking* haha .. =P


Blogger qing qing | 11 August, 2007 17:31

shan: eh.. faster do lei.. i oso needa do later.. waiting for my frens to send mi theirs.. den i compile.. acty is one of them compile de, but i think i compile better.. wahaha.. =P
of cos i'm guai la.. think wat huh!! >.<


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 17:42

how ar u guys ??????


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 17:57

lata i faster do then wrong how, major project proposal leh .. haha .. wahh, u compile .. u steady de ma .. haha .. ya la ya la .. u v e guai la .. *vomit*


Blogger qing qing | 11 August, 2007 18:23

shan: eh.. i v steady de la.. haha.. but hor.. acty this is my first time compiling lei.. =X
wa proposal ar.. our grp last min do de lor.. haha.. we separate e work.. den mon needa hand in, i sun evening den do lor.. wahaha.. den my frens they all mon afternoon den finish lor.. all rushing like siao.. den behind de, anyhow do liao.. but hor.. teacher say not bad lor!! lol.. quite detailed.. wahaha..
eh, u dun anyhow vomit here hor!! so smelly.. >.<


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 18:27

just feel like shouting that.
take care and rest well. (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 18:32

how ar u ???
when i can meet u le
my MILK album le


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 18:38

huh .. u first time compile ar .. better compile properly wor .. haha .. steady la, last min do teacher say not bad .. haha .. aiya, u help mi clean up la .. haha .. kk, i gtg bath le .. then go market eat dinner liao .. bye~


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 18:58

min x)): i can hear u scream. LOL.

was imagining how nic will look like without specs when ma li said in the 933 interview that he was wearing contacts. now i see the photo. lol. (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 19:06

so so so sorry i forgot to bring it the other day. too anxious then chiong out of the house so forgot to bring. dui bu qi oh! please remind me okay. (:

haha i dont think i scream as loudly as you do okay. no wait, i think sometimes i do. like last thursday. :D and thanks for believing in me. hehe.


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 19:31

Hi Nic..u look more n more healthy ler. The one next to U... daddy?
MLB jiayou!


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 20:00

"uncle phil, teenage is not a magazine only for teenagers ah. go get a copy too kay! (:"

just what i wanted to say. haha. teenage 是不分年龄的! (:

hope to see MLB on i-weekly cover soon! haha.

and i just noticed: DADnSONwentEMO
what a title. lol.


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 20:01

oH!! tts NIC without specs!!!
ii still tot who's tt guy sia?! *pengz*
hahaha, looks so different!!! ohmy! if one day ii met nic without specs on the street, wouldnt have recognise him. hahaha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 20:10

min. x)) sometimes louder than mi can. LOL. the only thing is we scream different things at different times for different purposes. hahah!

i want my copy of teenage! aye. the ah pek's magazine stall i passed by today still dont have this month's issue. tsk.


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 20:19

MISS SAM + Weiqi + Nic Kor = MLB

how ar u guys????

Min.X))& miko....i'm screaming wif u guys too.....


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 20:22

hello NIC!
haha. yeah. two handsomes in the pic rite. =D

oh miko, now then i noe u're aud.. hahah. slow. -.-"


Blogger Uncle Phil | 11 August, 2007 20:34

Anyone here is keen for the mass comms tonight?
According to Li Whey, she might not has a ghost story to tell. Anyone wanna take over? hahaha
Stay online if wanna involve in the mass comms, its at 11pm tonight.


Blogger qing qing | 11 August, 2007 20:53

yes yes! i wan mass conv.. but i dunno i can or not lei.. =(

shan: eh eh eh!! so smelly wan mi to clean for u! >.< later i clean till halfway, i vomit oso.. wahaha.. den u clean for mi ar.. lol..


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 21:00

haha hi syl (: staying for mass conv tonight? i think i'll be late though. want to chiong finish one essay plan and some math before enjoying the mass conv later!


Blogger Unknown | 11 August, 2007 21:19

both min. x)) and miko(: are very loud. tsk tsk.


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 21:33

yeah. I will be 'there'. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 21:57

haha i think i jump and run around more than i scream. (: everywhere will always be big enough for me to run and jump. tsk, i think i'm uber hyper can.

yay let's all scream together then!
but one question.. what are we screaming about? hehe.

i am not very loud okay! although sometimes i don't know why the whole lt can hear when i say something stupid during lecture. :x

i think i'm feeling high.
but then again, i can't find the reason why.


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 22:08

i prefer nic in specs leh..my mom and bro too..

nic..dun throw away ya specs ok ?


