
Good Afternoon
milubing | 02 November, 2007 13:29

I’ve read every single tag, long and short. I like to be happy, everybody likes to be happy, and I like everybody to be happy like me. Seldom I will admit that I’m upset, but I can’t deny that I am not in my best form recently. Not because of a particular reason, perhaps a few events added together. Please don't guess. Really, i think that I wasn’t asking for anything, yet I received so many words of encouragements. Thank u all. I have now learn to let out over here, and learn to write a new song with real experience and feelings. Shall we just put this episode aside and look forward?


MLB & on behalf on everyone here says:

Happy Birthday Pek Choo

And thank u Xiu again for.. u know la

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Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 13:36

you wrote your feelings into a new song? eager to hear it! haha.. in the 2nd album of MLB? =) take good care of yourself.. we're all concern about you 3.
glad that you're better now! see you guys soon! and the cheerful sam back again.. =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 13:37

ooo 2nd!
lol! (:

jia you mlb!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 13:42

its good that you likes to be happy, everyone does. haha! jiayou and cheerz~ =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 13:45

aiyoyo!! didnt noe sam posted a new tag.. still gong gong post at e other one.. =X

ya ya.. everyone likes to b happy.. haha.. i oso like to b happy.. keke..

MLB, JIAYOU!!! =) stay happy oso.. haha..


Blogger Uncle Phil | 02 November, 2007 13:47

Yeah, finally our cheerful & happy Sam is back in order. So glad & happy that you can recover real fast. Of course every mlbians are eagerly waiting for MLB 2nd baby. Definitely including a new song that gonna has your real experience & feelings. Jia-you ba, we will be supporting you & your 2 bros from every corners of Singapore + Malaysia & elsewhere that have MLBians.
Thank-you very much for your new & happy post. Have & great day & beautiful weekend ahead. Cheers...


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 13:49

Sam is good that you likes to be happy. Always stay happy. Everybody likes to be happy. You going to wrote your feelings into a new song? I wish i can hear it in the 2nd album. Jia You. U all can do it. It is good that you are feeling better now. We all care about you 3. Hope to see you all soon. Take care. MLB Power and Rock!



Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 13:50

indeed, letting urself out with real life experiences/feelings by writing new songs is a good way. many other way can be done too. so, stay happy and positive alwaes, people! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 13:53

i jus went to read the archives for awhile then u blogged =.=

a song that's written with true feelings and emotions will be one that touches hearts. it's always good to let off some emotions in the form of a song, whether it be music or lyrics. it's what i always do too.

so... jus keep in mind all our words of encouragement whenever you're upset, and we sincerely hope it'll bring u thru ur tough times. and not forgetting love and care from all around you...

continue staying optimistic and cheerful SAMWONG! you've got our support =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 13:59

wah! means u have read a hundred and dadada comments! woo~~~

happy or sad post.. we'll still read.. and our mood m oves along with ya.. =)


still.. continue to 加油 Sam!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 14:01

haha. good afternoon to you, good+bad afternoon for me, though soon the "bad" will be over for the moment.

Well, u said u read every single tag liao, then i guessed u must have read the long long one i found online too. I think this one is so true

If misfortune doesn't break you, it fashions you into a better person. But this metamorphosis doesn't happen by chance. It takes a strong heart to struggle against elements that would see you destroy yourself in failure."

well, look forward ba. Taken your lunch le ma? hehe =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 14:01

Whether happy or unhappy things, this is life.
Everyone have to go through it.
So hope u can get over it soon!
There's manny ppl who cares for u! (:
JIA YOU n take care alright!

Running late for my paper liao.
Hav a great day!
We wan to see a HAPPY sam! xD
No matter what, you hav us!
把所有的伤心回忆,烦恼难题全部都抛开 (:


Blogger Uncle Phil | 02 November, 2007 14:21

We are indeed very please that you shared your feeling with us. Ya, learn to let out here. We will be glad to share & advice you. Thanks for treating us as a Family (heard it at ctv's interview with MLB). Your post has touched me too. Let's be HAPPY TOGETHER AS A MLB FAMILY :)

I slept late last night, was because I am on leave today (not working mah). And for once, I woke up so late - almost 12noon.

Wow, its raining cats & dogs this afternoon! Wanna fo out also "sianz" lor, better jump to my big bed and sleep / relax again. Haha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 14:33

thanks for spending ur time to read my that LONG LONG TAG! hahas
glad that u remains happy! cos u are always the 最乐观, 也最悲观! yah.. even if you are sad or emo-ing, we dun mind that u post a very sad post! let ur emotions out!

look foward to the brighter side of life, sam! jiayou hao ma?
always smile(:


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 14:33

and uncle u r gek-ing me again. hahaha. cos i still in class mahz. hahaha. just kidding, not my team's turn to present yet.

What color should today be? I don't know leh. But hope Sam's one isn't black black or grey grey, or we don't mind coloring it to....HOT pink? HAHA. just kidding.

take care =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 14:36

and never to forget!

hope to see ya soon..
i miss u too!
hope u enjoy ur day!

enjoy ur day too!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 02 November, 2007 14:39

I think you have chosen the right colour: black, black or grey, grey. Cos outside is raining heavily, so the colours fit well. Haha... wat am I talking? Jia-you, ba.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 02 November, 2007 14:41

you so....free huh? Not schooling today? Still meeting your 2 sisters & all angel / devil darlings? Hehe...


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 14:53

uncle phil,
i can PARTY LE!! holiday-ing for a week le.. u so slow..~~~ hahas.. u leh, no work? nah.. not meeting them, all the devil and angel still schooling,, hahas..


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 14:56

So Glad that sam has gotten over with-haha- so soon!
Looking forward with much anticipation to mlb's new album! Songs with real experience and feelings will touch everybody's hearts, I believe.
Yaya, everyone must look forward. Looking backwards will only slow us down, and make nth out of it; moving forward allows us to make our own success!
Haha, jiayou to writing songs!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 15:09

CTV: NP campus TV | 02 November, 2007 02:16

Hi Mi Lu Bing,

We interviewed you at the S-Pop Hurray event sometime back. Video of you all is up on our website at www.ctv.sg. There're 2 different videos. One at the home page, the other under the programme, Celebs Uncut. You can take a look

Enjoy. :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 15:41

it's good to hear from you again.
and it's good to noe that u've made this place your diary.. not juz updating us abt events and gigs but ur true feelings.
hao de! we'll move on juz like any other sad entries.. look towards the brighter future! wohoo~ =P
jia you in writing songs! heh. looking forward to baby milo 2! =D
everybody! let's stay happie like sam. =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 16:08

Sam must stay happy!!!
cheerful guy ! =p
look forwards!!!
jia you!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 16:33

Ah Sam,

Thanks thanks for the B'day wishes..

Take Care everyone :)

I will enjoy myself tonight!!

Stay happy~!~


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 16:36

Just wanna pop in and say:
Happy Birthday, peckchoo!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 16:41

glad to see a happy post from u le (: & yea, its definitely better to type down here wad u feel & share it with us (: remember, we (mlbians) will always be ther for u & even ur 2 milo bros. so yea, looking forward to mlb's 2nd album :D


Blogger Uncle Phil | 02 November, 2007 16:51

Hi pekchoo,

生日快乐。Happy Birthday...


Blogger Jodie [: | 02 November, 2007 17:15

Glad tat you feel better.
Must stay happy, kays?
Like wad "Get Alive" lyrics says.
The chorus part.
Yeah you noe. ((:
Feelings into a new song huhs?
Okie. I shall wait patiently for ur product =P.

Haha. But must remember come home =P.
LOLS. I very lame der lar.


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 17:52

binz & meikian
are u all still having ur papers? if yes, do 加油 & do ur best :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 18:57

Wow..so many days I haven't been here..LOL!

I had tiring day out yesterday.I meet up with my friend from Australia and three other girls whom I didn't know..LOL!

