
milubing | 03 August, 2009 19:49


Our dear production friends created a facebook page for us... Pls join cos it will slowly be developed and soon it'll be a great place for updates and news too!



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Anonymous old MLB page admin | 03 August, 2009 21:31

since there's already an official page for MLB, the old MLB page on facebook will be deleted within the next few days. please join the new page for any MLB updates in future.



Blogger thy | 03 August, 2009 22:17

ooo ! thats cool ! im in xD

how is everyone ? do take care and do not fall sick yeah !

with love ,


Anonymous Uncle Phil | 03 August, 2009 22:54

Aiyo, I dun really like facebook leh!
So, will information be no longer updated here?


Blogger Sam Wong | 03 August, 2009 23:00

Not to worry Uncle Phil, think its another form of contact and info counter, here's still a home.

Thank you too to our old admin!

Everyone take care and don't fall sick!!

Like H1N1 boy. =)


Blogger thy | 04 August, 2009 00:22

hi sam ! how are you already ? getting better or totally recovered ? ;D

uncle phil : u can just join the group n ignore all other facebook applications xD


Anonymous Uncle Phil | 04 August, 2009 00:43

Halo Sam,
Thanks for you prompt reply.
Please get to bed and sleep ok?
Hope you are already recovered. :)

Maybe I will try it out then.
Cos, I dun like to create a facebook account lor!
Anyway, thank you very much. :)


Blogger binz | 04 August, 2009 05:15

"here's still a home" sounds so 温馨(:

man fb is like a must thing nowadays! but im so lazy to manage my acc and it's pretty scary how addictive fb is! ahha. yay joined!


Anonymous weiqi | 04 August, 2009 13:55

Hey there "old MLB page admin", i think u shouldn't shut down the old page leh... cos it was really cool to have your page up, very nice of u...and it is sorta like from the perspective of a supporter.. it'll be very different from the 'official' page which is handled by our production team. Don't worry la, the more the merrier... and this blog will still be MLB's cosy home.. personal stuff here 1st haha.. announcements we'll still update here de.. here is where Nic,Sam and WQ will be tagging.. the other sites are by various ppl who are aiding us..so don't worry.. just more avenues! cheers..


Anonymous Jane | 04 August, 2009 14:31

Hello Sam and Weiqi. :)

I joined le. Thanks. I also think dun remove the old page. The more the merrier. The more the better. Haha. Yes this is the place where u guys will be tagging and blogging. :)

Take care all.


Anonymous pekchoo | 04 August, 2009 14:50

Helloooo Weiqi.

Yep I agree that the old one don't remove it.

I have Joined liao!~ Thanks =P

Take Care Guys =D


Anonymous old MLB page admin | 04 August, 2009 15:01

well, will keep the page then! except that updates will be pretty much minimal there from now onwards, but anything that's already there will still be kept though. have sent an update out to the 200+ fans on that page to add the new page :) cheers!


Anonymous syl | 04 August, 2009 15:13

yup, i think it shouldnt be removed too. =)


Anonymous quizzy_me=) | 04 August, 2009 17:21

hello weiqi...
haha i join-ded.

hello sam didi...
h1n1 boy sounds so not nice leh...
haha but u take care~
hope didi feeling better liao =D...

haha binz binz...fb is addictive de...especially games...woohoo!

hello everybody~
its a hot tuesday!
have fun~~ =)


Anonymous nic | 05 August, 2009 23:39

I used to be in Pet Society..

Oh my thinking back.. haha!!!!!


Anonymous ik | 06 August, 2009 00:18

Pet Society? the facebook game?


Anonymous flora | 06 August, 2009 00:54

Haha Nic, now Facebook got more than pet society. I'm hooked on other application games like Restaurant City and Farm Town. Btw, pet society has new features too like fishing and gardening. hee hee.