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 22:21

min, u r crazy~~ haha.

oh yeah qq asked how's the gathering right? cool. shifu's restaurant got great food with great prices served by great waiter and waitress and got wonderful music. We know the waitress. hahaha :P.

so grateful to her...yeah


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 22:23

haha.. no one willing to take my job tonight :x lol! we shall limit the conversation till 1am or something.. or else every one will keep talking and talking.. and there'll be no ends to it.. haha.. 2 hours should be enough right? lol! :x

i thought nic's eyes looked a little smaller without specs.. haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 22:53

i think i'm crazy too. study until brain sot diao already i guess. ):

yay don't find people to take over you la. it's fine this way. hehe. i'll appear at 12am ba. for now, i've got tonnes of work to do. sad.



Blogger qing qing | 11 August, 2007 22:54

quizzy: how u noe e waitress? ya ya.. e food is nice.. my frens oso say tat.. but we go 1 time only.. den i bu gan go agn liao.. haha.. cos tat time we go v noisy.. den i keep insisting i wan e sofa seats.. =X but it's full le, den i keep making noise.. haha.. my frens say v paiseh! >.<


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 22:54

hmmm...i'm screaming for JJ Lin


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 22:55

i like nic kor without specs lol


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 23:09



Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 23:34

today's gathering was... okay lorh. hahas. though few ppl turned up... but we had a fun time laughing n pasting the coupons. =P

hope to see more ppl next time! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 11 August, 2007 23:47

handsome handsome guy liaoz lol. :D

mlb confirm can survive the market one !
dun worry hehs.



Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 00:52

you look nice with contacts! =D keep shining! (((:

Matt 7:7


Blogger quack91 | 12 August, 2007 01:24

All the best Nic!! u look super COol in tat pic.. Continue to rock on!! =)=)


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 01:41

today's mass conversation over already, today's topic, again about ghosts! haha.. nothing better to say eh? lol! but we still enjoyed right? heh..

nighty all :D


Blogger Uncle Phil | 12 August, 2007 02:10

Although just now the mass comms got lesser mlbians as compared to last week, but we indeed have a very fun night chatting about ghost & cutting, filing & polishing nails.
If there will be be another mass comms next Sat, think we will not talked or discuss about ghost. Cos, tomorrow (Monday) onwards will be chinese 7th mth (mth of the hungry ghost). This topic shall temporary freeze until the whole 7th mth is over.
Hope those in the mass comms did enjoy themselves.

Another 10 hours, shall have this week Yes933 Long Hu Bang results. Let's keep our fingers crossed and pray that Lei will hit Top 5 today.
This period of times really got many big names artistes on Yes933 Long Hu Bang, they are Jay Chou, S.H.E, Lee Hom, JJ Lin, Andy Lau, May Day & Nicholas Zhang, who are already in the music industrial for quite some times liao. We are glad that MLB can be on par with them.
We, MLBians will continue to votes very hard although it is very competitives.


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 02:15

YES i agree with u uncle phil ...
Hahax.. We'll continue 2 vote every week without fail de yea ...~

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 03:07

didn’t know that one can get drunk on sodagreen ... makes one want to remain in a drunken stupor forever ... hopefully, one may get drunk on milopeng one day ... in anticipation ... still so high ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 03:09

apologies for leaving the mass conversation half way. My internet tio cut. now then can connect back. haha.

good night lo~


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 03:16

haha u got drunk on sodagreen? OH YA! 11 August is sodagreen concert in our school. Totally forgotten. Should have drop by school to peep peep while going home mahz. haha.

it sounded fun? should have save up and buy tickets to watch too. lol!

hopefully one may get drunk by milopeng one day? haha.

cos i got the habit of listening to music in my comp while doing work in class mahz, then when I'm listening to my 'milopeng' (u get what i mean huh), i appeared to be reading the resources but my mind is with the music le. haha.

Of cos I know here we're talking about concert ba? haha. Yes, looking forward to milubing having their own concert. We shall all get drunk on milopeng then. 不醉不归!haha. milubing jia you!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 03:26

do work cannot listen to MLB... sure distracted one. today is very good proof. lols! =P

soda green's good.... but no $$ go buy tics to watch. hahas. bet the performance was gr8!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 03:28

yes! got drunk on sodagreen! for more than 3 hours. And still drunk. It's not just fun, it was very very very high. Didn't want to go home at all. Could have continued on and on and on. Don't think anyone would mind. Yes, a milo concert like this would be lovely, heavenly.