Sam,I am glad to see you are back to your happy self!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 19:15

whenever you've got any strong emotions, dont hesitate to pen it down, perhaps in the way you're most familiar with- music. u never know, it may just turn out to be a great composition. a great way to fa xie too. and it'll be smth close to everyone's hearts, cuz if you've felt it, others must have too. will look forward to more compositions in the new album tt're close to the heart...

and just remember we'll always be here if you want to rant.


and yes berries, i'm having my papers till 13nov. thanks!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 19:25

oh. thats soo long ): 加油 till 13nov wor! gogogo~ >.<


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 19:30

nah, it's not as long as you think. thou it's two weeks, i've only got papers on 5th and 6th, 12th and 13th. amounts up to 5 papers left only. thanks loadds!=)


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 19:47

oh. ehs, lidat quite fast wor~ hahas. & ur welcome, hahas (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 20:30

sam, really hope that you'll be happy soon. (:
may your sun be out t shine once again & brighten your days!
take care oh.


Blogger Rah | 02 November, 2007 20:53

sam !

being down is nt tt good u knw. haha.=P though sometime i also feel the same way as u ! but i try to take things postive lor ! u also must stay postive k. and SMILE SMILE SMILE ! (: heehee

continue to jiayou k.. (: after a rain .. sunshine will be up again. HAHA. seriously i dunno wad i am talking nw..-_-" but ya. just remember i am here to give u the support also. (: SMILE !!!

(: -big big hugs to SAM -


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 21:01

uncle phil, i was talking about "inside" and not "outside" la. haha.

I guessed this is the power of "confiding" ba. Thats why people always said, don't bottle up your feelings? haha. I guessed these two days Sam master the arts of expressing your feelings (or whatsoever...don't know how to phrase...) le ba? Not bad mahz, you are still able to...hmm....recover quite fast? good good. hehe.

meikian, 13 nov arh? jia you jia you!

for 2 seconds I found 13 nov so familar - then i remembered i have 4 friends whose birthday are on 13 nov. all my yr1 sem1 classmates. so qiao hor? already hard to find someONE whose birthday is same as yours, let alone someFOUR. haha.

as for me (and e-wen), 1 week holiday started le. But that doesn't mean I'll be very free lor. haha.

all take care =D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 21:27


im glad you're sharing your feelings with us, MLBians. still remember during SB times when the blog just started, you said you feel very weird blogging? now, you're sharing all big and small things with us here at the blog.(:

i dont think its right for us to probe about whats going on, though we're all very concerned. i know that you know. &i believe you will take care of yourself de. (:

sam = smiling always mann!

hehe. let this equation be true (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 22:55

Yoz.... Sam



Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 22:57


the 适应 you guys sang in the video for CTV after the SPOP thing was


yesyes. the best version i've ever heard so far. it made mi very very gan dong. T.T


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 23:06

yo sam! my mother send her regards to you. Cos she probably saw the very nice wallpaper (which is one of the picture weiqi uploaded recently) on my laptop liao, then i pointed to her that Sam seemed to lost weight liao lor. Then she exclaimed "huh? Sam's face 'shrink'?" (she joker la) then i say, ya, 怎么办?then she said, ask him to 放轻松 lor.



Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 23:07


sam ah,
dun worry be happy lah ! :D
huo zhe jiu shi yao kai kai xin xin mah.

aiyoh nvm. i abit blurish alrdy.

anw, do visit : http://925silverjewelry.blogspot.com for some nicenice jewelry ! [=

takecares. x33


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 23:12

ohyes... no wonder i thought 2nd nov was such a familiar date! =.= *smacks head*

it's KANGQI'S birthday today too! =DD

happy birthday dearest KANGQI! smilez... enjoy the remaining hour of ur special day! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 23:21

wooh. i didn't know. uh~oh~ u nearly forget her birthday, she going to sad sad liao.



Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 23:29

wahs~ another person bdae!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 02 November, 2007 23:30

Hi kangqi,

Happy Birthday to You.

May this Special day of Yours, bring you Happiness & Joys.


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 23:35

Hi ! Sam
Glade that u ar ok now....

If u have time come to my blog
and leave message ma....


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 23:45


somebody that you once said on 我也是DJ. it's been my source of motivation during this exam period. (:
so believe that your part of the sky would be a beautiful one too. heh.

JIAYOU for your song-writing! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 23:45

*something that you once said..


Anonymous Anonymous | 02 November, 2007 23:52

hees ! xD
谢啦!thanks for all the sweet
blessing ! i'll leave it inside
my heart !!!

and SAM ! mus SMILE~~~!!! =D

PS : meikian . wads ur blog ?
ii wan link uu . . . . . mus
link me oso ok ? uu go biru there
find can ler . xD


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2007 00:03

try n act yi ge bu shou ah? lolls. got my msn still ask me tis kind of question. =.= go see my msn nick bahhhx...

it's the weekend alr! enjoy ur weekend peeps...


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2007 00:04

haa .
me and uu v COOKED meh !
LOLs ! joking nar . shun bian ~~
uu noe ?!?!?! LOLs !
ok lar . lata thn ii go see .
hahas !


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2007 00:19

hello sam..stay happi k..smile '_'


Blogger -WHEY` | 03 November, 2007 01:01

happy to hear that sam is feeling alright.. and infact i feel that keeping a blog is good such that we'll vent to it if we are angry (as in we complain to the blog??) and we blog about all happy and sad events..

MLB! we'll always be supporting you guys! always and only thing i can say is JIA YOU!

hopefully we can see MLB soon! :D

we really miss MLB! :)

last but not least, happy birthday pekchoo! (sorry for the belated greetings!)


Blogger qIaNhUi | 03 November, 2007 01:19

The ctv video is very NICE!

Anyway - SAM, glad u're fine now...
Stay Happy ALways k!
Still REMEMBER - "SMILE =) And The Whole World Smiles With You"

NIC SAM WEIQI - Had Enough Rest & Take Good Care...
Lotsss Of MISSes ~

S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2007 01:25

Sam, Stay Happy Always :D


Blogger Uncle Phil | 03 November, 2007 01:31

This weekend seem likes very LOST without any MLB event, got a very uneasy feeling because we met every weekends during October, but no event yet in November. Haiz, really misses MLB very much.
Hopefully the 3 milo bois will make use of this opportunity to rest & relax well. Jia-you in whatever you guys are doing, we will be around to give MLB the fullest supports. Cheers...
Very soon, we will be able to hear MLB's new christmas song. Yeah...


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2007 01:52

who say don't have? still have SHA2007 on tv lor. Though it's not live de, but better than nothing right right right? hehe =D

nitey my friends =D


Blogger binz | 03 November, 2007 03:00

yays sam happy le jiu hao(:
ya i realised this place is very nice and comfy to like let out our feelings. even for mlbians, maybe we jux say 1 thing then many will like reply, great feeling man~

oh ya last time i also let one of my this friend who is quite into quality music listen to mlb's superband period songs then he was saying yup quite good for live performances and quite tight(: and he was those kind who dun listen to chinese music but he liked it~

wah i only like erm 25 hrs never on my comp then soooo many tagss and videos and pics(esp at publicity blog) to see~

meikian: yup thanks(: yeaa a few more papers only~ 5 and all will be over~~ somehow shiying kept ringing in my head and i started umchio-ing again. and one of the invigilators saw =X

uncle phil: yep thanks for the jiayous yday(: lucky today's physics wasn't killer. but somethings which i tht highly wouldn't come out came out when i chose not to memorise them =X

rip-berries: yep thanks for ur jiayous(: eh mine also end on 13th. 5 more papers~ but actually it 'ends' next mon alrdy cuz 12th and 13th de papers are all mcqs~

ahh sorry for the long tag~ one day never get to online then become like that alrdy..


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2007 08:56

so happy that you u all got the award!!!!:)Continue to strive on mi lu bing!!!!Always here to support u!!!JIA YOU!!!:)


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2007 09:27

Kind of missing u guys & Mibians
seems like seeing you guys more often during october....

