
Nuff said..
milubing | 23 July, 2007 01:04

"if a picture paints a thousand words..."

p.s. MLBIANS ROCK!!! Today u all gave us a present that is one of the million tots and expressions of love that u have given us so far! THANK YOU FOR PUTTING OUR SONG IN 933'S LONG HU BANG!!!!!

Post a Comment :: 1 – 200 of 342 Newer› Newest»

Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 01:18

Hey spidey, damn lame la.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 01:21

hahahahahahahahahaha =D!


Blogger binz | 23 July, 2007 01:23

omg weiqi that's very lame but creative! ahhax. wah alot of time needed to edit those photos and make into 1 issue bah. thanks for doin it(: but do take ur beloved REST!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 01:28

hahahahaha thats was so funny. Xie xie ni for making me laugh~~ =D!

good night =D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 01:28

erm weiqi,
i SERIOUSLY think you're being uber LAME today. what's wrong with you huh? -_-" i was still asking sam, what's wrong with weiqi today ah? then he said nothing wad? and i gave him evidence by showing him the album with the label on nic's face. blah~

and please stop disiao-ing me everytime u see me! what the. =.=

the wanbao review today:

the zaobao review today:


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 01:29

looks like the media is very impressed with MLB's debut album. good job! :)


Blogger yammy | 23 July, 2007 01:35

to weiqi: haha weiqi the comic strip is lame but hilarious la! btw you like the mug we give you? (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 01:37

Hey Guyz!

Today's performance was PERFECT!

Enjoy it lots ~


You're soo lame lo...OI how come I din see you performing as the special guest for sheng siong show.?!? Hahax dots lo you..



Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 01:38

by the way, we discovered these when we bought the albums at j8 today. very cute eh! haha...


jus being random lah :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 01:39

i think he go home and perform for himself to see lah. haha... :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 01:57

ehh anw, why's the album in the opposite direction huh?

tired, shall keep quiet and go to sleep. nights!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 02:03

was feeling rather down, and i just cried a minute ago.
made a right choice to visit the blog before i go off to lalaland.
thanks weiqi, for the entertaining update.
it made me laughed, and now i can't stop smiling.
Good Night.
sweet dreams to MLB and all MLBians! :D
manymany loves.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 02:31

same here. Was still laughing just now but all of a sudden was feeling moody...then was crying while brushing teeth then I'm alright again...

aiya, if "sunshine after rain", nic sam and weiqi is our "sunshine" le mahz. haha. Thanks Weiqi - really appreciate it...it's not only funny but heartwarming for me at that point of time =)...


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 02:35

go to bed le ba.
tomorrow morning will be a new day.
hope you'll have a great day ahead!
:D take care. loves.

*disappears to lalaland*


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 02:37

SHIN MIN Daily News 新歌新曲 also recommend MLB's debut album


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 08:16

haha. Yes today will be a great day...hopefully. haha =D!

Supporter, yuan lai Shin Min daily news is reviewing too? haha thanks for informing. My mother bought wanbao and Shin Min but I didn't read lor. haha.

Zao an ni hao =D!


Blogger givon | 23 July, 2007 09:05

ytd's performance was great!!
so happy to see your!!

and i was damn high when weiqi says takkaire to me!!!

that pic was damn lame


thanks for entertaining us weiqi!
keep up the good and creative work



Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 09:20

Dear All people;

MLB performance brings back Super Memory on Superband; isnt it??

Great Job on the Album. CREDIT to producer and its team ;all including sound man; technicians AND those involved in making this album in one way A SUCCESS.

MLBians TAKE PRIDE; dedicated musician need "passionate" motivations; you have "power"them lah to reach this stage.

MLB you guys done us proud our support not wasted a single bit at all.!!!!

jIa yoU!!!
Mi Lu Pfolks (MLP)


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 09:20

good morning....

thanks for entertaining us,weiqi!
kind of lame but very creative


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 09:39

Hohohoho... aiyo, now u really into animate. Like what mm said, spidey! or when marvel got new superhero which we dunno??

Wondering how u took those pic, real funny, damn lame. :P

Looking forward for issue 2!

BTW, when is your driving exam ah? Let me know then I can go to your test route there, acting as road block. :p hahaha


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 09:45

today's weather is 'nice'...felt like dozing off in class, plus my jing shen haven't recover fully from the 'marathon' last last night...haha.

I was told the latest issue of i-weekly got review on MLB's album too - the rating is 3 out of 5. Will be buying I weekly after school...hehe :D

Looks like Weiqi's entry about "review" and "critics" come at the right time hur? Cos we can expect a lot of their album reviews coming up? haha. We got I-weekly, shin min, wanbao, zaobao, The Straits times liao right? Still got mypaper, Teens, Teenage, U-weekly, Lime(?)...so far the neither-here-nor-there comments is only from Straits times ba - the rest quite good? haha cool...jia you!

I didn't hear the noisy fire alarm outside (false alarm la) cos currently I'm listening to Milubing's songs...bleah =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 09:53

yao si, didn't realized sam tagged last night in the previous entry...maybe u didn't see it, I cut-and-paste here ba...

" sam said...

Oh.. Guess we can't bear to use the mugs and fans. Or rather, i'll love to keep it safe in my cupboard with the other lovely gifts i've received all this while. And, hope that u all won't catch a cold after being out in the rain just now. I felt COLD, but i'm fine, cos i'm not weak! =)

23 July, 2007 02:09 "


Blogger Doraemon, 小叮当 | 23 July, 2007 10:30

just need to check n confirm, will MLB in the new variety show for this coming sunday nite on channel 8 at 9pm?


Blogger Doraemon, 小叮当 | 23 July, 2007 10:45


Weiqi, what a creative picture is really very funny and its good to post it on monday blue


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 10:59

oh...thanks doraemon for reminding - I wanna ask that question too. haha.

For once I think Weiqi didn't provide free aircon la~ more of burning charcoal on this cold cold day...haha =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 11:10

ay? My previous comment is up already ah? I thought it was eaten up by the blog so thought of coming back later to repost again.

Sam bois, dun put everything into the cupboard hor, gotta check got expiry date not. If you eaten something expiry over and gena food poison ah... we dun wanna see the news headline next day saying a fan try to poison MLB. :DD


Blogger MLB Publicity Blog | 23 July, 2007 11:16

At Sembawang music centre's best selling albums chart, Milubing's album is number 2 this week (ranked after Leehom's album)...