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 03:35

yeahhs let's hope tt there'll be a MLB concert/showcase soon. maybe something like F.I.R's... mini showcase will do! high enough lerrs~ =)

but i bet all of us will kana sore throat in the end. =.= hahas...


about 9 hours to the longhubang hurrs~ praying hard~ jiayou jiayou!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 03:42

aww~~ all of us will be indulged in milo paradise then...so shuan~~ haha. which is why "mlb power lah" ba? haha.

but u sober le ma? haha.

meikian, u were still complaining u r tired just now, now counting stars again huh? haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 03:48

i night creature leh. hahas... in the day always feel like sleeping, at night always play comp. tts why always see me online at night mahs~

i watching bao jia wei guo on mobtv. hahas... =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 04:03

nocturnal species eh? me too actually. haha. Me normall sleep very 'early' during non-school days de. haha. Can sleep as early as 5am or 6am. But today a bit 'lei' so wanted to go to sleep when my internet tio cut but suddenly internet reconnected again. haha.

now i shud really sleep le. haha. gd 'morning', hope will be able to wake up on time to listen to long hu bang. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 04:05

haha, remember in june i was trying to chiong the book? tt i really din sleep... do until 7am in the morning then msg u all. hahas.

okayyys~ i shall continue watching my show. hahas. nites! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 10:19

ooh! sorry i didn't appear yday.
or rather, today morning.
because i fell asleep studying! ):
i think really too tired already.

Long Hu Bang laters. :D

quizzy, i really think that one can get drunk drinking milopeng knows. hehe.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 12 August, 2007 10:26

Halo, good morning MLB Family.
Stay tune to Yes933, another 1 and the half hour we shall know the result of Lei on Yes933 Long Hu Bang. Already very excited now, just hope & wish that Lei will continue to move up on the chart and finally hitting the TOP position. Yeah...

Hi Quizzy,
Its ok that half-way thru the mass comms, you suddenly got cut-off by your internet connection. Don't worry, we understand de lah.


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 10:28

gd morning!!!!!!
looking foward for Long Hu Bang later =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 10:30

good morning uncle phil & Qiuzzy_me


Blogger Uncle Phil | 12 August, 2007 10:49

Hi Lorita,
Good morning to you too.
Hope you have a beautiful Sunday. Cheers...


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 11:34

hi Uncle Phil
hope u have a beautiful sunday too


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 12:11

i tot mlb will have performance soon
around august end
on 25th of august
for the jin qu jiang
annual awards de bao chang hui
mlb will be there to perform
i got the info from i weekly


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 12:32

omg,i'm so happy Flh new song is at no.18....waiting for JJ & MLB

all the best !!!!JJ & MLB


Blogger Uncle Phil | 12 August, 2007 12:40

Hi all,
confirm Lei is still in the Top 10 today.
Lets wait patiently for good result.


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 12:56

ohmygod!! so nervous!! ahhhh~
the same feeling as we waiting for superband results. haha!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 13:03

i'm so nervous too.....

how ar u ?????/didnt c u yesterday
i left early


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 13:05

s.h.e is next! ahhh.. so xing fen


Blogger binz | 12 August, 2007 13:09

lol we all want results to come out faster. but at the same time also dun wan it to come out so fast. so that their ranking can be at the top..


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 13:11

omg! mlb will be rank more than 8th place. aft this song is mayday and jj! let's continuewaiting..
and i hope to wait longer!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 13:12

hi lorita,
ii am fine thankyou! ii was there ard 2.30pm. haha! cya soon k. =]

oh! Mayday at position no.9!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 13:12

countdown for JJ & MLB results

so nervous......


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 13:14

welcome!!!!! c u on 25 Aug

Oh!JJ at no.8 "killer"


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 13:15

those who noe the results in advance de izzit noe it thru Yes93.3 webbie huh?! why ii cant enter the website?? >.<


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 13:16

whew, all mlbians tuning in to yes 93.3 with the nervous mood! >_<

*finger crossed*

we wanna hear improvements :D and i am sure there will be!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 13:16

its the webradio.

Yes933 Web Radio

try again?


Blogger binz | 12 August, 2007 13:18

yea all at the online radio to know first hand info!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 13:19

yup, ii noe its from the webradio, bt ii still cant enter the website! wads wrong with my net??!

wait, congrats to all first!! haha!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 13:19

haha.. binz.. not really actually cos the online radio is slightly slower den the normal radio but the online radio shows wad they'll be playing next.. so depends.. haha :p


Blogger binz | 12 August, 2007 13:20

ahhhh 6!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 13:20

LeeHom's Luo Ye Gui Gen @ #7...



