
So Glad So Glad.
milubing | 30 July, 2007 17:12

Wow. We now have a club for this family. Really glad. Thank u to the 4 ladies and many others who volunteered to take up the responsibility as leaders, 谢谢 the rest of you who are cooperative and willing to give them and us your important support. May all be happy!

We've had a great time the past weeks, though tired at times. It's all WORTHWHILE!

"When the going gets tough, the tough gets going"
(Yes, this is copied)


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Anonymous Anonymous | 01 August, 2007 16:50

Uncle Phil,
haha! u sound so fierce. =p seriously ii still very blur, ii read ur msg over and over again, still cant get the picture. so lets be simple and clearer, the dateline for the long hu bang is every thursday 12pm rite?!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 August, 2007 16:52

its so rare for students dun hav a friendster account. haha! =x


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 August, 2007 16:59

shihui: haha.. aiyo, i shy lei.. wahaha.. acty i dun hav msn till this yr de.. heehee... so i only start chatting w those mlbians this yr.. haha.. hmmm.. i unique ma.. wahaha.. =D i think 'll create one soon ba.. haha.. =D

qing qing
aiyo, lazy sign in.. heehee.. e com dun like mi la, always not responding.. den i sign in till pekchek liao.. >.<


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 August, 2007 17:08

to qing:
dunno is who poor thing lor .. u wanna smack mi leh .. haha .. no la, wun quarrel la .. we so xiang qin xiang ai .. *vomit* .. haha ..
huh? u cant sign in ar .. i tot who is anonymous toking to mi lor .. haha ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 August, 2007 17:13

shan: eh, is i poor thing lor.. =( i wanna smack u is cos u qian smack ma.. wahaha.. u c, i only wanna smack u, dun wanna smack others.. tsk tsk tsk..
YES!! we wun quarrel de.. we so loving.. wahaha.. eh, u vomit for wat huh!! >.<
haha.. u tot another mlbian looking for a fight w u ar? wahaha..
no la, is can sign in, but e sch come lor, LOUSY!! haha.. everytime i refresh, 95%, it'll say "not responding", den i needa close e window.. den when i wanna tag, i needa sign in agn lor.. haiz..



Anonymous Anonymous | 01 August, 2007 17:15

how about you click "other" and type in your name? :p


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 August, 2007 17:21

another anonymous: oh.. kk.. thanks.. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 August, 2007 17:21

OMG!! can lei.. wahaha.. thanks thanks.. =D


Blogger Uncle Phil | 01 August, 2007 17:22

shihui, does I sound fierce? I only said: I think you never read carefully.

Sorry if you feel offended. Anyway I am not got at putting words into writting, that's why you still blur!

Most important is:
Send out all voting coupons by latest every Tuesday.

If anyone still not sure may write to Yes933 and clear all your doubts.

Sorry, once again if my words sound harsh to anyone.
Have a nice day...


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 August, 2007 17:34

wahaha.. it's so fun.. dun needa sign in.. haha.. jia lat la.. i addicted liao.. haha..
okok.. m jus thinking, wat if all of us use anonymous? haha.. v fun lei, den everyone dunno who is who.. wahaha.. okok.. i noe v lame n bo liao..
eiyer!! y now cannot liao.. >.<


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 August, 2007 17:35

to qing:
wah lao .. say i qian smack .. qi si wo .. y i vomit ar .. ni xin li zhi dao jiu hao le .. i no nid to say out .. haha .. aiya, sch comp always like tt de la ..

to uncle phil:
haha .. seems like e more u trying to xplain e more confusing it is .. haha ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 August, 2007 17:39

shan: ya lor.. sch com so lousy lor.. tsk tsk tsk.. i pay so much sch fees n miscellaneous fees, den all lan huo.. haha.. =P
i noe la, we xin ling xiang tong de, dun need everything say out de.. haha..


Blogger Uncle Phil | 01 August, 2007 17:57

In order not confuse anybody, I shall not explain any more things about the voting thingy.
Anyone not sure can write to Yes933 and confirm.

My apologies for confusing you guys. SORRY...


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 August, 2007 18:04

to uncle phil:
haha .. it's ok la .. u were trying to xplain ma, no nid to say sorry .. i thk i arga knoe wat u trying to say .. haha .. but i oso dunno how to xplain it .. haha ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 August, 2007 18:08

oOopz, sorry if ii jie chuan ur "secret"! haha! and remember if nx time u dun want to sign in, u can alwaes choose "other" in order to type ur nick u want. haha.