Source: http://www.sembawangmusic.com/


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 11:24

haha...weiqi, u r so lame but.... CUTE!!! haha....


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 11:38

Yesterday's event was GREAT!!!
3 cheers for everyone who turned up~!!!
3 cheers for the boyz, nic, sam & weiqi~!!!

and CONGRATULATIONS for getting no.2 on Sembawang music centre's best selling albums chart!!!
phew~ hard works paid off~

and also, CONGRATULATIONS for getting no.17[首次登榜] on YES 93.3龙虎榜!!!
VOTE for 泪!!!

as wad MLP mentioned, your performance really brings back Super Memory during SuperBand period.
our hard works paid off too~



Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 11:40


3 words for you, LAME, LAME and SuperLame~!!!
but this comic strip really made everyone's day a good one!
weiqi, u simply rOx~!! haha.


Blogger PeiShan | 23 July, 2007 11:59

hahahaha .. weiqi u so funny ..

to mlb:
cannot cannot .. muz use e mug tt we gave u !! cannot keep in e cupboard ar .. muz use e mug to drink more water n take gd care of urself !!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 12:10

they不捨得用啊...haha~~but i agree with shan, use the mug to drink more water or milo peng also can...haha. qing qing sacrifice 'A LOT' for this yor~~ =P


Blogger qing qing | 23 July, 2007 12:18

sam, weiqi n nic: ya ya!! MUS USE!! haha.. i sacrifice my leg n life lei!! nearly die lor.. my leg got kiap by e train door ok!! lol..

weiqi: lol.. nice n cute man e comic strip.. =D

binz: thanks thanks.. haha.. m ok.. jus hurt my ankle only.. =D

shan: of cos nic is smiling at mi, not u ok!! haha.. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 12:28

haha, i think i'll elaborate a bit or they will catch no ball. But qing qing say it's too embarassing le, so I'll just say qing qing nearly got into accident with the train at Bugis while we were rushing back to Bishan...


Blogger qing qing | 23 July, 2007 12:32

quizzy, it's ok la.. can tell everyone.. i kan kai liao.. haha.. tell ba..
btw, who's e one who say wan help sam use e mug first de huh? think not mi rite? haha.. i oso cant rmb.. =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 12:33

Well done! You guys have potential. This will definitely not be your first or last. Keep the music coming - create a MayDay in Singapore ..... who says it can't happen?


Blogger PeiShan | 23 July, 2007 12:35

to qing:
ok la .. c u xi sheng ur 'life' .. nic is smiling to u not mi la .. haha ..

to mlb:
yar lor .. c qing qing xi sheng herself .. muz use e mug k ..


Blogger qing qing | 23 July, 2007 12:38

shan, wahaha.. i love u man.. haha.. =D


Blogger Uncle Phil | 23 July, 2007 12:40

Hi weiqi,
Thanks for "a picture paints a thousand words" to kill our Monday Blues.
Looking forward to issue #2 (perhaps to include your 2 bros).

Yes, we are equally super happy to hear "Lei" up on Yes933 Long Hu Bang. Its a very good result for a new at #17, we will try our Very Best to bring "Lei" to the TOP of the chart.

Wow, past 2 weekends have been really wonderful. Ya, its like we are back to Superband season with so many MLBians coming together to support & sing-a-long with MLB.
MLB Family Power-Lah...


Blogger Uncle Phil | 23 July, 2007 12:45

Hi qing,
Confirm you are ok? Please consult a doctor (chinese physician) to prevent any internal injuries. Take care & have a nice day (after seeing weiqi's creation).


Blogger qing qing | 23 July, 2007 12:47

uncle phil: thanks thanks.. m ok.. only injured my leg.. den hurt my ankle abit only oso.. heehee.. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 12:50

oh qing qing, not talking about u...meiyi de hao peng you. haha!

Ok i sat huh. The train was already here when we are leaving Bugis to Bishan. However, it was fully pack that we couldn't find a space to squeeze in. Finally we found one compartment that has a little space so we were about to dash in. But the door is closing when qing qing was about to dash in so I quickly pull her out - which resulted us in the sia suay state...haha

But sia suay is better then kena killed or crushed lor. tsk tsk...



Blogger qing qing | 23 July, 2007 12:53

haha.. oh.. i tot who say de.. haha.. if i say, think shan will kill mi.. haha..
ya lor.. sia suay is better than losing my leg or life.. haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 13:01

qing qing,
how ar u feeling now????
muz take care lol


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 13:09



Blogger PeiShan | 23 July, 2007 13:11

to qing:
aiyo .. dun say u love mi la .. lata uncle phil say us again .. haha .. hmm, i wun kill u la .. at most beat u only .. haha .. kidding .. ur leg ok le ma? yesterday got lost ur way when finding e interchange ma ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 15:13

weiqi, lame la..haha..but it made my day.. :) eh y u so lame ytd sia..keep kajiaoing mk..sorry hor..i chai chuan u abt e label thingy on mk's album..haha..

qing, i hope ur ankle is alright..do visit e doc or sinseh if it's painful or swollen hor..aiyo, u all say until so scary ytd..how i laugh at u sia..oh shan said i'm angel rite..hehe..shan, u can be an angel too.. :D qing ar, be more careful next time la..tsk tsk..

meikian, wa thx for scanning all e articles eh.. :) later someone gonna thank u for e newspaper thingy again..haha.. :P

oh ya..i dun rmb seeing weiqi as e special guest for e sheng shiong show ytd..whr did u go ar? :P

duno if tis has been posted..mi lu bing is ranked 4th at cd-rama..aft xing guang bang, jj n lee hom..

finalli lei is up on yes933 long hu bang..ranked 17 on it's first time..not bad eh.. :D congrats mlb! n thx to all who hv sent ur coupons n sms out! lei managed to get onto e chart bcos of u! :) oh n a big thank u to all those who hv helped me fill up my 30 over coupons ytd..i noe some of them will not be reading tis..but still thank u! gonna send them out tml aft i bot my stamps.. :) n thx shihui for helping me to go arnd asking ppl to fill up e coupons! :D heh someone filled up so sad as e song to vote even tho i told them it's lei..lols!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 15:44

thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! ........



Blogger Uncle Phil | 23 July, 2007 15:59

Wow quizzy,
did you count how many thank you you've typed? Hahaha...