Blogger Uncle Phil | 12 August, 2007 13:21

Yeah, 泪is at #6 for today's Yes933龙虎榜.
Thanks to those MLBians who has contributed and make this a success.
Let's continue to votes very hard until 泪 hit the TOP of the chart. Yes, with the MLB's spirit and the Unity of all MLBians. I have confident that 泪 will hit the TOP of the chart in no time. MLB Family Power-Lah.


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 13:21

results are out.

LEI AT #6! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 13:21


'lei' is 6th in position? am i right?!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 13:21

mlb was rank 6th


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 13:21

泪 is No.6 this wk! slowly...but surely is moving up the chart. Congrats!


Blogger binz | 12 August, 2007 13:22

hahah we all siao liao. ppl still playin no. 7 song then we all here feng diao for no. 6 de lei!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 13:23


haha.. chao ganchiong... but at least we advanced 2 places. let's all jiayou for next week! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 13:23

泪 is No.6
Congrats !!!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 13:23

YEAH!! 2 ranks above!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 13:25

improvement once again.
sixth placing.

繼續加油! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 13:25

haha.. yupp.. we're fast people :D haha.. before they actually announce we're "celebrating" here already.. even though its just an improvement of 2 positions, i belive 'lei' will slowly move up the chart.. so, dun kan chiong ppl! :D like wad someone said before.. those songs who moves up the chart very quickly, they'll drop out of the chart very quickly too :D

we will have better results next week :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 13:26

lets all sing LEI together!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 13:28

YEAH! lets sing.. haha :D:D


Blogger binz | 12 August, 2007 13:28

haha yea.. as the saying goes yu su ze bu da. or smth like that? (: and recently got those overseas de big shots so mlb can be on par is great~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 13:29

duo shao yan lei dou wu suo wei
wo bi shang yan jing bu neng shui
zhi xi wang ni gei wo yi xie an wei
zhe xie yan lei dou wu suo wei
zhen xin de dui dai zui zhen gui
wo hui tou xiang qi ai qing de tian mei
yong yuan bu hou hui ~~~

:D :D :D :D :D


Blogger Uncle Phil | 12 August, 2007 13:29

Lei has accumulated 15pts from today's result.
Total to date, Lei has accumulated 28pts.


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 13:30

so shuang hearing the 'Number 6' then followed by the starting of Lei. haha....

yeah jiayou jiayou!! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 13:30



Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 13:31

LIVE performance at Millenia Walk on 25th aug!!!
cant wait to join the power of milubing live performance!!!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 12 August, 2007 13:38

Congrats MLB, and really thank you very much to all who has been votings very hard. We, MLB Family are POWER-LAH...
Remember to continue voting very hard, we still got many other songs to vote later. Shall make known to everyone here, once its confirmed when the time is right.
Please continue to stay UNITED and votes for the same song. Cheers...


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 13:39

Lets move on for nx weeks result! jiayou! jiayou! jiayou!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 13:51

yesh, ii am afraid tt others might vote for their fav song other den 'lei', we had dis experience by letting them filling up coupons, and they filled 'shi ying' & 'so sad'.
let us stay unite to vote 'lei' first until it reach the 1st position. den we shall continue with other song when the time is right.
we want MiLuBing's song be on the chart thruout the year till 2008 den to qualified for the 金曲奖2008!!!
jiayou everyone!!!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 12 August, 2007 14:02

Yes Shihui, you are right. We saw some mlbians voting for other MLB's songs. As wat the DJ Zhi Yong osos mentioned that JJ votes were splited due to 2 songs on the chart. Then the 1st song b4 reaching the top already drop from 3rd last week to 8th today. Then Andy Lau & S.H.E oso faces such problems (all their 1st song already dropped b4 hitting the TOP).
That's why we doesn't want such incident to happen to MLB too.
Do not worry, we will try to vote all MLB's songs up the chart slowly. As the saying: Slow & steady wins the race.

Anyway, today's was very gan chiong listening to Yes933 Long Hu Bang. Especially hearing many songs from big names dropping in ranking on the chart.

Ok, gtg now. Shall be back tonight and tag again.
Hope everyone has a beautiful Sunday.