TAKE CARE OF yourself!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 03 November, 2007 09:52

Seeing a live performance & watching a tv show are 2 different things.
You get to interacts with MLB & MLBians in a live performance, but you are alone (maybe with your family only) when watching a tv show. The feelings are totally difference lor.
I remember someone did tagged and mentioned that it was more fun during the filming of hey gorgeous than watching on tv, I strongly agree. The 'high-ness' are definitely not compartible to live performances, where we can scream & shouts.
But, of course got tv show to watch is better than nothing. lol

Hi MLB Family,
A very good morning to everyone, hopefully you will have a wonderful Saturday today & a beautiful Sunday tml. Continue to Jia-you in whatever you are doing, and most important is to put on a sunshine smile. :) Cheers...


Blogger Z A | 03 November, 2007 11:47

Sam, your words & spirit motivated me as well.

Believe in yourself too,
awaiting for the new album.


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2007 12:12

haha uncle phil, u r right. Cos i was still thinking, can see jiu hao. haha. Yeah, definitely more fun watching live. hehe.

Well, absence makes the heart fonder. Till we meet again then. All please take care yor.

Aha! Weekend again. I wonder will our milos be meeting each other to jam again. If yes, jia you, have fun! IF no, I'll still say have an enjoyable weekend ba. hehe.

argh. supposed to go jogging in the morning de. But couldn't wake up. Can still go in the afternoon mahz. heheh.


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2007 13:41

AHHHHHH.....i'm so depress now lol
with my work.... =(

I need a break man.....


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2007 14:31

glad tt sam is alright now .. looking forward to e new song since it's filled wif real experience and feelings .. sure can gan dong ppl de .. ^_^

u ok ma .. jia you yea ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2007 14:37

aiyoi... they cut the SHA 2 and a half hour short la.. better dun cut the wrong part man.... must watch tonight peeps! =)

lorita: cheer up! take a break if u need ok? jiayou!! try to blast as much gao xiao musicS.. it works! =)

start of an empty weekend.. though we didnt/couldnt meet like the last few.. AT LEAST! we meet HERE everyday!! jiayou jiayou jiayou!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2007 14:39

Yeah finally sam is back with his cheerful and optimistic. When i saw celebs uncut of milubing i felt so touched. Thanks milubing. Jia you in everything. U all can make it. Hope you like the birthday card and hp strap that i give u. Did u pass the hp strap to nic and weiqi? That i pass to you at hd5 lift off. All of you out there must be happy like sam Since there is no mlb event please make use of this opportunity to rest and relax. We all will be there for u guys.

Smile... :D



Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2007 15:05

Good Afternoon.

any mlbianz still having SHA-withdrawal from last sat?! ii believe all of us does. haha! we shall Get High and 历史重演 once again tonite on Ch U! haha! remember, 7.30pm okie?! although we cant get together, bt our hearts belongs to one, cheering for our one and only 迷路兵! haha!

haha! oso dunno wad am ii trying to say, bt after reading the tags and watching the CTV vid wic weiqi mentioned "It's amazing how our band and the mlb family work together,it's really a 2 way thing.In fact,we were doing an interviews backstage and during one of the interviews,i dunno how it linked to us talking bout our relationship with u all,and the geese of that segment was that we are family.Just really cool la." in his previous tag, was really 感动 that all of u appear in my life. whether or not we are "COOKED", ii believe all of us hav one goal marked down in our heart is that, we will support 迷路兵 no matter wad. give them JIAYOU whenever we can! =D thankz peeps!

and oso thankz 迷路兵 for appearing in my life, ii even dreamt of them most of the nites! oOopz! haha! haha! so SWEET~ =) okie,

Sam, Nic & Weiqi,
a BIG HUG to the 3 of you! haha! you guys are being loved! =D
oya, u bros can meet up tgt tonite to watch the 历史性的一刻 and oso 最感动的一刻 of SHA on Ch U! heez.



Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2007 17:56

super tired @.@
today SHA at chnl u...i want watch but duno clear or not =(
and man u vs arsenal @.@ wor...

MLB take care n keep JIAYOU!!!
rest enuf,sleep enuf,eat enuf and laugh enuf!!!


Blogger Pek Choo | 03 November, 2007 18:44

Happy Belated B'day to Kangqi too :)

MLB Jiayou & Rest enough & Enjoy urself!!

Smile :)

SHA will be showing soon...
Looking forward!~!


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2007 19:37

hey peeps, here's something new.

Beatbox Asia Championship 2007

Guest Artiste and Judge for Final- Superband Champion MiLuBing

not fun one... saw tis then i was still gonna ask weiqi to participate, then saw the judges thing. haha... =PP

Prelimary Round on 17th Nov and Semi Final on 1st Dec if anyone's interested. Daren will be judging...

The Grand Finals will be on 20th Dec, 7pm @ The Max Pavillion. and i think got to buy tics or smth... yuppps.


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2007 19:40

jus watched the guys on tv... sure brings back many happy memories of the actual day. =) realli felt very 'wow'... but once again, congrats guys...

off to watch the performance =)

and we were on tv! =.=


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2007 20:02

haha! Cool~
nice to watch SHA once again on TV!

we were on tv, bt the boards turn out so COOL~ HOT PINK sia! hahahah~!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2007 20:07

HELLO ! has been a while since i came here . (:

anyway , i just want to SAY . o level is finishing SOOON !! hahas . ok la, the main point is . :

sam AH !
jia you alright ? life is just like a bread .it has two side . one side is happy and the other , sad . it's always like that . =.=' it just depends on how you gona make it turn over and become a happy side . so, put away the unhappy side and turn it over. and i guess you have turn the sad side over to the happy side yea ? no matter what , just JIA you and be happy yea .

<3 *

take care.

sirong . (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2007 20:13

in addition to what sirong has said,


okay just being lame. happy toasting! (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2007 20:50

thanks meikian for sharing that thingy~ hahas.

just now sam them getting the award on tv, & gosh~ those 271007 memories were back again! hahas~


Blogger binz | 03 November, 2007 20:58

thanks meikian for sharing(: ah i was also thinking of weiqi when i saw the advertisement on tv. so in the end he became the judge. hahx.

hmmm jux now mlb de performance on sha.. eh i think nic looked weird. was it because he too jinzhang? or i too sensitive?

i was so jinzhang to catch the performance that i accidentally kicked my mum 2x when getting up to run in front of the tv =X


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2007 21:05

i thot nic looked kinda stiff when they first went on stage. and he kept stealing glances at the camera during lei. haha... but cld see sam n nic smiling when they were on e way to the stage... weiqi looked ermm. very weiqi. haha... =PP


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2007 21:10

Thanks meikian for sharing =D...

so shuan lor. haha. Now then i realized nic sounded like he's going to cry hor? haha.

Woodlands Checkpoint was super congested just now wor. Bus services diverted. 害我have to walk home again.


I don't know whether this is an outdated news but, Warner Music recently released a compilation called 《星光大道》. Milubing's 适应 & 泪 are included in this compilation. 适应 is at Disc 1 track 8, and 泪 is at disc 2 track 10 =)...


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2007 21:28

and hor, lorita jie jiayou ba. Cry it out ba, then must smile after that. hehe =D


Blogger binz | 03 November, 2007 21:36

eh was lei cut short jux now hur? i listening to the recording then suddenly realised jux now dun have nic de woh woh yea yea thingy..


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2007 21:48

yupp, think it was cut short. if im not wrong, all e songs were cut. bo bian, tv telecast only 2 hours mahhs... =.=


Blogger Pek Choo | 03 November, 2007 22:20

Thanks Mekian for updating the news...

Yeah really enjoyed the 2hrs SHA show just now...

MLBians Jiayou!!

Let's hope that tml 933FM
Long Hu Bang, MLB will get in to the chart...

Take Care & Night MLbians..


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2007 22:43

Haha.. the person we thought should enter the beatboxing competition became the judge instead! So funny lol..
wow, quizzy_me: I was at woodlands just now! Lucky I was not at the checkpoint, if not I may hv to get back home really late.. and not in time for SHA telecast.. and miss MLB!*AHH* Travelled all the way frm East to.. erm.. was that west? *Dur*I'm just so BLur~~ o.o?