Oh ya, thanks meikian for all the updates on the newspapers' articles.

Huh, shihui is the one who helped me to asked fellow MLBians to fill up the voting coupons for me ha? Also wish to thanks you for contributing some stamps. Wow, just love the way we help each others ans our love for MLB. Cheers...


Blogger PeiShan | 23 July, 2007 16:00

to yuanping:
qing lor .. she say im evil coz i laugh at her .. then u din laugh ma .. so u angel i devil lor ..


Blogger qing qing | 23 July, 2007 16:07

lorita: thanks thanks.. m fine.. haha.. =)

shan: i'm FINE!! lol.. tell u hor, i cant find my bus 53 ytd lor!! keep walking up n down e interchange for like 4 or 5 times man.. so ps lor.. den ppl keep staring at mi.. think cos i keep holding e, u noe la, tat thing.. haha.. dunno call wat lei, tat thing.. haha..

yuanping: yeah! thanks.. i'll b careful nxt time de.. haha.. think i v suay man.. bugis de mrt station, got 2 doors de lor.. cos underground de ma.. haiz.. got kiap by 2 doors.. =(

meikian: thanks for e article.. =)


Blogger Uncle Phil | 23 July, 2007 16:08

For info: I have already sent out all voting coupons that were filled up yesterday. Need to search for more voting coupons liao.

Besides sending voting coupons, we can also:

1) Call 1900 912 0933 then key in your telephone number follow by #, then key 1 and then 17#. After this, you will hear that your vote is for "Lei".

2) SMS: Key POTP933(space)Lei to 72346.

Method 1) will costs you 20cents & method 2) will costs you 30cents.

Please try your very Best to cast your votes. If possible every MLBians can votes with 3 different methods.
Please do it by latest tomorrow.
Thank-you in advance.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 16:17

i sms already


Blogger Z A | 23 July, 2007 16:30

that was very thoughtful!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 16:32

uncle, i copy-paste de. haha.

Oh ya, I can use my M1 internet de SIM card hur. haha. now then i remember. M1 internet de SIM card can be use to make calls too lor, but will be charge separately...haha.

Can anyone of u remind me (preferably sms) to bring the voting coupons on Saturday for u guys? I got 10. haha.


Blogger PeiShan | 23 July, 2007 16:33

to qing:
huh .. really ar .. aiyo .. haha .. aiya, u la .. ask u keep e board liao, then keep holding it .. of coz ppl will look at u la .. haha ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 16:37

oh and one more thing - 误会大了~~ not sure if it's because Jia Hui was mentioning about "Fan club" yesterday, got some people already asking how to join milubing fan club at MilubingYG liao lor. Yesterday I replied two of them "Fan club is not set up officially yet" and stuff and just now still got people ask in YG... O__________O! 怎么办?


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 16:39

uncle phil, yup shihui was e one who went arnd asking ppl to fill up e coupons..thx for posting up e voting methods..i was abt to post them up as well.. :)

qing, aiyo next time e mrt door wan to close liao de dun go in la..scare me lor..when i heard quizzy telling e story..

shan, oh..whee~ i'm an angel..lols! nvm la..u are an ungel too.. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 16:41

quizzy, i tink it's bcos jiahui saw e mlb tee we were wearing la..tts y she tot it's fc tee..n speaking of e tee, i kena pai dao ytd lor..argh.. *faints* nvm la..wait for pauline to announce lor..den let tt president decide wad to do.. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 16:54

so ignore those enquiries made at MilubingYG? haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 17:05

UNCLE PHIL! actually i wave and mouthed a "hello" to you if you rmb. (hopefully i didnt recognise wrongly) you were in MLB tee and blue adidas shoe right? er.. i was with min.(if you still rmb her) haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 17:07

erm u oredi told them it's not set up yet le rite..


Blogger qing qing | 23 July, 2007 17:18

shan: lol.. not i dun wanna keep ma.. is later put inside my bag, ao duan, den i'll b crying sia.. haha..

yuanping: haha.. i didnt tell my mother man.. tell her, i sure die liao.. haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 17:25

hehehe yep I already done that. And u mentioned "mi lu bing is ranked 4th at cd-rama..aft xing guang bang, jj n lee hom..", where did u get that info? Cos their website not updated lor~ or am I outdated? haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 17:31

quizzy, i went to cd rama..inside got ranking..it's e same for all e stores rite, as proven by mani mlbians last wk..yup..e website is slow..haha..

qing, den ur mum nv ask u wad happen to ur ankle meh? aiyo xiao xin la..


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 17:35

oops paiseh just now didn't write my name...


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 17:37

pinky jie, but we ain't sure right? maybe it's coincidence? Never mind, next time when one of us visit CD rama, we confirm with the staff again? haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 17:42


JIAYOU for this coming Saturday events..

See you guys...

Take care~


Blogger qing qing | 23 July, 2007 17:45

yuanping: haha.. no.. lucky.. =D


Blogger PeiShan | 23 July, 2007 17:47

to yuanping:
ok .. we r both angels .. hahaha ..

to qing: true .. i oso v scare i will break mine .. haha ..


Blogger qing qing | 23 July, 2007 17:52

ya la.. later mine break, i snatch urs!! haha..


Blogger Uncle Phil | 23 July, 2007 17:52

I think the ranking at CD Rama could be wrong.
Cos last week when I walked into the Hougang Mall CD Rama, when I went in the Best Seller Chart shows MiLuBing at #3 spot, but when I left that time after buying MLB's album, I saw MiLuBing's album placed at #4 spot. I believe that 2 garls exchanged the position of #3 & #4. Initially #4 spot was LeeHom's album.
Does anyone know about the best seller ranking at HMV? Cos MiLuBing's album was at TOP last week (same as in Sembawang Music).

Hi yuanping,
you don't have to thanks me, its my pleasure to inform fellow MLBians about the different methods of votings.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 18:01

hi guys
i'll be sending the coupon out tmr

Take care yuanping,uncle phil,qing qing,shan,meikian and many more

see u guys this coming sat!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 18:02

quizzy, but it's too much of a comincidence rite? when everywhr was 3rd last wk..nvm i'll go n check when i go hougang mall tml..

uncle phil, hmm..i tink they acty changed e ranking on either sat or sun..cos if u go on sat n sun, u will realise e ranking is different..

oh n i tink e second batch of originals is out..cos thr are mani albums available when i went in to cd rama ytd..