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 14:39

good morning! In the end I really couldn't wake up. haha. When I woke up it's already at number 1 le. haha. Then I saw meikian's sms. haha. Thanks wor. You slept later than me and woke up earlier than me. li hai. hahahaha.

yesterday i really blur leh. pinky jie gave me more than 10 coupos but i'm afraid it might be too much for me so i only took half. me should have take all mahz. too much de hua can use for 2 or 3 weeks. bo later i complain 'mo more coupons' again. sad. argh~


Blogger qing qing | 12 August, 2007 15:41


EIYER!!!! i didnt hear e results! >.< was outside, den 4get to listen.. =( heh heh.. so LEI is no. 6 wor.. haha.. yeah yeah.. gd gd.. ya, LEI is rising slowly.. =P
i already fill up e coupons liao.. tml go send.. =D

yesterday mass conv fun! haha.. although at first i wasnt there.. =P but e jiang gui so nice! haha..
aiyo, if min didnt fall aslp, she shld hav join us, cos got jiang gui! not only li whey jiang gui, got uncle phil n marssh jiang gui oso! haha.. she'll LOVE it =P

shan: cut nails v FAST hor!! lol..


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 15:53

Q_me, i didn't go marina bay cos scared of squeezing with people. was in an auto for drive past n i missed the fireworks!!! haiz, cos we left hse too late, was stuck on the highway at tanjong pagar when my bro sms dat president oredi go home liao!! :( so in the end, go home to watch firewks on news. pathetic rit? lesson learnt is next time must go out earlier, dun dilly dally!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 15:56

...and qing feng blank blank, yes, i wanna get drunk w milo peng too!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 16:03

wooh mm jie, don't sad don't sad. Still managed to soak in the atmosphere of HIIIIIIIIIIIGHness le ba? haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 17:15

nic look very different in this photo!!!!

Jia you MLB!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 18:06

933FM 街头爆唱会 25 Aug 2007 7pm Millenia Walk

迷路兵 will be performing!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 18:44

yay #6! so glad to see 泪 rising slowly. it's better this way cos like that week by week it can accumulate more points! :D

and thanks uncle phil for the info of the accumulated points. heh.

a kind friend donated his i-weekly voting coupons to mi recently. have been appealing to my friends to donate them to mi. if they buy every week and donate (plus those that i buy) then will have many times the amt le! whoo!

going to stock up stamps tml. heh.

MLBians jiayou in voting! (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 18:56

i slept at 5 plus then wake up at 11plus to listen to longhubang... listen until wan to sleep ah. hahas. then after longhubang go sleep again until now. lols!

i'll be asking ard for more coupons too. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 19:11



Blogger Jodie [: | 12 August, 2007 19:42



Blogger Uncle Phil | 12 August, 2007 19:54

Halo, I am back.
Ya, I also waiting for my colleagues to pass me the voting coupons.
After passing 16 coupons to yuanping on Sat, I left with about 10 coupons.
Shall start filling up the coupons tomorrow and send out by Tuesday before 5pm.
Also can start calling and smsing to votes from tomorrow till Thursday before noon.


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 21:12

welcome back!Uncle Phil


Blogger qing qing | 12 August, 2007 21:53

hmmmm.. stamps can be bought from where huh? sorry.. =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 22:29

i think 7-11 should have...


Blogger qing qing | 12 August, 2007 22:34

meikian: thanks thanks.. all 7-11 oso hav de huh?
sorry ar.. i 1st time buying stamps! nv buy b4.. =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 22:36

eh eh, dun cheng ji suan mi k .. thx to my cutting n filing of nails, uncle phil they all had a topic to tok abt during e mass conv k .. haha ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 22:37

i not v sure... i nevr buy before also. haha. u try ask at 7-11 lorhs.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 12 August, 2007 22:46

Hey qing,
You very bad leh, why mentioned my name to shan about her cutting & filing of nails ha? Why you cannot just mention: Oh last night mass comms also got a portion of discussion on this?
You ha, Wait shan angry with me and don't talk to me how?
Fyi, yesterday at Simei, I went to 2 NTUC & 1 7-11 stores to buy stamps and all said no stock. So, I end up buying stamps from the SAM. So, try your luck tomorrow. hehe...

Hi Lorita,
Thanks for welcoming me back to this blog. You must be super happy today lor, cos MLB's song at #6 & JJ Lin's songs at #3 & #8.


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 22:47

all convenience stores and supermarkets like NTUC will have.


Blogger qing qing | 12 August, 2007 22:57

shan: where got suan u?? ai ni dou lai bu ji le.. haha.. sounds familiar hor!!! lol..

meikian, quizzy n uncle phil: heh heh.. thanks thanks..

uncle phil: wat's SAM huh? =X
heh heh.. i got say ur name ar? lol.. i cant rmb.. ps.. =X


Blogger qing qing | 12 August, 2007 22:59

shan: oh ya.. da xiao jie.. u finally here liao wor.. lol.. i waiting for u to come here n online so SUPERRRRRRRRRRR long u noe.. lol.. wat time u gg tml?