Uncle Phil,
u dun need to feel bad, thx for all the explanation and reminder, we appreciate it. =] in fact, YES93.3 oso hav the fault for not making things clear. oOopz! haha, they shall tell us the procedure for sending out i-weekly coupons.

okie, ii shall not say more.
VOTE for LEI!!! =]


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 August, 2007 18:12

uncle phil: yeah yeah, no sorry.. =) u're jus trying to help only.. =D shld thank u instead.. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 August, 2007 18:13

shihui: ya lor.. SHHHHHH!! dun tell anyone kk.. wahaha.. YES!! now i rmb le.. heehee.. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 August, 2007 18:18

to qing:
ohoh .. ur 不能说的秘密 become 大家懂的秘密 liao .. haha ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 August, 2007 18:52

aiyo, u all talk until very luan i cannot follow liao. hahas...

uncle phil,
thanks =) i dun wan to make myself high blood pressure also. not worth getting angry over tis kind of people. haha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 August, 2007 19:40

Lets see if i can make it clear; any coupons received after Thursday 12pm will be counted as next week's votes.
Letters posted on Wednesday will only reached there on Thursday 5pm. Means it's after the cut-off time le lor. haha.
So the best is u post your coupons by Tuesday. It should be delivered there by Wednesday so won't miss the cut-off time le la. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 August, 2007 20:03

hi ! just come back ....
i'm so tired lol


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 August, 2007 20:22

hello all,
with regards to the MLBian gathering me and yuanping mentioned earlier, dont think there'll be one this sunday as most are unable to make it. therefore, we'll just 'celebrate' this special day on the blog ya?

also, this gathering was initiated by both of us as we thot that it would be good if MLBians could go out together and know each other better, that kind of thing. so it's not a 'fan club event', not organised in the name of the MLB Family.

and the 'fan club' will not be called 'fan club' from now on ya? it'll just be MLB Family, like it always was. =)

also, we've received questions from the people submitting their particulars to milubing.fc@gmail.com, so we're coming up with a faq soon. those who're still unclear can look out for it.

cheers! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 August, 2007 21:03

我又回来了。。。 终于观赏到那个很好笑的录影。真的要感谢我报的记者,当然也少不了谢谢迷路兵,给我们带来这么经典的访问!实在太好笑了!现在才知道原来在迷路兵成员里,华文高手另有旗人。伟奇不错嘛,对你另眼相看!也看到这一期i周刊的报道。你们都好轻啊!体重跟我差不多嘛,但高度我却差你们一大节,我可真的要努力运动了,还是你们要努力增加体重呢?哈!我一直以为最高个子的是瑞祥,但原来是顺利。好多新发现啊,真好玩!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 August, 2007 21:20

wee~~ Yes933已经在打迷路兵的第二波主打歌《适应》了!


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 August, 2007 21:21

just heard on Yes933 la. haha.

Lorita jie, I add u in friendster hao ma? haha. The pikachu face de, is me. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 August, 2007 21:35

any one that like mlb can add mi?


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 August, 2007 21:59

gd nitez guys & mibians
tmr still need to wake up early


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 August, 2007 22:01

hello again :D

thanks quizzy_me :)

sorry for the late reply though.. heh.. Uncle Phil! haha.. so long since we last chatted on msn yep.. haha.. i wan mass conversion! haha.. FUN FUN! :D shall do it on a weekend when there's LOTS of mlbians online.. WHEEE :P

*have a great day ahead!*

<3s MLB :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 August, 2007 22:03

oops.. what i meant was conversation instead om conversion.. silly typo.. heh :x


Blogger Uncle Phil | 01 August, 2007 22:16

I think you like the feeling of Mi Lu, that's why you wan mass conversations on MSN.
Indeed it was very fun, to be frank; I oso wan it. And I agree with you that we should do it during weekend.

Hi meikian,
Glad that you can ignore those silly bad-mouthed remarks.
So, confirm there won't be any gathering this Sunday. Thanks.
But how are we gonna celebrate this important date on this blog?


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 August, 2007 22:35

haha.. uncle phil, which mlbian dun like the feeling of being 'mi lu' at times? heh heh heh :x definately.. dun mi lu during exams can liao.. if not when i bring my scripts home my parents will feed me kuay teow.. lol! :x


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 August, 2007 23:35

to meikian:
haha .. u cant follow ar .. coz u 迷路 liao ma .. haha .. nvm la, no nid to follow la .. we toking rubbish nia .. haha ..

to quizzy:
ohh, 933 play shi ying liao ar .. gd gd ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 01 August, 2007 23:46

gotta slp le .. nitez everyone .. sweet dreams ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 August, 2007 00:58

I was told Yes933 is playing for some time liao. How come I'm always so slow de? Answer: I seldom listen to yes933, that explains. *embarassed* -_-!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 August, 2007 02:02

good night ;D


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 August, 2007 02:32


has this been posted up before? kind of long time ago yeah. hahas. but i was jus doing some random search of Milubing on yahoo and found this. if u guys see le then it's ok. can ignore this post. hahas...


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 August, 2007 03:43

wow took me awhile to read all the posts. lols.

qing: 可怜的我们!! 同命相连 T.T okok too drama liao. 太OVER了. i forget my accounting liao wor. but it's nice ma, i like maths! lols. qing go set up friendster account la! i havent add you leh

YAWNS. time to sleep. later 6am i gotta wake up le. T.T

quizzy: you gao xiao can? put pikachu face. lols i thot who sia. lols. :p


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 August, 2007 08:21


yammy: ya lor.. we v ke lian.. *sobs* I LOVE MATH oso!!! haha.. aiyo, i shy lei, u all wan mi sign up for friendster acct.. u all wan c mi is it? wahaha.. *blush*

shan: ya lor, so dun tell anyone my secret kk!! SHHHHH!! haha..
OHHH!! paiseh!! i realise yesterday i offline i forgot to say bye bye.. =X

meikian: thanks for e link!! =D think not posted b4 ba.. lol.. i cant rmb oso lei.. haha..
aiyo, b happy kk!! jie jie sayang u.. wahaha.. so er xin!! =X haha..