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2007 23:09

haha..was still wondering y weiqi wasnt featured in e beatboxing trailer..so he's gonna be e judge..woo~ =D

yup, they cut e front part of lei..in fact all e songs were cut la..cos 4hrs show need to squeeze everything in 2hrs..still, i'm v proud of mlb! =DD


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2007 23:11

OH! the song was actually being edited! no wonder ii didnt get to hear nic de "enthusiastic" part, still 期待-ing while watching. haha!
and oso weiqi de 感谢词! being cut off! OH DEAR! how can they cut off the most touching part?! sad~
anw, very gan dong tt our HOT PINK board shown on TV, TWICE sia! so proud of ourself, the 迷 and M, L & B turn out so wonderful! special thx to meikian and biru who came out with the idea!! and uncle phil and ivan for the light sticks!! and si ni for the board all the way from pasir ris! haha! and oso me myself for holding the board! lolxx. =)

anw, we are really proud of MLB, you do us proud mann! =D


Blogger Uncle Phil | 03 November, 2007 23:14

Wow, our signboards (迷 & MLB) with pink lightsticks really look coolz & unique on tv.

Oh, Sam actually did gave his winning speech at the post SHA interview.

The feeling of watching tv and Live at S'pore Indoor Stadium last Saturday were totally different. Recalling last week at SHA, all of us were so nervous, excited & High screaming, shouting & whistling, when watching the telecast just now. All the memories returned and this special event will always be in our minds.
MLB, continue to jia-you (agreed with what Sam has said in the post SHA winning speech), hopefully MLB will gets more awards next year. Yeah...

Thanks for the info with regard to the beatbox competition. Please let us know, how to get / buy the ticket?

Thanks for so efficient in uploading all the videos.
Wondering why? there are 2 clips, I am unable to open.


Blogger Uncle Phil | 03 November, 2007 23:23

Regarding holding of signboard:
迷 was hold by me,
M was hold by shihui,
L was hold by meikian,
B was hold by Ivan.
Haha... we were standing up holding the signboards & singing along with MLB. We were really very High & Happy during that moment.


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2007 23:23

uncle phil, check here http://www.6range.com.sg/images/BeatboxPoster.jpg


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2007 23:27

eh, but the ticketing details ain't up at the ticketing website yet leh.


Anonymous Anonymous | 03 November, 2007 23:37

haha! share with all a song here.

演唱人:星光帮 词:张敬轩

我从不相信自己 也无法面对现实
当生命失去了光 我就失去了方向
钱路依然很模糊 要挣脱许多束缚
你让我依靠 让我坚强 你守护在我身旁
每当我需要依靠你 你一定会在这里
有你的地方 就有阳光 你总会在我身旁
当我还不够坚强 推翻命运的围墙
你还是和我在一起 给我无限的勇气
路依然走得困难 当我变成了负担
你依然把我紧紧拉着 我就是最幸福的
每当我需要依靠你 你一定会在这里
有你的地方 就有阳光 你总会在我身旁
我需要依靠你 你就在这里
有你的地方 就有阳光 你总会在我身旁

I think this lyrics is so meaningful, be it tt particular person is your gf/bf, beloved family or frenz, no matter wad you are facing, whether happy or sad, they will alwaes be there for you.
相信你是幸福的! =)


Blogger Uncle Phil | 04 November, 2007 00:03

the lyrics of the song posted by you are very meanihgful & well writen, but wondering how's the song likes?

I cannot find any link to ticket purchasing or watsoever! Maybe just wait for the milo bois to update us ba.


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2007 00:36

the website for purchasing of tics to the Beatboxing Championship is supposedly http://www.tdc.sg, but i've checked the site and details of the event are not up yet.

let's wait for the confirmation n so on from the guys bahhs... and also wait for the site to update w details of the event.

FYI, tics are priced at $38,$48,$68 and $88.

will check back the site frequently and inform ya guys if there're any updates..

and yes, the lightstick boards were very obvious and prominent... glad about that, was still wondering if we wouldnt look too obvious on tv due to the lighting n all around. thanks peeps for helping out with the boards... =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2007 01:36

*applause* for sam. U did it! channelled something -ve into something creative & +ve. May ure next smile be jus ard the corner. The MLBians here damn funny la. i like the tag "PENGGANG the sad side"... of the Bread! haha, made me laugh out loud. find it hard to keep from smiling & laughing while reading the tags here, so hope it's the same for the 3 milos as well.
Ya i think MLB sounds best live as well. Dreaming one day that MLB will have one of those cosy late nite showcase in Esplanade, playing ALL the songs from SB, EVERY single song from their past live perf AND their DEBUT album. Heavenly! I m v greedy rit? haha. Den the next best thing will be dat this live performance is recorded professionally and released in a CD! wow, den we can listen to it & get high over and over again :D if dat really happens jiu hao lo...while this mouse continues dreaming into the nite...here's wishing everyone a SUNNY day ahead!


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2007 01:48

hahaa, agree with mm... nv been to a concert @ esplanade before, but i did hear that the env and acoustics there are damn good. will be super shiok if we can get a showcase...

but i think a showcase now will be real taxing on the guys, being the perfectionists they are. so... no worries, we'll wait! =) jus try & hv a good rest for now, after all the hustle and bustle of life in oct...



Blogger Strat | 04 November, 2007 02:26

feeling much much better le ma ?? haha ... hope u are coping well ya !!! jia you !!! hehe !!!


Blogger binz | 04 November, 2007 02:38

wah mighty mouse ur description i read liao jiu can imagine the scene.. if it is possible then is shuang dao~ acoustics at esplanade are really really good.. been there to watch and perform b4.. the sound hear liao jiu shuang. but kind of weird to er rock in esplanade i think. dunno?


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2007 02:59

haha ya, the guys will hv to practise like siao. no la shldnt be weird to rock in esplanade, there hv been late nite perf by local rock bands there b4 but i hvnt experienced an indoor rock perf dere yet :p if i try it out one of these days, let u all know. nite nite le.


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2007 03:00



Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2007 03:05

binz, milubing need not be '石头' all the time mahz. but it will be a challenge for them le i guess. duno leh. And i think the weird part is not hearing rock in esplanade; but rather, we 不习惯 hearing/watching the 'soft and tender (?!!)' part of milubing. as in, laid-back performance from the guys! haha. cos very difficult to get high ba?

But whatever it is, with the experience from the autograph session at Suntec City, I can effectively conclude milubing has liven up the name of pattern 多过badminton,haha. i always thought milubing's biggest strength (not implying other aspects not good la, don't get me wrong) is 编曲 lor.

speaking of which, something strikes me - is it possible to do rock with R&B? i duno leh. you guys may try try. =D!

nitey =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2007 03:18

before that,

Nic, how's life in camp le? jia you and take care alright?

Sam, jia you in recovering. Or you have slready recovered? haha. jia you jiu dui le. Take care.

Weiqi,i've calculated - the last time u left your tag here was 29 oct. guessed it must have been another crazy week for u in school again? jia you and take care!

MLBians! jia you, take care, have a nice weekend!

have a good rest too =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2007 03:48

haha quizzy, i've also calculated. the last time weiqi properly blogged about his life on this blog was 26th july. thou ya la, he tags frequently.. haha..

andd yupps, agree about the arrangement thingy. one thing tt made me feel the uniqueness of mlb was their arrangemt for songs. always can arrange and change the songs into one tt sounded totally different from the original. shiok!

hmm, maybe can do a blend of different 曲风 in a song? as in, smth like yida's 显微镜下的爱情? haha, jus a thot.

and hope someone not having so much muscle aches alr... =PP

still chiong-ing bio... nites all!


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2007 04:48

YA! the title is called pattern duo guo ??? hahaha. i just went back to the july 2007 archive mahz.

then shun bian read the other posts...haha. these entries are a good accompaniment when i'm bored in class (provided i'm not too held up by work la). haha.

just wanna say, words from the guys will impact us greatly and keep us going lor.

eh. saw the 18 july entry by sam, titled 半梦半醒. saw he started the entry with "Despite being busy and tired, its important to relax like i always say".
I still can remember that period was quite a depressing period for me lor. but it was this sentence that keeps me going. i think. haha.