Blogger Uncle Phil | 12 August, 2007 23:04

SAM is not MLB de Sam ok. Its a machine where ppl pay their bills (phone bill, SP bill, fines, purchase stamps & etc.) It is something similar to AXS machines. Hope you understand now.


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 23:16

HaHax ...
Ya There's 'SAM' Everywhere ~
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 23:17

"ai ni dou lai bu ji le" .. of coz familiar la .. i said b4 de ma .. eh, u dun always say wat i said b4 leh .. wahh, call mi da xiao jie, i shy leh .. haha .. u wait for mi for v long ar, miss mi isit.. haha ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 23:17

goodness gimme a break, you're so short stop taking pictures..


Blogger qing qing | 12 August, 2007 23:24

uncle phil: oh.. lol.. i dun even noe got such thing.. =X
thanks for explaining.. =)

shan: ya la! who last time tell mi ai wo dou lai bu ji de huh?!! WA!! so toa pai ar.. go shen qi for copyright lor.. lol..
pls lor.. i'll miss everyone here n of cos MLB, but sure not including u de la.. haha.. aiya, wanna ask u wat time u gg tml ma.. now i noe liao la.. hoho.. =D
eh eh.. no fighting.. we mus xiang qing xiang ai.. wahaha.. *muacks*


Blogger binz | 12 August, 2007 23:30

lol qq and shan so xiang qing xiang ai so bu xi guan~~*hair stands up* haha.. anw qq to further describe the SAM.. it's a fat machine which has a red 'signboard' that has the big wording SAM (self-automated machine).. yea can ma? lolx tell u where is the best place to find stamps.. go to the post office!


Blogger qing qing | 12 August, 2007 23:36

binz: heh heh.. u wanna b my darling oso is it? haha..
oh.. i think i nv c SAM b4 lei.. lol.. think even if i c, i oso dunno tat's SAM.. haha..
ya hor!! post office de stamps will out of stock de ma huh? =X
yeah yeah.. there's one at whitesands! i can go buy tml.. =P


Blogger binz | 12 August, 2007 23:39

qq: hahah no thanks i dun wanna be in the 3leg or 4leg or octopus love.. lol if post office run out of stamps then there mux be something seriously wrong with the day alrdy. ahha


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 23:40

ya, it's copyright .. so u better dun say those words tt i said b4, if not u muz pay mi money .. haha .. n i will b dame rich liao, coz u always say wat i had said b4 de .. haha .. =P ya la, muz xiang qing xiang ai la .. u rmb to charge ur cam/hp/wateva, tml muz take photo of 'wang zi' .. haha ..

dun like tt leh .. qing n mi ben lai jiu xiang qing xiang ai ok .. haha ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 23:43

haha .. all e stamps 'scared' of qing .. =X

gotta slp le .. nitez peepz .. sweet dreams ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 23:48

NUMBER6! XIE XIE DA JIA! xin ku ni men le...really glad that u all cld help carry us through so far!Hope that no one will realise where all the stamps and envelopes went to in your houses heh heh..
Wanna know bout my 1st day of skool? sigh,...worse than last year leh, i went to 3 wrong classes..paiseh..and when i finally reached my class... i was half an hour late le..sobs..cursed with a band name like that hor(kiddin)? heh heh..but blessed to have a MLBian family like u all :)
Had an amazing lunch with Sam today..mmm,isit jus me or his hair is like a visualizer in windows media player?(always random colours according to mood) heh heh..anyways, i going to slp le,trying to slp earlier or else...btw, the lil surprise,i think u all wait until give up le rite? sigh.. i need to get the other 2 guys to write something b4 i can give it to u all. The part 2 surprise is still under wraps heh heh..sorry for the wait.try to get part one after a week's time. Take care u all! and thanks once again!


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 23:50

Forgot to mention, met up with Nic on sat to hook up his "m-audio" card to my laptop! woohoo... works! nitey!
p.s. i didn't get a hall this year, so not staying in school.sigh, gotta take bus le


Anonymous Anonymous | 12 August, 2007 23:52

Take Care Too WEIQI !
Ask The Other 2 Take Care Too Yea..
Ya La try to slp early la u.. NiTex!

S m i L e z . . .