-WHEY` n uncle phil: i oso wan mass conversation!! haha.. it's so fun!! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 August, 2007 08:29


haha morning =P!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 02 August, 2007 09:59

Hi good morning MLB Family,
Whoever want to have mass comms this Sat night please logon to MSN at 11pm. We shall have the mi lu feeling once agian.
Think more mlbians will join the fun this Sat, so I was wondering whether there's enough colours for us to identify ourselves. Haha...
Meantime, have a nice day. Weekend is getting closer, but sad to say no more autograph session this weekend. Haiz...


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 August, 2007 11:33

Hi all,
just checking,will anyone be able to attend gathering this sunday if MLB were to be able to be present?

it's just checking, nothing's confirmed yet. the gathering MAY take place if more people are able to attend.

let me know asap! do reply and let us know. thanks! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 August, 2007 11:36

and also,
do give us ideas of the locations. some have said kbox, but i think the pricing for kbox on sunday's pretty x. mayb u guys wanna consider again, provide more suggestions for us to choose from?

after all, it's a gathering for ya guys too. do take part n let us know! =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 August, 2007 11:44

whoa. I guess I can't go le. Monday got paper. Better shan't play play. sorry heh? ~.~


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 August, 2007 11:45

morning !!

aiyo, i din tell anyone la .. dun worry .. but everyone here ying gai zhi dao le .. haha ..

thx for e link ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 August, 2007 11:49

eh .. e 3 milo boys going le meh ? anyway, i cant go wor .. sadded .. ok, i help u all thk of e location ..


Blogger Uncle Phil | 02 August, 2007 11:58

OMG, thought the gathering was cancelled? Due to many mlbians having exams or projects, therefore unable to attend.

Aiyah, My boss & I arrange for the whole department to go for lunch at 3pm to treat one of my Inspector who will be with us till 10th Aug, cos she tendered her resignation.

Pray hard that if the gathering is confirm, hopefully it will be in the evening. Then I can rush down for the gathering after the makan.


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 August, 2007 12:57


shan: SHHHHH!! dun say le, later more ppl noe.. wahaha... =D

meikian: AHHHHH!!!! if MLB gg, den i think i hurry up finish my projs.. wahaha.. but still cant decide sun doing proj not lei.. haiz.. gotta c how fast we do today.. =( but think 90% i cant go.. =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 August, 2007 22:24

hi ! guys & mibians

i'm doing well but i'm so tired
TAke care ,guys

i will not online tmr coz tmr is Friday.....going out wif my girlfriend .......so long never meet liao......okay la
i need to check my email then go n sleep liao
tmr need to wake up early.....



Blogger christinncameron | 03 August, 2007 10:35

Uncle Phil,

How do I join in the msn chat on Sat nite?


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 August, 2007 11:21

MLB lovers/friends
5 Aug is the anniversary for winning the Firts Singapore SUPERBAND crown.SHIH FU restaurant is at Simei East Point S.C. Maybe we suggest that he prepare a MiluBing dish or dessert or a drink for MLBians to commemorate the occassion; of course must pay but at discounted rate.Am sure SHI FU do not mind even is just a MLB special Drink concocted for this annivesary event. Uncle Phil check out the place and feed back to the 4 leaders please since you are staying that area.I know you have been a faithful supporter I was kind of a disappointed that WM chose those gals but I still respect this decision. But I must say any one who take the leader position must be humble and tactful to all. Is not easy so "unseen" supporters like Uncle Phil is much needed to have resourcefulness. These supporters whom help out behind the scenes are equally important. uNCLE pHIL plaese continue to show the MLB spirit to help whenever there is a need to do so.We also want to welcome and recruit all UNSEEN helpers to volunteer their services to the MLB family.
Those the 4 leaders need our help is any small ways.

Let's meet 5 Aug Sunday at 2.45 pm Please confirm your attendance to Mei Kian.MK will do the haed count.
SHIH FU restauarnt is called EIGHTEEN next to POSBank teller. We will leave around 5.15pm as business for dinner will start to be busy at about 5.30 pm.We don't want SHI FU business to be affected because of this gathering IS NOT FAIR to SHIH FU right?
Uncle Phil talk to SHIH FU about some price indication for the special drink which MLBians would remember together with this annivesary gathering. Time is really short ....byt is the best to do it then let this MLB big day slip by. 10 or 20 persons still a gathering. Tkae care reply fast please ........your attendance . Will pray that MLB bois will make a point to be there too if time allows....


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 August, 2007 22:00

Hi guys & mibians
how ar u guys?????
I'm super tired but still need to come to MLB BLog to leave a message for u guys...yah.....

Take care guys !!!!!!
i might not be going to the event on Sunday coz i have to go Church

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