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 18:03

tsk tsk tsk...yuan lai ru ci... O_o! LOL! Thanks uncle for enlightening...

anyway, me going home after uploading pics to publicity blog la (thanks shan for providing the pics). bye!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 18:08

Hi MLB Congrat for getting into Long Hu Bang. I was at Sembawang Parkway Parade and it is 3rd plc. We need to see 'Lei' get into the 1st plc, at least....



Blogger PeiShan | 23 July, 2007 18:09

to lorita:
u take care too .. hmm .. dunno im going tis sat not leh ..

to quizzy:
welcome .. aiya, i noe u nid to post onto e publicity blog ma .. of coz muz send u la .. haha .. e pics ok ba .. coz i was so multi-task yesterday .. haha .. bz taking photo, sing a long wif them, n covering my face wif e board coz dun wanna capture by e cam (im shy .. haha) ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 18:11

haha, most of it is ok. thanks!



Blogger PeiShan | 23 July, 2007 18:22

to quizzy:
okok .. tt's gd .. bye ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 18:59

since when were you in the rain? :P we were like walking here and there in the rain lah. and sumore we walked out to the bus stop in the rain, while u enjoy in dasmond's car. lols! cuz all lazy take out umbrella. haha...
but anws... got after effect leh, cuz ytd in the rain for too long, then today abit sick liaos. keep feeling very cold ahs~

then wont ur cupboard be super full? hahas... maybe got time can go shop for furniture. :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 19:44

weiqi, haha... nice "manga"... shall wait for issue #2... lol~

sam, dun keep d fan. electronic thing cant keep de. 会坏. pls use ya.. after spoilt liao den keep ba.. hope u wont find it too kiddy... cldnt find a better 1 liao. ;p

flora, so u did nt join d q... guessed as much tat it'll b super long. i juz posted d newspapers cuttings tdy. hope can win d tkts too (but most likely nt)... will u b gg to d autograph session? i may b gg.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 19:46

Uncle Phil, Im JiaHui's friend.
She wanted to ask you whether can you lend her two albums so that she can lend it to our friends on Sat. Thanks.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 20:32

Ur Pics Are Lame lo.. But quite cute la ... U ah ~ *speechless*

I today hor, tink of YOU i feel like laughing out loud to myself... Later Ppl tot i siao lo ~ =P

Well, anyway mayb sat i saw u i really will burst out in laughter =X

Omg today's ONLY Monday ~ =S
Take Care Lots!
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 20:38

Harlow, I casted my vote 2 days ago....but I think I sms wrongly...hehehe....errhhh....so I called in just now. =p

weiqi, the newsletter thingy quite cute. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 20:53

hi yuan ping, hi uncle phil,

you are so welcome, ii am glad tt ii am able to help a little-bit here and there, haha!

uncle phil, u dunno ii am the one who helped u arh?! aiyo!! den u mistook me as who huh?! hahaha~!!!

do u guys still need coupons? ii shall tear them all from all my i-weekly. hahahah~!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 21:09

btw, for your information, voting rules for yes93.3 long hu bang,

- all coupons must be sent out not later than thursday.
- if u call the hotline to vote for 泪, you can vote more den one time.

these 2 points are wad ii noe as ii helped my fren vote for kelly poon's song last year. if anyone of you mentioned in your previous tag, sorry bout tt. haha! just for your knowledge.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 21:54

nah, its best to send the coupons by Tuesday. If u send on Wednesday, Postmen korkor will only delivered there by 5pm on Thursday but the cut-off time for the week's result is 12pm.

Hotline can vote more than once meh? haha. Anyway I used my internet de SIM card to vote via sms le. Cannot use that to call 1900 de - don't know why. haha.

What a cold cold night - don't forget to put on your blanket wor~ haha ;)


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 22:31

good nitez guys.....
take care guys
busy day tmr.......


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 22:37

i shall paste what uncle phil posted in the prev post...

1) 1 person only can vote once using the same method per week (meaning: 1x sending voting coupon, 1x by SMSing & 1x by calling [since 淚 already on the chart]).

2) Cannot have same hand writing even if you used different names to cast your vote.

3) Cannot paste many voting coupons onto the same envelope or postcard (if you do that, only 1 vote is taken in account).

4) All votes must reached yes933 by Thursday 12pm (to be safe, please send out latest by Tuesday), in order to be taken into account for the same week's ranking.

the bolded ones, please take note of it specially.

let's all make lei CHIONG into top 3 okay! :) and please send out your coupons by TOMORROW so that it'll qualify for this week's ranking.THANKS!

thanks uncle phil! :D

ohh by the way, jus fyi in case u all duno. there's no need to specially purchase envelopes for the voting, u guys can paste them on postcards. those kind of postcards that you can get free @ restaurants n shopping mall etc... save some $$ to buy album mah. haha :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 23:09

another day is coming to an end.
somehow time passes by really quickly.
but then again, it'll be one day lesser to saturday! :D
have an early night's rest everybody.
the weather's very cooling now.
perfect for sleeping. (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 23:11

Great Power in J8 ~ MLBians! Too bad, tts the only one we can go! =(

Nice to meet yuan ping, quizzy_me & friends!

MLB Rocks!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 23:34

heard from the radio that the 3 guys would be on air on friday night, 11 pm. together with li teng and ma li..
wonder what would you all 3 be doing this time round? think you all better get ready to handle the bombarding calls from all the mlbians.. haha!


Blogger PeiShan | 23 July, 2007 23:46

thx garl for e info .. hmm .. muz glue my ears to e radio on fri nitez liao .. haha ..

gotta slp le .. nitez mlb n mlbians .. sweet dreams ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 23:46

mr chan, are we your guinea pigs for your 处女作?tsk tsk tsk ... btw, can I ask a very S qn? why is 繁体文used for the album? ... and hopefully can get to hear guest bassist the next time? ;p

sam, things will gather dust or turn moldy ... so, I am sure MLBians will prefer you use the gifts ... they will be ‘so sad’ if you don’t ... you all very 搞怪ya ... the mixed id intro.


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 23:46

woo~ gg to 933! must tune in den...

nite all~ zzz.............


Anonymous Anonymous | 23 July, 2007 23:49

i dont think dian ge calls are allowed when there're guests on the show? not very sure.

traditional chinese is used as it's a chinese album. maybe next time can market to taiwan also. that kind of thing... but as far as i know, all the singaporean singers who've released album, their albums are also in traditional chinese.

cheers~ i'll look forward to friday's on air interview.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 00:17

mk, thankq! ciao!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 00:21

garl doesn't mean dian ge, she thought we can call in to just chat with them or ask them questions.

Don't know leh, now don't listen to Yes933 as I used to be le...maybe can only sms in...maybe la...

but quite likely it should be interview ba. Maybe with a bit of 'live performance'? I don't know. Have to tune in on Friday le. haha.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 24 July, 2007 00:27

Hi Singyin,
You all should encourage your friends to buy the album rather than borrowing album. We should promote MLB's debut album to all our friends. Please don't feel offended, if I sound harsh. Sorry.

Hi shihui,
So pai-seh.
Last Sunday was the 1st time we talked, so didn't really know your name. In fact, many MLBians know me but I don't really know them. Only can recognise them by their looks, then just greet & say hello.
Please be sure that, I know who you are now. Sorry.

Ya, we still need lots of voting coupons. Those have many with you, please bring to BBP this Saturday. Thanks in advance.

Sorry, can't really remember. But your description about me is right.
If not wrong are you standing at the 3rd row? Actually, to be frank I don't know who is min?

Aiyah, "jia-lat" lah, my apologies to all MLBians who know me but I do not know who you are? Think it is very easy to see me (cos I am a Male MLBian & believe I am the oldest MLBian), please come and talk to me & introduce yourself to me. I will be very glad to know all MLBians if possible (provided my memories still good-hahaha).

Hi garl,
Thanks for the info for MLB going on air this Friday night 11pm on yes933.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 00:30

capri, I'm not sure if I can go for the autograph session not, cos its mth end and I need to do mth end support on sun as well... depends on whether my coll can work e afternoon shift for me not. But toki is going, defintely.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 00:34

heh heh.
cooling weather nowdays.
so cold.
feel like slping in class. =x

btw, great performance ytd! :DD
realli enjoyed singing along wif u guys.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 00:38

Hey there MLBians! "We've received the MLB journal book with the well wishes at the back, really means so much to us!mmm, our fu zhuang for auto sessions is the da ge fu, so can't add or minus unless we're allowed to.ADM has great facilities and great tutors,it's jus kinda new,like only 1st 3 batches next year,and more courses are provided along the way as more teachers join the school. It'll be great to go down to the school itself to talk to the profs and take a look around to get a clearer pic.Also,it has it's strengths,so if ur thinking of mastering in it's strengths,then u shld go there.Frankly speaking it's hard to talk about my own school,not appropriate,so guess this is as far as i can go.Jus keep ur options open,and do a proper research on wat's available to u b4 making a decision." *Cough* ok ok, to those who are super confused with this comment,i'm jus replying some of the MLBians who asked me some questions that's all. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 00:41

Also, LOVE THE MUG!!!thanks! I'll upload more photos after this sat k? To double confirm, this friday we'll be on 933fm..and if i'm not wrong this sunday for the program, "i love sunday" 1st episode... yup yup.. THANKS for voting peeps! JIAYO! And we're jiayoing too..gotta jam,but poor nic's SUPER busy with NS..xian.Take care!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 00:43

hello weiqi! FYI, from august onwards you might be seeing one more MLBian in NTU le. Marssh will be taking some sort of engineering course in NTU from august onwards...haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 00:44

weiqi, good that tonight weather quite cooling liao, dun need anymore aircon from u. Hahaha...went ADM few times, really cool. My friend was in the it's contruction project. I'm still trying to figure out whats that slope for... for grass sliding?


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 00:47

hello weiqi,
i was just talking about you to yuanping eh. hahas. thanks for replying to what i said in the letter yah? :)

sure sure, take your time to do the photos. we can wait. so you guys have recorded the i love sunday show liao huh? saw the commercial and it looked quite scary to me hahas.

awws. eh please ask that nic to take care. didnt get to talk to him yesterday night... u guys dont jam too late yeah? jiayou...

hoping lei will be in top 10 this week. jiayou guys!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 00:50

that slope ar? it's sweet. We've got grass growing on the roof. 'wow' ADMers always have parties up there,like mooncake festival,halloween.. bla bla bla.. Marssh in NTU? when's Mellow coming? heh heh.. no offence ya? jus helping to cool things around here..server can heat up and crash..now we wouldn't want that would we? we wanna blog HERE!!! yay.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 00:55


you've really been weird for the past few weeks.

take great care ahs~

OH and u havent answer my question eh! did u specially learn drums? =.=

from your kiasu fan, mk =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 00:57

and no, there's definitely NO possibility the server will heat up and crash, with you always providing free aircon. plus the cold weather these few days.



Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 00:57

aww~~ haha. it's already winter here le...i mean, literally. haha. Ok i'm crapping. Yes she will be starting school soon. Saturday they just finished camp and Sunday she 'flew' here to let you guys to sign album and also pass the mug to nic (you got yours from Weiqi and Sam got his from qing qing) le...so sweet right? haha~~

glad u guys love the suprise we prepare... =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 00:58

*you got yours from shan


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 00:59

I assume no more important announcement is coming up so I sign out publicity blog le arh? haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 01:02

went to MLB concert on 22july at junction8!
u all sang SOOO WELL! iloveit :D
& im sooo sooo glad i bought the album,
cuz my album got AUTOGRAPHED! hahas. & wonder if u all{MLB} remember the 3rd person whom u all signed the album? hahas. well, thats me, but i tink u all carn remember ehs? soo many fans & supporters! lols.

sad dat on 28july i carn go... got sth on...



Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 01:02

weiqi, we were jus toking abt u..haha..i love sunday is a pre-recorded show rite..looking forward to seeing it on sun! so mani things lined up for u guys hor..fri still got yes933 thingy..take care hor..dun tire urselves out..we'll be voting hard for lei up long hu bang..(yes, we still need lots of coupons..so mlbians, do bring it to bpp if u hv k..thx!) hee..u guys jiayou oso! :)

oh n ur mellow thing is so lame la.. *brr* so do u need chocolate fondue? :P lols!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 01:07

~.~ last week weiqi is tired to the extent that he might overlooked our messages saying Milubing's album top the Sembawang music centre chart, this time he didn't overlooked again ba - Milubing's album is number 2 (after Lee hom)this week on Sembawang music? haha :P


Blogger binz | 24 July, 2007 01:12

after goin the j8 auto finally now can match the names here to the faces of some mlbians! though din go forward to like approach and talk but frm certain descriptions here and there can figure out liao.. perhaps next event that i go then approach bah, too shy.. hahax.

wah weiqi de air con services getting stronger everytime hor. mux be too stress liao? good to jam it all out but not too late sia. restrestrest(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 01:13

maybe you should stand next to nic every time you guys have a performance. since nic always sweating, you can provide aircon for him. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 01:14

meikian, i agree! :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 01:21


haha. So weiqi meant you trios jamming now is it? hoho. jia you lo~ I logging off soon. Zhang Zheng Yue is cool (he's on yu le bai fen bai). Tomorrow or rather later is my favorite module and i got a boring facilitator for this...sian. haha jia you lo~ nitey!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 24 July, 2007 01:31

wow weiqi,
you really reacted fast huh? quizzy mentioned marssh starting her class in NTU, and you asking for mellow? You want candies izzit? Hahaha...

Last week MLB's debut album also TOP the best seller chart in HMV.

Ya, as wat yuanping said: we are voting very hard for lei to be in the Top 10 this coming Sunday, hopefully it will be Top 3 by next Sunday. Fyi, the ranking these few weeks are very tough (cos got songs from Jay, LeeHom, JJ Lin, AndyLau, MayDay, SHE & etc.) But not forgetting MLBians will Never Say Die so easily; just like MLB.
MLB Family Jia-you...

Ya, congrats marssh.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 24 July, 2007 01:52

From my post in the previous tag:

Calling for more male MLBians, please come and join me if you wanna support MLB. I am very glad to see many Male MLBians at J8 last Sunday (even JiaHui also mentioned not easy to see many Male fans).
Wondering the guy wearing MLB's tee is peeping here? Saw you alone attending the autograph session just now. Believe you must be a die hard fan of MLB too, I wanna know you and all other Male MLBians.
ik aka Ivan: are you at J8 last Sunday? Didn't get to see you. If you are there, hope you have enjoyed yourself.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 24 July, 2007 01:54

Its near 2am liao, think I better zzzzz now.
Good nitez & sweet dreams to MLB Family.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 02:35

by the way,
weiqi, i hope the originals of the well wishes were still intact when u got to see them. cuz the ribbon not very tight, then we were afraid everything would fall out. hope it did survive in the end.



Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 07:58


sthg to perk u up in the morning... latest from 我报 ;)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 08:31

haha. Thanks xiu jiejie.

I brought my coupon to school wanting to post le; then i realize i forget to put stamp! Later I'll see go to our 7-eleven to buy...

I'm getting senile lor~~ haha.


Blogger PeiShan | 24 July, 2007 10:16

morning peepz ..

thx xiu for e link ..

aiyo .. e interview v funny leh .. haha ..

to weiqi:
yeah .. u love e mug oso ar .. muz use k ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 10:21

Ask u a question - how would u advise/console/encourage someone who say "giving up is easier than striving on"?

haha, it's winter time in my classroom~~ take care all ;)~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 10:32

NTU sounds fun. Must be really happening to have parties on the slope, it is permitted? Hahaha, are u one of the "wow" ADMers?

Talked to my colleague who just got a master from NUS, her study path is very similiar to me, and she really inspired me to go further. Master? MBA? maybe. But 读书是幸福的. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 12:35

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~~~ =P!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 24 July, 2007 12:43

Thanks Xiu for the full article in MyPaper.

Wow, the pictures were very nicely taken. And the interview videos really very funny & cute lor. Seem likes they are very relax with the interview & believe they enjoy themselves in the interview. How nice will it be if all these videos were to be on TV?
MLB Power-Lah...


Blogger Uncle Phil | 24 July, 2007 12:47

Oh ya, I enjoy watching the videos over again & again. It makes me laugh watching these videos. Hahaha
Think one of the BEST interview so far. The 3 milo bois were not that tense & can tell that they are having fun. MLB Jia-you...


Blogger PeiShan | 24 July, 2007 12:53

to uncle phil:
yar lor .. i watch 2 times le .. e second time i watch i still laugh .. haha .. they really seems to b having fun .. not so tense le .. gd gd gd ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 13:32

yeah yeah...quite fun leh...


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 13:33

a pity, this sat flying liao....can't go watch mlb. =(


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 13:48

whoa very full after lunch...but had good chat with my hao xiong di too. haha.

Shan warned me not to watch the videos now cos I'll be laughing during lesson, haha. Alright, I'll watch after school. haha.

Does that mean after Saturday we won't be seeing Milubing face-to-face so soon? NOoooooooooooo~~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 13:51

encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~!

oops...haha :P take care all ;)


Blogger yammy | 24 July, 2007 14:01

to quizzy: yeah! weiqi love the mug we gave him *flew to the sky wa you very free horrr.. see you online so long le! haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 14:36

nah, I'm in class. having lesson now. RP students study with laptop de mahz, so can afford to online lor. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 14:52

My 1st time at auto section. Encore! it was FUN at J8!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 15:22

Hi MLB.. were at your jian ming hui..great day, great fun..Now tt u guyz r on the Chart..move up...!

MLBains, other than our votings, I believe support of the DJs are important too. If we want MLB to get a platinum.. we have to work on it.

9.33, 97.2 how to get them to play the songs. I love Shi Ying...Lei.. and now is how to move up the chart. Voting from us is not enough, we need the mass out there.

meikian, thank you for the articles. Nice to know MLB got so many good feedback and support from the media. I hope our bois (MLB) remains humble and reachable by fans and not jus a few fans..

I bought 10 CDs to giveaway.. I will be buying somemore and send to China's friends...What has Warner got install for MLB...?
Singapore market is too small.... I hope to see them in the region!

Good start guyz! I love u guyz bcos of yr simplicity.. stay this way! Don't get carried away!

MLBains... you guyz are great! Good supporting forces at the back of MLB.. and they are so lucky..we believe in them...