Blogger Uncle Phil | 13 August, 2007 00:05

Hi weiqi,
Thanks for tagging even you already school re-opened for new semester. NTU must be damn big that you always mi lu? Or as what you said maybe from the cursed of the band name. But no matter what, we mlbians love this band very much.
Glad that you are sleeping early. Please be sure that we never give-up, just that we knew you are super busy, therefore we waited patiently. And we are very confident that the surprise that you 3 bros gonna give us are likes treasure. Haha...
One question for you / 3 milo bois:
Did you guys tune in to hear the Yes933 Long Hu Bang? If yes or even no, are you guys excited to know the result? Cos, we are very gan chiong during the programme. We login to Yes933 web-radio to see the result even before its announced.
We feel very proud of MiLuBing, cos you guys are on par with many big names on the chart.
We have never supported the wrong band, and we shall grow together as a MLB Family. Yeah...


Blogger Uncle Phil | 13 August, 2007 00:09

When are you having your driving test?
Hope you can passed the test, buy a car so that you don't need to take buses or trains.
Good Luck & All the Best to you. That goes to Nic & Sam too. :-)


Blogger binz | 13 August, 2007 00:16

haiyo can become 迷路king le.. 3 wrong classes like very yan zhong leh. never rest enough then become blur blur isit. dun change hair colour too often huh. not healthy to hair and it's scalp to always dye.. nah we never wait till give up for the surprise but never mention abt cuz dun wanna give u pressure then kan chiong(: din get hall then go school will be so ma fan! but think of the bright side that can stay with family then dun have to run 2 sides during weekends or holidays.


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 00:19

woohoo :D

here again :) i really missed the times weiqi pop by and say some cold jokes? where's the "coldness" now? :x he's probably loaded with school work.. school must be super duper hectic? hmm..

hope MLB will be happy to hear their achievements! :D

and.. many many many of my friends are hearing mlb's song.. and actually one of my chinese friend who usually don't listen to chinese song also claimed MLB's song to be GOOD.. isn't that great? WHEEE :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 00:21

aiyo..tonite's weather is very cold le...if i add then.. heh..live earth,answer the call:reverse global warming...
My TP is early Oct... NITEY!!!
And take care!


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 00:23

hello weiqi! never mind la, envelopes very cheap de. I buy the 80 cents one can le. Stamps de hua, the most i sacrifice lunch lor. haha. the most difficult part is looking for coupons and getting friends to help us in voting actually. to be honest la. but yeah, for mlb's sake we hack care le la~~ haha.

study hard hor~ haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 00:23


u very tao yan one leh! why always like to tag n blog when i bathing one ah? hahaa..
ya i was at home shouting for stamps. then suay suay left 5 only, sumore is those mus ownself put glue one. so in the end i nv use. hahas!

ehhhhhh. 你真的有'酱SUAY吗...? hahahas. 够好笑lorh你! lols...真的是名副其实的‘迷路兵’~ at least u never spoil MLB's name. wahahas...

i thot sam wan PINK COLOUR? haha. ya lah his hair like WMP, shuang then tis colour, if not another colour. hahas...

aiya,你快点去睡啦。ya lorh, wait until going to give up le. haha. keep thinking why so long ah? LOLS~ ok lah, no stress man! one week, no problem. we wait! =) u takecare also horrrrs.



Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 00:25

btw weiqi,
at least where u stay in got direct train to boon lay wad. not like some people, jus because hostel no tv to watch rather travel here n there everyday,so far sumore. wahaha... i know she going to kill me le. LOLS =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 00:27

sotong qi! Long time never call you this name liao, you really sotong, still can milu after 1 yr there! Aiyoyo....

Haiz... maybe you should really join some really *ying* club so as to get a place to sleep. My friend did so and he told he do nothing in the club loh. Hmm... maybe just show up at some meetings ba. Hhaha... try helping sweeping the floor or water some plants, it may help. Or do your sch allow camping? Got quite big patch of grass around...dun waste...or another suggestion, camp with ur bro! hahaha :p

Your place to sch really far leh... what time u need to get up for the first class? 5 or 6am? Jiayou jiayou!


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 00:33

oh yes i know who meikian is talking about. haha.

We also told marssh if by any chance she saw u in school must say hello to you. hahaha.

If you got time, visit the publicity blog tomorrow ba, I should be updating the sembawang music centre chart le. haha. gan jiong~~


Blogger Uncle Phil | 13 August, 2007 00:33

I noe who you are refering to? lol


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 00:37

i forgot to listen to 933 today. =.=
glad to hear tt LEI is at no.6! :DD
may it rise to the first place!
heh heh.

aiyo, weiqi go 迷路 again?
sounds like ur class veri difficult to find.
jiayou for ur new semester! (:
yea, slp early!

heh heh.
did sam dye his hair pink like he said he wanted to tt time? xP

anyway, take care! xD
good night!