现在我比较会看开了,though will still upset a little, but will recover very fast le. haha.

i can't help but to smile at other random entries (random as in blogging about your life ba) by sam lor. don't mean anything, just 忍不住 but to smile. haha. Weiqi and nic's one too. haha.

but my point is

jia you arh meikian. remember don't crammed everything into your brain at one go wor. or u till end up in ‘Hougang chalet' =P...


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2007 05:53

haha, im trying to 'digest' whatever the textbook says... but to not much avail...

not bad, today one cup of coffee managed to keep me awake till now. haha...

gao xiao la, i always cant help smiling whenever i look at the archives. so looking at the archives of this blog is actually one of my fav past times. haha..


jus stay positive, stay cheerful everyone... =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2007 06:16


第一 笑
第二 微笑
第三 哈哈大笑......哈哈哈~~

天知道, 哪个人会爱上你的笑容 =)


Blogger binz | 04 November, 2007 09:56

quizzy_me: yeaa of course mlb need not be rock all the time! they are soooo 厉害 at changing their 编曲.. but like what you said, kind of difficult to get high lor.. i think if showcase their soft part and those jazz jazz kind of music all the mlbians will be 陶醉-ing and become soft like jelly liao.. haha.

meikian: wahh you pro sia can stay awake till so late.. i gave up on ss yday nite and went to slp liao. and oh gosh my bio~


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2007 11:26

Good Morning! Happy Sunday!

uncle phil,
the song sounds soothing and nice, u can ask from me when ii am online. =D

WAH seh! u very pia sia. can stay awake till so "EARLY" dun stress urself too much arh, al the best to you. JIAYOU!

same goes to you, dun stress urself too much, al the best and JIAYOU! daes passes very fast de, way to go~

everyone, have a nice sunday ahead!
ii am goin to ecp to relax myself and do my fav sport - cycling! whee~



Blogger Jodie [: | 04 November, 2007 11:36

Watched SHA ytd on tv.
I saw the boards!
So cool the colour. Haha.

They cutted off many parts of the event.
Not tat nice and makes the show sort of boring.
Haiz haiz. The ambience was quite bad on tv.
Hmms. But being there live should be awesome!
OMGG! Lei was cut short ytd.
And even when MLB's name were announced, the part when they got off their seat oso cut!
Haiz haiz. I was expecting to see the reaction of all of you!
HAHAHA! Anyway, let's just wait for next year ((: !

All of you stay up until so late!
LOLS. Got 5 am somemore.
Hehe. Sunday liao.
Tmr a monday. Sigh sigh.

Take care everybody!
I feel sick! :(


Blogger Uncle Phil | 04 November, 2007 11:48

Good Morning MLB Family,

Its Sunday, hope everyone have a beautiful Sunday.

Thanks, we ask from you when you are online. Enjoy your cycling at ECP (so, you are in Singapore today).

meikian, binz, syL & all mlbians who are still having your exams,
Please continue to Jia-you, but do not tired out yourselves by mugging till early morning.
All the Best & May God Bless You.
Very soon, its gonna over & you shall have a long holidays. Meantime, just hang on & pia.


Blogger binz | 04 November, 2007 12:03

shihui: yep thanks(: kinda slacked off too much this weekend le.. mux go 'stress' myself abit instead. haha.

uncle phil: yep thanks for the constant and continuous jiayous all the while~ yay it will really be over really soon~~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2007 12:49

haven been here for a day and it's like, so many tags!
happie belated bdae to kangqi!
thank you uncle phil again for the jia you. =) may u have a great day at work tml too!
eh? sorrie i rather confused. so the beatbox thingy is which date?


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2007 14:36

good day MLB & mlbians!

to a beautiful sunday! njoy~


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2007 14:38

yo yo. meikian u pro sia. haha. I went to bed at 5am le. haha. in fact i wanted to watch video until 6am but cannot tahan liao. hahaha.

coffee arh? Caffeine don't work on me de lor. I remember drinking 3 glasses of chinese tea at a wedding and still can sleep so deadly at night. haha.

syL meimei, we were saying the grandfinals will be on 20th Dec, 7pm at Singapore Expo The Max Pavillion. Milubing will be performing and judging on that day ba. haha. u probably got confuse because preliminary round will be on 17th nov and semi final will be on 1st dec. Daren will be judging, don't know is it the either one or both. haha.

Uncle phil, my day started with *AH CHOOoooooooo!* haha. wish u have a nice day too.

Jodie, take care yor.

I wanted to go Bugis Square too but I just woke up leh. Lazy to go out le. So decided to just spend quality time alone at home (parents and brother all went to work le). Not bad too mahz. haha.

hello nic sam and weiqi! have a nice day wor!

all have fun ba! AHAHAHAHA =D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2007 15:02

hello !

i never contribute money for the light sticks leh..

i also 期待 nic's woh woh yea yea..luckly my mum record fm 933 last week.

the beatbox thingy final hold on weekday ?? anyway i also wan to go.. near my house..haha


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2007 16:59

a question for the milos and anyone else who can answer - how do u be flexible (and not just staying in your comfort zone) when it comes to 创作? 创作 can mean writing songs or writing stories or drawing and more...ya...get it? haha =D.



Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2007 18:15

been long since i've tagged.
but am glad that ure feeling alright now. =))
continue to stay happy~~~ *smiles*


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2007 18:28

hmm, i stayed awake till 10am... haha, then went to sleep and jus woke up.

haha.. i gg study ss now alrrs. bio ahhs... study so long seems like nth gets into my brain =.= ahhs, try later bahhs...

about how to be flexible in creations... hmm, probably, try to 参考 and so on from other ppl's 作品? is like what the song writers always say, to listen more to what other people compose, and draw inspirations from there.

jus wake up still feeling abit blur.. duno wad i talking..if i manage to think of more, i reply u again bah. haha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2007 18:46

stay happy is what everybody wants. remember MLB still has the energy source,milopeng! (: but i still prefer hot milo.


Blogger binz | 04 November, 2007 21:08

quizzy_me: eh i always stay in my comfort zone so kind of no good suggestions. but i think to 突破and 创新 maybe can try like look up and watch sources that are not directly relevent to what you are doin.. like if you wanna write songs then go read stories or watch videos(do things other than listening to songs).. erm it sounds kind of weird lah but jux a suggestion(: cuz for me if i have too much reference to exactly what i am gonna do i will tend to have similar style to what i referenced to. ya..

meikian: yea my ss and bio ain't getting into the brain too.. or maybe they fuse together le.. e.g. we need diplomacy between the eyes and brain so that they can work hand in hand and do not start a war later. lolx.


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2007 21:14

haha okok. thanks binz and meikian. haha. i think i get it le. haha. think I should do more reading ba. haha. thanks yor. and meikian, i understand what u r talking about la. haha.

have a nice night, everyone =D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2007 21:27

hmm ya, jus try to 多看,多听, tt kinda thing. but ya, jus do sufficient 参考, not too much or u may jus end up plagarising and copying from other people's work unknowingly. which unfortunately, is smth tt always happens to me =.= so everytime i do up some lyrics or smth, i'll try to rack my brains and see if i've seen those stuff somewhere before. no harm drawing inspirations from others, but sometimes it gets kinda 'over' when one copies subconsciously. yupp.

and back to the main point, how to be flexible. i guess it's again 多看,多听, try to expose urself to all sorts of different things. and of course, gotta keep in mind not to limit urself to only things that you like and are comfortable with.

andd i doubt this is a right approach.. haha, but sometimes i try to force myself to do something im not familiar with, so tt i can somehow get the hang of it. aft all,一次生两次熟? haha. but ok la, creativity cant be forced, so jus flow along with ur thots bah. =)

haha... mugging ss now... political changes, malaysia, singapore... =.=


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2007 21:45

thx uncle phil, ii did enjoy myself. haha.

the flexibility of composing mostly comes from own inspiration. if one have the talent, it comes naturally. am ii right?! tts wad ii alwaes tot of. if one doesnt have the talent, he/she might have to learn step by step from others/sources.

haha! den did u accompany uncle phil to buy the light sticks? if not, den thx u for holding the letter "B" haha!

*oh! the above nick was me, decided to type in my name betta. haha!


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2007 21:49

haha! CONGRATS to nic's fren, Andie Chen for crowning the title of Champion for Star Search 2007. haha!


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2007 21:56

hmm, guess the boys mus hv been busy. few updates from them since SHA huh? wells... takecare alrights? jiayou!~ all e best for exams mr chan! =)

and jus being random, but...

think im super outdated, but jus realised tt pluto was declared not to be a planet by the IAU. so there're only 8 planets in the solar system la? =.= weirdd. haha..

[okay, ignore my randomness. -.-]

back to mugging...


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2007 22:13

haha! meikian, u are not the only one who oudated, me myself didnt noe until u say it here. lolxx.

Have a nice weekdays ahead, peeps!

Nic, Sam & Weiqi,
think u guys are coping hard with ya own commitments, HANG ON guys, way to go yea?! Take Care & JIAYOU! =D

Students who having exams still,
JIAYOU! way to go and al the best!
last lap to run le! haha! =D

Working adults,
JIAYOU! alwaes countdown to the weekend like wad ii alwaes do. haha! and ur weekdays will pass very quickly. lolxx.

Peeps who having hols,
Happy Holiday! =)


Blogger Jodie [: | 04 November, 2007 22:56

Okay. I was oso sort of confused.
Thanks quizzy jie for telling bout the Expo thingy.
And thanks oso. I will take care der.
Caught the sickness from my mum.
But not tat serious lar. Hehe.
Oohh. I tot u would go for the Energy Auto Session. Hehe. Nvm.

Nic noes him? How do you noe tat?
Okay. I'm sort of slow.

Haha. Suppose to be sleeping now.
But i secretly on the com =P.
I am so naughty! Haha.
Can't get to sleep.
Have difficulties sleeping since last week cos of SHA!
LOLS. Very lame hor?
Kekes. Anyway, goodnite.
Take care. ((:


Blogger -WHEY` | 04 November, 2007 23:26


so mlb's event coming soon? or maybe not so soon? hmm.. but i lucky is after my exams :D:D hopefully nothing crops up :)

and yesterday's telecast of SHA, didn't really had the chance to watch it! but still i managed to watch the part MLB receive the prize and sing at my friends' birthday at the chalet.. heh

tml is monday! argh.. school so tiring! no choice but to bear with it!!

*take care ya all* =>


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2007 23:32

hey there,saw quizzy's post n wanted to reply but then the rest of u replied le, and replied well,nothing for me to add! haha.Yup,all of u very clever,indeed,last week was killer for me,but following weeks will be worse.got to bia till 27th of this month b4 i'm human again haha..now i'm a zombie hor..heh heh. some updates(some tbc) concert in the park 8 dec, and bboxing competition. Guess that's for december?I tot of a idea that day, was thinking how bout the next family gathering we watch the old superband videos from audition to gf..hahajus my foolish thinking. Take care peeps..jiayo evryone!


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2007 23:37

WEIQI!!! jiayou!!! =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2007 23:38

pekchoo . thanks :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2007 23:40

kekeke. okok. thanks weiqi. 27th? JIA YOU! nice idea eh, not foolish la! haha. 8 dec? *check calendar* wooh, think should be free. haha.

zombie? ahhhhhhhhhhhh~~~don't bite us! hahaha. just kidding.

u take care too wor. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2007 23:47

and shihui, thanks =D! hehe =D


Blogger -WHEY` | 04 November, 2007 23:48


watch old superband videos? good idea lehs.. :D
where got foolish?! heh

weiqi take loads of care alrights! jia you for school! work hard! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2007 23:50

haha, weiqi!! that idea was something i wanted to do since ages ago u know. since e end of sb... and i remember there was a repeat of sb finals week after the actual, so i was actually thinking if we cld actually get everyone to come tgt, watch the stuffs again. but... i cldnt think of a proper nice place tt cld play the show and yet accomodate many people... so yeah lor. hahas...

it's not foolish thinking la, it's possible. let's all work on it. =) but u guys jus dont start going 'omg' and stuffs when watching it okay! haha... or better still, u guys do up a showcase, 'relive' those performance LIVE? haha... and costumes n stuffs mus be exactly the same. LOL. =PP

u always zombie one la.. and i still felt u look very blank and bu dui jin @ SHA. but hmm... jus chiong alrights? jiayouu... i finish on the 13th, so after that i can jiayou for you fully already... haha.

hmm, 8 dec... so no plans for nov for the time being? wells, jus concentrate on ur studies now then... =)

and seriously, we'll work on that gathering idea alright? =)

takecare loadds too!


Blogger Uncle Phil | 04 November, 2007 23:50

Initially you intend to go for Energy autograph session huh?
I was there, the crowd was huge. But the screaming & shouting were not very loud. In fact, I personally felt that; MLBians' screaming & shouting were much louder, although we have lesser ppl (just my thought, not comparing).
I happened to met quanhui & pekchoo there, I didn't notice that both of them were standing infront of me. Till they suddenly turned back and greeted me. All of us did not buy the album. I am only there to see see look look, busybody. Haha...

Oh regarding the Star Search, I also feel that Andie Chen deserves to crown as Champion (not because he is Nic's fren). He is basically good in every segments, and he was Top twice & second for the first 3 segments. All the Best to him, unfortunately the prizes this year does not include a car.

Once again, another new week is starting tml. So, everyone here must Jia-you in whatever you are doing, and thats include MLB. Cheers...


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2007 23:52


uncle phil, yep =D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2007 23:59

yep as in, yep I intended to go just now. haha.

aiya. here's my suggested ingredient to the next gathering.

1 or 2 laptops
a big hall
VCD/DVD of Milubing's performances during Superband period
suitable date (December?)
and lastly, MLB AND MLBIANS!



Anonymous Anonymous | 04 November, 2007 23:59

ON AH! but in the first place... mus hv $$ la. haha... then mus buy popcorn, drinks... then got the feel there. haha..


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 00:00

hello 'zombie-fied' mr chan! it's always tough nearing exam time..jiayou yea! hmm 27th, is tt e day ur exams end? y u always end earlier than me one! bleahz..tink tml i can join ur zombies club le..forget abt slping tonite..tsk tsk..

n hor, not foolish la! i tink ur idea's feasible..haha..but mus go dig out those vids..hmm..

so thr wun be any events in nov eh..it's ok..we self entertain..haha..jiayou w ur work/studies n cya in dec! :) oh ya, pls dun follow ur sch's motto n go w/o slp 7days/wk hor..try to catch some slp! take care!

ps: so cute u noe..u tagged liao den got ppl come telling me on msn: 'eh e (self-proclaimed) zombie tag le' =PP


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 00:02

ehh we starting to plan now liao ah? o.O hahaha... hmm the stuffs quizzy listed, all no problem.. jus the venue lor. mus get a comfy and nice venue mahhs. then everyone can enjoy =PP

and speaking of popcorn, i realise i long time no eat popcorn alr. haha...


Blogger Uncle Phil | 05 November, 2007 00:04

Thank you so much for tagging & giving this great idea.
Please continue to Jia-you from now till 27th. Although you are already a zombie, you must make sure that you are a healthy zombie with high fighting spirits (Oops, wat am I saying. Perhaps you understand ba!).

Yeah, maybe we can have our next gathering just before December ends. And I think, we can do something likes our 2nd gathering in a CC aircon room. But it will takes some times to finsh watching the videos, meaning we can spend longer hours with MLB.


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 00:06

haha..gao xiao! ok, den we shall hv a popcorn feast! =PP


Blogger Uncle Phil | 05 November, 2007 00:09

popcorn is a very nice snack, but bear in mind that it is very heaty.

perhaps, we should have a christmas celebration within the MLB Family.


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 00:10

pinky yor~~~WHO WHO WHO who's the one? HAHAHA.

make it at beginning or end of december ba, or e-wen will become a demon in China cos she will be away from 16th-27th. haha.

nice venue huh? erm, I can only think of this lor - http://www.rp.sg/campus/facilitiesforhire.asp

=x raining outside arh~~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 00:13

quizzy, erms u wan to noe ar..but got 2 person wor..hahaha!

i hope i hv time to plan e venue thingy aft my exams..time so short again! rahs~~


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 00:16

aiyo! so ma fan.. come my house watch la.. haha.. =P

quizzy!! if it's 1st/2nd wk of dec, i'll cry la.. =/ keke.. =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 00:16


aiya, i guess the problem doesnt lie with us bahs... gotta see when the guys are free too. so yeahh... jus yi si yi si think abit about it for the moment jiu hao lor. hahas...

but meanwhile let's start sourcing for good venues. can be useful info even if not for the gathering.. then maybe next time for people who wanna plan stuffs, can draw ideas from there =)


Blogger Strat | 05 November, 2007 00:22

haha... Jia you ... don tired urself too much k ... Try to slp more pia also must slp de ma ... haha... takecare !!!

haha.. I think I can help u wor ... I got a story le ... And got one person song tat is veri meaningful wor ... give u see the lyrics wan ?? haha ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 00:26

u must jiayou wor! & its a great idea :D hahahas~


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 00:34

pandaeye -_-, no need. haha. thanks anyway.

pinky, WHO WHO? =P! one of them must be very naughty sia. HAHA.

meikian, u r right. haha.


Blogger Strat | 05 November, 2007 00:40

why give me this -_- face ?? said anything wrong ?? blurblur wor ... haha ...


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 00:40

haha..quizzy, shh~~ cannot say here..i shall 卖个关子 first..lalala~


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 00:41

Uncle Phil! Spell Wrong My Name Sobs =(
HaHax But Ya, Really very 'qiao' ~

Anyway, MLB JIA YO!
Looking Forward To EVENTS Yea~
S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 00:45

wooh. haha okok.

pandaeye, nothing. heh heh =D.

still raining whales and sharks outside... -_-!


Blogger -WHEY` | 05 November, 2007 00:46

haha.. uncle phil, u went to see energy at MDC or bugis fountain there?

heh.. actually i went to the autograph session just now.. i am not a energy fan lahs.. haha.. my friend asked me to pei her.. i agree that the crow was HUGEEEE! BUT! the screamings wasn't loud (at all).. MLBians can do a better job (EH! just a comment.. lol.. no offence to energy fans)

haha.. and so fast everyone cannot wait for the next gathering hor?? :D


Blogger binz | 05 November, 2007 00:48

weiqi: hey you tagged! and the place become very re nao again(: eh still got so many days to zombiefy ah.. hang in there. it's really xinku to mug so do take time to chill and relax~
and watching the sb period videos is a good idea mah... and sure it will be feasible de lah~ 有志者事竟成……

library de project room?
hotels de ballroom?
CC de mini halls?(those 2-3 badminton court sized ones)
or maybe someone's condo de functions room?

eh then we have milo feast? eh milo-sio, milo-beng, milo-freeze, milo nugget, milo ice pop, milo etc..

ahh i keep looking forward to after o's so that i can go for mlb's events finally... but i realised my shedule kind of here and there packed alrdy~!!! ahhh i pray and pray nothing ever clashes~~


Blogger Uncle Phil | 05 November, 2007 00:58

Oops, sorry for spelling your name wronly, thousands apologies.

I was at bugis junction. So, you also agreed with me that though the crowd was huge, but the screaming & shouting were not loud at all. Until the DJ~Mary kept repeating that the fans got no energy to support Energy. lol
Yeah everyone suddenly become very lively & active hearing weiqi saying next gathering. Haha...


Blogger -WHEY` | 05 November, 2007 01:18

haha.. uncle phil, how come i didn't see you?? haha.. the DJ had a hard time to make them high.. this is very true.. haha.. i didn't buy the album ah.. i am not so of a energy fan.. lol!

actually after seeing their performance i personally feel dat live bands with the guitar, drums, key board etc more entertaining lors! :D


Blogger qIaNhUi | 05 November, 2007 01:23

HaHax, It's Ok La Uncle Phil...
Ya lo Today Really Not HIGH de lek, Last Time I Rmb Not Like This De Lo... Too Bad La~

YUP I also agree If It's MLB performances WE more POWER siax !

S mi L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 03:32

haha, have a nice rest everyone. It's a red red and grey grey night now. Hope all you mondays ain't blue blue de. But other than pink I can't think of other colors le la. Erm, orange is fine too. heh heh.

meikian and binz (and everyone who's still mugging for exams), jia you yor, don't start a war between your left brain and the right brain? ok not funny. nitey!


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 04:31

being happy isn't about having
everything in your life perfect. maybe it's about stringing together all the little things that make your life complete.

have a great week everyone... cheers!


Blogger Jodie [: | 05 November, 2007 10:54

Good to see you tagging here.
Jiayou, kays? Take care XD.
Monday blues are here! Haha.

Needa go back to school to buy Sec. 2 books later. Sigh sigh.
One year is like so fast! OMGG!
I'm going to be Sec. 2 in 2 months time! Really very fast. Haiz.

Have a great week people ((:


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 12:11

orhh.. quizzy jie, thx for the explanation! got a clear picture liao.

haha weiqi!
that idea is not bad lah!
i think it would be very fun watching the 'growing process' of mlb. can chong wen hui yi.

hmm, the venue arh. i noe of one place is the booking of auditorium. but EX lah. haha.

yupyup. it's mon once again! forget abt the mon blues cos it's gonna be over. =) have a great day!


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 12:22

everybody have monday blue?
i have it too!
sian lor
everyday so bored
nothing to do~~
to all those mugging for exams and hmwk!

hey~ the lyrics is great! i had the album too! it's from star reunion right? hahas

uncle phil,
can listen @ those shi ting webbie.. a really touching song.. hee, anyw, ytd i did walk past energy de auto session! and yea.. still think that high-ing with mlb is more fun~~

hao jiu bu jian! i wonder if you are still staying up late at night to complete ur work? jiayou ok! dun stress up urself too much la.. the idea was great! in fact, i was still watching those superband videos the day before! really bring back alot of memories.. and also, the videos can give those who din catch superband to see 当年 de milos~ hahahas.. gathering @ january next year bahh.. then we can celebrate SOMEONE's birthday on 31st (((: hahas.. take care!

i wonder what's sam busy with now?? sporty-ing? hahas.. take care peeps!



Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 13:01

Hi... does any one knows the address of Yes 933 mahz? Cause I wan to write letter to xian ge ji yi. If u all know, then let me know, ok? Thanks a lot... =)

Congrats to Mi Lu Bing on getting the best new comer award!!! Jia you oh... =)

Si Min.


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 13:18

yo weiqi !!
dun b a zombie le la .. muz get enuf slp k .. dun 半夜 come 吓人 .. lol .. =P jia you yea !!
aiyo .. ur idea not foolish la .. can consider .. but thk we will keep laughing at all e 'patterns' tt u guys had did during SB .. keke ..


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 13:23

Yoz.. MLB

Aft a long time away, I took out all my video tapes and start watching SB all over again.

I smiled to myself when I saw the part Nic's doing 'Wang Pa Dan'. I like Sam best when he did 'Hei Si Xiao Mao' - so 深情. I like Nic's bao fa li when he did Sammi Cheng's hit. WeiQi, I trying to recall leh.. was wondering whether did I missed anything that was sung by WeiQi?

I am trying to have all these transferred to a CD, hope I did not violate any law that I will go to jail.

How I wish I have the full collection - anyone got the link?


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 13:32

the add is:
933 xian ge ji yi
Farrer Road
P.O.Box 933
Singapore 912899


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 13:35

haha, i like Shen Bian the best best best!! =)
it's still in my phone.
like the part 'zhen de ma? u're beautiful..' =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 14:02

yaya .. i like Shen Bian oso .. dame nice .. keke .. then e Ai de Chu Di Lian v funny .. lol =P


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 14:49

I like all the songs sia, maybe "hai lang" the most? Cos I already love this song since primary school le, then when the guys sang this song during QF2...wow, *melted*. Then QF5's "guo huo"....power lah! haha.

