
MLB coming to town?
milubing | 21 August, 2009 21:01

WQ: Hey all, we'll be transiting on the 29th of Aug at the SHA opening concert(IMM) and we'll finally touch down on the 12th of Sept at the Health Promotion Board carnival (PS)...
SAM: After we touch down leh?
WQ: Err...
NIC: We take another flight up lor...back to album production at full throttle!
SAM: Ok, all mlbians pls return to your seats as we prepare for landing..
WQ: *mutters* How do u use this thing arh?
MLBians: *SCREAM* [cos plane dives down]

"paiseh, i stress la, so blog like this :p"

Event: SHA opening concert
Date: 29th August (Sat)
Time: 3pm
Venue: IMM 3rd level, Garden Plaza

Guest artistes includes MiLuBing, Chen Wei Lian etc.

Stay tuned to YES 933FM during 24aug to 28 aug to stand a chance to win priority pass.


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Anonymous MLB | 21 August, 2009 21:25

more details coming soon...


Anonymous weiqi | 21 August, 2009 21:26

Question: why did weiqi fail the pilot course?


Anonymous syl | 21 August, 2009 22:55

that was interesting! =P


Anonymous pekchoo | 21 August, 2009 23:01

LOL~ It was fun! :D
Looking forward for that day.


Blogger ellekay :] | 21 August, 2009 23:24

you dont know how to use this thing?


Anonymous qIaNhUi | 21 August, 2009 23:26

EVENTS FINALLY.! Weeeeeeeeee ~

Ans To Weiqi Qn : B'cos u're not studying pilot course.? B'cos u really don't know how to operate a plane.??? LOL.! Ok abit lame/random la, my brain also abit not functioning well now =/

♥ ♥ ♥ Cya Guyz 29th AUG.!!!


Anonymous ik | 21 August, 2009 23:45

Ans: can fly but cannot land..


Anonymous Flora | 22 August, 2009 00:27

Hahaha... ik's answer is right. I heard that before. and thats y you failed the pilot course... and got into diving instead. one up one down. really extreme hor. You really very stress ah you.


Anonymous rah | 22 August, 2009 01:22


this is hilarious :P
nice one weiqi hehehe!
destress yo weiqi.. :D


Anonymous piglet | 22 August, 2009 01:40

Event: SHA opening concert
Date: 29th August (Sat)
Time: 3pm
Venue: IMM 3rd level, Garden Plaza

Guest artistes includes MiLuBing, Chen Wei Lian etc.

Stay tuned to YES 933FM during 24aug to 28 aug to stand a chance to win priority pass.


Anonymous piglet | 22 August, 2009 01:43


SHA '09 will be held on 6th Nov, Friday at 7pm at Singapore Indoors Stadium.

and the shortlisted artistes for various categories will be announced on 29th aug during the SHA opening concert.


Anonymous weiqi | 22 August, 2009 02:54

chey... so fast got people cai correct le... :(


Blogger thy | 22 August, 2009 12:43

lol !
at first i read till .. errr ?_? then i went ohhhhkayyyy ..!

Wei Qi certainly has a sense of humor in him huh xD

anyway album n event ! ;DDD


Anonymous ik | 22 August, 2009 14:02


Not cai de, u told us de. lol


Anonymous weiqi | 22 August, 2009 14:50

wo lao le...


Blogger binz | 22 August, 2009 19:16

omg finally!


Blogger binz | 22 August, 2009 19:17

hey got this article from omy.com







主唱将献 荧幕初吻 第3张专辑安排主唱Nick献荧幕初吻,新专辑与“饮食”主题挂钩




为了寻找新鲜面孔,陈明初决定公开征求MV女主角。详情可以上龙旺官网http://www.dragonone.com.sg 查询。


Blogger binz | 22 August, 2009 19:20

i think these few lines very cute!



Anonymous aizutto | 22 August, 2009 20:54

Thanks for the info on the upcoming events!


Anonymous syl | 23 August, 2009 00:28

Thanks binz for the article!
Wah, food as theme eh? I wonder how it would be, so excited! Haha.
milos! Wohoo!:)


Anonymous Uncle Phil | 23 August, 2009 01:30

Thanks for sharing the article.

Yea MLB,
Uncle is so glad & happy to read this article.
Hope you guys will jia-you & do you best as usual.
Your talents will be noticed. Cheers... MLB Power-Lah

As for the upcoming event, i really hope to see you guys.
In future, i will not have much chance to see you guys at events lor. Cos, I might be starting work soon and I need to work rotating shifts, including weekends & public holidays.
It is a long time since i last saw MLB.

Wishing everyone a beautiful sunday.


Anonymous mighty mouse | 23 August, 2009 01:35

haha funny blog, WQ. wonder where u MIA to le. Woohoo! finally got gig. i oso find the article damn funny, hee i tink MLB wanna drink yanwo so suggest to hv it in mv. ha, den can keep hving ng n drink n drink. how abt give free yanwo w album? :P


Blogger thy | 23 August, 2009 03:49

omg the article is a strain on me, im bad in chinese ! but will try my best to read every single word XD


thnx for the article too !


Blogger binz | 23 August, 2009 12:03

no problem! great things are meant for sharing(:

haha mm nice one! they keep NG the mv then can have free flow of yanwo! then when we see the milos, they will have damn good complexion instead of pimples popping up from the late nights(:


Anonymous quizzy_me=) | 24 August, 2009 02:00

hao yi ge freeflow yanwo...so cute...haha

but paiseh, i dun think i'm able to join u guys for the event liao. argh~~~ =(

but hope to hear good news from the SHA09 nomination =)...good luck guys!

update me ok people~
haha thanks...

milubing jia you~! =D


Anonymous capri | 24 August, 2009 13:54

yeah... finally got a/r performance! see u guys soon!


Anonymous Jane | 24 August, 2009 17:29

Thanks for informing. Yeah event soon! Yahoo!!! :)

Thanks binz for sharing the article. Hehe. Looking forward to the event. See you all on 29th August. :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 14 December, 2009 10:08

uh.. thank you for this text!


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