Lets..do it for MLB and ourselves!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 16:10

Just got a temp job for tomorrow (1 day only)- distributing flyers. Haha. I told my bestie I may want to use the money I earned to buy another MLB album, then he say "you sicko la~". aiyo...haha =D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 16:47

uncle phil: forgot which row i was standing =x lol. neverminds. MLBians can always meet again during events. haha.

waiting fot MLB's gan bai to come out!! (:

and thanks weiqi.(:


those mugging, JIAYOU TOO!!!!

i think im abit too stressed liao. BYEBYE mlbians. tc and scream&cheer my share for MLB.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 16:52

hi MLB & Mbians

good news for MLB:
juz come back around citylink area
i walk pass the HMV i saw

MLB debut album is 2nd in HMV citylink......i was like so happy standing there....


Blogger qing qing | 24 July, 2007 17:20

haven watch e video yet.. =( sch cant watch.. >.<

shan, muiling, yammy n marssh: WAHAHA!!! weiqi like e mug man!! lol.. but dunno still got who give weiqi mug lei.. lol.. scarlie is not us only lor.. haha.. =D

weiqi: MUS USE e mug kkkkkkkkkkkk!!! but i think u needa washhhhh till v v v v v v clean den can use lei.. e person dunno dip e mug in wat solution lor.. later u got poisoned, if u didnt wash clean clean.. haha.. =P

shan: eh!! u gg de ma on sat? i still thinking lei.. lol.. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 17:20

wee~~ =D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 17:22

qing qing, if shan not going u go with me and marssh lor. Chelsea going too. But we will be going from different directions wor~

haha =D


Blogger qing qing | 24 July, 2007 17:23

oh.. chelsea gg oso.. nv c her b4.. haha.. but i dunno how to go lor.. lol.. hmmm.. still thinking lei.. lol..


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 17:36

hi qing qing
how ar u ????
ar u going this sat


Blogger qing qing | 24 July, 2007 17:43

hi lorita!! =)
i'm kk.. haha.. u? how r u?
hmmm.. i haven decide wanna go or not lei.. i got alot of tests next wk.. =(
u gg?
heehee.. bye bye.. i gg for lecture liao.. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 17:45

eiyer~ that person just called me saying the job (distributing the flyer and product) might be postpone to another day. hai wo happy for a while, thought can use that little wages to buy another MLB de album for them to sign on Saturday le...

qing qing, for you, you can take MRT to Bugis then take 960. Buy the bus directory ba - around 2 bucks nia. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 17:51

hi qing qing
i'm okay
i'm going to c them this sat
last authorgraph ma must attend


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 18:04

ya lor, thats why i asked the question - does that mean we won't be seeing the trios face-to-face so soon? I don't want~~~

*encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! *


whoa just finish watching the videos le. haha so funny.

my friend is very downcast lately. I worried for him la. He's not one of us but he loves Milubing too especially Sam. So I asked him to listen to "Get alive" and he will be cheered up. Cos that's what I did too la. And I felt much better too...

Guess I shall do the "99.5% complete guide on how to go to BPP" again. haha. Going home lo~


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 19:02

i just watch the videos, super funny haha! aiyo... :P

唱歌看不到东西比较有feel huh?



aiyaa, weiqi also alot of fans what! hahas... and sam likes to use his drumsticks to 打人 right. remember las time the 神秘礼物 SAM said the purpose of giving away the drumstick was for the person to 打自己。。。

有空多读繁体字啦~that part was super funny. hahas! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 19:19

good news!!!!!
Finally,i get a job.....


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 20:40

haha congrats lorita jie...


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 20:53

ar u going to tis sat authorgraph session


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 21:28

Uncle Phil,
JiaHui wants me to tell you that it's okay, her friends got the album already. sorry about that, and thanks alot! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 21:34

hey Uncle Phil
how many album u have????


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 21:40

weiqi! thanks for the tag! =) continue to shine o! 加油!加油!加油!(((((((((((((((:


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 21:46

wow. how i envy u jacqq. hahas.
weiqi tagging at ur blog. soo good :D

how i wish mine were tagged by one of them too >,< hahas.

MLB jiayou!


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 21:50

and and and and and.....

MLB, must have lotsa rest ehs. hope can fast fast have 2nd album. hahas. ok, i know it need lotsa tym. hahas. treat as thou im talking... crap? hahas.

*i wanna know more MLB fans! tag me in my blog kays? hahas. wanna be frens with u all ):


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 21:58

huh?! dont have to envy me de?! your turn will come de and i didnt write that to attract attention. dont get me wrong k?! just wanna thank him nia. (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 22:13

halo weiqi, nice comic u gort there lol.
freeezingggg. :D


Blogger yammy | 24 July, 2007 22:18

to qingqing: haha yea lor! he like wo men jiu an xing le. got other people give mugs also oh?

to quizzy, shan, qing: you all going this saturday ma? hoho. btw lucky quizzy not call "gao" if not i have to type 'gao shan qing'. you know what it means right? okok. that's pure lameness. =.=


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 22:23

Lorita says:
hey Uncle Phil
how many album u have????

24 July, 2007 21:34

Sorrie Uncle Phil
the comments above sound abit rude,sorrie abt tt


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 22:24

haha. Lorita jie, I'm going. haha.

ok la rip berries, i tagged u ba :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 22:29


jacqq: no la. i din even tink dat way. lols.
but ur reali lucky to get tagged by him ohs. hahas.

quizzy_me: hahas. thankies quizzy_me :D hahas. finally one or rather, two? MLB fan & fren le. LOLS.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 22:29

oh...then c u then
i'll be going
so happy & sad lol
happy is can c e guys
sad is the last authorgraph & to c them


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 22:31

tagged lo~ ^o^!



Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 22:32

Lorita jie, shout with me ba,

*encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! encore~! *

haha :P


Blogger Uncle Phil | 24 July, 2007 22:33

Hi meikian,
Thanks, but I never do anything to deserve any thanks from you. But I am very glad that JiaHui's fren finally bought MLB's album. Should thanks JiaHui for encouraging her fren to buy the album. If everyone does likewise, MLB's album sales should hit 15000copies in no time and be qualified for Platinum Award.

Hi Lorita,
Congrats for finding yourself a job. All the Best to you.

Ok, we should be able to meet at other MLB's events.