I wonder how many still remember that is it chong qing once commented nic as...his singing resembles Wu Bai a lot? HAHA. But now he or to be exact they have their own unique style le lor. keke.

Of course Shen Bian is great too. A breakthrough for the guys? But if I'm not wrong, you guys choose to arrange the song this way is because, nic lost his voice right? correct me if I'm wrong. haha.

hei se mao yi...alamak, all of us were melted again...

but I think the "jing dian" is still yong qi, cos this is the last song that marks the end of Superband season, but a brand new episode of milubing journey? And not forgetting, how "The Max Pavillion" turned into a massive KTV...aww~~~so wen xin la.

I dreamt of Sam and Weiqi last night! Nothing much la, just dreamt of the both of them were rushing here and there - frantically. Don't know why. hoho.


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 16:35

ARGH! TTWW JIE! it's chen mo de gao yang at QF10! hahaha. Weiqi sang the opening, right? hehe.

If I'm not wrong, that is the one and only time we hear Weiqi 唱完一整句 and not just be 合声 hor? heh heh =D


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 16:41

mr chan ahh... after u mentioned tt idea las nite, i kept sidetracking while studying las nite and today. ideas of what we can do jus keep popping up in my head lor. but alot may not be feasible thou... jus thots bah. haha...

hmm, was attracted to mlb first by sam's voice actually. of shen bian =) and then gradually continued listening and fell in love with nic's voice too. and that's one good thing about mlb, all three can sing mah, then can lun liu... not so taxing. haha...


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 17:25

weiqi: hey hey,as always,thx for the jiayos!And wow,looks like many of u are positive bout the idea..haha..great.Looking forward to the hols in dec where i can put my mind off the books and unto the music. And then maybe can meet u all!The idea of watching the sb videos is jus a bonus la,actually if really cannot(due to logistics) it's ok.I think a little gathering would be cool enough! k la,i gtg!Take care mlbians...and stay happy and positive! cheers...p.s. i very long never jog le,jialat,and my IPPT was cancelled the other time so muz take b4 jan comes!OH NO!haha..i'm so dead..wait, i'm a zombie,so i can't die...remain undead yet not alive..someone sing get alive to me can? (-_-!!!) thanks ya?


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 17:54


That idea was actually a good one! I'm looking forward to yet another gathering as it was so much fun the last time.

You take care too yeah? Jiayou!


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 18:10

wow. i MIA-ed for a month again.
finally tagging here again
how's everyone? :D

TTWW AH YI!!!! i miss you like %#$^$#&^#& T.T How are you nowadays? Its been like 1 yr since we last met T.T can we go out again pleaseeee ):

ohyeah, gotta run liao. loads of homework to do .. hais. seeya all. smile :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 18:52

阳光 点燃着天空
我们追着彩虹 一直往前走
梦想 带给我光芒
相信我 别放手oh~

把所有的伤心回忆 烦恼难题
这个世界 环绕的太快

Weiqi, get alive! 给你听的。哈哈哈


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 18:54

dun nid worry ba? u can do it de~ we mlbians will 为你加油, hahas. & wah! got someone reali 'sing' get alive for u?! o.o hahs.


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 19:52


S m i L e z . . .


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 20:59

OMG, WQ u r so cold, u must be undead!!! :D


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 21:20

Just in case Weiqi really got killed by our or is-it-just-me-only horrendous singing, I already discussed with my darling that we should get the 'experts' to sing for you instead. Check the publicity blog ba. haha. if got the mp3 of the live performance, I think it will be better ba. *searching in progress*


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 22:15

hahaha. but I don't have the mp3 of the live version of Get Alive leh. Darling can record from the video from the gig at AMK hub but her lappy died on her, so never mind then, shall just make do with 'experts' singing for weiqi from CD first. don't know what I'm talking about.

December huh...actually hor, now I'm saving money to buy a new digicam, hopefully will have enough to buy a good one at Sitex Show 2007 which will take place on 30 nov if i'm not wrong. then can take nice nice pictures of the milos le. hopefully can take nice nice pictures WITH the milos too la. hehe. *dreaming*

ok I go back to study lo. =D!


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 22:29

Weiqi jia you. Here i give u the get alive song.

阳光 点燃着天空
我们追着彩虹 一直往前走
梦想 带给我光芒
相信我 别放手oh~

把所有的伤心回忆 烦恼难题
这个世界 环绕的太快

Weiqi jia you and take care! I know u can do it. :D



Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 22:30

That is actually a pretty good idea.

To Nic & Sam,
Long time never see you both tagging.I hope everything is going well with you both.

Hopefully,we will be able to have another gathering soon!


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 22:53

hey...i'm back la....
Thanks for all the encourgement....
anyway,i'm on leave tmr till thur
back to work on fri....

yah lol...someone birthdae on 31 jan...wait my birthdae also on jan le....


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 22:58

mr chan, cooling e server ar..haha..冷~

okok, sing get alive for u..
把所有的伤心回忆 烦恼难题
这个世界 环绕的太快
hope my singing din scare u off ar..haha! =PP

jiayou! last wk of sch alr..ok mayb not so looking forward to it cos aft tt is exams..but jiayou all e same yea? aft exams is ur long deserved break le! :)


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 22:59

eh eh eh lorita jie, mine also on January lor. HAHA.

glad u r alright le...hehe.


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 23:09

mr chan,
what the hell u talking about sia? haha... 'remain undead and yet not alive'... cannot la, mus be alive! we'll sing get alive to you alright~ =)

we'll jus work on the videos idea n see how ya? no prob, shd be able to do it...if we put our hearts to it, nothing is impossible! hahas.. will start sourcing for info n all. =)

haha, that day duno hear who talking about IPPT then was still thinking when u were gg to tk urs... go train after ur exams then! go jogging evryday... and speaking of jogging, im missing the school track alr. =.= long time no jog too!~

hahaa anywayyys. tkcare n jiayou too =DD

and please la, u're so NOT supposed to be a zombie, so stop being a self proclaimed zombie. -.-...


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 23:12

haa.. i just saw weiqi's first tag and yea! can watch tgt? cos when i watch in class i make them watch with me they chase me out of class with my milo peng.. T_T

weiqi! jiayou till the 27th!! gathering.. can choose a better date? hmm... i dun wana die twice lei...


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 23:42

y not have gathering during jan
ma......between mine & weiqi birthdae ma tt week....
mine is the one week earlier than him


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 23:44

oh yah...WEIQI
jia you !!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 23:56

EH!!! mine is exactly two weeks earlier! haha. though to be exact is, three years and 14 days earlier? haha.


Anonymous Anonymous | 05 November, 2007 23:57

eh no la. 17 january 1988, i duno how to count. -_-!


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 00:31

hello da jia hao...

regarding the printing of MLB tees, we've so far only received about 20 orders, which is quite far from our set amount, 50.

in order to help ya guys get a cheaper price n so on, we hope to obtain at least 50 orders before we print this batch.

some of with the tee hv expressed that you'll like to have another tee so that u can wear them for consecutive events etc. therefore, hope tt ya guys can add ur orders to this batch, so that we can hit an amount of 50 orders soon. this is to help those who do not hv the tee to get their tee asap too, so that they can wear it n show their support for MLB.

yupp, if you're interested, do send us an email at milubing.fc@gmail.com

for now, we're still unsure of the prices. unable to do a rough gauge too, will be going down the shop to enquire soon, and will update ya guys again.

any queries can also be directed to milubing.fc@gmail.com

yup, thanks loads! =)


Blogger Uncle Phil | 06 November, 2007 00:53

did you receive my order? I already sent out my order about a week ago.


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 00:56

still tt word, 加油! :DD
hav more rest ok?
take care! (:


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 01:15

uncle phil,
yupp, received =)


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 01:36

got receive mine ryte? o.o hahas


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 01:37

yesyes! please make it JAN!!! then i make sure i stay in singapore! hehe..

meikian u got my order? i think i'll have 3! hmm....


Anonymous Anonymous | 06 November, 2007 01:41

ahaha. have a good rest everyone. sweet dreams! best is dream of the guys but hope they won't end up in tragic state in our dream ba. haha :P

smilez =)

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