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 00:38

btw,the night before ur sch reopen i still got tag n ask u dun mi lu leh. then still mi lu ah? looks like tagging 1 not enough. haha.

quizzy n uncle phil,
wahahas... our secret ah~ she say i going to get it from her. haha... =P


Blogger Uncle Phil | 13 August, 2007 00:42

ok, gotto sleep soon.
Good nitez n sweet dreamz to MLB Family.


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 00:43

mr chan, u v funni lei..1 yr in ntu liao still can milu..go 3 wrong classes somemore..haha..3 mths break too long den u become blur again is it..haha..u noe thr's sth called campus map? i tink u better bring it w u..hehe.. :P ur surprise thingy can wait la..we nv give up la..jus tt we noe u guys are busy..getting ur tutorials completed n having sufficient rest is more impt..esp when u din get hall tis time round..take care yea..n nitey! :)

meikian! dun tink i duno who u toking abt lor..i prefer to stay at home wad..n i nv travel everyday to sch hor..tml is free..no monday blues..hahaha.. :P c la, i got up from bed jus to c weiqi's tag cos u said it was super funni lei..lols!


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 00:47

u bu da zi zhao ah. i never say is u wad. HAHA... see lah that day i told u already! remember we had tis long debate about mi lu? LOLS. but u know what, now i cant find tt part of our convo leh. =.=
so tt means u nevr mi lu lah? maybe u guys really w mi lu n meet each other on the way wad. HAHA

and ya, weiqi have more rest. if not later take bus until mi lu also... =.=


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 01:04

meikian, it's so obvious tt u are toking abt me can..i told u all abt e tv thingy n e wind blowing thingy..n hor, i nv milu k..cos my classes are at almost e same places..hehe..mayb mr chan needs e map..so he wun go milu again..haha..k la, i go slp liao..nitey all~


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 01:09

but other ppl duno wad! dots... =.= ya maybe u can provide him w the map. since u dunid wad. jus dun kana blow away again can le. HAHA


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 01:09

oh, n u v dots lei..dun tell me u save all our conversation..hahaha.. :P k i go slp..nitey~


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 01:11

msn not auto save the convo one meh? aiya, whatever laa.

yawns. nites!


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 01:11

ya i dun need e map..n i wun be blown away..paiseh can..bleahz.. >.<


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 01:13

y we keep tagging at e same time? lols! eh..my msn dun auto save e convo..can change e settings one..haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 01:18

AIYA, u go n sleep la. very noisy leh u. wait not enough sleep really mi lu then u know... or blow away again... hahaha =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 01:30


fyi it's optional to save msn conversations de. I no longer does that le cos dun wanna waste lappy space. haha.

good night lo~


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 01:42

Nitey PPL ...
I Also Go Slp Lo ~

Sugar Dreams!



Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 07:04

Good Morning !!!!!!!
Hi Weiqi
so glade u tag lol....
is okay to 迷路 but dun always 迷路.... thanks for your update on Sam....


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 08:18

zao an ni hao!


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 09:47

morning ..

eiyer, y weiqi tag after i went to slp .. haha ..

aiyo, u still mi lu ar .. somemore still late for class for half an hour .. thk u really nid a map liao (but marssh still mi lu even though she has a map wif her =X) .. wat's sam's hair color tis time? pink? haha .. anyway, u take care too, n dun mi lu liao la ..


Blogger qing qing | 13 August, 2007 12:08


weiqi: haha.. u mi lu ar?? lol.. ntu really so big ar? ya lor.. marssh got map still mi lu oso.. shld tell her dun use map la.. since got map oso can mi lu.. dun use oso no diff la.. haha.. den can give u e map.. =P
acty i oso mi lu on my 1st few days in TP.. haha.. but tp is like so small lor..
aiya, e surprise, u slowly slowly do la.. no hurry de.. =)
YES!! rest more.. =)

shan: eh pls lor!! who wanna copy u man!! CHEY! haha.. acty hor.. i still haven decide wanna go watch not lei.. lol.. but like abit siao if i dun go lor.. stand there for 1hr plus den dun go.. haha..
u got mi lu ma huh on ur 1st few days in sch? acty our whole class mi lu tog lor.. den e nxt few wks, some of e guys v geh geh lor.. is can find their way de, but went to eat, den late for lesson.. tell teacher they lost their way.. tsk tsk tsk.. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 13 August, 2007 15:13

grab yourself a copy of this wk u-weekly there is a small part abt MLB !

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