Hi quizzy,
Ya, so sad that coming Saturday will be the last session of autograph signing. Hopefully there will be more to come with the 改版.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 22:35


saw ur taggy & replied le. hahas. thx thx (:

erks. sad i carn go on 28july! sians! OMGGG! im sooo gonna miss MLB after their last auto session le lahs! boohoo ): infact, is missing them now >.<


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 22:36

xiu, thks 4 uploading d interview.. so funni... had a gd laugh... ;-D

flora, u can ask toki to contact me. tink i'll go in d morning so tat i wont b too far behind. need to get home early so dun wanna b at back of q.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 22:38

gtg slp now ler.
nites peeps :D



Blogger PeiShan | 24 July, 2007 22:40

to qing n yamroll:
i dunno im going tis sat not leh .. haha ..

to yamroll:
eh .. u kana e lameness disease fr weiqi ar .. (opps .. paiseh, weiqi .. =X) "gao shan qing" .. haha ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 22:45

Oh yeah yamroll asked too right? haha yeah I'll be going...


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 22:46

i think time really flies huh?

1st July 2006, MLB was still at their revival event at bugis, results of the revival round still unknown...

1st July 2007, MLB already singapore's first superband, first time singing their album song on tv, for the entire singapore. [Sheng Siong Show]

time passes really fast yah? wonder what'll be happening on the same day in 2008... haha :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 22:49

to meikian,

i know wad will happen! hahas.
they will have their dunno how many albums out le! hahas.
& dats a joy :D

*ok, im talking craps x)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 22:52

yeah, probably already singing their 2nd album song on tv... or maybe concert... hahas.

got people say she wan to turn into uno stacko for us to play on saturday. hahaha... :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 22:54

to meikian,
hahas. hope is true :D best is got concert! whooo! & all MLBians get high during their concert & its gonna be a GREAT one. lols.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 22:58

OHMY. okay, im exaggerating. haha! :P

迷 路 兵 YES933 Live Interview

迷 路 兵 签 唱 会
Venue: Bukit Panjang Plaza
Time: 3pm

We will give away free EXCLUSIVE Mi Lu Bing poster to 1st 50 people that
queue to get the autograph on that day.

*Those who didn't manage to be in the 1st 50, they still can get the poster FREE
with every album purchase from the retailer selling the album on that day.

WHILE STOCK LAST ONLY at Bukit Panjang Plaza.

so peeps, try not to buy from outside if you want the poster yah? buy on that day... can get the poster. haha...

information from WARNER MUSIC!

:) :) :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 23:01

oops, the date for the interview...

迷 路 兵 YES933 Live Interview
Date:27 July 2007, Friday


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 23:03

1st jul 2008..probably milubing will be holding concert somewhere n singing songs from their second album..like wad meikian said..wa u pro ar..can tok on msn n tag here..multi task eh.. :D thx for e info! i wan e poster!! whee~~ yay yay yay!!! haha..

eh i tink someone told me she wans to turn into mahjong tiles for us to pong on sat..heh heh.. :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 23:06

i can multitask, not like some people cannot multitask but insist can multitask. haha... :)

no lah, is mahjong table. mus be quality wood sumore. then easier to PONG! mah. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 23:13

meikian, i noe who u are toking abt..haha..

oh i heard wrongly huh..is mahjong table..den her frens will be mahjong tiles la..hee..den uno stacko how to play ar..e grnd mus be lvl den can play rite.. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 23:15

easy lah, use the mahjong table to play uno stacko lah! sure flat one. if not u want to use the mahjong tiles as the uno stacko, i think also can. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 23:22

Free posters will be given with every purchase of their album at BPP? 有一种被骗的感觉~~should have tahan until this Saturday le... -_-!

haha it's alright =D! thanks for informing anyway =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 23:23

oh..mahjong table ar..can hor..dun wan la..i dun wan to use mahjong tiles to play uno stacko..no fun..not colourful enuf..i wan v colourful one lei.. :P


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 23:25

nite all~

happy chatting~


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 23:27

nitey capri jie~~

Currently I doing the guide on how to go to BPP~~ with pictures included this time...


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 23:28

then u turn urself into the very colourful uno stacko lorh. and what mahjong not colourful enough, mahjong got more colours than poker card k... wait the mahjong feel offended then u know.

ok, weiqi, we jus trying to help u cool your server and stop it from burning so that you can blog here. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 23:34

here's ano S qn ... can sign on the poster or not? ;p


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 23:34



Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 23:34

eh i dun wan to turn into uno stacko lor..it's tt somebody..haha..mahjong reali not colourful wad..if u turn it u can onli c one colour lei..colourful meh..aiya e mahjong v nice to me de..wun feel offended de la..hehe..

yes weiqi..we are preventing e server from crashing u noe.. :D


Blogger marssh | 24 July, 2007 23:35

ahem ahem mellow has been separated from marssh le....so no more marsshmallows!!!!lalala yahs i know its brrRR cold....=.= yeah i'm staying in hall too but too bad weiqi not staying anymores rite tsk tsk....

i nvr get to shake hands wif e 3 milos so i'm going down again!!!yahs upcuming auto session muz assk for ENCORE liao...i want to hear 'wo wei she me hai ai ni'!!hees....

hihihi to al here nong nong time no 'see' le...


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 23:39

not mentioned on the site eh, maybe if i free i'll call up and ask. or ask on that day itself. or maybe if someone else who knows, tell us ya? :D

mahjong more united, when u turn it u see all the same colour. n at least when u see the correct side it has more colours. can learn chinese sumore.


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 23:47

marssh, coming to ntu oso ar..hees..wad course are u taking? i'll cya arnd in sch when sch starts k.. :)

meikian, uno stacko oso v educational ma..got numbers..can learn maths.. :P aiya uno stacko got diversity ok..got 4 colours..haha..


Blogger PeiShan | 24 July, 2007 23:49

wat !! got poster !! aiyo .. really shld haf wait until tis sat then buy album ..

to marssh:
u finally come back to tis blog liao .. haha .. u tis sat really going ar .. we v stupid lor, din shake hand wif them .. haha .. eh, u wanna hear then hear ar .. u tot u v big shot ar .. haha =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 24 July, 2007 23:56

i think for the people in question, learning chinese is more impt than learning maths? haha... as we can see from the videos lorh. lols! though this has nothing to do with them. but they can watch us PONG! and learn at the same time. wahahas...

four colours nia, so plain one... one piece only got one colour. mahjong one piece got many colours.



Blogger PeiShan | 25 July, 2007 00:00

gotta slp le .. nitez ppl .. happy tagging n making tis place cold cold de .. haha .. sweet dreams .. ^_^

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