Anonymous quizzy_me=) | 06 August, 2009 02:53

pet society nice wat...WE always play in CLASS....oops =X! haha...

now i'm chionging kungfu pets =D...

hello nic =D


Anonymous angie | 06 August, 2009 10:13

i twit :)


Anonymous capri | 06 August, 2009 14:12

quizzy_me, wat izzit abt in kungfu pets?


Blogger thy | 06 August, 2009 16:02

everyone seemed so stuck on pets society, i darent try in case i get hooked too. ahaha xD


Anonymous Jane | 06 August, 2009 19:09

Hello Nic.

Haha yah loh now facebook got more than Pet Society le. Haha. I got played Restaurant city, Kungfu pets, Roller Coaster Kingdom, Bejeweled blitz and many more. HAHA. :)

Drink more water and take care all.


Anonymous nic | 07 August, 2009 00:12

oh yea.. i entirely removed my friendster.. facebooks.. everything!!

Coz the games... cam whoring and updating ate too much into my life.. bo pian manz.. opportunity cost.. time is limited so spend wisely!


Blogger thy | 07 August, 2009 02:46

yep... socializing can be very time consuming, for studying students like me surely have extra time to spend on facebook, but im sure nic you wont have, afterall u have to help running echo music ! xD

Busy as you are,do take care and drink more water , get more rest yeah ! same to sam & weiqi and all mlb-ians .


Anonymous birdie fm de jungle | 07 August, 2009 11:42

At 12:34 today is a special moment, today is friday(5) date 7/8/09, is 12345678.

May this day brings MLB & Mlbies - happiness, health and success.


Anonymous birdie fm de jungle | 07 August, 2009 11:44

above sh be 123456789


Anonymous Uncle Phil | 07 August, 2009 14:45

Hi birdie,

From your tag, I cannot figure out where does the 6 come in?
Kindly advice, thanks. :)

Woohoo, its TGIF once again. And also a super long weekend.
Hope everyone have a wonderful weekend & an advance Happy Birthday Singapore.


Anonymous Anonymous | 07 August, 2009 18:00

Uncle phil, it's 12:34, and 56 seconds:)


Anonymous birdie fm de jungle | 07 August, 2009 19:21

hi sori uncle phil,s/b 12:34:56 7/8/09


Anonymous Uncle Phil | 07 August, 2009 22:22

oic, thanks birdie for your explanation.
so there is nothing to do with friday(5).
wow... must be difficult to keep track, up to per second! hehehe...
dun have to say sorry, juz tat i m blur & confused! hahaha.. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 09 August, 2009 01:56

Question for everyone here: What is the main motive/driving force, that makes MLB stay as a band, to keep producing music as a band? Friendship? Money? Fame? What do u think?


Anonymous quizzy_me=) | 09 August, 2009 02:04

friendship? their love for music? :D


Anonymous mlbian | 09 August, 2009 14:33

their simple, boyish, sincere personality, boys next door n clean-cut image, most impt mutilple talents n able to produce good music that is pleasing to the ears.


Blogger thy | 09 August, 2009 21:46

Their close friendship between the 3 of them, their close-to-the-soul and sincere feeling the music brings, and of cuz how they dont portray an image that isnt the real them, how they get close up with their fans with their true self, unlike most celebrities who stay behind a fake mask.


Anonymous GNIJUY | 09 August, 2009 22:06

.. because they 3 have the same passion in MUSICS, because they 3 combined and make great MUSICS, because they know there're a bunch of US whom will always be there for their MUSICS(:

Conclusion, MUSIC.


Anonymous GNIJUY | 09 August, 2009 22:08

nahnah.. can i edit my conclusion part? HAHAHA,



Anonymous Anonymous | 10 August, 2009 15:58

I think it's the promise they gave us, to produce good music for us to enjoy:)


Blogger binz | 10 August, 2009 23:59

it's the music that they enjoy jamming, the friendship that they treasure and our support that they wanna rebate us with(: